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382 lines (346 loc) · 15.5 KB

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382 lines (346 loc) · 15.5 KB


Greek Letters

Abbrev. LaTeX markup Renders as
.a \alpha $\alpha$
.b \beta $\beta$
.g \gamma $\gamma$
.G \Gamma $\Gamma$
.d \delta $\delta$
.D \Delta $\Delta$
.e \epsilon $\epsilon$
.ee \varepsilon $\varepsilon$
.z \zeta $\zeta$
.h \eta $\eta$
.q \theta $\theta$
.qq \vartheta $\vartheta$
.Q \Theta $\Theta$
.i \iota $\iota$
.k \kappa $\kappa$
.kk \varkappa $\varkappa$
.l \lambda $\lambda$
.L \Lambda $\Lambda$
.m \mu $\mu$
.n \nu $\nu$
.c \xi $\xi$
.C \Xi $\Xi$
.p \pi $\pi$
.pp \varpi $\varpi$
.r \rho $\rho$
.rr \varrho $\varrho$
.s \sigma $\sigma$
.ss \varsigma $\varsigma$
.S \Sigma $\Sigma$
.t \tau $\tau$
.u \upsilon $\upsilon$
.U \Upsilon $\Upsilon$
.f \phi $\phi$
.ff \varphi $\varphi$
.F \Phi $\Phi$
.x \chi $\chi$
.y \psi $\psi$
.Y \Psi $\Psi$
.w \omega $\omega$
.W \Omega $\Omega$

Accents and Decorations

Abbrev. LaTeX markup Renders as
'. \dot{} $\dot{\square}$
': \ddot{} $\ddot{\square}$
'- \bar{} $\bar{\square}$
'~ \tilde{} $\tilde{\square}$
'^ \hat{} $\hat{\square}$
'\ \grave{} $\grave{\square}$
'/ \acute{} $\acute{\square}$
'u \breve{} $\breve{\square}$
'v \check{} $\check{\square}$
'o \mathring{} $\mathring{\square}$
'> \vec{} $\vec{\square}$
'h \widehat{} $\widehat{\square}$
't \widetilde{} $\widetilde{\square}$
dot \dot{} $\dot{\square}$
bar \bar{} $\bar{\square}$
hat \hat{} $\hat{\square}$
vec \vec{} $\vec{\square}$
obr \overbrace{} $\overbrace{\square}$
ubr \underbrace{} $\underbrace{\square}$
oln \overline{} $\overline{\square}$
uln \underline{} $\underline{\square}$
olarr \overleftarrow{} $\overleftarrow{\square}$
orarr \overrightarrow{} $\overrightarrow{\square}$
ularr \underleftarrow{} $\underleftarrow{\square}$
urarr \underrightarrow{} $\underrightarrow{\square}$

Fractions and Binomials

Abbrev. LaTeX markup Renders as
/ \frac{}{} $\frac{\square}{\square}$
// \cfrac{}{} $\cfrac{\square}{\square}$
binom \binom{}{} $\binom{\square}{\square}$


Abbrev. LaTeX markup Renders as
sqr \sqrt{} $\sqrt{\square}$
rt2 \sqrt{} $\sqrt{\square}$
cbr \sqrt[3]{} $\sqrt[3]{\square}$
rt3 \sqrt[3]{} $\sqrt[3]{\square}$
root \sqrt[]{} $\sqrt[\square]{\square}$


Abbrev. LaTeX markup Renders as
<< \ll $\ll$
>> \gg $\gg$
<= \le $\le$
>= \ge $\ge$
-< \prec $\prec$
-<= \preceq $\preceq$
>- \succ $\succ$
>-= \succeq $\succeq$
~ \sim $\sim$
~- \simeq $\simeq$
~= \cong $\cong$
~~ \approx $\approx$
-= \equiv $\equiv$
:: \colon $\colon$
prop \propto $\propto$
in \in $\in$
ni \ni $\ni$
ssub \subset $\subset$
ssup \supset $\supset$
ssub= \subseteq $\subseteq$
ssup= \supseteq $\supseteq$
sdif \setminus $\setminus$
wedge \wedge $\wedge$
vee \vee $\vee$
land \land $\land$
lor \lor $\lor$
lnand \barwedge $\barwedge$
lxor \veebar $\veebar$
cap \cap $\cap$
uni \cap $\cap$
cup \cup $\cup$
isec \cup $\cup$
lhd \lhd $\lhd$
rhd \rhd $\rhd$
unlhd \unlhd $\unlhd$
unrhd \unrhd $\unrhd$
btie \bowtie $\bowtie$
wr \wr $\wr$
!= \neq $\ne$
!< \nless $\nless$
!> \ngtr $\ngtr$
!<= \nleq $\nleq$
!>= \ngeq $\ngeq$
!~ \nsim $\nsim$
!~= \ncong $\ncong$
!in \notin $\notin$

Binary Operators

Abbrev. LaTeX markup Renders as
* \cdot $\cdot$
** \ast $\ast$
xx \times $\times$
lx \ltimes $\ltimes$
rx \rtimes $\rtimes$
-: \div $\div$
o. \odot $\odot$
o+ \oplus $\oplus$
o- \ominus $\ominus$
ox \otimes $\otimes$
u+ \uplus $\uplus$

Big Operators

Variable-sized n-ary operators:

