diff --git a/src/_locales/es/messages.json b/src/_locales/es/messages.json index 7043b646..68c1202b 100644 --- a/src/_locales/es/messages.json +++ b/src/_locales/es/messages.json @@ -2,427 +2,495 @@ // manifest.json "extensionName": { "message": "Generador offline de Códigos QR", - "description": "Name of the extension." + "description": "Name of the extension.", + "hash": "8f698856e9a0ac32513f12b1955fa3c1" }, "extensionNameShort": { "message": "Código QR offline", - "description": "Name of the extension." + "description": "Name of the extension.", + "hash": "a38edae757cf4b1c8a57c0de97ae7400" }, "extensionDescription": { "message": "Te permite generar un código QR para cualquier sitio web o pestaña abierta", - "description": "Description of the extension." + "description": "Description of the extension.", + "hash": "824ef7416ba4361e3621df1fe8048c3b" }, "browserActionButtonTitle": { "message": "Código QR offline", - "description": "The title for the button, which opens the popup." + "description": "The title for the button, which opens the popup.", + "hash": "dc0228c66afb28e701184df952b0df18" }, "commandOpenQrPopup": { "message": "Abrir ventana de código QR", - "description": "Description of the hot key command to open the QR Code popup (by default with Ctrl+Shift+F10)." + "description": "Description of the hot key command to open the QR Code popup (by default with Ctrl+Shift+F10).", + "hash": "98e90b2532a0097cd43081b4e1610519" }, - + // errors or other messages (mostly for settings) "errorShowingMessage": { "message": "No se pudo mostrar este mensaje.", - "description": "When there is an error when showing the error/info/…." + "description": "When there is an error when showing the error/info/….", + "hash": "a9440e4f824a372841d4de2b7e2643ee" }, "couldNotLoadOptions": { "message": "No se pudo cargar la configuración.", - "description": "When one or all settings could not be loaded." + "description": "When one or all settings could not be loaded.", + "hash": "9497a5d2c9473aeb2ed9601f46c456be" }, "couldNotSaveOption": { "message": "No se pudo guardar esta configuración.", - "description": "When a setting could not be saved." + "description": "When a setting could not be saved.", + "hash": "6bcb9e36d2c33172b948515a9c50aa8e" }, "messageUndoButton": { "message": "Deshacer", - "description": "The text of a button that undoes the last action." + "description": "The text of a button that undoes the last action.", + "hash": "a85e775d7404b86c8060a20efd31241c" }, "couldNotUndoAction": { "message": "No se pudo deshacer la acción.", - "description": "Shown when an action cannot be undone." + "description": "Shown when an action cannot be undone.", + "hash": "d2883c6ca0164afc4f360f3e02e3166a" }, "resettingOptionsWorked": { "message": "Se ha restablecido la configuración de fábrica!", - "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings were reset." + "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings were reset.", + "hash": "257b99ed2a074fccbfc658d770b50107" }, "resettingOptionsFailed": { "message": "No se pudo reestablecer la configuración!", - "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings could not have been reset." + "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings could not have been reset.", + "hash": "76e950d2db72a824482411ca6564fb1f" }, - + // errors or other messages "unknownError": { "message": "error desconocido", - "description": "" + "hash": "879b63f6ebf03308a9f4b8a4406663f3" }, "loading": { "message": "Cargando...", - "description": "A general loading message." + "description": "A general loading message.", + "hash": "e2a5d4627618472a68f4cb8895e93f30" }, "couldNotGenerateQrCode": { "message": "No se pudo generar el código QR.", - "description": "" + "hash": "87e71800b895b0e9695da467734df0e5" }, "couldNotReceiveActiveTab": { "message": "No se pudo obtener la pestaña activa.", - "description": "" + "hash": "2b4c5f788e39f7ae35dcca2f96e1e5d4" }, "errorDownloadingFile": { "message": "No se pudo descargar el archivo.", - "description": "Error shown when a file could not be downloaded. Do not mention a file type or name, but just keep it general." + "description": "Error shown when a file could not be downloaded. Do not mention a file type or name, but just keep it general.", + "hash": "8f5756df0d5dd4d25f01ca4b4ff0ec44" }, "errorPermissionRequired": { "message": "No se puede continuar sin permisos.", - "description": "Error shown when a permission is declined and the thing the user triggered cannot be executed." + "description": "Error shown when a permission is declined and the thing the user triggered cannot be executed.", + "hash": "9742f751499f8c2acf32d83df83c36b9" }, "errorPermissionRequestFailed": { "message": "Falló la solicitud de permisos.", - "description": "Error shown when a permission request failed. This indicates a technical error and does NOT mean the user declined the permission." + "description": "Error shown when a permission request failed. This indicates a technical error and does NOT mean the user declined the permission.", + "hash": "54aaf50f8bdf6154677a4ff7fd384310" }, "errorQrCodeOverflow": { "message": "No se puede generar un código QR. El texto proporcionado es demasiado largo.", - "description": "Error shown when QR code cannot be generated due to overflow in input size." + "description": "Error shown when QR code cannot be generated due to overflow in input size.", + "hash": "36c48d76203a1f1362b32abf72af5d8b" }, "requestDownloadPermissionForQr": { "message": "Para poder descargar el código QR se requieren permisos de descarga.", - "description": "Shown, when the user is asked to allow the download permission to save the QR code." + "description": "Shown, when the user is asked to allow the download permission to save the QR code.", + "hash": "6e5a5fe9a077400ba6e4dc66a6dfd44a" }, "lowContrastRatioInfo": { "message": "Puede que tu código QR sea difícil de escannear debido a que es de bajo contraste", - "desription": "The message shown when the contrast ratio is too low" + "hash": "90432f33baa13153accd007ae2e23e99" }, "lowContrastRatioWarning": { "message": "Puede que la relación de contraste de tu código QR sea demasiado baja para ser reconocida por lectores de QR de manera correcta", - "desription": "The warning shown when the contrast ratio is too low" + "hash": "f4264a9b8b24922e4dff589f611b5e2f" }, "lowContrastRatioError": { "message": "El color del código QR y el color de fondo es demasiado similar.", - "description": "The message shown when the color for the QR code and the background are equal" + "description": "The message shown when the color for the QR code and the background are equal", + "hash": "a2d1d2fdc32ecb73ffdf0ab537e46f32" }, "messageAutoSelectColorButton": { "message": "Utiliza un color que haga mejor contraste", - "description": "The text of a button that sets a new color with a sufficient contrast." + "description": "The text of a button that sets a new color with a sufficient contrast.", + "hash": "9d422df9f61f2b45e272ae3451ca3ded" }, - + // tips "tipYouLikeAddon": { "message": "Te gusta esta extensión?", - "description": "A tip shown to remind the user to rate the addon." + "description": "A tip shown to remind the user to rate the addon.", + "hash": "0f5680a5a42bcebf793a44b9dfcf79a1" }, "tipYouLikeAddonButton": { "message": "Califícanos", - "description": "Button for the tip shown to remind the user to rate the addon." + "description": "Button for the tip shown to remind the user to rate the addon.", + "hash": "821d7f942b02e2b56cd0424d3ab65de8" }, "tipSaveQrCode": { "message": "Sabías que puedes guardar códigos QR?", - "description": "A tip shown to get the user to find the save option." + "description": "A tip shown to get the user to find the save option.", + "hash": "84f0a0027a58c98d9158ab9894fe8427" }, "tipSaveQrCodeLink": { "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/wiki/FAQ#how-to-save-the-qr-code-on-disk", - "description": "The link for more information for the tip on how to save the QR code image. This should go to the FAQ." + "description": "The link for more information for the tip on how to save the QR code image. This should go to the FAQ.", + "hash": "c453089f62132ffa4151c4487209de69" }, "tipQrCodeHotkey": { "message": "Recuerda que el atajo para usar esta extensión es Ctrl+Shift+F10.", - "description": "A tip shown to get the user to notice that there is a hot key." + "description": "A tip shown to get the user to notice that there is a hot key.", + "hash": "a372dc813085fe800ecb594e33b6c81c" }, "tipAndroidQrReader": { "message": "Firefox ya tiene un escáner integrado de QR", - "description": "A tip shown to get the Android users to make them aware that Firefox already has an integrated QR Code Reader/Scanner. See https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/issues/160." + "description": "A tip shown to get the Android users to make them aware that Firefox already has an integrated QR Code Reader/Scanner. See https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/issues/160.", + "hash": "dfa24b6c3e5815e07df938f51fa45065" }, "tipAndroidQrReaderLink": { "message": "https://mzl.la/1GQ2fcu", - "description": "The link for more information for the tip about the integrated Android QR Code scanner. The current link should automatically redirect the user to their locale translation of the support article, so it should *NOT* need to be changed." + "description": "The link for more information for the tip about the integrated Android QR Code scanner. The current link should automatically redirect the user to their locale translation of the support article, so it should *NOT* need to be changed.", + "hash": "094c1bbce6c3a7bcb09f36b7bc970dd0" }, "tipTranslateAddon": { "message": "Si hablas otro idioma puedes ayudarnos traduciendo esta extensión.", - "description": "A tip shown to users that potentially speak another language to translate this add-on." + "description": "A tip shown to users that potentially speak another language to translate this add-on.", + "hash": "f22661cb0e9cdc8144d0c3cf59f854e3" }, "tipTranslateAddonLink": { "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#translations", - "description": "The link to a description of the translation service/way you can use." + "description": "The link to a description of the translation service/way you can use.", + "hash": "b0421380ecfc4481fd5ee9da72c61516" }, "tipDonate": { "message": "Disfrutas utiizar esta extensión gratuita?", - "description": "A tip shown to get the remind them of a donation." + "description": "A tip shown to get the remind them of a donation.", + "hash": "1ca77d6621635ae0bec563e15fbc3791" }, "tipDonateButton": { "message": "Apoya nuestro desarrollo donando", - "description": "The button of the donation tip taking the user to the donation site." + "description": "The button of the donation tip taking the user to the donation site.", + "hash": "8ec498495b752c6d9358208a5564d42c" }, "tipLearnMore": { "message": "Leer más", - "description": "The common button for tips, where you can get more information on click." + "description": "The common button for tips, where you can get more information on click.", + "hash": "9085b09f4748be12ab0c241d2e643b31" }, "tipHowToUse": { "message": "Cómo se usa?", - "description": "The common button for tips, where you can get more information about how to use a feature just presented." + "description": "The common button for tips, where you can get more information about how to use a feature just presented.", + "hash": "b48eefa95832b3c6df287ff077b4e28a" }, - + // placeholder "qrCodePlaceholder": { "message": "Imagen por definir del código QR", - "description": "Alt text of placeholder image." + "description": "Alt text of placeholder image.", + "hash": "2aad56747125ef1f986b5d952ba68a83" }, "textareaPlaceholder": { "message": "Ingresa aquí tu texto para generar tu código QR", - "description": "Placeholder for the textarea, when it is empty." + "description": "Placeholder for the textarea, when it is empty.", + "hash": "0d0f6b3baffcdbf22a78418b3460d1ad" }, - + // context menu "contextMenuItemConvertSelection": { "message": "Código QR de lo seleccionado", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selection." + "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selection.", + "hash": "e8c3fbbac6f04370f00af836aa65b49d" }, "contextMenuItemConvertSelectionAccessKey": { "message": "&Crear código QR de lo seleccionado", - "description": "the context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selection with an access key." + "description": "the context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selection with an access key.", + "hash": "95228af6c838cb7040b6e2441d8d516b" }, "contextMenuItemConvertLinkSelection": { "message": "Generar código QR del vínculo", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selected link." + "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selected link.", + "hash": "bc4971948a5e6f453046467bfbf6dbc0" }, "contextMenuItemConvertLinkSelectionAccessKey": { "message": "&Crear código QR del vínculo", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selected link with an access key." + "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selected link with an access key.", + "hash": "312595c39b5cbc8edf0baab8c16875af" }, "contextMenuSaveImageCanvas": { "message": "Guardar código QR como imagen…", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving PNG images (from a canvas) in the popup." + "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving PNG images (from a canvas) in the popup.", + "hash": "42a883816c70d59d5cd627824032554d" }, "contextMenuSaveImageCanvasAccessKey": { "message": "Guardar código QR como &imagen…", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving PNG images (from a canvas) in the popup with an access key." + "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving PNG images (from a canvas) in the popup with an access key.", + "hash": "6becd03ca3b80ffda6996a42f9b7a12b" }, "contextMenuSaveImageSvg": { "message": "Guardar código QR como SVG…", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup." + "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup.", + "hash": "9320cc3bf1cc9d37ad8013123a8d4118" }, "contextMenuSaveImageSvgAccessKey": { "message": "Guardar código QR como &SVG…", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup with an access key." + "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup with an access key.", + "hash": "618fa783b036bbb465ec794c601d19a7" }, - + // options "someSettingsAreManaged": { "message": "Algunas de estas opciones son gestionadas por tu administrador de sistema y no pueden ser modificadas.", - "description": "The message, which appears, when settings are pre-defined (as managed options) by administrators." + "description": "The message, which appears, when settings are pre-defined (as managed options) by administrators.", + "hash": "148604ebbeb7df28974d8233f1418d1f" }, "optionIsDisabledBecauseManaged": { "message": "Esta opción está deshabilitada porque ha sido configurada por tu administrador del sistema.", - "description": "The title (tooltip) shown, when hovering over a disabled, managed option." + "description": "The title (tooltip) shown, when hovering over a disabled, managed option.", + "hash": "50fb70682c64e1a1fb4d8884b33cca64" }, "optionLearnMore": { "message": "Leer más", - "description": "When a link to an explainer needs to be added, this is the link text." + "description": "When a link to an explainer needs to be added, this is the link text.", + "hash": "9085b09f4748be12ab0c241d2e643b31" }, "optionsResetButton": { "message": "Restaurar a valores de fábrica", - "description": "The button to delete all current settings and load the defaults, shown in the add-on settings." + "description": "The button to delete all current settings and load the defaults, shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "4bb60c6c7e7b9e2ff987c244e76ee044" }, - "titleGeneral": { "message": "Extensión", - "description": "The title for the general settings group." + "description": "The title for the general settings group.", + "hash": "3cb58113bf50253738aef3a6d97964b8" }, "titleQrCodeSetting": { "message": "Código QR", - "description": "The title for the qr code settings group." + "description": "The title for the qr code settings group.", + "hash": "70fe1f61bc42ca4b582a22ba9c00e22f" }, "titleAddonBehavior": { "message": "Comportamiento de la extensión", - "description": "The title for the addon behavior settings group." + "description": "The title for the addon behavior settings group.", + "hash": "fbad6be4d92eb060918e27bc7c8b070b" }, - "optionPopupIconColored": { "message": "Icono coloreado", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "d1a73cea0718b619bd2adcfe97bd66a8" }, "optionPopupIconColoredDescr": { "message": "Muestra un ícono con colores en la barra de tareas en lugar de que sea blanco y negro", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It describes the optionPopupIconColored setting in more details." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It describes the optionPopupIconColored setting in more details.", + "hash": "5d8459d16f7e1ed774fc85f40ce8963e" }, - "subtitleQrCodeSize": { "message": "Tamaño del código QR", - "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the radio buttons for the size setting of the QR code." + "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the radio buttons for the size setting of the QR code.", + "hash": "c74c1fd09a791c747fab18a81c3e2a5a" }, "optionQrCodeSizeFixed": { "message": "Tamaño Fijo:", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size.", + "hash": "c68e3c4b50dd64aebeb558b3c600e18f" }, "optionPixelAbbreviation": { "message": "px", - "description": "The abbreviation of the term 'pixels'. In most cases, it may stay as it is in English." + "description": "The abbreviation of the term 'pixels'. In most cases, it may stay as it is in English.", + "hash": "7b0c117512f22afe7fef1bcda3e474e1" }, "optionQrCodeSizeAuto": { "message": "Ajustar tamaño de forma automática", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size.", + "hash": "127515053bfb818e4268a74a81133b71" }, "optionQrCodeSizeAutoHelper": { "message": "Útil en dispositivos móviles donde el código QR se abre en una ventana nueva.", - "description": "Helper text for the optionQrCodeSizeAuto making the user aware that this setting will likely have no or little effect on desktop devices." + "description": "Helper text for the optionQrCodeSizeAuto making the user aware that this setting will likely have no or little effect on desktop devices.", + "hash": "8fc122b9bf15ab197091d768fd2f7dff" }, "optionQrCodeSizeRemember": { "message": "Recordar tamaño seleccionado", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size.", + "hash": "280612358cfcc5357399f75b697a07bb" }, - "subtitleMisc": { "message": "Otras configuraciones", - "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the miscellaneous setting of the QR code." + "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the miscellaneous setting of the QR code.", + "hash": "6394c364dd4afc224c653644259bc4ea" }, "optionQrQuietZone": { "message": "Zona libre de ruido en el QR:", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It's about the area around the QR code." