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Strimzi Training - Lab 11

Lab 11 is using Strimzi 0.12.1. It takes you through the changes in Strimzi 0.12.1 (AMQ Streams 1.2). Since 0.12.1, only Kubernetes 1.11 and newer or OpenShift 3.11 or newer are supported.

  • Checkout this repository which will be used during the lab:
    • git clone
  • Go to the lab-11 directory
    • cd lab-11
  • Start you OpenShift or Kubernetes cluster
    • You should use OpenShift 3.11 or higher or Kubernetes 1.11 or higher
    • Run minishift start or oc cluster up
  • Login as cluster administrator
    • oc login -u system:admin
  • If you are not in a project myproject, create it and set it as active
    • oc new-project myproject
    • oc project myproject

Custom Resource Improvements

  • Go to the cr-improvements directory
    • cd cr-improvements

Upgrading custom resources

  • Install previous version of Strimzi / AMQ Streams
    • oc apply -f install-0.11.4/
  • Install an old Kafka cluster with version v1alpha1
    • oc apply -f old-kafka.yaml
  • Update the CO to Strimzi 0.12.1 / AMQ Streams 1.2
    • oc apply -f install-0.12.1/
    • Wait for the rolling update to finish
  • Check the custom resource
    • oc edit kafka my-cluster
    • Notice that the version was updated to v1beta1
    • Add following annotation to force the upgrade
kind: Kafka
  # ...
    upgrade: "Upgraded to"
  # ...

Status sub-resource

  • Once the resource is upgraded to v1beta1 (or with all resources created after the 0.12.1 upgrade), you can check the status
    • Do oc get kafka my-cluster -o yaml and notice the last section of the output
    • Check the conditions
    • Check the addresses
  • Modify the Kafka cluster to use external listener using OpenShift routes (e.g. using oc edit kafka my-cluster)
    # ...
      # ...
        type: route
  • Notice how the status has been upgraded


  • Set the resources to number larger than what is the amount of CPU / resources you have (e.g. using oc edit kafka my-cluster)
    # ...
        memory: 200Gi
        cpu: 20000m
  • Wait for the reconciliation to fail and check that conditions field in the status sub-resource

### Handling of invalid fields

  • Add following section to the Kafka custom resource (e.g. using oc edit kafka my-cluster)
    # ...
    # ...
    # ...
    someKey: someValue
  • Check the CO logs to see the warnings about the unknown fields
    • oc logs $(oc get pod -l name=strimzi-cluster-operator -o=jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
  • When finished, delete the cluster
    • oc delete kafka my-cluster

Persistent Storage improvements

  • Go to the storage directory
    • cd storage

Adding and removing JBOD volumes

  • Deploy a Kafka cluster which will be using JBOD storage
    • oc apply -f kafka-jbod.yaml
  • Wait for the cluster to be deployed
  • Add more volumes to the brokers
    • Either using oc apply -f kafka-jbod-2-volumes.yaml
    • Or using oc edit by adding following section to the section
      - id: 1
        type: persistent-claim
        size: 10Gi
        deleteClaim: true
  • Wait for the update to finish


  • Try to remove the volume again and see how it is removed

Volume Resizing

This step has to be executed only in environments which support storage resizing (i.e. not on Minishift or Minikube). You can try it for example on OCP4 in AWS.

  • Make sure your cluster supports volume resizing
  • Use oc edit kafka my-cluster and change the size of one of the volumes (e.g. from 10Gi to 20Gi)
  • Watch as the PVs / PVCs get resized and wait for the

HTTP Bridge

  • Go to the http-bridge directory
    • cd http-bridge
  • Create a topic my-topic
    • oc apply -f topic.yaml
  • Deploy the HTTP Bridge and wait for it to be ready
    • oc apply -f http-bridge.yaml
  • Expose the bridge using OpenShift Route to allow it being used from our local computers
    • oc apply -f http-route.yaml
    • Get the address of the route export BRIDGE="$(oc get routes my-bridge -o jsonpath='{.status.ingress[0].host}')"

Sending messages

  • Send messages using a simple POST call
    • Notice the content-type header which is important!
curl -X POST $BRIDGE/topics/my-topic \
  -H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json' \
  -d '{"records":[{"key":"message-key","value":"message-value"}]}'

Receiving messages

  • First, we need to create a consumer
curl -X POST $BRIDGE/consumers/my-group \
  -H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json' \
  -d '{
    "name": "consumer1",
    "format": "json",
    "auto.offset.reset": "earliest",
    "": "false",
    "fetch.min.bytes": "512",
    "": "30000"
  • Then we need to subscribe the consumer to the topics it should receive from
curl -X POST $BRIDGE/consumers/my-group/instances/consumer1/subscription \
  -H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json' \
  -d '{"topics": ["my-topic"]}'
  • And then we can consume the messages (can be called repeatedly - e.g. in a loop)
curl -X GET $BRIDGE/consumers/my-group/instances/consumer1/records \
  -H 'accept: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json'
  • At the end we should close the consumer
curl -X DELETE $BRIDGE/consumers/my-group/instances/consumer1


  • Go to the debezium directory
    • cd debezium
  • Deploy the Address Book application
    • oc apply -f address-book.yaml
    • This YAML deploys a MySQL database, and a simple application using it as a address book
    • Check it in OpenShift, make sure it works and you are able to add / edit / remove addresses
  • Deploy Kafka Connect
    • oc apply -f kafka-connect.yaml
  • Get the address of the Kafka Connect REST interface
    • export CONNECT="$(oc get routes my-connect-cluster -o jsonpath='{.status.ingress[0].host}')"

Create the connector

  • The connector can be created using the debezium-connector.json file
    • POST it to the Kafka Connect REST interface
curl -X POST $CONNECT/connectors \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data "@debezium-connector.json"
  • Check that status of the connector
curl $CONNECT/connectors/debezium-connector/status | jq

Debezium messages

  • We will use the HTTP Bridge deployed in previous section to get the Debezium messages
  • Create a consumer
curl -X POST $BRIDGE/consumers/debezium-group \
  -H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json' \
  -d '{
    "name": "debezium-consumer",
    "format": "json",
    "auto.offset.reset": "earliest",
    "": "false",
    "fetch.min.bytes": "512",
    "": "30000"
  • Subscribe to the Kafka topic where we get the messages for our MySQL Address book table
curl -X POST $BRIDGE/consumers/debezium-group/instances/debezium-consumer/subscription \
  -H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json' \
  -d '{"topics": ["dbserver1.inventory.customers"]}'
  • Read the messages created by the initial state of the database (you might need to run it multiple time before you get all the messages)
curl -X GET $BRIDGE/consumers/debezium-group/instances/debezium-consumer/records \
  -H 'accept: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json' | jq
  • Go to the address book UI and make some changes
  • Observe the new Debezium messages by calling the GET again
curl -X GET $BRIDGE/consumers/debezium-group/instances/debezium-consumer/records \
  -H 'accept: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json' | jq
  • You can also consume the messages using a regular Kafka client:
oc run kafka-consumer -ti --image=strimzi/kafka:0.12.1-kafka-2.2.1 --rm=true --restart=Never -- bin/ --bootstrap-server my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 --topic dbserver1.inventory.customers --from-beginning --property print.key=true --property key.separator=" - "