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Version 1.0

This is part 3 of a multi-part tutorial. The link for the tutorial will be provided soon. This is an open source project and you are welcome to reuse and/or fork it.

Related Projects

  • python_digits : The python_digits object used as the base of this game.
  • python_cowbull_game : A Flask based server which serves up a web server offering the game to callers (human or machine)
  • python_cowbull_console : A console based game which interacts with the server
  • python_cowbull_webapp : A single page webapp which interacts with the web server using XHR (XMLHttpRequest).

Python cowbull server is a Flask based http server that serves the cowbull game using python_cowbull_game objects. It serves up the game by responding to http requests to http://server/version/game and decides the action based on the method used for the request: GET starts a new game and POST makes a guess against the game.

Swagger Definition

coming soon.


The game requires a Redis server to act as a cache for game object information and must be configured before running the game. The game picks up the Redis server via env vars:

  • REDIS_HOST : Defines the fqdn name of the redis host (e.g. redis)
  • REDIS_PORT : Defines the port number redis is listening on (e.g. 6379)
  • REDIS_DB : Defines the database number (e.g. 0)
  • REDIS_USEAUTH : Not Currently Used For future use to tell the game server to use redis authentication.

Any redis server will do and options include:

  1. Redis Labs free service with 30MB
  2. Docker - use docker run --name redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis
  3. Kubernetes - use the K8s instructions below

Running the game

To run the game server using source, follow these steps (assuming using Docker for Redis):

virtualenv /path/to/virtual/env --python=python3
source /path/to/virtual/env/bin/activate
export REDIS_HOST="localhost"
export REDIS_PORT=6379
export FLASK_HOST=""
export FLASK_PORT=5000
export FLASK_DEBUG="true"
docker run --name redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis
cd /to/location/repo/installed

To run the game server using Docker, follow these steps:

cd /to/location/repo/installed
docker build -t imagename -f vendor/docker/Dockerfile .
docker network create yournetwork --driver bridge
docker run --name redis --network yournetwork -d redis
docker run --name cowbull --network yournetwork --env REDIS_HOST="redis" -p 5000:5000 -d {imagename}
# Tear down
docker stop redis
docker rm redis
docker stop cowbull
docker rm cowbull

To run the game using local Kubernetes (minikube) NOTE This uses the standard Docker image for the game server (dsanderscan/cowbull_v5):

minikube start
cd /to/location/repo/installed
kubectl create configmap cowbull-config --from-file vendor/kubeconfig/cowbull.cfg
kubectl create -f vendor/kubernetes/deploy-redis.yml
kubectl create -f vendor/kubeconfig/configured-cowbull.yml
kubectl get po # See the pods and wait till they are running
kubectl get svc
# NAME           CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
# cowbull-svc    {ip addr.}   <pending>     5000:{port}/TCP   9s
# Use the minikube address (usually and the port mapped
# to 5000 in the get svc output for requests.
# Tear down
kubectl delete -f vendor/kubernetes/deploy-redis.yml
kubectl delete -f vendor/kubeconfig/configured-cowbull.yml
# To remove configuration
kubectl delete configmap cowbull-config


Make a request by issuing GET or POST methods to:

  • curl http://FLASK_HOST:FLASK_PORT/v0_1/game

For added benefit, install jq to be able to parse the JSON returned by the request:

  • curl -s <-X {method}> http://FLASK_HOST:FLASK_PORT/v0_1/game | jq


  1. If using Kubernetes:
  • Use your minikube node address (typically and found by executing kubectl describe nodes minikube | grep Addresses | grep -v grep) for FLASK_HOST
  • Use the port number found above (kubectl get svc cowbull-svc)
  1. If using Docker:
  • Use localhost for FLASK_HOST
  • Use the port number 5000 for FLASK_PORT



Request (or get) a new game. An optional parameter mode can be provided and state one of the game modes (easy, normal, or hard).

  • curl -s http://FLASK_HOST:FLASK_PORT/v0_1/game | jq
      "digits": 4,
      "guesses": 10,
      "served-by": "{FLASK_HOST}",
      "key": "{uuid}"
  • curl -s http://FLASK_HOST:FLASK_PORT/v0_1/game?mode=easy | jq
      "digits": 3,
      "guesses": 15,
      "served-by": "{FLASK_HOST}",
      "key": "{uuid}"
  • curl -s http://FLASK_HOST:FLASK_PORT/v0_1/game?mode=hard | jq
      "digits": 6,
      "guesses": 6,
      "served-by": "{FLASK_HOST}",
      "key": "{uuid}"


Make a guess against an existing game, passing the key and an array of Digits (integers between 0 and 9) as raw JSON data.

  • curl -s -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"key":"{uuid}", "digits":[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}' http://localhost:5000/v0_1/game | jq
      "served-by": "{FLASK_HOST}",
      "outcome": {
        "cows": 2,
        "status": "playing",
        "bulls": 1,
        "analysis": [
            "multiple": false,
            "in_word": true,
            "index": 0,
            "digit": 0,
            "match": false
            "multiple": false,
            "in_word": true,
            "index": 1,
            "digit": 1,
            "match": false
            "multiple": false,
            "in_word": false,
            "index": 2,
            "digit": 2,
            "match": false
            "multiple": false,
            "in_word": true,
            "index": 3,
            "digit": 3,
            "match": true
            "multiple": false,
            "in_word": false,
            "index": 4,
            "digit": 4,
            "match": false
            "multiple": false,
            "in_word": false,
            "index": 5,
            "digit": 5,
            "match": false
      "game": {
        "mode": "hard",
        "ttl": 1494962909,
        "status": "playing",
        "key": "{uuid}",
        "guesses_made": 1,
        "guesses_remaining": 5
  • Errors will be reported back to the caller via JSON.
    • Incorrect number of digits:
    "module": "GameServerController",
    "exception": "The digits provided did not match the required number (6)",
    "method": "post",
    "message": "There was a problem with the value of the digits provided!",
    "status": 400
    • Bad key:
      "module": "GameServerControllerroller",
      "exception": "'The key provided is invalid.'",
      "method": "post",
      "message": "The request must contain a valid game key.",
      "status": 400
    • Bad JSON data:
      "exception": "Failed to decode JSON object: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)",
      "method": "post",
      "message": "Bad request. There was no JSON present. ### LIKELY CALLER ERROR ###",
      "status": 400