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It's about the area around the QR code.", + "hash": "a11f6e534cf14d30bccdb359489862b9" }, "optionQrQuietZoneStatusSingular": { "message": "($INTEGER$ cuadrados)", "description": "This is the number of empty/'white' modules around the QR code in its singular form.", "placeholders": { - "integer": { - "content": "$1", - "example": "1" - } - } + "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" } + }, + "hash": "dfb928dac26b3da38c89476f22610303" }, "optionQrQuietZoneStatusPlural": { "message": "($INTEGER$ cuadrados)", "description": "This is the number of empty/'white' modules around the QR code in its plural form.", "placeholders": { - "integer": { - "content": "$1", - "example": "3" - } - } + "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "3" } + }, + "hash": "717944c73c8d92595af6c07bb960b52d" }, "optionQrQuietZoneDescr": { "message": "El número de módulos de borde alrededor del código QR con el color de fondo", - "description": "The description of the quiet zone option." + "description": "The description of the quiet zone option.", + "hash": "94a93f5a15d9303e8003eae8c0b94ed1" }, "optionQrQuietZoneDescrLink": { "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/wiki/FAQ#what-is-a-quiet-zone", - "description": "The 'Learn more' link in the description of the quiet zone option." + "description": "The 'Learn more' link in the description of the quiet zone option.", + "hash": "c1647a59859dec44f48888e26ca70661" }, - "optionQrCodeColor": { "message": "Código de color del código QR:", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "d9f06d0c24e89fbc94c03561a7e09fa9" }, - "optionQrCodeBackgroundColor": { "message": "Color de fondo del QR:", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "7fefdae7b929d22545bf61bc1c26abe3" }, - "optionErrorCorrection": { "message": "Nivel de corrección:", - "description": "Error correction setting for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction." + "description": "Error correction setting for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", + "hash": "112ebf137091b98b587615b7cd3f9e7c" }, "optionEcLow": { "message": "Bajo (7%)", - "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction." + "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", + "hash": "6e3061544eb22cab11cd1222788610bd" }, "optionEcMedium": { "message": "Medio (15%)", - "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction." + "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", + "hash": "0ea96235848be6f66788cad72bc0ea02" }, "optionEcQuartile": { "message": "Un cuarto (25%)", - "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction." + "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", + "hash": "344e853acdaef0ac95e161cdbc201036" }, "optionEcHigh": { "message": "Alto (30%)", - "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction." + "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", + "hash": "30035374d52e135473d464fe1726ad8c" }, "optionErrorCorrectionDescr": { "message": "Este valor indica cuánto puede faltar del código y que aún sea escaneado", - "description": "The description of the error correction option." + "description": "The description of the error correction option.", + "hash": "2bbbd8aafc044a910d26cbf04e560766" }, "optionErrorCorrectionDescrLink": { "message": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction", - "description": "The 'Learn more' link in the description of the error correction option." + "description": "The 'Learn more' link in the description of the error correction option.", + "hash": "530f6b1ee177dddd7d40571d98a64408" }, - "optionAutoGetSelectedText": { "message": "Automáticamente usa el texto seleccionado en el sitio web", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "21667c5a30f89561cea02351172b9c91" }, "optionUseMonospaceFont": { "message": "Utiliza la fuente monospace", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "69191273c436064be8c4f5d6a8f675f5" }, - "optionDebugMode": { "message": "Habilitar modo debug", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "de6506af4973e0980d64f242fba11a19" }, "optionDebugModeDescr": { "message": "Esto es solo útil para tener un registro más detallado en la consola al momento de reportar bugs, etc.", - "description": "The description shown for the debug mode (optionDebugMode)." + "description": "The description shown for the debug mode (optionDebugMode).", + "hash": "2aff10770796694827ec4253860e0771" }, - "translatorCredit": { "message": "Esta extensión ha sido traducida al Español por $TRANSLATORS$.", "description": "The credit text for the translator. See https://github.com/TinyWebEx/common/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#translator-credit-inside-of-add-on for how to translate this.", "placeholders": { - "translators": { - "content": "$1", - "example": "@fanksies" - } - } + "translators": { "content": "$1", "example": "@rugk" } + }, + "hash": "a6f5deecd624d5f8cd58350c72dd8fdf" }, "translatorLink": { "message": "https://github.com/Fanksies", - "description": "The link to the translator's GitHub profile." + "description": "The link to the translator's GitHub profile.", + "hash": "4775fb2f88fd33d02b871e5021dec3e9" }, "translatorUsername": { "message": "Fanksies", - "description": "The username that the translator wants to be referred to." + "description": "The username that the translator wants to be referred to.", + "hash": "ce96c18a8a1b4b528b294e981ee4d651" }, - "contributorsThanks": { "message": "También agradecemos a $CONTRIBUTORS$.", "description": "Text thanking all contributors and linking to the contributors file.", "placeholders": { - "contributors": { - "content": "$1", - "example": "all other contributors" - } - } + "contributors": { "content": "$1", "example": "all other contributors" } + }, + "hash": "b1434b8b42b1707f37d0531a8efdc7f8" }, "contributorsThanksLink": { "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/blob/master/CONTRIBUTORS.md", - "description": "The link to the CONTRIBUTORS file." + "description": "The link to the CONTRIBUTORS file.", + "hash": "808a4cfbf726b7e10fc79370638ee855" }, "contributorsThanksLinkText": { "message": "todos los demás colaboradores", - "description": "The link text linking to the contributors file. See contributorsThanks." + "description": "The link text linking to the contributors file. See contributorsThanks.", + "hash": "ce03e1f3b15df3bba66048b30c4f8de4" }, - + // ARIA labels/descriptions "dismissIconDescription": { "message": "Cierra este mensaje", - "description": "the aria label for the close button of the message box" + "description": "the aria label for the close button of the message box", + "hash": "632720ab193dcacba4286cb364124856" }, "ariaMessageLoading": { "message": "cargando mensaje", - "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an info message box" + "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an info message box", + "hash": "570016a957498a1fa1b3e818eb282adb" }, "ariaMessageInfo": { "message": "mensaje de información", - "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an info message box" + "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an info message box", + "hash": "5f54e42067e19895a2641b17a5233418" }, "ariaMessageSuccess": { "message": "mensaje de éxito", - "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an success message box" + "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an success message box", + "hash": "334387b4ae53483d17f11519a70dd3af" }, "ariaMessageError": { "message": "mensaje de error", - "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an error message box" + "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an error message box", + "hash": "fcda6eedc61727fe8aae7392a0a541a5" }, "ariaMessageWarning": { "message": "mensaje de advertencia", - "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an warning message box" - } + "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an warning message box", + "hash": "8a5dd7528bead1ccd27cb7430d797bd2" + }, + + "__WET_LOCALE__": { "message": "es" } } diff --git a/src/_locales/fa/messages.json b/src/_locales/fa/messages.json index e2c53169..cc15194b 100644 --- a/src/_locales/fa/messages.json +++ b/src/_locales/fa/messages.json @@ -2,430 +2,495 @@ // manifest.json "extensionName": { "message": "تولید کننده کد کیو ار به صورت آفلاین", - "description": "Name of the extension." + "description": "Name of the extension.", + "hash": "8f698856e9a0ac32513f12b1955fa3c1" }, "extensionNameShort": { "message": "کیو ار کد آفلاین", - "description": "Name of the extension." + "description": "Name of the extension.", + "hash": "a38edae757cf4b1c8a57c0de97ae7400" }, "extensionDescription": { "message": "به شما کمک می کند که برای هر وبسایت بار شده به صورت تب کد کیو ار تولید کنید.", - "description": "Description of the extension." + "description": "Description of the extension.", + "hash": "824ef7416ba4361e3621df1fe8048c3b" }, "browserActionButtonTitle": { "message": "کیو ار کد آفلاین", - "description": "The title for the button, which opens the popup." + "description": "The title for the button, which opens the popup.", + "hash": "dc0228c66afb28e701184df952b0df18" }, "commandOpenQrPopup": { "message": "بازکردن پاپ آپ کد کیو آر", - "description": "Description of the hot key command to open the QR Code popup (by default with Ctrl+Shift+F10)." + "description": "Description of the hot key command to open the QR Code popup (by default with Ctrl+Shift+F10).", + "hash": "98e90b2532a0097cd43081b4e1610519" }, // errors or other messages (mostly for settings) "errorShowingMessage": { "message": "امکان نمایش این پیام وجود ندارد.", - "description": "When there is an error when showing the error/info/…." + "description": "When there is an error when showing the error/info/….", + "hash": "a9440e4f824a372841d4de2b7e2643ee" }, "couldNotLoadOptions": { "message": ".امکان بارگیری تنظیمات وجود ندارد", - "description": "When one or all settings could not be loaded." + "description": "When one or all settings could not be loaded.", + "hash": "9497a5d2c9473aeb2ed9601f46c456be" }, "couldNotSaveOption": { "message": "امکان ذخیره تنظیمات وجود ندارد.", - "description": "When a setting could not be saved." + "description": "When a setting could not be saved.", + "hash": "6bcb9e36d2c33172b948515a9c50aa8e" }, "messageUndoButton": { "message": "بازگشت به عقب", - "description": "The text of a button that undoes the last action." + "description": "The text of a button that undoes the last action.", + "hash": "a85e775d7404b86c8060a20efd31241c" }, "couldNotUndoAction": { "message": "امکان بازگشت وضعیت بعد از انجام این عمل وجود ندارد.", - "description": "Shown when an action cannot be undone." + "description": "Shown when an action cannot be undone.", + "hash": "d2883c6ca0164afc4f360f3e02e3166a" }, "resettingOptionsWorked": { "message": "تمام تنظیمات به حالت پیشفرض تغییر پیدا کردند.", - "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings were reset." + "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings were reset.", + "hash": "257b99ed2a074fccbfc658d770b50107" }, "resettingOptionsFailed": { "message": "امکان بازگشت تنظیمات با حالت قبل وجود ندارد.", - "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings could not have been reset." + "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings could not have been reset.", + "hash": "76e950d2db72a824482411ca6564fb1f" }, // errors or other messages "unknownError": { "message": "یک خطای نامشخص رخ داده است.", - "description": "" + "hash": "879b63f6ebf03308a9f4b8a4406663f3" }, "loading": { "message": "در حال بارگیری...", - "description": "A general loading message." + "description": "A general loading message.", + "hash": "e2a5d4627618472a68f4cb8895e93f30" }, "couldNotGenerateQrCode": { "message": "کد کیو ار تولید نشد.", - "description": "" + "hash": "87e71800b895b0e9695da467734df0e5" }, "couldNotReceiveActiveTab": { "message": "برنامه نتوانست یه برگه فعال (تب) را شناسایی کند.", - "description": "" + "hash": "2b4c5f788e39f7ae35dcca2f96e1e5d4" }, "errorDownloadingFile": { "message": "برنامه نتوانست فایل را دانلود کند.", - "description": "Error shown when a file could not be downloaded. Do not mention a file type or name, but just keep it general." + "description": "Error shown when a file could not be downloaded. Do not mention a file type or name, but just keep it general.", + "hash": "8f5756df0d5dd4d25f01ca4b4ff0ec44" }, "errorPermissionRequired": { "message": "امکان ادامه بدون صدور اجازه وجود ندارد.", - "description": "Error shown when a permission is declined and the thing the user triggered cannot be executed." + "description": "Error shown when a permission is declined and the thing the user triggered cannot be executed.", + "hash": "9742f751499f8c2acf32d83df83c36b9" }, "errorPermissionRequestFailed": { "message": "برنامه نتوانست درخواست صدور اجازه را انجام دهد.", - "description": "Error shown when a permission request failed. This indicates a technical error and does NOT mean the user declined the permission." + "description": "Error shown when a permission request failed. This indicates a technical error and does NOT mean the user declined the permission.", + "hash": "54aaf50f8bdf6154677a4ff7fd384310" }, "errorQrCodeOverflow": { "message": "برنامه نتوانست کیو ار کد را تولید کند. متن وارد شده بسیار طولانی می باشد.", - "description": "Error shown when QR code cannot be generated due to overflow in input size." + "description": "Error shown when QR code cannot be generated due to overflow in input size.", + "hash": "36c48d76203a1f1362b32abf72af5d8b" }, "requestDownloadPermissionForQr": { "message": "برای ذخیره فایل کیو ار، برنامه نیاز به اجازه دانلود دارد.", - "description": "Shown, when the user is asked to allow the download permission to save the QR code." + "description": "Shown, when the user is asked to allow the download permission to save the QR code.", + "hash": "6e5a5fe9a077400ba6e4dc66a6dfd44a" }, "lowContrastRatioInfo": { "message": "کد کیو ار تولید شده ممکن است توسط بعضی از نرم‌افزار های کد خوان، به دلیل وضوح کم، قابل تشخیص نباشد.", - "desription": "The message shown when the contrast ratio is too low" + "hash": "90432f33baa13153accd007ae2e23e99" }, "lowContrastRatioWarning": { "message": "کد کیو ار تولید شده ممکن است توسط بعضی از نرم‌افزار های کد خوان، به دلیل وضوح کم، قابل تشخیص نباشد.", - "desription": "The warning shown when the contrast ratio is too low" + "hash": "f4264a9b8b24922e4dff589f611b5e2f" }, "lowContrastRatioError": { "message": "رنگ کد و رنگ بس‌زمینه آن به هم نزدیک میباشد. این ممکن است باعث ناخوانی کد شود.", - "description": "The message shown when the color for the QR code and the background are equal" + "description": "The message shown when the color for the QR code and the background are equal", + "hash": "a2d1d2fdc32ecb73ffdf0ab537e46f32" }, "messageAutoSelectColorButton": { "message": "لطفا از رنگ‌های متضاد استفاده کنید.", - "description": "The text of a button that sets a new color with a sufficient contrast." + "description": "The text of a button that sets a new color with a sufficient contrast.", + "hash": "9d422df9f61f2b45e272ae3451ca3ded" }, // tips "tipYouLikeAddon": { "message": "آیا از این پلاگین خوشتان آمده است؟", - "description": "A tip shown to remind the user to rate the addon." + "description": "A tip shown to remind the user to rate the addon.", + "hash": "0f5680a5a42bcebf793a44b9dfcf79a1" }, "tipYouLikeAddonButton": { "message": "به این پلاگین امتیاز دهید.", - "description": "Button for the tip shown to remind the user to rate the addon." + "description": "Button for the tip shown to remind the user to rate the addon.", + "hash": "821d7f942b02e2b56cd0424d3ab65de8" }, "tipSaveQrCode": { "message": "آیا شما می‌دانستید بعد از تولید کد، می توانید آن را ذخیره نمایید؟", - "description": "A tip shown to get the user to find the save option." + "description": "A tip shown to get the user to find the save option.", + "hash": "84f0a0027a58c98d9158ab9894fe8427" }, "tipSaveQrCodeLink": { "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/wiki/FAQ#how-to-save-the-qr-code-on-disk", - "description": "The link for more information for the tip on how to save the QR code image. This should go to the FAQ." + "description": "The link for more information for the tip on how to save the QR code image. This should go to the FAQ.", + "hash": "c453089f62132ffa4151c4487209de69" }, "tipQrCodeHotkey": { - "message": "Ctrl+Shift+F10.", "message": "کلید میانبر این پلاگین را به خاطر بسپارید: Ctrl+Shift+F10.", - "description": "A tip shown to get the user to notice that there is a hot key." + "description": "A tip shown to get the user to notice that there is a hot key.", + "hash": "a372dc813085fe800ecb594e33b6c81c" }, "tipAndroidQrReader": { "message": "مرورگر فایرفاکس دارای اسکنر کیو ار کد درونی می باشد.", - "description": "A tip shown to get the Android users to make them aware that Firefox already has an integrated QR Code Reader/Scanner. See https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/issues/160." + "description": "A tip