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Updating Hyku 6 with Hyrax 5 Developer Notes

Jeremy Friesen edited this page Feb 18, 2024 · 8 revisions

Persistence Layer Introduction

For Hyku 6, we’re planning to leverage the Freyja adapter from the Hyrax double_combo work. In short, the Freyja adapter first checks postgres, then checks Fedora 4.

When we read from a Valkyrie double combo adapter we perform the following: first_layer.find || second_layer.find (e.g. check Postgres, failing that check ActiveFedora).

When we write/save/update a Valkyrie double combo adapter we perform the following: first_layer.write. We never update the second layer.

State of Data Considerations

With the above intro to the persistence layer strategy we need to consider that existing Hyku applications already have data. And there are three scenarios we must address:

  1. Created via ActiveFedora, not yet migrated.
  2. Created via ActiveFedora, then migrated.
  3. Created via Valkyrie, would not be migrated.

Further, we need to consider the foundational AdminSet; this follows the same logic of the above.

When we create a tenant using Valkyrie, with a Frigg/Freyja adapter, we create an admin set. The admin set will be written to the “first” storage layer (e.g. Postgres or Fedora6) but not the “second” layer (e.g. Fedora 4). What that means is when we go to create an ActiveFedora::Base work, we are attempting to write the work to Fedora 4 within the AdminSet’s node. However, since the admin set was not created in Fedora 4, we encounter an error.

By configuration and convention, each ActiveFedora::Base work type will have a corresponding Valkyrie::Resource. Consider that GenericWork < ActiveFedora::Base, we'll have GenericWorkResource < Valkyrie::Resource.

.internal_resource and .to_rdf_representation

To leverage the existing Solr index without a migration means you'll want to ensure that the Valkyrie class's read and write similar Solr documents. In paricular two attributes:

  • has_model :: The specific conceptual model (e.g. Article, Monograph, AdminSet, Collection)
  • generic_type :: The general conceptual model (e.g. Work, Work, AdminSet, Collection)

There's inconsistency between ActiveFedora and Valkyrie's index field for generic_type: generic_type_sim and generic_type_si respectively.

Hyrax has concistently used has_model_ssim as the Solr key.

To leverage the double_combo ensure that your Valkyrie::Resource models have .internal_resource and .to_rdf_representation that reflects the class you're migrating from. The double_combo branch provides the Hyrax::ValkyrieLazyMigration.migrating class method to do the heavy lifting.

Example Spec Problem

let!(:admin_set) do
  admin_set = ['Test Admin Set'])
  allow(Hyrax.config).to receive(:default_active_workflow_name).and_return('default')!(admin_set:, creating_user: nil)

let!(:work) { process_through_actor_stack(build(:work), work_depositor,, visibility) }

We use the very helpful Hyrax::AdminSetCreateService to do all of the complex admin set type things. This ends up creating the file in the “first” layer, but not the second. Then when we create the work, we’re using the process_through_actor_stack which is sending everything through ActiveFedora::Base. Hence we get an LDP error:

       javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException: No node exists at path '/hykudemo/f9/a7/62/79/f9a76279-a659-4a5d-ba3e-e7ba8d82849e' in workspace "default"

Test Strategy Approach

  1. We create an AdminSet via ActiveFedora a. We create works via ActiveFedora; then read via Valkyrie
  2. We create an AdminSet via Valkyrie a. We create works via Valkyrie

There are 2 strategies, starting from ActiveFedora and starting from Valkyrie.

When starting from ActiveFedora:

  • We need a persisted ActiveFedora AdminSet with proper permission template setup.
  • We likely need to specify for the context of the spec what the AdminSet model is.
  • We need to create works via ActiveFedora; note the “process_through_actor_stack” above.

When starting from Valkyrie:

  • We can leverage the Hyrax::AdminSetCreateService to create the AdminSet
  • We should specify the AdminSet model for the test scope
  • We create works via the Transaction stack (see the hot new Hyrax::Action::CreateValkyrieWork in double_combo)

We also have available to us all of the Hyrax spec/factories to extend

User Interface Considerations

As Hyku moves to use the Goddess adapters of the Double Combo pull request, we want to have all Create/Read/Update/Delete (CRUD) operators performed on the conceptual work type's Valkyrie::Resource. That is to say, if we had a GenericWork with ID=1234-5678-abcd when we operate on a work via the User Interface (UI) we want to operate on the Valkyrie::Resource.

To accomplish this, we need to consider three elements:

  • Controller configuration
  • Routing
  • Form configuration

Controller Configuration

At present, there's no compeling reason to have one controller for GenericWork and one controller for GenericWorkResource; in particular given that we do not want to expose a UI means of operating on a GenericWork.

