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The BlueCap CentralManager implementation replaces CBCentralManagerDelegate and CBPeripheralDelegate protocol implementations with with a Scala Futures interface using SimpleFutures. Futures provide an interface for performing nonblocking asynchronous requests and serialization of multiple requests. BlueCap also provides connection management events, scan, discovery and connection timeouts and much more. This section will give example implementations for supported use cases.


ManagerState is a direct mapping to CBManagerState namely,

public enum ManagerState: CustomStringConvertible {
    case unauthorized
    case unknown
    case unsupported
    case resetting
    case poweredOff
    case poweredOn
    case unlikely

The state of CBCentralManager is communicated to an application by the CentralManager method,

public func whenStateChanges() -> FutureStream<ManagerState>

To process ManagerState change events use,

let manager = CentralManager(options [CBCentralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey : "us.gnos.BlueCap.documentation-manager" as NSString])

let stateChangeFuture = manager.whenStateChanges()

stateChangeFuture.onSuccess { state in
    switch state {
        case .poweredOn:
        case .poweredOff, .unauthorized:
        case .resetting:
        case .unknown:
        case .unsupported:

Scans for advertising peripherals are initiated by calling the CentralManager methods,

// Scan promiscuously for all advertising peripherals
public func startScanning(capacity: Int = Int.max, timeout: TimeInterval = TimeInterval.infinity, options: [String : Any]? = nil) -> FutureStream<Peripheral>

// Scan for peripherals advertising services with UUIDs
 public func startScanning(forServiceUUIDs uuids: [CBUUID]?, capacity: Int = Int.max, timeout: TimeInterval = TimeInterval.infinity, options: [String : Any]? = nil) -> FutureStream<Peripheral>

Both methods return a SimpleFutures FutureStream<Peripheral> yielding the discovered Peripheral.

The input parameters for both methods are,

uuids Scanned service UUIDs.
capacity FutureStream capacity. The default value is infinite.
timeout Scan timeout. The default value is infinite. The error CentralManagerError.peripheralScanTimeout is thrown and scanning stops if nothing is discovered within the timeout.
options See CBCentralManager scanning options.

An application starts scanning for Peripherals advertising Services with UUIDs after power on with the following,

public enum AppError : Error {
   case unauthorized
    case unknown
    case unsupported
    case resetting
    case poweredOff
    case poweredOn
    case unlikely

let manager = CentralManager(options [CBCentralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey : "us.gnos.BlueCap.documentation-manager" as NSString])

let serviceUUID = CBUUID(string: TISensorTag.AccelerometerService.uuid)

Var discoveredPeripheral: Peripheral?

let scanFuture = manager.whenStateChanges().flatMap { [weak manager] state -> FutureStream<Peripheral> in
    guard let manager = manager else {
        throw AppError.unlikely
    switch state {
    case .poweredOn:
        return manager.startScanning(forServiceUUIDs: [serviceUUID], capacity: 10)
    case .poweredOff:
        throw AppError.poweredOff
    case .unauthorized, .unsupported:
        throw AppError.invalidState
    case .resetting:
        throw AppError.resetting
    case .unknown:
        throw AppError.unknown

scanFuture.onSuccess { peripheral in
    discoveredPeripheral = peripheral

scanFuture.onFailure { [weak manager] error in
    guard let manager = manager, let appError = error as? else {
    switch appError {
    case AppError.invalidState:
    case AppError.resetting:
    case AppError.poweredOff:
    case AppError.unknown:
    case default:

Here the scan is started when CentralManager transitions to .powerOn.

Also, An error was added to handle CentralManager state transitions other than .powerOn. CentralManager#reset is used to recreate CBCentralManager.

To stop a peripheral scan use the CentralManager method,

public func stopScanning()

Peripheral advertisements are encapsulated by the PeripheralAdvertisements struct defined by,

public struct PeripheralAdvertisements {
    // Local peripheral name with key CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey
    public var localName: String? 