shown to get the Android users to make them aware that Firefox already has an integrated QR Code Reader/Scanner. See https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/issues/160.", + "hash": "dfa24b6c3e5815e07df938f51fa45065" }, "tipAndroidQrReaderLink": { "message": "https://mzl.la/1GQ2fcu", - "description": "The link for more information for the tip about the integrated Android QR Code scanner. The current link should automatically redirect the user to their locale translation of the support article, so it should *NOT* need to be changed." + "description": "The link for more information for the tip about the integrated Android QR Code scanner. The current link should automatically redirect the user to their locale translation of the support article, so it should *NOT* need to be changed.", + "hash": "094c1bbce6c3a7bcb09f36b7bc970dd0" }, "tipTranslateAddon": { "message": "اگر زبانی به غیر از انگلیسی دارید، می توانید در ترجمه این پلاگین به زبان خود کمک کنید.", - "description": "A tip shown to users that potentially speak another language to translate this add-on." + "description": "A tip shown to users that potentially speak another language to translate this add-on.", + "hash": "f22661cb0e9cdc8144d0c3cf59f854e3" }, "tipTranslateAddonLink": { "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#translations", - "description": "The link to a description of the translation service/way you can use." + "description": "The link to a description of the translation service/way you can use.", + "hash": "b0421380ecfc4481fd5ee9da72c61516" }, "tipDonate": { "message": " آیا از استفاده رایگان از این پلاگین لذت می برید؟", - "description": "A tip shown to get the remind them of a donation." + "description": "A tip shown to get the remind them of a donation.", + "hash": "1ca77d6621635ae0bec563e15fbc3791" }, "tipDonateButton": { "message": "با کمک های مالی خود، از پیشرفت توسعه این پلاگین پشتیبانی کنید.", - "description": "The button of the donation tip taking the user to the donation site." + "description": "The button of the donation tip taking the user to the donation site.", + "hash": "8ec498495b752c6d9358208a5564d42c" }, "tipLearnMore": { "message": "بیشتر درباره این پلاگین یاد بگیرید.", - "description": "The common button for tips, where you can get more information on click." + "description": "The common button for tips, where you can get more information on click.", + "hash": "9085b09f4748be12ab0c241d2e643b31" }, "tipHowToUse": { "message": "چگونه از این پلاگین استفاده کنید؟", - "description": "The common button for tips, where you can get more information about how to use a feature just presented." + "description": "The common button for tips, where you can get more information about how to use a feature just presented.", + "hash": "b48eefa95832b3c6df287ff077b4e28a" }, // placeholder "qrCodePlaceholder": { "message": "جانشین تصویر کد کیو ار", - "description": "Alt text of placeholder image." + "description": "Alt text of placeholder image.", + "hash": "2aad56747125ef1f986b5d952ba68a83" }, "textareaPlaceholder": { "message": "متن خود را برای تولید کد کیو ار از آن ، وارد نمایید.", - "description": "Placeholder for the textarea, when it is empty." + "description": "Placeholder for the textarea, when it is empty.", + "hash": "0d0f6b3baffcdbf22a78418b3460d1ad" }, // context menu "contextMenuItemConvertSelection": { "message": "تولید کد کیو ار بر اساس متن انتخابی", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selection." + "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selection.", + "hash": "e8c3fbbac6f04370f00af836aa65b49d" }, "contextMenuItemConvertSelectionAccessKey": { "message": "تولید کد کیو ار بر اساس متن انتخابی", - "description": "the context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selection with an access key." + "description": "the context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selection with an access key.", + "hash": "95228af6c838cb7040b6e2441d8d516b" }, "contextMenuItemConvertLinkSelection": { "message": "تولید کد کیو ار بر اساس لینک", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selected link." + "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selected link.", + "hash": "bc4971948a5e6f453046467bfbf6dbc0" }, "contextMenuItemConvertLinkSelectionAccessKey": { "message": "تولید کد کیو ار بر اساس لینک", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selected link with an access key." + "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selected link with an access key.", + "hash": "312595c39b5cbc8edf0baab8c16875af" }, "contextMenuSaveImageCanvas": { "message": "ذخیره این کد کیو ار به صورت فایل تصویری", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving PNG images (from a canvas) in the popup." + "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving PNG images (from a canvas) in the popup.", + "hash": "42a883816c70d59d5cd627824032554d" }, "contextMenuSaveImageCanvasAccessKey": { "message": "ذخیره این کد کیو ار به صورت فایل تصویری", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving PNG images (from a canvas) in the popup with an access key." + "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving PNG images (from a canvas) in the popup with an access key.", + "hash": "6becd03ca3b80ffda6996a42f9b7a12b" }, "contextMenuSaveImageSvg": { "message": "ذخیره این کد کیو ار به صورت SVG", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup." + "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup.", + "hash": "9320cc3bf1cc9d37ad8013123a8d4118" }, "contextMenuSaveImageSvgAccessKey": { "message": "ذخیره این کد کیو ار به صورت SVG", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup with an access key." + "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup with an access key.", + "hash": "618fa783b036bbb465ec794c601d19a7" }, // options "someSettingsAreManaged": { "message": "بعضی از تنظیمات فقط توسط مدیر سامانه قابل تغیر هستند.", - "description": "The message, which appears, when settings are pre-defined (as managed options) by administrators." + "description": "The message, which appears, when settings are pre-defined (as managed options) by administrators.", + "hash": "148604ebbeb7df28974d8233f1418d1f" }, "optionIsDisabledBecauseManaged": { "message": "این گزینه توسط مدیر سامانه غیر فعال شده است.", - "description": "The title (tooltip) shown, when hovering over a disabled, managed option." + "description": "The title (tooltip) shown, when hovering over a disabled, managed option.", + "hash": "50fb70682c64e1a1fb4d8884b33cca64" }, "optionLearnMore": { "message": "بیشتر یادبگیرید", - "description": "When a link to an explainer needs to be added, this is the link text." + "description": "When a link to an explainer needs to be added, this is the link text.", + "hash": "9085b09f4748be12ab0c241d2e643b31" }, "optionsResetButton": { "message": "بازگرداندن تنظیمات به حالت", - "description": "The button to delete all current settings and load the defaults, shown in the add-on settings." + "description": "The button to delete all current settings and load the defaults, shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "4bb60c6c7e7b9e2ff987c244e76ee044" }, - "titleGeneral": { "message": "پلاگین", - "description": "The title for the general settings group." + "description": "The title for the general settings group.", + "hash": "3cb58113bf50253738aef3a6d97964b8" }, "titleQrCodeSetting": { "message": "کد کیو ار", - "description": "The title for the qr code settings group." + "description": "The title for the qr code settings group.", + "hash": "70fe1f61bc42ca4b582a22ba9c00e22f" }, "titleAddonBehavior": { "message": "رفتار پلاگین", - "description": "The title for the addon behavior settings group." + "description": "The title for the addon behavior settings group.", + "hash": "fbad6be4d92eb060918e27bc7c8b070b" }, - "optionPopupIconColored": { "message": "آیکون‌های رنگی", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "d1a73cea0718b619bd2adcfe97bd66a8" }, "optionPopupIconColoredDescr": { "message": "نمایش آیکون رنگی در نوارابزار به جای آیکون سیاه و سفید.", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It describes the optionPopupIconColored setting in more details." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It describes the optionPopupIconColored setting in more details.", + "hash": "5d8459d16f7e1ed774fc85f40ce8963e" }, - "subtitleQrCodeSize": { "message": "سایز کد کیو ار", - "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the radio buttons for the size setting of the QR code." + "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the radio buttons for the size setting of the QR code.", + "hash": "c74c1fd09a791c747fab18a81c3e2a5a" }, "optionQrCodeSizeFixed": { "message": "سایز ثابت:", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size.", + "hash": "c68e3c4b50dd64aebeb558b3c600e18f" }, "optionPixelAbbreviation": { "message": "پیکسل", - "description": "The abbreviation of the term 'pixels'. In most cases, it may stay as it is in English." + "description": "The abbreviation of the term 'pixels'. In most cases, it may stay as it is in English.", + "hash": "7b0c117512f22afe7fef1bcda3e474e1" }, "optionQrCodeSizeAuto": { "message": "تنظیم سایز به صورت خودکار", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size.", + "hash": "127515053bfb818e4268a74a81133b71" }, "optionQrCodeSizeAutoHelper": { "message": "این تنظیمات فقط روی موبایل موثر می‌باشد.", - "description": "Helper text for the optionQrCodeSizeAuto making the user aware that this setting will likely have no or little effect on desktop devices." + "description": "Helper text for the optionQrCodeSizeAuto making the user aware that this setting will likely have no or little effect on desktop devices.", + "hash": "8fc122b9bf15ab197091d768fd2f7dff" }, "optionQrCodeSizeRemember": { "message": "آخرین سایز را به خاطر بسپار", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size.", + "hash": "280612358cfcc5357399f75b697a07bb" }, - "subtitleMisc": { "message": "تنظیمات متفرقه", - "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the miscellaneous setting of the QR code." + "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the miscellaneous setting of the QR code.", + "hash": "6394c364dd4afc224c653644259bc4ea" }, "optionQrQuietZone": { "message": "مقدار فضای بیرونی کد کیو ار", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It's about the area around the QR code." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It's about the area around the QR code.", + "hash": "a11f6e534cf14d30bccdb359489862b9" }, "optionQrQuietZoneStatusSingular": { "message": "($INTEGER$ square)", "description": "This is the number of empty/'white' modules around the QR code in its singular form.", "placeholders": { - "integer": { - "content": "$1", - "example": "1" - } - } + "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" } + }, + "hash": "dfb928dac26b3da38c89476f22610303" }, "optionQrQuietZoneStatusPlural": { "message": "($INTEGER$ squares)", "description": "This is the number of empty/'white' modules around the QR code in its plural form.", "placeholders": { - "integer": { - "content": "$1", - "example": "3" - } - } + "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "3" } + }, + "hash": "717944c73c8d92595af6c07bb960b52d" }, "optionQrQuietZoneDescr": { - "message": "The number of border modules around the QR code colored in the background color.", - "description": "The description of the quiet zone option." + "message": "The number of border modules around the QR code colored in the background color.", + "description": "The description of the quiet zone option.", + "hash": "94a93f5a15d9303e8003eae8c0b94ed1" }, "optionQrQuietZoneDescrLink": { "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/wiki/FAQ#what-is-a-quiet-zone", - "description": "The 'Learn more' link in the description of the quiet zone option." + "description": "The 'Learn more' link in the description of the quiet zone option.", + "hash": "c1647a59859dec44f48888e26ca70661" }, - "optionQrCodeColor": { "message": "رنگ کد کیو ار:", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "d9f06d0c24e89fbc94c03561a7e09fa9" }, - "optionQrCodeBackgroundColor": { "message": "رنگ پس‌زمینه کد کیو ار:", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "7fefdae7b929d22545bf61bc1c26abe3" }, - "optionErrorCorrection": { "message": "سطح تصحیح خطا:", - "description": "Error correction setting for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction." + "description": "Error correction setting for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", + "hash": "112ebf137091b98b587615b7cd3f9e7c" }, "optionEcLow": { - "message": "Low (7%)", "message": "کم (۷ درصد)", - "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction." + "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", + "hash": "6e3061544eb22cab11cd1222788610bd" }, "optionEcMedium": { "message": "متوسط (۱۵ درصد)", - "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction." + "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", + "hash": "0ea96235848be6f66788cad72bc0ea02" }, "optionEcQuartile": { "message": "یک چهارم (۲۵ درصد)", - "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction." + "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", + "hash": "344e853acdaef0ac95e161cdbc201036" }, "optionEcHigh": { "message": "زیاد (۳۰ درصد)", - "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction." + "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", + "hash": "30035374d52e135473d464fe1726ad8c" }, - "optionErrorCorrectionDescr": { + "optionErrorCorrectionDescr": { "message": "این مقداد نشان می دهد که چه مقدار از کد می توانید غیر قابل خواندن باشد در حالی که همچنان میتوان کد را اسکن کرد.", - "description": "The description of the error correction option." + "description": "The description of the error correction option.", + "hash": "2bbbd8aafc044a910d26cbf04e560766" }, "optionErrorCorrectionDescrLink": { "message": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction", - "description": "The 'Learn more' link in the description of the error correction option." + "description": "The 'Learn more' link in the description of the error correction option.", + "hash": "530f6b1ee177dddd7d40571d98a64408" }, - - "optionAutoGetSelectedText": { + "optionAutoGetSelectedText": { "message": "استفاده خودکار از متن انتخاب شده داخل وبسایت", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "21667c5a30f89561cea02351172b9c91" }, "optionUseMonospaceFont": { "message": "استفاده از فونت monospace", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "69191273c436064be8c4f5d6a8f675f5" }, - "optionDebugMode": { "message": "فعال کردن حالت عیب‌یابی", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "de6506af4973e0980d64f242fba11a19" }, - "optionDebugModeDescr": { + "optionDebugModeDescr": { "message": "این گزینه برای دریافت اطلاعات بیشتر از جنس لاگ میباشد(برای گزارش و پیدا کردن خطا استفاده می شود)", - "description": "The description shown for the debug mode (optionDebugMode)." + "description": "The description shown for the debug mode (optionDebugMode).", + "hash": "2aff10770796694827ec4253860e0771" }, - "translatorCredit": { - "message": "This add-on has been translated into English by $TRANSLATORS$.", "message": "این پلاگین توسط $TRANSLATORS$ به فارسی ترجمه شده است.", "description": "The credit text for the translator. See https://github.com/TinyWebEx/common/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#translator-credit-inside-of-add-on for how to translate this.", "placeholders": { - "translators": { - "content": "$1", - "example": "@Enlightments" - } - } + "translators": { "content": "$1", "example": "@rugk" } + }, + "hash": "a6f5deecd624d5f8cd58350c72dd8fdf" }, "translatorLink": { "message": "https://github.com/Enlightments", - "description": "The link to the translator's GitHub profile." + "description": "The link to the translator's GitHub profile.", + "hash": "4775fb2f88fd33d02b871e5021dec3e9" }, "translatorUsername": { "message": "Enlightment", - "description": "The username that the translator wants to be referred to." + "description": "The username that the translator wants to be referred to.", + "hash": "ce96c18a8a1b4b528b294e981ee4d651" }, - "contributorsThanks": { "message": "با تشکر از $CONTRIBUTORS$", "description": "Text thanking all contributors and linking to the contributors file.", "placeholders": { - "contributors": { - "content": "$1", - "example": "سایر مشارکت کنندگان" - } - } + "contributors": { "content": "$1", "example": "all other contributors" } + }, + "hash": "b1434b8b42b1707f37d0531a8efdc7f8" }, "contributorsThanksLink": { "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/blob/master/CONTRIBUTORS.md", - "description": "The link to the CONTRIBUTORS file." + "description": "The link to the CONTRIBUTORS file.", + "hash": "808a4cfbf726b7e10fc79370638ee855" }, "contributorsThanksLinkText": { "message": "سایر مشارکت‌کنندگان", - "description": "The link text linking to the contributors file. See contributorsThanks." + "description": "The link text linking to the contributors file. See contributorsThanks.", + "hash": "ce03e1f3b15df3bba66048b30c4f8de4" }, // ARIA labels/descriptions "dismissIconDescription": { "message": "بستن این پیام", - "description": "the aria label for the close button of the message box" + "description": "the aria label for the close button of the message box", + "hash": "632720ab193dcacba4286cb364124856" }, "ariaMessageLoading": { "message": "در حال بارگذاری پیام", - "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an info message box" + "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an info message box", + "hash": "570016a957498a1fa1b3e818eb282adb" }, "ariaMessageInfo": { "message": "پیام حاوی اطلاعات", - "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an info message box" + "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an info message box", + "hash": "5f54e42067e19895a2641b17a5233418" }, "ariaMessageSuccess": { "message": "پیام موفقیت", - "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an success message box" + "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an success message box", + "hash": "334387b4ae53483d17f11519a70dd3af" }, "ariaMessageError": { "message": "پیام