A repository containing julia wrappers for standalone openFAST modules.
Quick Start for Developing Julia Packages
Please make all feature changes and bug fixes as branches and then create pull requests against the dev branch. The dev branch will be periodically pulled into master.
include("./path/modulename.jl/src/modulename.jl") is like a copy and paste and will reload the module every time the script is run
installing a module by navigating to the module's working directory (and in an interactive julia session), running "] dev ." will install it in dev mode and will pick up changes made in the local package location every time julia restarts.
installing normally ("] add url/or/path/2/package") installs the package in the "~/.julia" folder and requires the url/path original location to be updated, and a "] update mypackage" to get it to pick up changes.
Each package has its own "environment" like conda environment. To activate that environment and add dependencies, navigate to the working directory and run "] activate ." Then, when you "] add dependencyname" it will add it to the Project.toml and Manifest.toml automatically. To switch back to the general environment, run "] activate"
Add code in the src/ folder with an include("./yournewfile.jl") in the OpenFASTWrapers.jl file
Add tests and test data in the test/ folder, add include statements for your tests in the runtests.jl file.