    // Manufacture data with key CBAdvertisementDataManufacturerDataKey    
    public var manufactuereData: Data? 

    // Tx power with with key CBAdvertisementDataTxPowerLevelKey
    public var txPower: NSNumber? 

    // Is connectable with key CBAdvertisementDataIsConnectable
    public var isConnectable: NSNumber? 
    // Advertised service UUIDs with key CBAdvertisementDataServiceUUIDsKey
    public var serviceUUIDs: [CBUUID]? 

    // Advertised service data with key CBAdvertisementDataServiceDataKey
    public var serviceData: [CBUUID : Data]? 

    // Advertised overflow services with key CBAdvertisementDataOverflowServiceUUIDsKey
    public var overflowServiceUUIDs: [CBUUID]? 

    // Advertised solicited services with key CBAdvertisementDataSolicitedServiceUUIDsKey
    public var solicitedServiceUUIDs: [CBUUID]?

The PeripheralAdvertisements struct is accessible through the property Peripheral#advertisements.

public let advertisements: PeripheralAdvertisements

After discovering a Peripheral a connection must be established to run discovery and begin messaging. Connecting and maintaining a connection to a Bluetooth device can be difficult since signals are weak and devices may have relative motion. BlueCap Peripherals have a configurable connection attempt timeout and errors indicating force disconnect, connection attempt timeout and formatting of CoreBluetooth disconnection and errors.

To connect to a Peripheral use The Peripheral method,

public func connect(connectionTimeout: TimeInterval = TimeInterval.infinity, capacity: Int = Int.max) -> FutureStream<Void>

The method returns a SimpleFutures FutureStream<Void>.

The input parameters are,

connectionTimeout Connection timeout in seconds. The default value is infinite. If the timeout is exceeded PeripheralError.connectionTimeout is thrown.
capacity FutureStream capacity. The default value is infinite.
// Reconnect with specified delay
public func reconnect(withDelay delay: Double = 0.0)

// Force disconnect from peripheral
public func disconnect()

// Disconnect from peripheral and remove it from application 
// cache
public func terminate()

The Peripheral#reconnect method is used to establish a connection to a previously connected Peripheral. The method takes a single parameter reconnectDelay used to specify a delay, in seconds, before trying to reconnect. The default value is 0.0 seconds. If it is called before Peripheral#connect a connection with default parameters will be attempted.

Peripheral#disconnect preforms and immediate disconnection from the connected Peripheral and throws PeripheralError.forcedDisconnect.

Peripheral#terminate performs a Peripheral#disconnect and also removes the Peripheral from the application cache.

After a Peripheral is discovered an application connects using,

let connectionFuture = scanFuture.flatMap { [weak manager] () -> FutureStream<Void> in
    discoveredPeripheral = peripheral
    return peripheral.connect(timeoutRetries:5, disconnectRetries:5, connectionTimeout: 10.0)

connectionFuture.onSuccess { [weak peripheral] in
	  // handle successful connection

connectionFuture.onFailure { error in
    switch error {
    case PeripheralError.disconnected:
    case PeripheralError.forcedDisconnect:
    case PeripheralError.connectionTimeout:

Here the scanFuture is completed after Peripheral discovery and flatMap combines it with the connection FutureStream. This ensures that connections are made after Peripherals are discovered. Connection errors are handled in onFailure. A reconnection attempt is made on PeripheralError.disconnected.

After a Peripheral is connected its Services and Characteristics must be discovered before Characteristic values can be read or written to or update notifications can be received.

The Peripheral methods used to discover Services are,

// Discover all services supported by peripheral
public func discoverAllServices(timeout: TimeInterval = TimeInterval.infinity) -> Future<Void>

// Discover services with specified UUIDs
public func discoverServices(_ services: [CBUUID]?, timeout: TimeInterval = TimeInterval.infinity) -> Future<Void>

Both methods return a SimpleFutures Future<Void> and only take a timeout parameter. If the timeout is exceeded the PeripheralError.serviceDiscoveryTimeout is thrown.