خطا", - "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an error message box" + "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an error message box", + "hash": "fcda6eedc61727fe8aae7392a0a541a5" }, "ariaMessageWarning": { "message": "پیام هشدار", - "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an warning message box" - } + "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an warning message box", + "hash": "8a5dd7528bead1ccd27cb7430d797bd2" + }, + + "__WET_LOCALE__": { "message": "fa" } } diff --git a/src/_locales/fr/messages.json b/src/_locales/fr/messages.json index d72914c9..05e2eadd 100644 --- a/src/_locales/fr/messages.json +++ b/src/_locales/fr/messages.json @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ "description": "When a setting could not be saved.", "hash": "6bcb9e36d2c33172b948515a9c50aa8e" }, - "messageUndoButton": { + "messageUndoButton": { "message": "Annuler", "description": "The text of a button that undoes the last action.", "hash": "a85e775d7404b86c8060a20efd31241c" @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ "description": "A tip shown to get the user to notice that there is a hot key.", "hash": "a372dc813085fe800ecb594e33b6c81c" }, - "tipAndroidQrReader": { + "tipAndroidQrReader": { "message": "Firefox a un lecteur de QR-Code intégré.", "description": "A tip shown to get the Android users to make them aware that Firefox already has an integrated QR Code Reader/Scanner. See https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/issues/160.", "hash": "dfa24b6c3e5815e07df938f51fa45065" @@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ "message": "Si vous parlez une autre langue, vous pouvez nous aider à traduire cette extension.", "description": "A tip shown to users that potentially speak another language to translate this add-on.", "hash": "f22661cb0e9cdc8144d0c3cf59f854e3" - }, - "tipTranslateAddonLink": { + }, + "tipTranslateAddonLink": { "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#translations", "description": "The link to a description of the translation service/way you can use.", "hash": "b0421380ecfc4481fd5ee9da72c61516" @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ "description": "A tip shown to get the remind them of a donation.", "hash": "1ca77d6621635ae0bec563e15fbc3791" }, - "tipDonateButton": { + "tipDonateButton": { "message": "Soutenez le développement en faisant un don", "description": "The button of the donation tip taking the user to the donation site.", "hash": "8ec498495b752c6d9358208a5564d42c" @@ -245,16 +245,6 @@ "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup with an access key.", "hash": "7a9c86c16fd7341fbb18fd907bb005bb" }, - "contextMenuSaveImage": { - "message": "Enregistrer le QR-Code…", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup.", - "hash": "2eefde0a0d140820b10a3f3cadc0b91e" - }, - "contextMenuSaveImageAccessKey": { - "message": "Enregistrer le &QR-Code…", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup with an access key.", - "hash": "5d978e9ed30cc817b82376faefbcfbbb" - }, // options "someSettingsAreManaged": { @@ -262,21 +252,6 @@ "description": "The message, which appears, when settings are pre-defined (as managed options) by administrators.", "hash": "148604ebbeb7df28974d8233f1418d1f" }, - "titleGeneral": { - "message": "Extension", - "description": "The title for the general settings group.", - "hash": "3cb58113bf50253738aef3a6d97964b8" - }, - "titleQrCodeSetting": { - "message": "Qr-Code", - "description": "The title for the qr code settings group.", - "hash": "70fe1f61bc42ca4b582a22ba9c00e22f" - }, - "titleAddonBehavior": { - "message": "Comportement de l'extension", - "description": "The title for the addon behavior settings group.", - "hash": "fbad6be4d92eb060918e27bc7c8b070b" - }, "optionIsDisabledBecauseManaged": { "message": "Cette option est désactivée, parce qu'elle a été paramétrée par l'administrateur du système.", "description": "The title (tooltip) shown, when hovering over a disabled, managed option.", @@ -292,6 +267,21 @@ "description": "The button to delete all current settings and load the defaults, shown in the add-on settings.", "hash": "4bb60c6c7e7b9e2ff987c244e76ee044" }, + "titleGeneral": { + "message": "Extension", + "description": "The title for the general settings group.", + "hash": "3cb58113bf50253738aef3a6d97964b8" + }, + "titleQrCodeSetting": { + "message": "Qr-Code", + "description": "The title for the qr code settings group.", + "hash": "70fe1f61bc42ca4b582a22ba9c00e22f" + }, + "titleAddonBehavior": { + "message": "Comportement de l'extension", + "description": "The title for the addon behavior settings group.", + "hash": "fbad6be4d92eb060918e27bc7c8b070b" + }, "optionPopupIconColored": { "message": "Icône colorée", "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", @@ -435,39 +425,39 @@ }, "translatorCredit": { "message": "Cette extension a été traduite en Français par Nicolas Trouin $LINK$ !", - "description": "The credit text for the translator.", + "description": "The credit text for the translator. See https://github.com/TinyWebEx/common/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#translator-credit-inside-of-add-on for how to translate this.", "placeholders": { - "link": { - "content": "$1", - "example": " (@nicolas-trouin)" - } - } + "translators": { "content": "$1", "example": "@rugk" } + }, + "hash": "a6f5deecd624d5f8cd58350c72dd8fdf" }, "translatorLink": { "message": "https://github.com/nicolas-trouin", - "description": "The link to the translator's GitHub profile." + "description": "The link to the translator's GitHub profile.", + "hash": "4775fb2f88fd33d02b871e5021dec3e9" }, "translatorUsername": { "message": " (@nicolas-trouin)", - "description": "The translator's GitHub username." + "description": "The username that the translator wants to be referred to.", + "hash": "ce96c18a8a1b4b528b294e981ee4d651" }, "contributorsThanks": { "message": "Merci également $CONTRIBUTORS$.", "description": "Text thanking all contributors and linking to the contributors file.", "placeholders": { - "contributors": { - "content": "$1", - "example": " à tous les autres contributeurs" - } - } + "contributors": { "content": "$1", "example": "all other contributors" } + }, + "hash": "b1434b8b42b1707f37d0531a8efdc7f8" }, "contributorsThanksLink": { "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/blob/master/CONTRIBUTORS.md", - "description": "The link to the CONTRIBUTORS file." + "description": "The link to the CONTRIBUTORS file.", + "hash": "808a4cfbf726b7e10fc79370638ee855" }, "contributorsThanksLinkText": { "message": " à tous les autres contributeurs", - "description": "The link text linking to the contributors file. See contributorsThanks." + "description": "The link text linking to the contributors file. See contributorsThanks.", + "hash": "ce03e1f3b15df3bba66048b30c4f8de4" }, // ARIA labels/descriptions diff --git a/src/_locales/he/messages.json b/src/_locales/he/messages.json index f4d55e61..d9ae013d 100644 --- a/src/_locales/he/messages.json +++ b/src/_locales/he/messages.json @@ -1,511 +1,476 @@ { - // manifest.json - "extensionName": { - "message": "Offline QR Code Generator", - "description": "Name of the extension.", - "hash": "8f698856e9a0ac32513f12b1955fa3c1" - }, - "extensionNameShort": { - "message": "Offline QR-Code", - "description": "Name of the extension.", - "hash": "a38edae757cf4b1c8a57c0de97ae7400" - }, - "extensionDescription": { - "message": "יצירת קוד QR לכתובת או ללשונית פתוחה בדפדפן.", - "description": "Description of the extension.", - "hash": "824ef7416ba4361e3621df1fe8048c3b" - }, - "browserActionButtonTitle": { - "message": "Offline QR code", - "description": "The title for the button, which opens the popup.", - "hash": "dc0228c66afb28e701184df952b0df18" - }, - "commandOpenQrPopup": { - "message": "הפעל QR code popup", - "description": "Description of the hot key command to open the QR Code popup (by default with Ctrl+Shift+F10).", - "hash": "98e90b2532a0097cd43081b4e1610519" - }, + // manifest.json + "extensionName": { + "message": "Offline QR Code Generator", + "description": "Name of the extension.", + "hash": "8f698856e9a0ac32513f12b1955fa3c1" + }, + "extensionNameShort": { + "message": "Offline QR-Code", + "description": "Name of the extension.", + "hash": "a38edae757cf4b1c8a57c0de97ae7400" + }, + "extensionDescription": { + "message": "יצירת קוד QR לכתובת או ללשונית פתוחה בדפדפן.", + "description": "Description of the extension.", + "hash": "824ef7416ba4361e3621df1fe8048c3b" + }, + "browserActionButtonTitle": { + "message": "Offline QR code", + "description": "The title for the button, which opens the popup.", + "hash": "dc0228c66afb28e701184df952b0df18" + }, + "commandOpenQrPopup": { + "message": "הפעל QR code popup", + "description": "Description of the hot key command to open the QR Code popup (by default with Ctrl+Shift+F10).", + "hash": "98e90b2532a0097cd43081b4e1610519" + }, - // errors or other messages (mostly for settings) - "errorShowingMessage": { - "message": "הצגת ההודעה נכשלה.", - "description": "When there is an error when showing the error/info/….", - "hash": "a9440e4f824a372841d4de2b7e2643ee" - }, - "couldNotLoadOptions": { - "message": "טעינת ההגדרות נכשלה.", - "description": "When one or all settings could not be loaded.", - "hash": "9497a5d2c9473aeb2ed9601f46c456be" - }, - "couldNotSaveOption": { - "message": "שמירת ההגדרה נכשלה.", - "description": "When a setting could not be saved.", - "hash": "6bcb9e36d2c33172b948515a9c50aa8e" - }, - "messageUndoButton": { - "message": "בטל פעולה אחרונה", - "description": "The text of a button that undoes the last action.", - "hash": "a85e775d7404b86c8060a20efd31241c" - }, - "couldNotUndoAction": { - "message": "לא ניתן לבטל פעולה אחרונה.", - "description": "Shown when an action cannot be undone.", - "hash": "d2883c6ca0164afc4f360f3e02e3166a" - }, - "resettingOptionsWorked": { - "message": "כל ההגדרות אופסו לברירת המחדל!", - "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings were reset.", - "hash": "257b99ed2a074fccbfc658d770b50107" - }, - "resettingOptionsFailed": { - "message": "איפוס ההגדרות נכשל!", - "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings could not have been reset.", - "hash": "76e950d2db72a824482411ca6564fb1f" - }, + // errors or other messages (mostly for settings) + "errorShowingMessage": { + "message": "הצגת ההודעה נכשלה.", + "description": "When there is an error when showing the error/info/….", + "hash": "a9440e4f824a372841d4de2b7e2643ee" + }, + "couldNotLoadOptions": { + "message": "טעינת ההגדרות נכשלה.", + "description": "When one or all settings could not be loaded.", + "hash": "9497a5d2c9473aeb2ed9601f46c456be" + }, + "couldNotSaveOption": { + "message": "שמירת ההגדרה נכשלה.", + "description": "When a setting could not be saved.", + "hash": "6bcb9e36d2c33172b948515a9c50aa8e" + }, + "messageUndoButton": { + "message": "בטל פעולה אחרונה", + "description": "The text of a button that undoes the last action.", + "hash": "a85e775d7404b86c8060a20efd31241c" + }, + "couldNotUndoAction": { + "message": "לא ניתן לבטל פעולה אחרונה.", + "description": "Shown when an action cannot be undone.", + "hash": "d2883c6ca0164afc4f360f3e02e3166a" + }, + "resettingOptionsWorked": { + "message": "כל ההגדרות אופסו לברירת המחדל!", + "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings were reset.", + "hash": "257b99ed2a074fccbfc658d770b50107" + }, + "resettingOptionsFailed": { + "message": "איפוס ההגדרות נכשל!", + "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings could not have been reset.", + "hash": "76e950d2db72a824482411ca6564fb1f" + }, - // errors or other messages - "unknownError": { - "message": "שגיאה לא ידועה", - "hash": "879b63f6ebf03308a9f4b8a4406663f3" - }, - "loading": { - "message": "טוען...", - "description": "A general loading message.", - "hash": "e2a5d4627618472a68f4cb8895e93f30" - }, - "couldNotGenerateQrCode": { - "message": "יצירת קוד QR נכשלה.", - "hash": "87e71800b895b0e9695da467734df0e5" - }, - "couldNotReceiveActiveTab": { - "message": "טעינת לשונית פעילה נכשלה.", - "hash": "2b4c5f788e39f7ae35dcca2f96e1e5d4" - }, - "errorDownloadingFile": { - "message": "הורדת הקובץ נכשלה.", - "description": "Error shown when a file could not be downloaded. Do not mention a file type or name, but just keep it general.", - "hash": "8f5756df0d5dd4d25f01ca4b4ff0ec44" - }, - "errorPermissionRequired": { - "message": "לא ניתן להמשיך ללא ההרשאות המתאימות.", - "description": "Error shown when a permission is declined and the thing the user triggered cannot be executed.", - "hash": "9742f751499f8c2acf32d83df83c36b9" - }, - "errorPermissionRequestFailed": { - "message": "בקשת ההרשאה נכשלה.", - "description": "Error shown when a permission request failed. This indicates a technical error and does NOT mean the user declined the permission.", - "hash": "54aaf50f8bdf6154677a4ff7fd384310" - }, - "errorQrCodeOverflow": { - "message": "הטקסט שהוזן ארוך מדי, יצירת קוד QR נכשלה.", - "description": "Error shown when QR code cannot be generated due to overflow in input size.", - "hash": "36c48d76203a1f1362b32abf72af5d8b" - }, - "requestDownloadPermissionForQr": { - "message": "לא ניתן להמשיך ולשמור קוד QR ללא הרשאה להורדת תוכן.", - "description": "Shown, when the user is asked to allow the download permission to save the QR code.", - "hash": "6e5a5fe9a077400ba6e4dc66a6dfd44a" - }, - "lowContrastRatioInfo": { - "message": "קוד QR שיצרת הינו בעל ניגודיות נמוכה. הדבר עלול להקשות על קריאתו.", - "hash": "90432f33baa13153accd007ae2e23e99" - }, - "lowContrastRatioWarning": { - "message": "קוד QR שיצרת הינו בעל ניגודיות נמוכה. יתכן ולא ניתן יהיה לקרוא אותו.", - "hash": "f4264a9b8b24922e4dff589f611b5e2f" - }, - "lowContrastRatioError": { - "message": "צבע הקוד וצבע הרקע דומים מדי.", - "description": "The message shown when the color for the QR code and the background are equal", - "hash": "a2d1d2fdc32ecb73ffdf0ab537e46f32" - }, - "messageAutoSelectColorButton": { - "message": "בחר צבע בעל ניגודיות גבוהה", - "description": "The text of a button that sets a new color with a sufficient contrast.", - "hash": "9d422df9f61f2b45e272ae3451ca3ded" - }, + // errors or other messages + "unknownError": { + "message": "שגיאה לא ידועה", + "hash": "879b63f6ebf03308a9f4b8a4406663f3" + }, + "loading": { + "message": "טוען...", + "description": "A general loading message.", + "hash": "e2a5d4627618472a68f4cb8895e93f30" + }, + "couldNotGenerateQrCode": { + "message": "יצירת קוד QR נכשלה.", + "hash": "87e71800b895b0e9695da467734df0e5" + }, + "couldNotReceiveActiveTab": { + "message": "טעינת לשונית פעילה נכשלה.", + "hash": "2b4c5f788e39f7ae35dcca2f96e1e5d4" + }, + "errorDownloadingFile": { + "message": "הורדת הקובץ נכשלה.", + "description": "Error shown when a file could not be downloaded. Do not mention a file type or name, but just keep it general.", + "hash": "8f5756df0d5dd4d25f01ca4b4ff0ec44" + }, + "errorPermissionRequired": { + "message": "לא ניתן להמשיך ללא ההרשאות המתאימות.", + "description": "Error shown when a permission is declined and the thing the user triggered cannot be executed.", + "hash": "9742f751499f8c2acf32d83df83c36b9" + }, + "errorPermissionRequestFailed": { + "message": "בקשת ההרשאה נכשלה.", + "description": "Error shown when a permission request failed. This indicates a technical error and does NOT mean the user declined the permission.", + "hash": "54aaf50f8bdf6154677a4ff7fd384310" + }, + "errorQrCodeOverflow": { + "message": "הטקסט שהוזן ארוך מדי, יצירת קוד QR נכשלה.", + "description": "Error shown when QR code cannot be generated due to overflow in input size.", + "hash": "36c48d76203a1f1362b32abf72af5d8b" + }, + "requestDownloadPermissionForQr": { + "message": "לא ניתן להמשיך ולשמור קוד QR ללא הרשאה להורדת תוכן.", + "description": "Shown, when the user is asked to allow the download permission to save the QR code.", + "hash": "6e5a5fe9a077400ba6e4dc66a6dfd44a" + }, + "lowContrastRatioInfo": { + "message": "קוד QR שיצרת הינו בעל ניגודיות נמוכה. הדבר עלול להקשות על קריאתו.", + "hash": "90432f33baa13153accd007ae2e23e99" + }, + "lowContrastRatioWarning": { + "message": "קוד QR שיצרת הינו בעל ניגודיות נמוכה. יתכן ולא ניתן יהיה לקרוא אותו.", + "hash": "f4264a9b8b24922e4dff589f611b5e2f" + }, + "lowContrastRatioError": { + "message": "צבע הקוד וצבע הרקע דומים מדי.", + "description": "The message shown when the color for the QR code and the background are equal", + "hash": "a2d1d2fdc32ecb73ffdf0ab537e46f32" + }, + "messageAutoSelectColorButton": { + "message": "בחר צבע בעל ניגודיות גבוהה", + "description": "The text of a button that sets a new color with a sufficient contrast.", + "hash": "9d422df9f61f2b45e272ae3451ca3ded" + }, - // tips - "tipYouLikeAddon": { - "message": "האם ההרחבה מוצאת חן בעיניך?", - "description": "A tip shown to remind the user to rate the addon.", - "hash": "0f5680a5a42bcebf793a44b9dfcf79a1" - }, - "tipYouLikeAddonButton": { - "message": "דירוג ההרחבה", - "description": "Button for the tip shown to remind the user to rate the addon.", - "hash": "821d7f942b02e2b56cd0424d3ab65de8" - }, - "tipSaveQrCode": { - "message": "הידעת? באפשרותך לשמור קודי QR.", - "description": "A tip shown to get the user to find the save option.", - "hash": "84f0a0027a58c98d9158ab9894fe8427" - }, - "tipSaveQrCodeLink": { - "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/wiki/FAQ#how-to-save-the-qr-code-on-disk", - "description": "The link for more information for the tip on how to save the QR code image. This should go to the FAQ.", - "hash": "c453089f62132ffa4151c4487209de69" - }, - "tipQrCodeHotkey": { - "message": "ניתן להפעיל הרחבה זו ע\"י\nCtrl+Shift+F10", - "description": "A tip shown to get the user to notice that there is a hot key.", - "hash": "a372dc813085fe800ecb594e33b6c81c" - }, - "tipAndroidQrReader": { - "message": "פיירפוקס כולל סורק קודי QR מובנה.", - "description": "A tip shown to get the Android users to make them aware that Firefox already has an integrated QR Code Reader/Scanner. See https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/issues/160.", - "hash": "dfa24b6c3e5815e07df938f51fa45065" - }, - "tipAndroidQrReaderLink": { - "message": "https://mzl.la/1GQ2fcu", - "description": "The