Let's look at the Hyrax::GenericWorksController:

  # frozen_string_literal: true

  # Generated via
  #  `rails generate hyrax:work GenericWork`
  module Hyrax
    # Generated controller for GenericWork
    class GenericWorksController < ApplicationController
      # Adds Hyrax behaviors to the controller.
      include Hyrax::WorksControllerBehavior
      include Hyku::WorksControllerBehavior
      include Hyrax::BreadcrumbsForWorks
      self.curation_concern_type = ::GenericWork

      # Use this line if you want to use a custom presenter
      self.show_presenter = Hyrax::GenericWorkPresenter

The two significant changes for each type of work is in the class_attribute configuration of self.curation_concern_type= and self.show_presenter.

If you need custom logic for your work, you can add it to the controller. But in the author's experience (@jeremyf, I don’t think I’ve seen customizations beyond the class_attribute configurations.

Action Item: Look to what all configuration options are available and reconfigure the controller to use the GenericWorkResource and it's corresponding expections.

Routing Considerations

Ideally we would route both a GenericWork and a GenericWorkResource to the same controller...the one configured to handle the GenericWorkResource.

Further, we'd preserve the prior helper methods (e.g. hyrax_generic_work_path(resource)) as well as the polymorphic path for a resource (e.g. polymoprhic_path([hyrax, resource])).

Form Configuration

When we render a form for a given work type there are two primary considerations:

  • The FORM element and it's action attribute (in CSS selector speak that is form[action]). This describes which URL we'll hit, and thus what route we hit.
  • The INPUT elements name attribute (or input[name]). For example generic_work[title] when we submit the form we'll see a ApplicationController#params that looks something like this: { generic_work: { title: 'Given Title' }.

The generic_work portion of the input[name] comes from the form object's model_name's @param_key. We derive the form[action] from the object's model_name's @singular for update/delete actions and @plural create actions.

Conjecture (Now Confirmed)

For Hyku we will:

  • configure the GenericWorkController to use GenericWorkResource
  • ensure that a GenericWorkResource and GenericWork produce the same routes, form[action], and input[name]; this might be as simple as overwriting GenericWorkResource.model_name to call GenericWork.model_name; or for that glorious moment when GenericWork goes away maybe hand craft our own model name.
  • ensure that when we edit things via the GenericWorkController we are editing the GenericWorkResource

This means that we are not registering generic_work_resource as a curation concern and instead relying on generic_work as the registered concern. This way we won't have duplications in the UI for selecting the curation concern.

Indexing Considerations

Problem: The implementation of Hyrax::SolrService and ActiveFedora::SolrService is not identical. Which means there are implications on Hyku switches the solr connection for each tenant.

Design Goal: The primary goal is that we want to ensure that the different mechanisms for querying Solr are abiding by the tenant switching logic.

Connection Sources: In reviewing how we are interacting with Solr, there are three primary mechanisms:

  • ActiveFedora::SolrService: Older code favors this implementation.
  • Hyrax::SolrService: This almost a direct replacement of ActiveFedora::SolrService, but there are interface differences. We have begun moving code to use this service class.
  • Hyrax.index_adapter: This is part of reading/writing to Valkyrie.

When Hyrax.config.query_index_from_valkyrie is true, the Hyrax::SolrService uses Hyrax.indexing_adapter.

When Hyrax.config.query_index_from_valkyrie is false, the Hyrax::SolrService uses ActiveFedora::SolrService.

Difference between Hyrax's and ActiveFedora's SolrService

There are differences between the Hyrax::SolrService and ActiveFedora::SolrService. One key consideration is that ActiveFedora::SolrService is a singleton class and Hyrax::QueryService is not.

The difference is important. In the ActiveFedora case, we’d instantiate it once and then throughout the application always call that one instance. Whereas with Hyrax, that query service is instantiated with each call to class methods.

Below is how Hyrax::SolrService implements it’s class methods (e.g. .add, .commit, etc.); namely it delegates the class methods to the .new method. Meaning each time we call Hyrax::SolrService.query we are instantiating a new object.

class Hyrax::SolrService
  def initialize(use_valkyrie: Hyrax.config.query_index_from_valkyrie)
    @old_service = ActiveFedora::SolrService
    @use_valkyrie = use_valkyrie

  class << self
    # We don't implement `.select_path` instead configuring this at the Hyrax
    # level
    def select_path
      raise NotImplementedError, 'This method is not available on this subclass.' \
                                 'Use `Hyrax.config.solr_select_path` instead'

    delegate :add, :commit, :count, :delete, :get, :instance, :ping, :post,
             :query, :query_result, :delete_by_query, :search_by_id, :wipe!, to: :new

We still have the concept of Hyrax::SolrService.instance, though it delegates’s to .new; thus creating new connections each time.