The Service methods used to discover Characteristics are,

// Discover all characteristics supported by service
public func discoverAllCharacteristics(timeout: TimeInterval = TimeInterval.infinity) -> Future<Void>

// Discover characteristics with specified UUIDs
public func discoverCharacteristics(_ characteristics: [CBUUID], timeout: TimeInterval = TimeInterval.infinity) -> Future<Void>

Both methods return a SimpleFutures Future<Void> and only take a timeout parameter. If the timeout is exceeded ServiceError.characteristicDiscoveryTimeout is thrown.

After a Peripheral is connected Services and Characteristics are discovered using,

public enum AppError : Error {
    case serviceNotFound

let serviceUUID = CBUUID(string: TISensorTag.AccelerometerService.uuid)

let characteristicUUID = CBUUID(string: TISensorTag.AccelerometerService.Data.uuid)

let discoveryFuture = connectionFuture.flatMap { [weak peripheral] () -> Future<Void> in
    guard let peripheral = peripheral else {
        throw AppError.unlikely
}.flatMap { [peripheral weak] -> Future<Void> in
    guard let peripheral = peripheral, let service = peripheral.service.characteristics(withUUID: serviceUUID)?.first else {
        throw AppError.serviceNotFound
    return service.discoverCharacteristics([dataUUID])

discoveryFuture.onFailure { error in
    switch error {
    case PeripheralError.disconnected:
    case PeripheralError.forcedDisconnect:
    case PeripheralError.connectionTimeout:
    case PeripheralError.serviceDiscoveryTimeout:
    case ServiceError.characteristicDiscoveryTimeout:
    case AppError.serviceNotFound:

Here the connectionFuture is completed after the Peripheral connects and flatMap combines it with the Service discovery Future and another flatMap combines with Characteristic discovery.

Discovery of all supported Peripheral Services and Characteristics could be done in a single flatMap using,

let discoveryFuture = connectionFuture.flatMap { [weak peripheral] -> Future<[Void]> in
    guard let peripheral = peripheral else {
        throw AppError.unlikely
    } { $0.discoverAllCharacteristics() }.sequence()

Here the SimpleFutures Future#sequence method is used to create a Future that completes when all Characteristic discovery tasks complete.

After Peripheral Characteristics are discovered writing Characteristic values is possible. Characteristic methods available for writing, where each supports a value of a different type,

// Write an Data object to characteristic value
public func write(data value: Data, timeout: TimeInterval = TimeInterval.infinity, type: CBCharacteristicWriteType = .withResponse) -> Future<Void>

// Write a characteristic String Dictionary value
public func write(string stringValue: [String: String], timeout: TimeInterval = TimeInterval.infinity, type: CBCharacteristicWriteType = .withResponse) -> Future<Void>

// Write a Deserializable characteristic value
public func write<T: Deserializable>(_ value: T, timeout: TimeInterval = TimeInterval.infinity, type: CBCharacteristicWriteType = .withResponse) -> Future<Void>

// Write a RawDeserializable characteristic value
public func write<T: RawDeserializable>(_ value: T, timeout: TimeInterval = TimeInterval.infinity, type: CBCharacteristicWriteType = .withResponse) -> Future<Void>

// Write a RawArrayDeserializable characteristic value
public func write<T: RawArrayDeserializable>(_ value: T, timeout: TimeInterval = TimeInterval.infinity, type: CBCharacteristicWriteType = .withResponse) -> Future<Void>

// Write a RawPairDeserializable characteristic value
public func write<T: RawPairDeserializable>(_ value: T, timeout: TimeInterval = TimeInterval.infinity, type: CBCharacteristicWriteType = .withResponse) -> Future<Void>

// Write a RawArrayPairDeserializable characteristic value
public func write<T: RawArrayPairDeserializable>(_ value: T, timeout: TimeInterval = TimeInterval.infinity, type: CBCharacteristicWriteType = .withResponse) -> Future<Void>

Each of the write method takes a writable input of a different type. The other parameters are the same. Each returns a SimpleFutures Future<Void>,

The input parameters are,

timeout Write timeout in seconds. The default value is infinite. If timeout is exceeded CharacteristicError.writeTimeout is shown.
type Characteristic write types, see CBCharacteristicWriteType type, The default value is .WithResponse.