link for more information for the tip about the integrated Android QR Code scanner. The current link should automatically redirect the user to their locale translation of the support article, so it should *NOT* need to be changed.", - "hash": "094c1bbce6c3a7bcb09f36b7bc970dd0" - }, - "tipTranslateAddon": { - "message": "רוצה לתרום? באפשרותך לתרגם את ההרחבה לשפה נוספת.", - "description": "A tip shown to users that potentially speak another language to translate this add-on.", - "hash": "f22661cb0e9cdc8144d0c3cf59f854e3" - }, - "tipTranslateAddonLink": { - "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#translations", - "description": "The link to a description of the translation service/way you can use.", - "hash": "b0421380ecfc4481fd5ee9da72c61516" - }, - "tipDonate": { - "message": "השימוש בהרחבה זו הוא חינמי. באפשרותך לתרום למפתחים.", - "description": "A tip shown to get the remind them of a donation.", - "hash": "1ca77d6621635ae0bec563e15fbc3791" - }, - "tipDonateButton": { - "message": "תרומה למפתחים", - "description": "The button of the donation tip taking the user to the donation site.", - "hash": "8ec498495b752c6d9358208a5564d42c" - }, - "tipLearnMore": { - "message": "מידע נוסף", - "description": "The common button for tips, where you can get more information on click.", - "hash": "9085b09f4748be12ab0c241d2e643b31" - }, - "tipHowToUse": { - "message": "הוראות שימוש", - "description": "The common button for tips, where you can get more information about how to use a feature just presented.", - "hash": "b48eefa95832b3c6df287ff077b4e28a" - }, + // tips + "tipYouLikeAddon": { + "message": "האם ההרחבה מוצאת חן בעיניך?", + "description": "A tip shown to remind the user to rate the addon.", + "hash": "0f5680a5a42bcebf793a44b9dfcf79a1" + }, + "tipYouLikeAddonButton": { + "message": "דירוג ההרחבה", + "description": "Button for the tip shown to remind the user to rate the addon.", + "hash": "821d7f942b02e2b56cd0424d3ab65de8" + }, + "tipSaveQrCode": { + "message": "הידעת? באפשרותך לשמור קודי QR.", + "description": "A tip shown to get the user to find the save option.", + "hash": "84f0a0027a58c98d9158ab9894fe8427" + }, + "tipSaveQrCodeLink": { + "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/wiki/FAQ#how-to-save-the-qr-code-on-disk", + "description": "The link for more information for the tip on how to save the QR code image. This should go to the FAQ.", + "hash": "c453089f62132ffa4151c4487209de69" + }, + "tipQrCodeHotkey": { + "message": "ניתן להפעיל הרחבה זו ע\"י\nCtrl+Shift+F10", + "description": "A tip shown to get the user to notice that there is a hot key.", + "hash": "a372dc813085fe800ecb594e33b6c81c" + }, + "tipAndroidQrReader": { + "message": "פיירפוקס כולל סורק קודי QR מובנה.", + "description": "A tip shown to get the Android users to make them aware that Firefox already has an integrated QR Code Reader/Scanner. See https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/issues/160.", + "hash": "dfa24b6c3e5815e07df938f51fa45065" + }, + "tipAndroidQrReaderLink": { + "message": "https://mzl.la/1GQ2fcu", + "description": "The link for more information for the tip about the integrated Android QR Code scanner. The current link should automatically redirect the user to their locale translation of the support article, so it should *NOT* need to be changed.", + "hash": "094c1bbce6c3a7bcb09f36b7bc970dd0" + }, + "tipTranslateAddon": { + "message": "רוצה לתרום? באפשרותך לתרגם את ההרחבה לשפה נוספת.", + "description": "A tip shown to users that potentially speak another language to translate this add-on.", + "hash": "f22661cb0e9cdc8144d0c3cf59f854e3" + }, + "tipTranslateAddonLink": { + "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#translations", + "description": "The link to a description of the translation service/way you can use.", + "hash": "b0421380ecfc4481fd5ee9da72c61516" + }, + "tipDonate": { + "message": "השימוש בהרחבה זו הוא חינמי. באפשרותך לתרום למפתחים.", + "description": "A tip shown to get the remind them of a donation.", + "hash": "1ca77d6621635ae0bec563e15fbc3791" + }, + "tipDonateButton": { + "message": "תרומה למפתחים", + "description": "The button of the donation tip taking the user to the donation site.", + "hash": "8ec498495b752c6d9358208a5564d42c" + }, + "tipLearnMore": { + "message": "מידע נוסף", + "description": "The common button for tips, where you can get more information on click.", + "hash": "9085b09f4748be12ab0c241d2e643b31" + }, + "tipHowToUse": { + "message": "הוראות שימוש", + "description": "The common button for tips, where you can get more information about how to use a feature just presented.", + "hash": "b48eefa95832b3c6df287ff077b4e28a" + }, - // placeholder - "qrCodePlaceholder": { - "message": "תמונת ברירת מחדל", - "description": "Alt text of placeholder image.", - "hash": "2aad56747125ef1f986b5d952ba68a83" - }, - "textareaPlaceholder": { - "message": "הזן טקסט ליצירת קוד QR.", - "description": "Placeholder for the textarea, when it is empty.", - "hash": "0d0f6b3baffcdbf22a78418b3460d1ad" - }, + // placeholder + "qrCodePlaceholder": { + "message": "תמונת ברירת מחדל", + "description": "Alt text of placeholder image.", + "hash": "2aad56747125ef1f986b5d952ba68a83" + }, + "textareaPlaceholder": { + "message": "הזן טקסט ליצירת קוד QR.", + "description": "Placeholder for the textarea, when it is empty.", + "hash": "0d0f6b3baffcdbf22a78418b3460d1ad" + }, - // context menu - "contextMenuItemConvertSelection": { - "message": "יצירת קוד QR מטקסט שנבחר", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selection.", - "hash": "e8c3fbbac6f04370f00af836aa65b49d" - }, - "contextMenuItemConvertSelectionAccessKey": { - "message": "יצירת קוד QR מטקסט שנבחר", - "description": "the context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selection with an access key.", - "hash": "95228af6c838cb7040b6e2441d8d516b" - }, - "contextMenuItemConvertLinkSelection": { - "message": "יצירת קוד QR מקישור", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selected link.", - "hash": "bc4971948a5e6f453046467bfbf6dbc0" - }, - "contextMenuItemConvertLinkSelectionAccessKey": { - "message": "יצירת קוד QR מקישור", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selected link with an access key.", - "hash": "312595c39b5cbc8edf0baab8c16875af" - }, - "contextMenuSaveImage": { - "message": "שמור קוד QR...", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup.", - "hash": "2eefde0a0d140820b10a3f3cadc0b91e" - }, - "contextMenuSaveImageAccessKey": { - "message": "שמור קוד QR...", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup with an access key.", - "hash": "5d978e9ed30cc817b82376faefbcfbbb" - }, + // context menu + "contextMenuItemConvertSelection": { + "message": "יצירת קוד QR מטקסט שנבחר", + "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selection.", + "hash": "e8c3fbbac6f04370f00af836aa65b49d" + }, + "contextMenuItemConvertSelectionAccessKey": { + "message": "יצירת קוד QR מטקסט שנבחר", + "description": "the context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selection with an access key.", + "hash": "95228af6c838cb7040b6e2441d8d516b" + }, + "contextMenuItemConvertLinkSelection": { + "message": "יצירת קוד QR מקישור", + "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selected link.", + "hash": "bc4971948a5e6f453046467bfbf6dbc0" + }, + "contextMenuItemConvertLinkSelectionAccessKey": { + "message": "יצירת קוד QR מקישור", + "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selected link with an access key.", + "hash": "312595c39b5cbc8edf0baab8c16875af" + }, - // options - "someSettingsAreManaged": { - "message": "חלק מההגדרות מנוהלות על ידי מנהל הרשת ולא ניתן לשנותן.", - "description": "The message, which appears, when settings are pre-defined (as managed options) by administrators.", - "hash": "148604ebbeb7df28974d8233f1418d1f" - }, - "optionIsDisabledBecauseManaged": { - "message": "אפשרות זו איננה זמינה ומנוהלת ע\"י מנהל הרשת שלך.", - "description": "The title (tooltip) shown, when hovering over a disabled, managed option.", - "hash": "50fb70682c64e1a1fb4d8884b33cca64" - }, - "optionLearnMore": { - "message": "מידע נוסף", - "description": "When a link to an explainer needs to be added, this is the link text.", - "hash": "9085b09f4748be12ab0c241d2e643b31" - }, - "optionsResetButton": { - "message": "איפוס כל ההגדרות לברירת המחדל", - "description": "The button to delete all current settings and load the defaults, shown in the add-on settings.", - "hash": "4bb60c6c7e7b9e2ff987c244e76ee044" - }, - "titleGeneral": { - "message": "הרחבה", - "description": "The title for the general settings group.", - "hash": "3cb58113bf50253738aef3a6d97964b8" - }, - "titleQrCodeSetting": { - "message": "QR code", - "description": "The title for the qr code settings group.", - "hash": "70fe1f61bc42ca4b582a22ba9c00e22f" - }, - "titleAddonBehavior": { - "message": "הגדרות ההרחבה", - "description": "The title for the addon behavior settings group.", - "hash": "fbad6be4d92eb060918e27bc7c8b070b" - }, - "optionPopupIconColored": { - "message": "סמליל צבעוני", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", - "hash": "d1a73cea0718b619bd2adcfe97bd66a8" - }, - "optionPopupIconColoredDescr": { - "message": "מציג סמליל צבעוני במקום סמליל שחור/לבן בסרגל הכלים.", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It describes the optionPopupIconColored setting in more details.", - "hash": "5d8459d16f7e1ed774fc85f40ce8963e" - }, - "subtitleQrCodeType": { - "message": "שמור קוד QR כקובץ מסוג", - "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the radio buttons for the type setting of the QR code.", - "hash": "b87348b6fb11b28adf124e621c68c459" - }, - "optionQrCodeTypeSvg": { - "message": "SVG", - "description": "Option to select a scalable vector graphic image (SVG).", - "hash": "73765445a2ffe6ef74df1f9b50dab017" - }, - "optionQrCodeTypeSvgHelper": { - "message": "יצירת הקוד בעזרת גרפיקה מודרנית מבוססת וקטורים המאפשרת שינוי גודל הקוד בצורה חלקה.", - "description": "Helper text for SVG QR code type option.", - "hash": "c5c854179330262bbb43fe22ff3e5f6f" - }, - "optionQrCodeTypeCanvas": { - "message": "Canvas image", - "description": "Option to select a canvas (pixel) image.", - "hash": "8d224978370adc11a9b1a5a944c010bd" - }, - "optionQrCodeTypeCanvasHelper": { - "message": "יצירת הקוד כתמונה. ", - "description": "Helper text for canvas QR code type option.", - "hash": "9191c0be558ba93297a58b19d880036c" - }, - "subtitleQrCodeSize": { - "message": "גודל קוד QR", - "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the radio buttons for the size setting of the QR code.", - "hash": "c74c1fd09a791c747fab18a81c3e2a5a" - }, - "optionQrCodeSizeFixed": { - "message": "גודל קבוע:", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size.", - "hash": "c68e3c4b50dd64aebeb558b3c600e18f" - }, - "optionPixelAbbreviation": { - "message": "px", - "description": "The abbreviation of the term 'pixels'. In most cases, it may stay as it is in English.", - "hash": "7b0c117512f22afe7fef1bcda3e474e1" - }, - "optionQrCodeSizeAuto": { - "message": "הגודל נקבע באופן אוטומטי", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size.", - "hash": "127515053bfb818e4268a74a81133b71" - }, - "optionQrCodeSizeAutoHelper": { - "message": "מתאים לשימוש במכשירים ניידים, בהם הקוד נוצר בלשונית חדשה.", - "description": "Helper text for the optionQrCodeSizeAuto making the user aware that this setting will likely have no or little effect on desktop devices.", - "hash": "8fc122b9bf15ab197091d768fd2f7dff" - }, - "optionQrCodeSizeRemember": { - "message": "שמור גודל אחרון", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size.", - "hash": "280612358cfcc5357399f75b697a07bb" - }, - "subtitleMisc": { - "message": "הגדרות שונות", - "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the miscellaneous setting of the QR code.", - "hash": "6394c364dd4afc224c653644259bc4ea" - }, - "optionQrQuietZone": { - "message": "איזור אדיש מסביב לקוד QR:", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It's about the area around the QR code.", - "hash": "a11f6e534cf14d30bccdb359489862b9" - }, - "optionQrQuietZoneStatusSingular": { - "message": "($INTEGER$ ריבוע)", - "description": "This is the number of empty/'white' modules around the QR code in its singular form.", - "placeholders": { - "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" } - }, - "hash": "dfb928dac26b3da38c89476f22610303" - }, - "optionQrQuietZoneStatusPlural": { - "message": "($INTEGER$ ריבועים)", - "description": "This is the number of empty/'white' modules around the QR code in its plural form.", - "placeholders": { - "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "3" } - }, - "hash": "717944c73c8d92595af6c07bb960b52d" - }, - "optionQrQuietZoneDescr": { - "message": "השטח הריק סביב הקוד, צבוע בצבע הרקע.", - "description": "The description of the quiet zone option.", - "hash": "94a93f5a15d9303e8003eae8c0b94ed1" - }, - "optionQrQuietZoneDescrLink": { - "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/wiki/FAQ#what-is-a-quiet-zone", - "description": "The 'Learn more' link in the description of the quiet zone option.", - "hash": "c1647a59859dec44f48888e26ca70661" - }, - "optionQrCodeColor": { - "message": "צבע הקוד:", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", - "hash": "d9f06d0c24e89fbc94c03561a7e09fa9" - }, - "optionQrCodeBackgroundColor": { - "message": "צבע רקע לקוד:", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", - "hash": "7fefdae7b929d22545bf61bc1c26abe3" - }, - "optionErrorCorrection": { - "message": "אחוז שגיאה:", - "description": "Error correction setting for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", - "hash": "112ebf137091b98b587615b7cd3f9e7c" - }, - "optionEcLow": { - "message": "נמוך (7%)", - "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", - "hash": "6e3061544eb22cab11cd1222788610bd" - }, - "optionEcMedium": { - "message": "בינוני (15%)", - "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", - "hash": "0ea96235848be6f66788cad72bc0ea02" - }, - "optionEcQuartile": { - "message": "רבע (25%)", - "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", - "hash": "344e853acdaef0ac95e161cdbc201036" - }, - "optionEcHigh": { - "message": "גבוה (30%)", - "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", - "hash": "30035374d52e135473d464fe1726ad8c" - }, - "optionErrorCorrectionDescr": { - "message": "איזה חלק מהקוד יכול להיות חסר ועדיין הקוד יהיה קריא.", - "description": "The description of the error correction option.", - "hash": "2bbbd8aafc044a910d26cbf04e560766" - }, - "optionErrorCorrectionDescrLink": { - "message": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction", - "description": "The 'Learn more' link in the description of the error correction option.", - "hash": "530f6b1ee177dddd7d40571d98a64408" - }, - "optionAutoGetSelectedText": { - "message": "הזן אוטומטית את הטקסט הנבחר", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", - "hash": "21667c5a30f89561cea02351172b9c91" - }, - "optionUseMonospaceFont": { - "message": "השתמש בגופן מסוג monospace", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", - "hash": "69191273c436064be8c4f5d6a8f675f5" - }, - "optionDebugMode": { - "message": "הפעל מצב פיתוח", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", - "hash": "de6506af4973e0980d64f242fba11a19" - }, - "optionDebugModeDescr": { - "message": "במצב פיתוח מתקבלות הודעות מפורטות יותר, היכולות לעזור באיתור ותיקון בעיות.", - "description": "The description shown for the debug mode (optionDebugMode).", - "hash": "2aff10770796694827ec4253860e0771" - }, - "translatorCredit": { - "message": "ההרחבה הזו תורגמה לעברית ע\"י $TRANSLATORS$.", - "description": "The credit text for the translator. See https://github.com/TinyWebEx/common/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#translator-credit-inside-of-add-on for how to translate this.", - "placeholders": { - "translators": { "content": "$1", "example": "@rugk" } - }, - "hash": "a6f5deecd624d5f8cd58350c72dd8fdf" - }, - "translatorLink": { - "message": "https://github.com/shanirub", - "description": "The link to the translator's GitHub profile.", - "hash": "4775fb2f88fd33d02b871e5021dec3e9" - }, - "translatorUsername": { - "message": "shanirub", - "description": "The username that the translator wants to be referred to.", - "hash": "ce96c18a8a1b4b528b294e981ee4d651" - }, - "contributorsThanks": { - "message": "תודות לתורמים $CONTRIBUTORS$.", - "description": "Text thanking all contributors and linking to the contributors file.", - "placeholders": { - "contributors": { "content": "$1", "example": "all other contributors" } - }, - "hash": "b1434b8b42b1707f37d0531a8efdc7f8" - }, - "contributorsThanksLink": { - "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/blob/master/CONTRIBUTORS.md", - "description": "The link to the CONTRIBUTORS file.", - "hash": "808a4cfbf726b7e10fc79370638ee855" - }, - "contributorsThanksLinkText": { - "message": "שאר התורמים לפרוייקט", - "description": "The link text linking to the contributors file. See contributorsThanks.", - "hash": "ce03e1f3b15df3bba66048b30c4f8de4" - }, + // options + "someSettingsAreManaged": { + "message": "חלק מההגדרות מנוהלות על ידי מנהל הרשת ולא ניתן לשנותן.", + "description": "The message, which appears, when settings are pre-defined (as managed options) by administrators.", + "hash": "148604ebbeb7df28974d8233f1418d1f" + }, + "optionIsDisabledBecauseManaged": { + "message": "אפשרות זו איננה זמינה ומנוהלת ע\"י מנהל הרשת שלך.", + "description": "The title (tooltip) shown, when hovering over a disabled, managed option.", + "hash": "50fb70682c64e1a1fb4d8884b33cca64" + }, + "optionLearnMore": { + "message": "מידע נוסף", + "description": "When a link to an explainer needs to be added, this is the link text.", + "hash": "9085b09f4748be12ab0c241d2e643b31" + }, + "optionsResetButton": { + "message": "איפוס כל ההגדרות לברירת המחדל", + "description": "The button to delete all current settings and load the defaults, shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "4bb60c6c7e7b9e2ff987c244e76ee044" + }, + "titleGeneral": { + "message": "הרחבה", + "description": "The title for the general settings