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EFLOW Auto Deploy

eflowAutodeploy enables you to automate the Azure IoT Edge for Linux on Windows (EFLOW) installation, deployment and provisioning easily with a simple json specification.

The script does the following:

  • Installs the required version of the EFLOW
  • Validate the json parameters
  • Creates the required network switch
  • Deploys the EFLOW virtual machine and configures features,proxy, dnsServers
  • Provisions the EFLOW virtual machine with the IoT Edge provisioning info
  • Verifies the EFLOW virtual machine is up and running


Autodeploy steps

  1. Populate the eflow-userconfig.json with the desired parameters and values and place it in the same folder as eflowAutoDeploy.ps1.
  2. Run the below command to autodeploy using eflow-userconfig.json.
.\eflowAutoDeploy.ps1 -AutoDeploy

Interactive steps

Alternatively, you can dot source the script and invoke functions individually.

  1. Populate the eflow-userconfig.json with the desired parameters and values.
  2. dot source the script and call Start-EadWorkflow with the json file as input. This will perform the full deployment.
. .\eflowAutoDeploy.ps1
Start-EadWorkflow 'C:\MyConfigs\eflow-userconfig.json'

JSON schema

The below table provides the details of the supported parameters in the json file. For more information about specific parameters, check PowerShell functions for Azure IoT Edge for Linux on Windows.

Parameter Required Type / Values Comments
schemaVersion Mandatory 1.1 Fixed value, schema version. Reserved. Added ftpProxy and useHostProxy
Version Mandatory 1.0 Fixed value, json instance version. Reserved
eflowProduct Mandatory
  • Azure IoT Edge LTS
  • Azure IoT Edge CR X64
  • Azure IoT Edge CR ARM64
  • Azure IoT Edge 1.4 LTS X64
  • Azure IoT Edge 1.4 LTS ARM64
Supported EFLOW product versions
eflowProductUrl Optional String (url) Download Url to install specific Eflow versions. (Eg.
enduser End user configuration
acceptEula Mandatory Yes Accept Eula
acceptOptionalTelemetry Optional Yes Accept optional telemetry
network Optional Network configuration optional for Client SKU. Mandatory for Server SKU
vswitchType Mandatory
  • External
  • Internal
Internal is supported for Server SKU only
vswitchName Mandatory String Switch name to use
ip4Address Optional IPAddress Static IP Address for the EFLOW VM
ip4GatewayAddress Optional IPAddress Static Gateway IP Address
ip4PrefixLength Optional 24 IP PrefixLength
useHostProxy Optional Boolean if true, the host PC proxy configuration will be applied to the VM as well
httpProxy Optional Url httpProxy link
httpsProxy Optional Url httpsProxy link
ftpProxy Optional Url ftpProxy link
dnsServers Optional String[] Array of valid dns servers for VM
vmConfig Optional VM configuration
cpuCount Optional 0 cpuCount
memoryInMB Optional 0 memoryInMB
vmDiskSize Optional 21-2000 Size in GB
vmDataSize Optional 2-2000 Size in GB, not supported in LTS
gpuPassthroughType Optional
  • DirectDeviceAssignment
  • ParaVirtualization
gpuName Optional String gpuName
gpuCount Optional 0 gpuCount
vmFeature Optional Features
DpsTpm Optional Boolean Enable TPM for DPS
Defender Optional Boolean Enable Defender feature in VM
eflowProvisioning Optional Provisioning configurations
provisioningType Optional
  • ManualConnectionString
  • ManualX509
  • DpsTPM
  • DpsX509
  • DpsSymmetricKey
Supported provisioning types
devConnString Optional String Mandatory for ManualConnectionString
iotHubHostname Optional String Mandatory for ManualX509
deviceId Optional String Mandatory for ManualX509
identityCertPath Optional String Mandatory for ManualX509,DpsX509
identityPrivKeyPath Optional String Mandatory for ManualX509,DpsX509
scopeId Optional String Mandatory for DpsTPM,DpsX509,DpsSymmetricKey
symmKey Optional String Mandatory for DpsSymmetricKey
registrationId Optional String Mandatory for DpsSymmetricKey
globalEndpoint Optional String DPS endpoint

JSON schema visualization

eflowAutoDeploy json

Supported Functions

Functions Description
Start-EadWorkflow Main funtion that validates the user config, installs eflow, creates switch, deploys and provisions VM
Config Functions
Get-EadUserConfig Returns the json object that is cached
Set-EadUserConfig Sets the user config and reads the config into the cache
Read-EadUserConfig Reads the json file into the cache
Test Functions
Test-EadUserConfig Tests the User Config json for parameter correctness
Test-EadUserConfigInstall Tests the Install specific parameters
Test-EadUserConfigDeploy Tests the deployment specific parameters
Test-EadUserConfigProvision Tests the provisioning specific parameters
Test-EadUserConfigNetwork Tests the network specific parameters
Test-EadEflowVmDeploy Tests if the EFLOW VM is deployed (present)
Test-EadEflowVmProvision Tests if the EFLOW VM is provisioned
Test-EadEflowVmRun Tests if the EFLOW VM is running in the machine
VM Switch Functions
New-EadEflowVmSwitch Creates an new VM switch based on user config. If Internal switch is specified, it also assigns a static ip address (no DHCP used)
Test-EadEflowVmSwitch -Create Tests if the VM switch is present, Create flag invokes New-EadEflowVmSwitch if switch is not present
Remove-EadEflowVmSwitch Removes the VM switch if present. Also removes the Nat if created (for internal switch)
Deployment functions
Invoke-EadEflowDeploy Validates the deployment parameters in user json and deploys EFLOW VM
Invoke-EadEflowProvision Validates the provisioning parameters in user json and provisions EFLOW VM
Install functions
Get-EadEflowInstalledVersion Returns the installed product name and version (comma separated) or Null if none found
Invoke-EadEflowInstall Installs the requested product from the eflowProductUrl if specified, otherwise it installs the latest (default)
Test-EadEflowInstall -Install Tests if EFLOW is installed and Install switch is specified, it installs when not found
Remove-EadEflowInstall Removes the installed EFLOW product
Helper functions
Get-HostPcInfo Gets the PC information such as OS version etc
Test-AdminRole Checks if the Powershell session is in Admin mode
Test-HyperVStatus -Install Checks if Hyper-V is installed and if Install switch is specified, it installs Hyper-V feature. Requires reboot.