Abbrev. LaTeX markup Renders as
int \int_{} $\int_{\square}$
iint \iint_{} $\iint_{\square}$
iiint \iiint_{} $\iiint_{\square}$
oint \oint_{} $\oint_{\square}$
sum \sum_{} $\sum_{\square}$
prod \prod_{} $\prod_{\square}$
cprod \coprod_{} $\coprod_{\square}$
bwedge \bigwedge_{} $\bigwedge_{\square}$
bvee \bigvee_{} $\bigvee_{\square}$
bcap \bigcap_{} $\bigcap_{\square}$
bcup \bigcup_{} $\bigcup_{\square}$
O+ \bigoplus_{} $\bigoplus_{\square}$
Ox \bigotimes_{} $\bigotimes_{\square}$
O. \bigodot_{} $\bigodot_{\square}$
U+ \biguplus_{} $\biguplus_{\square}$


Abbrev. LaTeX markup Renders as
-> \to $\to$
<- \gets $\gets$
to \to $\to$
gets \gets $\gets$
mto \mapsto $\mapsto$
larr \leftarrow $\leftarrow$
rarr \rightarrow $\rightarrow$
lrarr \leftrightarrow $\leftrightarrow$
uarr \uparrow $\uparrow$
darr \downarrow $\downarrow$
Larr \Leftarrow $\Leftarrow$
Rarr \Rightarrow $\Rightarrow$
Uarr \Uparrow $\Uparrow$
Darr \Downarrow $\Downarrow$
nearr \nearrow $\nearrow$
nwarr \nwarrow $\nwarrow$
searr \searrow $\searrow$
swarr \swarrow $\swarrow$
xlarr \xleftarrow{} $\xleftarrow{\square}$
xrarr \xrightarrow{} $\xrightarrow{\square}$


Stretchable braces and other delimiters:

Abbrev. LaTeX markup Renders as
( \left( $\left( \right.$
) \right) $\left. \right)$
[ \left[ $\left[ \right.$
] \right] $\left. \right]$
() \left( \right) $\left( \square \right)$
[] \left[ \right] $\left[ \square \right]$
ceil \left\lceil \right\rceil $\left\lceil \square \right\rceil$
floor \left\lfloor \right\rfloor $\left\lfloor \square \right\rfloor$

Symbols and Punctuations

Abbrev. LaTeX markup Renders as
pd \partial $\partial$
inc \Delta $\Delta$
del \nabla $\nabla$
nab \nabla $\nabla$
ii \imath $\imath$
jj \jmath $\jmath$
Re \Re $\Re$
Im \Im $\Im$
wp \wp $\wp$
eth \eth $\eth$
ell \ell $\ell$
mho \mho $\mho$
hbar \hbar $\hbar$
al \aleph $\aleph$
oo \infty $\infty$
+- \pm $\pm$
-+ \mp $\mp$
... \dots $\dots$
=> \implies $\implies$
imp \implies $\implies$
<=> \iff $\iff$
iff \iff $\iff$
AA \forall $\forall$
EE \exists $\exists$
!EE \nexists $\nexists$
0/ \emptyset $\emptyset$
o/ \varnothing $\varnothing$
&& \And $\And$
neg \neg $\neg$
lnot \lnot $\lnot$
top \top $\top$
bot \bot $\bot$
cdots \cdots $\cdots$
vdots \vdots $\vdots$
ddots \ddots $\ddots$

Operator and Function Names

Abbr. LaTeX markup Renders as
arccos \arccos $\arccos$
arcsin \arcsin $\arcsin$
arctan \arctan $\arctan$
arg \arg $\arg$
bmod \bmod $\bmod$
cos \cos $\cos$
cosh \cosh $\cosh$
cot \cot $\cot$
coth \coth $\coth$
csc \csc $\csc$
deg \deg $\deg$
det \det $\det$
dim \dim $\dim$
exp \exp $\exp$
gcd \gcd $\gcd$
hom \hom $\hom$
inf \inf $\inf$
ker \ker $\ker$
lg \lg $\lg$
lim \lim_{} $\lim_{\square}$
liminf \liminf_{} $\liminf_{\square}$
limsup \limsup_{} $\limsup_{\square}$
ln \ln $\ln$
log \log $\log$
max \max $\max$
min \min $\min$
Pr \Pr $\Pr$
sec \sec $\sec$
sin \sin $\sin$
sinh \sinh $\sinh$
sup \sup $\sup$
tan \tan $\tan$
tanh \tanh $\tanh$

Environment Templates

Abbrev. LaTeX environment
:eqn equation
:eqn* equation*
:mul multline
:mul* multline*
:aln align
:aln* align*
:gtr gather
:gtr* gather*
:spl split
:ald aligned
:gtd gathered
:cas cases
:mmx matrix
:bmx bmatrix
:Bmx Bmatrix
:pmx pmatrix
:vmx vmatrix
:Vmx Vmatrix
:smx smallmatrix
:cd CD


Abbrev. LaTeX markup
qq \quad
oset \overset{}{}
uset \underset{}{}
sset \sideset{}{}
srel \stackrel{}{}

Font and Style

Abbrev. LaTeX markup
&bm \bm{}
&rm \mathrm{}
&bf \mathbf{}
&bb \mathbb{}
&cc \mathcal{}
&fr \mathfrak{}
&it \mathit{}
&sc \mathscr{}
&sf \mathsf{}
&tt \mathtt{}
&ds \displaystyle
&ts \textstyle
&ss \scriptstyle
&xs \scriptscriptstyle

Miscellaneous Commands

Abbrev. LaTeX markup
tag \tag{}
txt \text{}
itxt \intertext{}

Miscellaneous Additions

Abbrev. LaTeX markup Package
dd \dd physics
erf \erf physics
mi \micro gensymb
ohm \ohm gensymb
dm \diameter wasysym
ce \ce{} mhchem
ang \ang{} siunitx
num \num{} siunitx
unit \unit{} siunitx
qty \qty{}{} siunitx
nrange \numrange{}{} siunitx
qrange \qtyrange{}{}{} siunitx