group.", + "hash": "3cb58113bf50253738aef3a6d97964b8" + }, + "titleQrCodeSetting": { + "message": "QR code", + "description": "The title for the qr code settings group.", + "hash": "70fe1f61bc42ca4b582a22ba9c00e22f" + }, + "titleAddonBehavior": { + "message": "הגדרות ההרחבה", + "description": "The title for the addon behavior settings group.", + "hash": "fbad6be4d92eb060918e27bc7c8b070b" + }, + "optionPopupIconColored": { + "message": "סמליל צבעוני", + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "d1a73cea0718b619bd2adcfe97bd66a8" + }, + "optionPopupIconColoredDescr": { + "message": "מציג סמליל צבעוני במקום סמליל שחור/לבן בסרגל הכלים.", + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It describes the optionPopupIconColored setting in more details.", + "hash": "5d8459d16f7e1ed774fc85f40ce8963e" + }, + "subtitleQrCodeSize": { + "message": "גודל קוד QR", + "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the radio buttons for the size setting of the QR code.", + "hash": "c74c1fd09a791c747fab18a81c3e2a5a" + }, + "optionQrCodeSizeFixed": { + "message": "גודל קבוע:", + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size.", + "hash": "c68e3c4b50dd64aebeb558b3c600e18f" + }, + "optionPixelAbbreviation": { + "message": "px", + "description": "The abbreviation of the term 'pixels'. In most cases, it may stay as it is in English.", + "hash": "7b0c117512f22afe7fef1bcda3e474e1" + }, + "optionQrCodeSizeAuto": { + "message": "הגודל נקבע באופן אוטומטי", + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size.", + "hash": "127515053bfb818e4268a74a81133b71" + }, + "optionQrCodeSizeAutoHelper": { + "message": "מתאים לשימוש במכשירים ניידים, בהם הקוד נוצר בלשונית חדשה.", + "description": "Helper text for the optionQrCodeSizeAuto making the user aware that this setting will likely have no or little effect on desktop devices.", + "hash": "8fc122b9bf15ab197091d768fd2f7dff" + }, + "optionQrCodeSizeRemember": { + "message": "שמור גודל אחרון", + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size.", + "hash": "280612358cfcc5357399f75b697a07bb" + }, + "subtitleMisc": { + "message": "הגדרות שונות", + "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the miscellaneous setting of the QR code.", + "hash": "6394c364dd4afc224c653644259bc4ea" + }, + "optionQrQuietZone": { + "message": "איזור אדיש מסביב לקוד QR:", + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It's about the area around the QR code.", + "hash": "a11f6e534cf14d30bccdb359489862b9" + }, + "optionQrQuietZoneStatusSingular": { + "message": "($INTEGER$ ריבוע)", + "description": "This is the number of empty/'white' modules around the QR code in its singular form.", + "placeholders": { + "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" } + }, + "hash": "dfb928dac26b3da38c89476f22610303" + }, + "optionQrQuietZoneStatusPlural": { + "message": "($INTEGER$ ריבועים)", + "description": "This is the number of empty/'white' modules around the QR code in its plural form.", + "placeholders": { + "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "3" } + }, + "hash": "717944c73c8d92595af6c07bb960b52d" + }, + "optionQrQuietZoneDescr": { + "message": "השטח הריק סביב הקוד, צבוע בצבע הרקע.", + "description": "The description of the quiet zone option.", + "hash": "94a93f5a15d9303e8003eae8c0b94ed1" + }, + "optionQrQuietZoneDescrLink": { + "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/wiki/FAQ#what-is-a-quiet-zone", + "description": "The 'Learn more' link in the description of the quiet zone option.", + "hash": "c1647a59859dec44f48888e26ca70661" + }, + "optionQrCodeColor": { + "message": "צבע הקוד:", + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "d9f06d0c24e89fbc94c03561a7e09fa9" + }, + "optionQrCodeBackgroundColor": { + "message": "צבע רקע לקוד:", + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "7fefdae7b929d22545bf61bc1c26abe3" + }, + "optionErrorCorrection": { + "message": "אחוז שגיאה:", + "description": "Error correction setting for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", + "hash": "112ebf137091b98b587615b7cd3f9e7c" + }, + "optionEcLow": { + "message": "נמוך (7%)", + "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", + "hash": "6e3061544eb22cab11cd1222788610bd" + }, + "optionEcMedium": { + "message": "בינוני (15%)", + "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", + "hash": "0ea96235848be6f66788cad72bc0ea02" + }, + "optionEcQuartile": { + "message": "רבע (25%)", + "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", + "hash": "344e853acdaef0ac95e161cdbc201036" + }, + "optionEcHigh": { + "message": "גבוה (30%)", + "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", + "hash": "30035374d52e135473d464fe1726ad8c" + }, + "optionErrorCorrectionDescr": { + "message": "איזה חלק מהקוד יכול להיות חסר ועדיין הקוד יהיה קריא.", + "description": "The description of the error correction option.", + "hash": "2bbbd8aafc044a910d26cbf04e560766" + }, + "optionErrorCorrectionDescrLink": { + "message": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction", + "description": "The 'Learn more' link in the description of the error correction option.", + "hash": "530f6b1ee177dddd7d40571d98a64408" + }, + "optionAutoGetSelectedText": { + "message": "הזן אוטומטית את הטקסט הנבחר", + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "21667c5a30f89561cea02351172b9c91" + }, + "optionUseMonospaceFont": { + "message": "השתמש בגופן מסוג monospace", + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "69191273c436064be8c4f5d6a8f675f5" + }, + "optionDebugMode": { + "message": "הפעל מצב פיתוח", + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "de6506af4973e0980d64f242fba11a19" + }, + "optionDebugModeDescr": { + "message": "במצב פיתוח מתקבלות הודעות מפורטות יותר, היכולות לעזור באיתור ותיקון בעיות.", + "description": "The description shown for the debug mode (optionDebugMode).", + "hash": "2aff10770796694827ec4253860e0771" + }, + "translatorCredit": { + "message": "ההרחבה הזו תורגמה לעברית ע\"י $TRANSLATORS$.", + "description": "The credit text for the translator. See https://github.com/TinyWebEx/common/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#translator-credit-inside-of-add-on for how to translate this.", + "placeholders": { + "translators": { "content": "$1", "example": "@rugk" } + }, + "hash": "a6f5deecd624d5f8cd58350c72dd8fdf" + }, + "translatorLink": { + "message": "https://github.com/shanirub", + "description": "The link to the translator's GitHub profile.", + "hash": "4775fb2f88fd33d02b871e5021dec3e9" + }, + "translatorUsername": { + "message": "shanirub", + "description": "The username that the translator wants to be referred to.", + "hash": "ce96c18a8a1b4b528b294e981ee4d651" + }, + "contributorsThanks": { + "message": "תודות לתורמים $CONTRIBUTORS$.", + "description": "Text thanking all contributors and linking to the contributors file.", + "placeholders": { + "contributors": { "content": "$1", "example": "all other contributors" } + }, + "hash": "b1434b8b42b1707f37d0531a8efdc7f8" + }, + "contributorsThanksLink": { + "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/blob/master/CONTRIBUTORS.md", + "description": "The link to the CONTRIBUTORS file.", + "hash": "808a4cfbf726b7e10fc79370638ee855" + }, + "contributorsThanksLinkText": { + "message": "שאר התורמים לפרוייקט", + "description": "The link text linking to the contributors file. See contributorsThanks.", + "hash": "ce03e1f3b15df3bba66048b30c4f8de4" + }, - // ARIA labels/descriptions - "dismissIconDescription": { - "message": "סגור", - "description": "the aria label for the close button of the message box", - "hash": "632720ab193dcacba4286cb364124856" - }, - "ariaMessageLoading": { - "message": "טוען", - "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an info message box", - "hash": "570016a957498a1fa1b3e818eb282adb" - }, - "ariaMessageInfo": { - "message": "מידע נוסף", - "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an info message box", - "hash": "5f54e42067e19895a2641b17a5233418" - }, - "ariaMessageSuccess": { - "message": "פעולה הסתיימה בהצלחה", - "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an success message box", - "hash": "334387b4ae53483d17f11519a70dd3af" - }, - "ariaMessageError": { - "message": "פעולה נכשלה", - "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an error message box", - "hash": "fcda6eedc61727fe8aae7392a0a541a5" - }, - "ariaMessageWarning": { - "message": "אזהרה", - "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an warning message box", - "hash": "8a5dd7528bead1ccd27cb7430d797bd2" - }, + // ARIA labels/descriptions + "dismissIconDescription": { + "message": "סגור", + "description": "the aria label for the close button of the message box", + "hash": "632720ab193dcacba4286cb364124856" + }, + "ariaMessageLoading": { + "message": "טוען", + "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an info message box", + "hash": "570016a957498a1fa1b3e818eb282adb" + }, + "ariaMessageInfo": { + "message": "מידע נוסף", + "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an info message box", + "hash": "5f54e42067e19895a2641b17a5233418" + }, + "ariaMessageSuccess": { + "message": "פעולה הסתיימה בהצלחה", + "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an success message box", + "hash": "334387b4ae53483d17f11519a70dd3af" + }, + "ariaMessageError": { + "message": "פעולה נכשלה", + "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an error message box", + "hash": "fcda6eedc61727fe8aae7392a0a541a5" + }, + "ariaMessageWarning": { + "message": "אזהרה", + "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an warning message box", + "hash": "8a5dd7528bead1ccd27cb7430d797bd2" + }, - "__WET_LOCALE__": { "message": "he" } + "__WET_LOCALE__": { "message": "he" } } diff --git a/src/_locales/it/messages.json b/src/_locales/it/messages.json index 64afaa02..f4c6d33a 100644 --- a/src/_locales/it/messages.json +++ b/src/_locales/it/messages.json @@ -2,427 +2,495 @@ // manifest.json "extensionName": { "message": "Generatore di codice QR offline", - "description": "Name of the extension." + "description": "Name of the extension.", + "hash": "8f698856e9a0ac32513f12b1955fa3c1" }, "extensionNameShort": { "message": "Offline QR-Code", - "description": "Name of the extension." + "description": "Name of the extension.", + "hash": "a38edae757cf4b1c8a57c0de97ae7400" }, "extensionDescription": { "message": "Ti permette di generare un codice QR per qualsiasi sito web o scheda che hai aperto.", - "description": "Description of the extension." + "description": "Description of the extension.", + "hash": "824ef7416ba4361e3621df1fe8048c3b" }, "browserActionButtonTitle": { "message": "Codice QR offline", - "description": "The title for the button, which opens the popup." + "description": "The title for the button, which opens the popup.", + "hash": "dc0228c66afb28e701184df952b0df18" }, "commandOpenQrPopup": { "message": "Apri popup codice QR", - "description": "Description of the hot key command to open the QR Code popup (by default with Ctrl+Shift+F10)." + "description": "Description of the hot key command to open the QR Code popup (by default with Ctrl+Shift+F10).", + "hash": "98e90b2532a0097cd43081b4e1610519" }, // errors or other messages (mostly for settings) "errorShowingMessage": { "message": "Non posso mostrare questo messaggio.", - "description": "When there is an error when showing the error/info/…." + "description": "When there is an error when showing the error/info/….", + "hash": "a9440e4f824a372841d4de2b7e2643ee" }, "couldNotLoadOptions": { "message": "Impossibile caricare le impostazioni.", - "description": "When one or all settings could not be loaded." + "description": "When one or all settings could not be loaded.", + "hash": "9497a5d2c9473aeb2ed9601f46c456be" }, "couldNotSaveOption": { "message": "Impossibile salvare questa impostazione.", - "description": "When a setting could not be saved." + "description": "When a setting could not be saved.", + "hash": "6bcb9e36d2c33172b948515a9c50aa8e" }, "messageUndoButton": { "message": "Annulla", - "description": "The text of a button that undoes the last action." + "description": "The text of a button that undoes the last action.", + "hash": "a85e775d7404b86c8060a20efd31241c" }, "couldNotUndoAction": { "message": "Impossibile annullare l'azione.", - "description": "Shown when an action cannot be undone." + "description": "Shown when an action cannot be undone.", + "hash": "d2883c6ca0164afc4f360f3e02e3166a" }, "resettingOptionsWorked": { "message": "Tutte le impostazioni sono tutte di nuovo predefinite!", - "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings were reset." + "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings were reset.", + "hash": "257b99ed2a074fccbfc658d770b50107" }, "resettingOptionsFailed": { "message": "Impossibile reimpostare le opzioni!", - "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings could not have been reset." + "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings could not have been reset.", + "hash": "76e950d2db72a824482411ca6564fb1f" }, // errors or other messages "unknownError": { "message": "errore sconosciuto", - "description": "" + "hash": "879b63f6ebf03308a9f4b8a4406663f3" }, "loading": { "message": "Caricamento…", - "description": "A general loading message." + "description": "A general loading message.", + "hash": "e2a5d4627618472a68f4cb8895e93f30" }, "couldNotGenerateQrCode": { "message": "Impossibile generare codice QR.", - "description": "" + "hash": "87e71800b895b0e9695da467734df0e5" }, "couldNotReceiveActiveTab": { "message": "Impossibile recuperare la scheda attiva.", - "description": "" + "hash": "2b4c5f788e39f7ae35dcca2f96e1e5d4" }, "errorDownloadingFile": { "message": "Impossibile scaricare file.", - "description": "Error shown when a file could not be downloaded. Do not mention a file type or name, but just keep it general." + "description": "Error shown when a file could not be downloaded. Do not mention a file type or name, but just keep it general.", + "hash": "8f5756df0d5dd4d25f01ca4b4ff0ec44" }, "errorPermissionRequired": { "message": "Impossibile continuare senza permessi.", - "description": "Error shown when a permission is declined and the thing the user triggered cannot be executed." + "description": "Error shown when a permission is declined and the thing the user triggered cannot be executed.", + "hash": "9742f751499f8c2acf32d83df83c36b9" }, "errorPermissionRequestFailed": { "message": "Richiesta permessi fallita.", - "description": "Error shown when a permission request failed. This indicates a technical error and does NOT mean the user declined the permission." + "description": "Error shown when a permission request failed. This indicates a technical error and does NOT mean the user declined the permission.", + "hash": "54aaf50f8bdf6154677a4ff7fd384310" }, "errorQrCodeOverflow": { "message": "Impossibile generare codice QR, il testo fornito è troppo lungo.", - "description": "Error shown when QR code cannot be generated due to overflow in input size." + "description": "Error shown when QR code cannot be generated due to overflow in input size.", + "hash": "36c48d76203a1f1362b32abf72af5d8b" }, "requestDownloadPermissionForQr": { "message": "Per continuare a salvare il codice QR, abbiamo bisogno del permesso di scaricamento.", - "description": "Shown, when the user is asked to allow the download permission to save the QR code." + "description": "Shown, when the user is asked to allow the download permission to save the QR code.", + "hash": "6e5a5fe9a077400ba6e4dc66a6dfd44a" }, "lowContrastRatioInfo": { "message": "Il tuo codice QR potrebbe essere difficile da scansionare da parte di alcuni lettori di codici QR a causa del basso contrasto.", - "desription": "The message shown when the contrast ratio is too low" + "hash": "90432f33baa13153accd007ae2e23e99" }, "lowContrastRatioWarning": { "message": "La percentuale di contrasto del codice QR potrebbe essere troppo basso per essere riconosciuto correttamente da tutti i lettori di codici QR", - "desription": "The warning shown when the contrast ratio is too low" + "hash": "f4264a9b8b24922e4dff589f611b5e2f" }, "lowContrastRatioError": { "message": "Il colore del codice QR e quello dello sfondo sono troppo simili.", - "description": "The message shown when the color for the QR code and the background are equal" + "description": "The message shown when the color for the QR code and the background are equal", + "hash": "a2d1d2fdc32ecb73ffdf0ab537e46f32" }, "messageAutoSelectColorButton": { "message": "Utilizza colori contrastanti", - "description": "The text of a button that sets a new color with a sufficient contrast." + "description": "The text of a button that sets a new color with a sufficient contrast.", + "hash": "9d422df9f61f2b45e272ae3451ca3ded" }, // tips "tipYouLikeAddon": { "message": "Ti piace questo add-on?", - "description": "A tip shown to remind the user to rate the addon." + "description": "A tip shown to remind the user to rate the addon.", + "hash": "0f5680a5a42bcebf793a44b9dfcf79a1" }, "tipYouLikeAddonButton": { "message": "Votalo", - "description": "Button for the tip shown to remind the user to rate the addon." + "description": "Button for the tip shown to remind the user to rate the addon.", + "hash": "821d7f942b02e2b56cd0424d3ab65de8" }, "tipSaveQrCode": { "message": "Lo sai che puoi salvare i codici QR?", - "description": "A tip shown to get the user to find the save option." + "description": "A tip shown to get the user to find the save option.", + "hash": "84f0a0027a58c98d9158ab9894fe8427" }, "tipSaveQrCodeLink": { "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/wiki/FAQ#how-to-save-the-qr-code-on-disk", - "description": "The link for more information for the tip on how to save the QR code image. This should go to the FAQ." + "description": "The link for more information for the tip on how to save the QR code image. This should go to the FAQ.", + "hash": "c453089f62132ffa4151c4487209de69" }, "tipQrCodeHotkey": { "message": "Ricorda che la combinazione di tasti per questo add-on è Ctrl+Shift+F10.", - "description": "A tip shown to get the user to notice that there is a hot key." + "description": "A tip shown to get the user