Using the RawDeserializable enum an application can write a Characteristic when a connected Peripheral is available and Services and Characteristics are discovered,

let writeFuture = characteristic.write(Enabled.yes)

Here the characteristic is assumed to belong to a connected Peripheral. This could also be part of a flatMap chain,

public enum AppError : Error {
    case unlikely

let writeFuture = discoveryFuture.flatMap { [weak characteristic] () -> Future<Void> in
    guard let let characteristic = characteristic else {
        throw AppError.unlikely
    return characteristic.write(Enabled.yes)

Here discoveryFuture is completed after Characteristic discovery and ``flatMapis used to combine withCharacteristic#write`.

After Peripheral Characteristics are discovered reading Characteristic values is possible. Characteristic provides the following method to retrieve values from connected Peripherals,

// Read a characteristic from a peripheral service
public func read(timeout: TimeInterval = TimeInterval.infinity) -> Future<Void>

The read method takes a single input parameter, used to specify the timeout. The default value for timeout is infinite. If the timeout is exceeded CharacteristicError.readTimout is thrown. read returns a SimpleFutures Future<Void>.

To retrieve the Characteristic value after a successful read the following methods are available. Each returns values a different type,

// Return the characteristic value as and NSData object
public var dataValue: Data?

// Return the characteristic value as a String Dictionary.
public var stringValue: [String : String]? 

// Return a Deserializable characteristic value
public func value<T: Deserializable>() -> T?

// Return a RawDeserializable characteristic value
public func value<T: RawDeserializable>() -> T?  where T.RawType: Deserializable 

// Return a RawArrayDeserializable characteristic value
public func value<T: RawArrayDeserializable>() -> T? where T.RawType: Deserializable

// Return a RawPairDeserializable characteristic value
public func value<T: RawPairDeserializable>() -> T? where T.RawType1: Deserializable, T.RawType2: Deserializable

Using the RawDeserializable enum an application can read a Characteristic after connecting to a Peripheral and running Service and Characteristic discovery with the following,

let readFuture =

Here the characteristic is assumed to belong to a connected Peripheral. This could also be part of a flatMap chain,

let readFuture = discoveryFuture.flatMap { [weak characteristic] () -> Future<Void> in

Here discoveryFuture is completed after Characteristic discovery and flatMap is used to combine with Characteristic#read.

After Peripheral Characteristics are discovered subscribing to Characteristic value update notifications is possible. Several Characteristic methods are available,

// Subscribe to characteristic update
public func startNotifying() -> Future<Void>

// Receive characteristic value updates
public func receiveNotificationUpdates(capacity: Int = Int.max) -> FutureStream<Data)>

// Unsubscribe from characteristic updates
public func stopNotifying() -> Future<Void>

// Stop receiving characteristic value updates
public func stopNotificationUpdates()

The work flow for receiving notification updates is to first subscribe to the notifications using Characteristic#startNotifying. The application will then start receiving notifications. To process the notifications call Characteristic#receiveNotificationUpdates which returns a SimpleFutures FutureStream<Data?> from which the updated Characteristic value can be obtained.

To stop processing notifications call Characteristic#stopNotificationUpdates and to unsubscribe to notifications call Characteristic#stopNotifying.

