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Quarkus Helm Chart

Helm Charts to manage application deployments in Kubernetes or OpenShift.

This Helm Chart was tested with:

❯ helm version
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.8.0", GitCommit:"d14138609b01886f544b2025f5000351c9eb092e", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.17.5"}

This repo was tested with the following latest versions of Red Hat OpenShift:

❯ oc version
Client Version:
Kubernetes Version: v1.22.3+e790d7f

Main References:

Deployment Topology

This Helm Chart will deploy a Quarkus-based application using the following OpenShift objects:

  • DeploymentConfig to define the deployment of the application.
  • Service to use the services defined by the application.
  • Route to expose the application outside of OpenShift.
  • ConfigMap and Secret to set up environment variables to inject into the pods deployed.
  • HPA to allow autoscaling using OpenShift metrics.

The values.yaml file includes samples of values to set up the deployment of an application with this Helm Chart.

Deploying Application

Install or Upgrade the application with this Helm Chart for your current environment, setting the right value for ENV variable:

  • dev defined to be used for a development environment in OCP
  • tst defined to be used for a testing environment in OCP
  • pro defined to be used for a production environment in OCP

Deploy the application:

helm upgrade --install sample-backend \
    ./quarkus-app-chart/ \
    --values ../argocd/applications/sample-backend/<ENV>/values.yaml \
    --history-max 4 \
    --namespace gitops-monorepo-<ENV> --create-namespace

Removing application

To remove the helm chart:

helm uninstall sample-backend --namespace gitops-monorepo-<ENV>

Configuration and Values

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Bootstrap chart and their default values. See the values file for more concrete examples.

Parameter Description Default
name Name of the application quarkus-app
nameOverride Name of the application to override quarkus-app
fullnameOverride Full name of the application empty
replicaCount Number of replicas 1
image.repository Full route to the image in the Container Registry image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/gitops-monorepo-cicd
image.pullPolicy Pull policy Always
image.tag Image Tag empty
podAnnotations Pod annotations empty
podSecurityContext Security Context empty
env Array of environment variables empty
envFrom.configmap.enabled Load env variables from a ConfigMap true
envFrom.secrets.enabled Load env variables from a Secret true
securityContext Security context empty
nodeSelector Node selector empty
tolerations Array of tolerations empty
affinity Affinity empty
resources Resources and Limits empty
service.type Service type ClusterIP
service.port Service port 8080
service.targetPort Service target port 8080
route.enabled Declare a Route true Declare a secure route true Termination of the secure route edge
autoscaling.enabled Enable autoscaling false
autoscaling.minReplicas Min replicas 1
autoscaling.maxReplicas Max replicas 100
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Target CPU 80
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage Target Memory 80

Environment variables will have the following structure:

  - name: SAMPLE_KEY
    value: "sample value"
        name: quarkus-app-config
        key: SAMPLE_KEY_FROM_CM
        name: quarkus-app-config-secret