to notice that there is a hot key.", + "hash": "a372dc813085fe800ecb594e33b6c81c" }, "tipAndroidQrReader": { "message": "Firefox ha uno scanner di codici QR integrato.", - "description": "A tip shown to get the Android users to make them aware that Firefox already has an integrated QR Code Reader/Scanner. See https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/issues/160." + "description": "A tip shown to get the Android users to make them aware that Firefox already has an integrated QR Code Reader/Scanner. See https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/issues/160.", + "hash": "dfa24b6c3e5815e07df938f51fa45065" }, "tipAndroidQrReaderLink": { "message": "https://mzl.la/1GQ2fcu", - "description": "The link for more information for the tip about the integrated Android QR Code scanner. The current link should automatically redirect the user to their locale translation of the support article, so it should *NOT* need to be changed." + "description": "The link for more information for the tip about the integrated Android QR Code scanner. The current link should automatically redirect the user to their locale translation of the support article, so it should *NOT* need to be changed.", + "hash": "094c1bbce6c3a7bcb09f36b7bc970dd0" }, "tipTranslateAddon": { "message": "Se parli un'altra lingua puoi aiutare a tradurre questo add-on.", - "description": "A tip shown to users that potentially speak another language to translate this add-on." + "description": "A tip shown to users that potentially speak another language to translate this add-on.", + "hash": "f22661cb0e9cdc8144d0c3cf59f854e3" }, "tipTranslateAddonLink": { "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#translations", - "description": "The link to a description of the translation service/way you can use." + "description": "The link to a description of the translation service/way you can use.", + "hash": "b0421380ecfc4481fd5ee9da72c61516" }, "tipDonate": { "message": "Ti piace utilizzare questo add-on gratuitamente?", - "description": "A tip shown to get the remind them of a donation." + "description": "A tip shown to get the remind them of a donation.", + "hash": "1ca77d6621635ae0bec563e15fbc3791" }, "tipDonateButton": { "message": "Supporta lo sviluppo con una donazione", - "description": "The button of the donation tip taking the user to the donation site." + "description": "The button of the donation tip taking the user to the donation site.", + "hash": "8ec498495b752c6d9358208a5564d42c" }, "tipLearnMore": { "message": "Continua a leggere", - "description": "The common button for tips, where you can get more information on click." + "description": "The common button for tips, where you can get more information on click.", + "hash": "9085b09f4748be12ab0c241d2e643b31" }, "tipHowToUse": { "message": "Come usarlo?", - "description": "The common button for tips, where you can get more information about how to use a feature just presented." + "description": "The common button for tips, where you can get more information about how to use a feature just presented.", + "hash": "b48eefa95832b3c6df287ff077b4e28a" }, // placeholder "qrCodePlaceholder": { "message": "Immagine segnaposto codice QR", - "description": "Alt text of placeholder image." + "description": "Alt text of placeholder image.", + "hash": "2aad56747125ef1f986b5d952ba68a83" }, "textareaPlaceholder": { "message": "Inserisci qui il testo per il codice QR per generarlo.", - "description": "Placeholder for the textarea, when it is empty." + "description": "Placeholder for the textarea, when it is empty.", + "hash": "0d0f6b3baffcdbf22a78418b3460d1ad" }, // context menu "contextMenuItemConvertSelection": { "message": "Codice QR dalla selezione", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selection." + "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selection.", + "hash": "e8c3fbbac6f04370f00af836aa65b49d" }, "contextMenuItemConvertSelectionAccessKey": { "message": "codice &QR dalla selezione", - "description": "the context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selection with an access key." + "description": "the context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selection with an access key.", + "hash": "95228af6c838cb7040b6e2441d8d516b" }, "contextMenuItemConvertLinkSelection": { "message": "Codice QR dal link", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selected link." + "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selected link.", + "hash": "bc4971948a5e6f453046467bfbf6dbc0" }, "contextMenuItemConvertLinkSelectionAccessKey": { "message": "Codice &QR dal link", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selected link with an access key." + "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selected link with an access key.", + "hash": "312595c39b5cbc8edf0baab8c16875af" }, "contextMenuSaveImageCanvas": { "message": "Salva codice QR come immagine…", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving PNG images (from a canvas) in the popup." + "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving PNG images (from a canvas) in the popup.", + "hash": "42a883816c70d59d5cd627824032554d" }, "contextMenuSaveImageCanvasAccessKey": { "message": "Salva codice Qr come &immagine…", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving PNG images (from a canvas) in the popup with an access key." + "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving PNG images (from a canvas) in the popup with an access key.", + "hash": "6becd03ca3b80ffda6996a42f9b7a12b" }, "contextMenuSaveImageSvg": { "message": "Salva codice QR come SVG…", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup." + "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup.", + "hash": "9320cc3bf1cc9d37ad8013123a8d4118" }, "contextMenuSaveImageSvgAccessKey": { "message": "Salva codice QR come &SVG…", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup with an access key." + "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup with an access key.", + "hash": "618fa783b036bbb465ec794c601d19a7" }, // options "someSettingsAreManaged": { "message": "Alcune impostazioni sono gestite dal tuo ammonistratore di sistema e non possono essere modificate.", - "description": "The message, which appears, when settings are pre-defined (as managed options) by administrators." + "description": "The message, which appears, when settings are pre-defined (as managed options) by administrators.", + "hash": "148604ebbeb7df28974d8233f1418d1f" }, "optionIsDisabledBecauseManaged": { "message": "Questa opzione è disabilitata, perché è stata configurata dal tuo amministratore di sistema.", - "description": "The title (tooltip) shown, when hovering over a disabled, managed option." + "description": "The title (tooltip) shown, when hovering over a disabled, managed option.", + "hash": "50fb70682c64e1a1fb4d8884b33cca64" }, "optionLearnMore": { "message": "Continua a leggere", - "description": "When a link to an explainer needs to be added, this is the link text." + "description": "When a link to an explainer needs to be added, this is the link text.", + "hash": "9085b09f4748be12ab0c241d2e643b31" }, "optionsResetButton": { "message": "Ripristina tutte le impostazioni a predefinite", - "description": "The button to delete all current settings and load the defaults, shown in the add-on settings." + "description": "The button to delete all current settings and load the defaults, shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "4bb60c6c7e7b9e2ff987c244e76ee044" }, - "titleGeneral": { "message": "Add-on", - "description": "The title for the general settings group." + "description": "The title for the general settings group.", + "hash": "3cb58113bf50253738aef3a6d97964b8" }, "titleQrCodeSetting": { "message": "Codice QR", - "description": "The title for the qr code settings group." + "description": "The title for the qr code settings group.", + "hash": "70fe1f61bc42ca4b582a22ba9c00e22f" }, "titleAddonBehavior": { "message": "Comportamento Add-on", - "description": "The title for the addon behavior settings group." + "description": "The title for the addon behavior settings group.", + "hash": "fbad6be4d92eb060918e27bc7c8b070b" }, - "optionPopupIconColored": { "message": "Icona colorata", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "d1a73cea0718b619bd2adcfe97bd66a8" }, "optionPopupIconColoredDescr": { "message": "Mostra un'icona colorata al posto di quella in bianco e nero nella barra degli strumenti.", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It describes the optionPopupIconColored setting in more details." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It describes the optionPopupIconColored setting in more details.", + "hash": "5d8459d16f7e1ed774fc85f40ce8963e" }, - "subtitleQrCodeSize": { "message": "Dimensione codice QR", - "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the radio buttons for the size setting of the QR code." + "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the radio buttons for the size setting of the QR code.", + "hash": "c74c1fd09a791c747fab18a81c3e2a5a" }, "optionQrCodeSizeFixed": { "message": "Dimensione fissa:", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size.", + "hash": "c68e3c4b50dd64aebeb558b3c600e18f" }, "optionPixelAbbreviation": { "message": "px", - "description": "The abbreviation of the term 'pixels'. In most cases, it may stay as it is in English." + "description": "The abbreviation of the term 'pixels'. In most cases, it may stay as it is in English.", + "hash": "7b0c117512f22afe7fef1bcda3e474e1" }, "optionQrCodeSizeAuto": { "message": "Modifica dimensione automaticamente", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size.", + "hash": "127515053bfb818e4268a74a81133b71" }, "optionQrCodeSizeAutoHelper": { "message": "Molto utile sui dispositivi mobili, dove il codice QR viene aperto in una nuova scheda.", - "description": "Helper text for the optionQrCodeSizeAuto making the user aware that this setting will likely have no or little effect on desktop devices." + "description": "Helper text for the optionQrCodeSizeAuto making the user aware that this setting will likely have no or little effect on desktop devices.", + "hash": "8fc122b9bf15ab197091d768fd2f7dff" }, "optionQrCodeSizeRemember": { "message": "Ricorda ultima dimensione", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It is one option for selecting the QR code size.", + "hash": "280612358cfcc5357399f75b697a07bb" }, - "subtitleMisc": { "message": "Impostazioni varie", - "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the miscellaneous setting of the QR code." + "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the miscellaneous setting of the QR code.", + "hash": "6394c364dd4afc224c653644259bc4ea" }, "optionQrQuietZone": { "message": "Zona calma QR:", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It's about the area around the QR code." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It's about the area around the QR code.", + "hash": "a11f6e534cf14d30bccdb359489862b9" }, "optionQrQuietZoneStatusSingular": { "message": "($INTEGER$ quadro)", "description": "This is the number of empty/'white' modules around the QR code in its singular form.", "placeholders": { - "integer": { - "content": "$1", - "example": "1" - } - } + "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" } + }, + "hash": "dfb928dac26b3da38c89476f22610303" }, "optionQrQuietZoneStatusPlural": { "message": "($INTEGER$ quadri)", "description": "This is the number of empty/'white' modules around the QR code in its plural form.", "placeholders": { - "integer": { - "content": "$1", - "example": "3" - } - } + "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "3" } + }, + "hash": "717944c73c8d92595af6c07bb960b52d" }, "optionQrQuietZoneDescr": { "message": "Il numero di bordi dei moduli colorati intorno al codice QR nel colore dello sfondo.", - "description": "The description of the quiet zone option." + "description": "The description of the quiet zone option.", + "hash": "94a93f5a15d9303e8003eae8c0b94ed1" }, "optionQrQuietZoneDescrLink": { "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/wiki/FAQ#what-is-a-quiet-zone", - "description": "The 'Learn more' link in the description of the quiet zone option." + "description": "The 'Learn more' link in the description of the quiet zone option.", + "hash": "c1647a59859dec44f48888e26ca70661" }, - "optionQrCodeColor": { "message": "Colore codice QR:", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "d9f06d0c24e89fbc94c03561a7e09fa9" }, - "optionQrCodeBackgroundColor": { "message": "Colore sfondo codice QR:", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "7fefdae7b929d22545bf61bc1c26abe3" }, - "optionErrorCorrection": { "message": "Errore livello correzione:", - "description": "Error correction setting for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction." + "description": "Error correction setting for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", + "hash": "112ebf137091b98b587615b7cd3f9e7c" }, "optionEcLow": { "message": "Basso (7%)", - "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction." + "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", + "hash": "6e3061544eb22cab11cd1222788610bd" }, "optionEcMedium": { "message": "Medio (15%)", - "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction." + "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", + "hash": "0ea96235848be6f66788cad72bc0ea02" }, "optionEcQuartile": { "message": "Quartile (25%)", - "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction." + "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", + "hash": "344e853acdaef0ac95e161cdbc201036" }, "optionEcHigh": { "message": "Alto (30%)", - "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction." + "description": "Option of error correction level for QR code. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction.", + "hash": "30035374d52e135473d464fe1726ad8c" }, "optionErrorCorrectionDescr": { "message": "Questo valore indica quando del codice può essere perso, in modo che possa essere ancora scansionato.", - "description": "The description of the error correction option." + "description": "The description of the error correction option.", + "hash": "2bbbd8aafc044a910d26cbf04e560766" }, "optionErrorCorrectionDescrLink": { "message": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction", - "description": "The 'Learn more' link in the description of the error correction option." + "description": "The 'Learn more' link in the description of the error correction option.", + "hash": "530f6b1ee177dddd7d40571d98a64408" }, - "optionAutoGetSelectedText": { "message": "Utilizza automaticamente il testo selezionato sul sito web", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "21667c5a30f89561cea02351172b9c91" }, "optionUseMonospaceFont": { "message": "Utilizza carattere monospace", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "69191273c436064be8c4f5d6a8f675f5" }, - "optionDebugMode": { "message": "Abilita modalità debug", - "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings." + "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", + "hash": "de6506af4973e0980d64f242fba11a19" }, "optionDebugModeDescr": { "message": "Questo è utile solo per avere maggiori dettagli di output nella console per segnalare bug, etc.", - "description": "The description shown for the debug mode (optionDebugMode)." + "description": "The description shown for the debug mode (optionDebugMode).", + "hash": "2aff10770796694827ec4253860e0771" }, - "translatorCredit": { "message": "Questo add-on è stato tradotto in Italiano da $TRANSLATORS$.", "description": "The credit text for the translator. See https://github.com/TinyWebEx/common/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#translator-credit-inside-of-add-on for how to translate this.", "placeholders": { - "translators": { - "content": "$1", - "example": "@Fastbyte01" - } - } + "translators": { "content": "$1", "example": "@rugk" } + }, + "hash": "a6f5deecd624d5f8cd58350c72dd8fdf" }, "translatorLink": { "message": "https://github.com/Fastbyte01", - "description": "The link to the translator's GitHub profile." + "description": "The link to the translator's GitHub profile.", + "hash": "4775fb2f88fd33d02b871e5021dec3e9" }, "translatorUsername": { "message": "Fastbyte01", - "description": "The username that the translator wants to be referred to." + "description": "The username that the translator wants to be referred to.", + "hash": "ce96c18a8a1b4b528b294e981ee4d651" }, - "contributorsThanks": { "message": "Grazie anche a $CONTRIBUTORS$.", "description": "Text thanking all contributors and linking to the contributors file.", "placeholders": { - "contributors": { - "content": "$1", - "example": "all other contributors" - } - } + "contributors": { "content": "$1", "example": "all other contributors" } + }, + "hash": "b1434b8b42b1707f37d0531a8efdc7f8" }, "contributorsThanksLink": { "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/blob/master/CONTRIBUTORS.md", - "description": "The link to the CONTRIBUTORS file." + "description": "The link to the CONTRIBUTORS file.", + "hash": "808a4cfbf726b7e10fc79370638ee855" }, "contributorsThanksLinkText": { "message": "tutti gli altri contributori", - "description": "The link text linking to the contributors file. See contributorsThanks." + "description": "The link text linking to the contributors file. See contributorsThanks.", + "hash": "ce03e1f3b15df3bba66048b30c4f8de4" }, // ARIA labels/descriptions "dismissIconDescription": { "message": "Chiudi questo messaggio", - "description": "the aria label for the close button of the message box" + "description": "the aria label for the close button of the message box", + "hash": "632720ab193dcacba4286cb364124856" }, "ariaMessageLoading": { "message": "caricamento messaggio", - "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an info message box" + "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an info message box", + "hash": "570016a957498a1fa1b3e818eb282adb" }, "ariaMessageInfo": { "message": "Messaggio informativo", - "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an