Using the RawDeserializable enum an application can receive notifications form a Characteristic after connecting to a Peripheral and running Service and Characteristic discovery with the following,

let notificationFuture = characteristics.startNotifying().flatMap { [weak characteristic] () -> FutureStream<Data?> in
    guard let let characteristic = characteristic else {
        throw AppError.unlikely
    characteristic.receiveNotificationUpdates(capacity: 10)

An application can unsubscribe to Characteristic value notifications and stop receiving updates by using the following,


Discovered Peripherals can be retrieved from the system cache using the following CentralManager methods,

// Retrieve the connected peripherals with specified service UUIDs
public func retrieveConnectedPeripherals(withServices services: [CBUUID]) -> [Peripheral]

// Retrieve peripherals with UUIDs
public func retrievePeripherals(withIdentifiers identifiers: [UUID]) -> [Peripheral]

// Retrive peripherals using framework cached peripheral UUIDs
public func retrievePeripherals() -> [Peripheral]

Each of these methods will repopulate the BlueCap framework cache with the retrieved peripherals overwriting any that collide.

An application would populate the framework cache from the system cache with,

let manager = CentralManager(options [CBCentralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey : "us.gnos.BlueCap.documentation-manager" as NSString])

let serviceUUID = CBUUID(string: TISensorTag.AccelerometerService.uuid)

let peripherals = central.retrieveConnectedPeripherals([serviceUUID]) 

Peripheral provides the following methods to retrieve RSSI,

// read current RSSI
public func readRSSI() -> Future<Int>

// Start polling RSSI at the specified period
public func startPollingRSSI(period: Double = 10.0, capacity: Int = Int.max) -> FutureStream<Int>

// Stop polling RSSI
public func stopPollingRSSI()

CoreBluetooth provides state restoration for apps that have declared bluetooth-central background execution permission. Apps with this permission can be restarted with a previous state if evicted from memory while in the background.

CentralManager provides the following method to process the restored application state,

public func whenStateRestored() -> Future<Void>
public enum CharacteristicError : Swift.Error {
    // Thrown by read when timeout is exceeded
    case readTimeout.
    // Thrown by write when timeout is exceeded
    case writeTimeout.
    // Thrown by write if given string cannot be serialized
    case notSerializable.
    // Thrown by read if Characteristic read property is not enabled
    case readNotSupported
    // Thrown by write if Characteristic read property is not enabled.
    case writeNotSupported
    // Thrown by startNotifying if Characteristic notifiy or indicate property is not enabled.
    case notifyNotSupported
    // Characteristic needs to be added to a PeripheralManager.
    case unconfigured

public enum PeripheralError : Swift.Error {
    // Thrown by any method that requires a Peripheral be connected if the peripheral is not connected or is disconnected.
    case disconnected   
		// Peripheral was disconnected by application.
    case forcedDisconnect
    // Thrown by Peripheral connect when the specified timeout is exceeded.
    case connectionTimeout
    // Thrown by discoverAllServices and discoverServices if service discovery timeout is exceeded.
    case serviceDiscoveryTimeout

public enum CentralManagerError : Swift.Error {
    case isScanning
    // Thrown by startScanning if scan is started and CentralManager is poweredOff.
    case isPoweredOff
    // Thrown on state restoration failure.
    case restoreFailed
    // Thrown by startScanning if scan timeout is exceeded.
    case serviceScanTimeout

public enum ServiceError : Swift.Error {
    // Thrown by discoverAllCharcteristics and discoverCharcteristics if service discovery timeout is exceeded.
    case characteristicDiscoveryTimeout
    // Service has no associated Peripheral.
    case unconfigured

Peripheral provides the following properties to monitor performance,

discoveredAt: Date Date of discovery.
connectedAt: Date Date of last connection.
disconnectedAt: Date Date of last disconnection
timeoutCount: UInt Number of connection timeouts.
disconnectionCount: UInt Number of disconnections
connectionCount: UInt Number of successful connections.
secondsConnected: TimeInterval Seconds of current connection if Peripheral is connected or seconds of last connection if Peripheral is disconnected.
totalSecondsConnected: TimeInterval Total seconds since discovery has been connected excluding current connection if connected.
cumlativeSecondsConnected: TimeInterval Total seconds since discovery has been connected including the current connection if connected.
cumlativeSecondsDisconnected: TimeInterval Total seconds since discovery disconnected.