Access Control List (ACL) Considerations

A resources's ACLs are stored as a separate object in the persistence layer.

In the case of data that starts in Fedora (and created in ActiveFedora) we must consider that we might update an ACL object but not the assocated resource. This is something that is done during lease and embargo expiry.

In the case of the Frigg and Freyja adapters:

  • We look up objects first in Valkyrie then via ActiveFedora.
  • When we expire a lease or embargo, we write/update the record in Valkyrie and do not touch the ActiveFedora object.

What this means is that the ACL in Valkyrie is different from ActiveFedora, yet were we to load the Work via ActiveFedora or via Frigg/Freyja, we'd only find the work via ActiveFedora. Which, by default loads the ACL from ActiveFedora; something that is now out of sync.

Spec I used to track down ACL issues

From the spec/jobs/lease_auto_expiry_job_spec.rb.

The below spec failed on the Hyrax double_combo branch before fdcabe651. PR #6671 provides the solution.

it "Expires the lease on a work with expired lease", active_fedora_to_valkyrie: true do
  # Before we expire the lease:
  # Work start in Fedora; then through Freyja we can find the work (by querying first Postgres then finding it in Fedora)
  # Lease start in Fedora; then through Freyja we can find the lease (by querying first Postgres then finding it in Fedora)

  # When we expire the lease:
  # We find in Fedora, and save via Freyja meaning we write to Postgres and do not update Fedora
  # Note, we do not update the ACL's resource (e.g. the work), which means it's only in Fedora and not postgres.

  # After when we check the lease:
  # We find the work in Fedora via Freyja, eg. it's not in Posgres
  # We should find the ACL in Postgres...why are we not seeing the update when we check?

  expect(work_with_expired_lease).to be_a_kind_of(GenericWork)
  expect(work_with_expired_lease.visibility).to eq('open')
  gwr = GenericWorkResource.find(

  expect(work_with_expired_lease.embargo_id == gwr.embargo_id).to eq(true)
  expect(work_with_expired_lease.lease_id == gwr.lease_id).to eq(true)
  expect(work_with_expired_lease.access_control_id == gwr.access_control_id).to eq(true)

  expect {[0].find_by(id: gwr.lease_id) }.to raise_error(Valkyrie::Persistence::ObjectNotFoundError)
  expect {[0].find_by(id: gwr.access_control_id) }.to raise_error(Valkyrie::Persistence::ObjectNotFoundError)
  expect([1].find_by(id: gwr.lease_id)).to be_a Hyrax::Lease
  expect([1].find_by(id: gwr.access_control_id)).to be_a Hyrax::AccessControl

  expect do
    expect do
      expect do
        expect do
          expect do
            ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter.perform_enqueued_jobs = true
          end.not_to change { GenericWorkResource.find( }
        end.not_to change { GenericWorkResource.find( }
      end.not_to change { GenericWorkResource.find( }
      # Yes, these are Hydra::AccessControl objects because that's their internal_resource name
      # TODO: Find the map to get the right model for the Hyrax::AccessControl change {[0].count_all_of_model(model: Hydra::AccessControl) }.by(1) change {  GenericWorkResource.find( }

  # @orangewolf: Are we expecting to write the Leases into Postgres.  I assume so.

  # After update of the lease...
  # ...the work will not be in Postgres
  expect {[0].find_by(id: }.to raise_error
  # ...the work will be in Fedora and accessible via the Wings adapter
  generic_work_from_wings =[1].find_by(id:
  expect(generic_work_from_wings).to be_a(GenericWorkResource)

  # Here's the problem:
  # - Work and ACL in Fedora but not Postgres
  # - We update the lease, which write the lease to postgres; but not write the work to Postgres
  # - We query the work; it's in Fedora and wings converts it to a Resource but then used the
  #   Fedora ACL (that is the one we didn't update)

  # Verifying that the underlying access control model and the corresponding change_set are
  # identical.  This is the implementation details of the Hyrax::AccessControlList model.
  # access_control_model = Hyrax::AccessControl.for(resource: GenericWorkResource.find(
  # access_control_model_change_set = Hyrax::ChangeSet.for(access_control_model)
  # expect(access_control_model.permissions).to eq(access_control_model_change_set.permissions)

  gwr = GenericWorkResource.find(

  acl =[0].find_by(id: gwr.access_control_id)
  gwr_acl = gwr.permission_manager.acl

  # Here we have the failing spec.
  # The access control model says one thing but what we get from the cached permission manager.
  expect(gwr_acl.permissions).to eq(

  # The ACL's written to service[0] are equal to the permissions that we derive from a fresh
  # Hyrax::AccessControlList
  expect( eq( gwr).permissions)

  # The ACLs in the system should be correct.  And the underlying permission manager fetches the
  # correct access_control_mdoel.
  expect( eq(