info message box" + "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an info message box", + "hash": "5f54e42067e19895a2641b17a5233418" }, "ariaMessageSuccess": { "message": "Messaggio di successo", - "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an success message box" + "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an success message box", + "hash": "334387b4ae53483d17f11519a70dd3af" }, "ariaMessageError": { "message": "Messaggio di errore", - "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an error message box" + "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an error message box", + "hash": "fcda6eedc61727fe8aae7392a0a541a5" }, "ariaMessageWarning": { "message": "Messaggio di allerta", - "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an warning message box" - } + "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an warning message box", + "hash": "8a5dd7528bead1ccd27cb7430d797bd2" + }, + + "__WET_LOCALE__": { "message": "it" } } diff --git a/src/_locales/pt/messages.json b/src/_locales/pt/messages.json index 041ce2bd..11a17e9b 100644 --- a/src/_locales/pt/messages.json +++ b/src/_locales/pt/messages.json @@ -225,16 +225,6 @@ "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selected link with an access key.", "hash": "312595c39b5cbc8edf0baab8c16875af" }, - "contextMenuSaveImage": { - "message": "Salvar o QR Code...", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup.", - "hash": "2eefde0a0d140820b10a3f3cadc0b91e" - }, - "contextMenuSaveImageAccessKey": { - "message": "Salvar o &QR Code...", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup with an access key.", - "hash": "5d978e9ed30cc817b82376faefbcfbbb" - }, // options "someSettingsAreManaged": { @@ -326,7 +316,7 @@ "message": "($INTEGER$ quadrado)", "description": "This is the number of empty/'white' modules around the QR code in its singular form.", "placeholders": { - "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" } + "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" } }, "hash": "dfb928dac26b3da38c89476f22610303" }, @@ -334,7 +324,7 @@ "message": "($INTEGER$ quadrados)", "description": "This is the number of empty/'white' modules around the QR code in its plural form.", "placeholders": { - "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "3" } + "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "3" } }, "hash": "717944c73c8d92595af6c07bb960b52d" }, @@ -482,5 +472,5 @@ "hash": "8a5dd7528bead1ccd27cb7430d797bd2" }, - "__WET_LOCALE__": { "message": "pt-br" } + "__WET_LOCALE__": { "message": "pt" } } diff --git a/src/_locales/ru/messages.json b/src/_locales/ru/messages.json index 1d63ed05..33e97c91 100644 --- a/src/_locales/ru/messages.json +++ b/src/_locales/ru/messages.json @@ -225,16 +225,6 @@ "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selected link with an access key.", "hash": "312595c39b5cbc8edf0baab8c16875af" }, - "contextMenuSaveImage": { - "message": "Сохранить QR-код...", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup.", - "hash": "2eefde0a0d140820b10a3f3cadc0b91e" - }, - "contextMenuSaveImageAccessKey": { - "message": "Сохранить &QR-код...", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup with an access key.", - "hash": "5d978e9ed30cc817b82376faefbcfbbb" - }, // options "someSettingsAreManaged": { @@ -282,31 +272,6 @@ "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. It describes the optionPopupIconColored setting in more details.", "hash": "5d8459d16f7e1ed774fc85f40ce8963e" }, - "subtitleQrCodeType": { - "message": "Тип QR-кода", - "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the radio buttons for the type setting of the QR code.", - "hash": "b87348b6fb11b28adf124e621c68c459" - }, - "optionQrCodeTypeSvg": { - "message": "SVG", - "description": "Option to select a scalable vector graphic image (SVG).", - "hash": "73765445a2ffe6ef74df1f9b50dab017" - }, - "optionQrCodeTypeSvgHelper": { - "message": "Использует современный метод генерации в векторной графике, позволяющий плавно измененять размер.", - "description": "Helper text for SVG QR code type option.", - "hash": "c5c854179330262bbb43fe22ff3e5f6f" - }, - "optionQrCodeTypeCanvas": { - "message": "Canvas image", - "description": "Option to select a canvas (pixel) image.", - "hash": "8d224978370adc11a9b1a5a944c010bd" - }, - "optionQrCodeTypeCanvasHelper": { - "message": "Метод генерации QR-кода в виде изображения (\"холст\").", - "description": "Helper text for canvas QR code type option.", - "hash": "9191c0be558ba93297a58b19d880036c" - }, "subtitleQrCodeSize": { "message": "Размер QR-кода", "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the radio buttons for the size setting of the QR code.", diff --git a/src/_locales/sw/messages.json b/src/_locales/sw/messages.json index 2453ecce..7fe86378 100644 --- a/src/_locales/sw/messages.json +++ b/src/_locales/sw/messages.json @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ "description": "Description of the hot key command to open the QR Code popup (by default with Ctrl+Shift+F10).", "hash": "98e90b2532a0097cd43081b4e1610519" }, + // errors or other messages (mostly for settings) "errorShowingMessage": { "message": "Haikuweza kuonyesha ujumbe huu.", @@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings could not have been reset.", "hash": "76e950d2db72a824482411ca6564fb1f" }, + // errors or other messages "unknownError": { "message": "kosa lisilojulikana", @@ -122,6 +124,7 @@ "description": "The text of a button that sets a new color with a sufficient contrast.", "hash": "9d422df9f61f2b45e272ae3451ca3ded" }, + // tips "tipYouLikeAddon": { "message": "Je! Unapenda nyongeza hii?", @@ -188,6 +191,7 @@ "description": "The common button for tips, where you can get more information about how to use a feature just presented.", "hash": "b48eefa95832b3c6df287ff077b4e28a" }, + // placeholder "qrCodePlaceholder": { "message": "Picha ya mmiliki wa msimbo wa QR", @@ -199,6 +203,7 @@ "description": "Placeholder for the textarea, when it is empty.", "hash": "0d0f6b3baffcdbf22a78418b3460d1ad" }, + // context menu "contextMenuItemConvertSelection": { "message": "Nambari ya QR kutoka kwa uteuzi", @@ -240,6 +245,7 @@ "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup with an access key.", "hash": "7a9c86c16fd7341fbb18fd907bb005bb" }, + // options "someSettingsAreManaged": { "message": "Baadhi ya mipangilio inasimamiwa na msimamizi wa mfumo wako na haiwezi kubadilishwa.", @@ -330,10 +336,7 @@ "message": "($INTEGER$ mraba)", "description": "This is the number of empty/'white' modules around the QR code in its singular form.", "placeholders": { - "integer": { - "content": "$1", - "example": "1" - } + "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" } }, "hash": "dfb928dac26b3da38c89476f22610303" }, @@ -341,10 +344,7 @@ "message": "(Mraba $INTEGER$)", "description": "This is the number of empty/'white' modules around the QR code in its plural form.", "placeholders": { - "integer": { - "content": "$1", - "example": "3" - } + "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "3" } }, "hash": "717944c73c8d92595af6c07bb960b52d" }, @@ -427,29 +427,25 @@ "message": "Ongeza hii imetafsiriwa kwa Kiingereza na $TRANSLATORS$.", "description": "The credit text for the translator. See https://github.com/TinyWebEx/common/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#translator-credit-inside-of-add-on for how to translate this.", "placeholders": { - "translators": { - "content": "$1", - "example": "@rugk" - } + "translators": { "content": "$1", "example": "@rugk" } }, "hash": "a6f5deecd624d5f8cd58350c72dd8fdf" }, "translatorLink": { "message": "https://github.com/Paulmburu", - "description": "The link to the translator's GitHub profile." + "description": "The link to the translator's GitHub profile.", + "hash": "4775fb2f88fd33d02b871e5021dec3e9" }, "translatorUsername": { "message": "Paulmburu", - "description": "The translator's GitHub username." + "description": "The username that the translator wants to be referred to.", + "hash": "ce96c18a8a1b4b528b294e981ee4d651" }, "contributorsThanks": { "message": "Pia shukrani kwa $CONTRIBUTORS$.", "description": "Text thanking all contributors and linking to the contributors file.", "placeholders": { - "contributors": { - "content": "$1", - "example": "all other contributors" - } + "contributors": { "content": "$1", "example": "all other contributors" } }, "hash": "b1434b8b42b1707f37d0531a8efdc7f8" }, @@ -463,6 +459,7 @@ "description": "The link text linking to the contributors file. See contributorsThanks.", "hash": "ce03e1f3b15df3bba66048b30c4f8de4" }, + // ARIA labels/descriptions "dismissIconDescription": { "message": "Funga ujumbe huu", @@ -494,7 +491,6 @@ "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an warning message box", "hash": "8a5dd7528bead1ccd27cb7430d797bd2" }, - "__WET_LOCALE__": { - "message": "sw" - } + + "__WET_LOCALE__": { "message": "sw" } } diff --git a/src/_locales/tr/messages.json b/src/_locales/tr/messages.json index a1f03ea1..b5db6184 100644 --- a/src/_locales/tr/messages.json +++ b/src/_locales/tr/messages.json @@ -183,7 +183,8 @@ }, "tipHowToUse": { "message": "Nasıl Kullanılır?", - "description": "The common button for tips, where you can get more information about how to use a feature just presented." + "description": "The common button for tips, where you can get more information about how to use a feature just presented.", + "hash": "b48eefa95832b3c6df287ff077b4e28a" }, // placeholder @@ -219,16 +220,6 @@ "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selected link with an access key.", "hash": "312595c39b5cbc8edf0baab8c16875af" }, - "contextMenuSaveImage": { - "message": "QR kod kaydet…", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup.", - "hash": "2eefde0a0d140820b10a3f3cadc0b91e" - }, - "contextMenuSaveImageAccessKey": { - "message": "&QR kod kaydet…", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup with an access key.", - "hash": "5d978e9ed30cc817b82376faefbcfbbb" - }, // options "someSettingsAreManaged": { @@ -236,18 +227,6 @@ "description": "The message, which appears, when settings are pre-defined (as managed options) by administrators.", "hash": "148604ebbeb7df28974d8233f1418d1f" }, - "titleGeneral": { - "message": "Eklenti", - "description": "The title for the general settings group." - }, - "titleQrCodeSetting": { - "message": "QR Kod Seçenekleri", - "description": "The title for the qr code settings group." - }, - "titleAddonBehavior": { - "message": "Eklenti davranışı", - "description": "The title for the addon behavior settings group." - }, "optionIsDisabledBecauseManaged": { "message": "Bu özellik sistem yöneticin tarafından ayarlandığı için devredışı.", "description": "The title (tooltip) shown, when hovering over a disabled, managed option.", @@ -263,6 +242,21 @@ "description": "The button to delete all current settings and load the defaults, shown in the add-on settings.", "hash": "4bb60c6c7e7b9e2ff987c244e76ee044" }, + "titleGeneral": { + "message": "Eklenti", + "description": "The title for the general settings group.", + "hash": "3cb58113bf50253738aef3a6d97964b8" + }, + "titleQrCodeSetting": { + "message": "QR Kod Seçenekleri", + "description": "The title for the qr code settings group.", + "hash": "70fe1f61bc42ca4b582a22ba9c00e22f" + }, + "titleAddonBehavior": { + "message": "Eklenti davranışı", + "description": "The title for the addon behavior settings group.", + "hash": "fbad6be4d92eb060918e27bc7c8b070b" + }, "optionPopupIconColored": { "message": "Renkli ikon", "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", @@ -305,7 +299,8 @@ }, "subtitleMisc": { "message": "Diğer Seçenekler", - "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the miscellaneous setting of the QR code." + "description": "The heading/grouping title shown for the miscellaneous setting of the QR code.", + "hash": "6394c364dd4afc224c653644259bc4ea" }, "optionQrQuietZone": { "message": "QR çerçevesi (quiet zone):", @@ -316,7 +311,7 @@ "message": "($INTEGER$ kare)", "description": "This is the number of empty/'white' modules around the QR code in its singular form.", "placeholders": { - "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" } + "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" } }, "hash": "dfb928dac26b3da38c89476f22610303" }, @@ -324,7 +319,7 @@ "message": "($INTEGER$ kareler)", "description": "This is the number of empty/'white' modules around the QR code in its plural form.", "placeholders": { - "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "3" } + "integer": { "content": "$1", "example": "3" } }, "hash": "717944c73c8d92595af6c07bb960b52d" }, diff --git a/src/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json b/src/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json index aa550482..bc98e4ec 100644 --- a/src/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json +++ b/src/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json @@ -225,16 +225,6 @@ "description": "The context menu entry shown for generating QR codes from a selected link with an access key.", "hash": "312595c39b5cbc8edf0baab8c16875af" }, - "contextMenuSaveImage": { - "message": "保存二维码…", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup.", - "hash": "2eefde0a0d140820b10a3f3cadc0b91e" - }, - "contextMenuSaveImageAccessKey": { - "message": "保存二维码(&Q)…", - "description": "The context menu entry shown for saving SVG images in the popup with an access key.", - "hash": "5d978e9ed30cc817b82376faefbcfbbb" - }, // options "someSettingsAreManaged": { @@ -242,21 +232,6 @@ "description": "The message, which appears, when settings are pre-defined (as managed options) by administrators.", "hash": "148604ebbeb7df28974d8233f1418d1f" }, - "titleGeneral": { - "message": "扩展", - "description": "The title for the general settings group.", - "hash": "3cb58113bf50253738aef3a6d97964b8" - }, - "titleQrCodeSetting": { - "message": "二维码", - "description": "The title for the QR code settings group.", - "hash": "70fe1f61bc42ca4b582a22ba9c00e22f" - }, - "titleAddonBehavior": { - "message": "扩展行为", - "description": "The title for the addon behavior settings group.", - "hash": "fbad6be4d92eb060918e27bc7c8b070b" - }, "optionIsDisabledBecauseManaged": { "message": "该选项已禁用,因为你的系统管理员已经配置。", "description": "The title (tooltip) shown, when hovering over a disabled, managed option.", @@ -272,6 +247,21 @@ "description": "The button to delete all current settings and load the defaults, shown in the add-on settings.", "hash": "4bb60c6c7e7b9e2ff987c244e76ee044" }, + "titleGeneral": { + "message": "扩展", + "description": "The title for the general settings group.", + "hash": "3cb58113bf50253738aef3a6d97964b8" + }, + "titleQrCodeSetting": { + "message": "二维码", + "description": "The title for the qr code settings group.", + "hash": "70fe1f61bc42ca4b582a22ba9c00e22f" + }, + "titleAddonBehavior": { + "message": "扩展行为", + "description": "The title for the addon behavior settings group.", + "hash": "fbad6be4d92eb060918e27bc7c8b070b" + }, "optionPopupIconColored": { "message": "彩色图标", "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.", @@ -413,43 +403,41 @@ "description": "The description shown for the debug mode (optionDebugMode).", "hash": "2aff10770796694827ec4253860e0771" }, - "translatorCredit": { "message": "该扩展简体中文翻译由 $TRANSLATORS$ 完成。", "description": "The credit text for the translator. See https://github.com/TinyWebEx/common/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#translator-credit-inside-of-add-on for how to translate this.", "placeholders": { - "translators": { - "content": "$1", - "example": "@Cye3s" - } - } + "translators": { "content": "$1", "example": "@rugk" } + }, + "hash": "a6f5deecd624d5f8cd58350c72dd8fdf" }, "translatorLink": { "message": "https://github.com/Cye3s", - "description": "The link to the translator's GitHub profile." + "description": "The link to the translator's GitHub profile.", + "hash": "4775fb2f88fd33d02b871e5021dec3e9" }, "translatorUsername": { "message": "Cye3s", - "description": "The username that the translator wants to be referred to." + "description": "The username that the translator wants to be referred to.", + "hash": "ce96c18a8a1b4b528b294e981ee4d651" }, - "contributorsThanks": { "message": "同时感谢 $CONTRIBUTORS$ 。", "description": "Text thanking all contributors and linking to the contributors file.", "placeholders": { - "contributors": { - "content": "$1", - "example": "all other contributors" - } - } + "contributors": { "content": "$1", "example": "all other contributors" } + }, + "hash": "b1434b8b42b1707f37d0531a8efdc7f8" }, "contributorsThanksLink": { "message": "https://github.com/rugk/offline-qr-code/blob/master/CONTRIBUTORS.md", - "description": "The link to the CONTRIBUTORS file." + "description": "The link to the CONTRIBUTORS file.", + "hash": "808a4cfbf726b7e10fc79370638ee855" }, "contributorsThanksLinkText": { "message": "所有其它贡献者", - "description": "The link text linking to the contributors file. See contributorsThanks." + "description": "The link text linking to the contributors file. See contributorsThanks.", + "hash": "ce03e1f3b15df3bba66048b30c4f8de4" }, // ARIA labels/descriptions @@ -484,5 +472,5 @@ "hash": "8a5dd7528bead1ccd27cb7430d797bd2" }, - "__WET_LOCALE__": { "message": "zh-CN" } + "__WET_LOCALE__": { "message": "zh_CN" } } diff --git a/src/_locales/zh_TW/messages.json b/src/_locales/zh_TW/messages.json index fb713c77..79fae66b 100644 --- a/src/_locales/zh_TW/messages.json +++ b/src/_locales/zh_TW/messages.json @@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ "message": "該擴充元件正體中文翻譯由 $TRANSLATORS$ 參考 Cye3s的 zh_CN 完成。", "description": "The credit text for the translator. See https://github.com/TinyWebEx/common/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#translator-credit-inside-of-add-on for how to translate this.", "placeholders": { - "translators": { "content": "$1", "example": "@nio" } + "translators": { "content": "$1", "example": "@rugk" } }, "hash": "a6f5deecd624d5f8cd58350c72dd8fdf" }, @@ -492,5 +492,5 @@ "hash": "8a5dd7528bead1ccd27cb7430d797bd2" }, - "__WET_LOCALE__": { "message": "zh-TW" } + "__WET_LOCALE__": { "message": "zh_TW" } }