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UpCy - Safely Updating Outdated Dependencies

UpCy is a tool that automatically suggests (source- and ABI-compatible) updates for a Maven project. UpCy is implemented in Java.


To execute and build UpCy yourself, you need to have the following software installed:

  • JDK >= 1.8.0_231
  • Maven >= 3.8.4
  • Docker >= 20.10.17

What is UpCy?

UpCy is a tool for Maven projects that automatically finds a list of update steps that updates a dependency to a target version while minimizing the number of API incompatibilities (source code- and ABI). Typically, a dependency in a Maven project is used by multiple libraries in the project's dependency tree. Thus, developers usually need to update not only the single dependencies but find out what other dependencies use that dependency as well and find a compatible version. To ease fixing of remaining incompatibilities, UpCy uses static analysis to identify API incompatible methods that are actually used in the project. UpCy does this automatically and reports (remaining) incompatible API methods.

Given a Maven project, one of its dependencies, and the target update version, UpCy finds a set of update steps with a minimum number of source code- and binary incompatibilities by finding min-(s,t)-cut and querying on the entire dependency graph of Maven Central.

Developers can use UpCy to automatically find compatible updates, e.g., to eliminate certain vulnerable dependencies (especially transitive ones) from a project's dependency graph or update outdated dependencies.


Install SootDiff

  • Clone the SootDiff repository git clone
  • change into the folder cd sootdiff
  • Build and install SootDiff in your local maven repository mvn clean compile install -DskipTests

Install Maven-EcoSystem (libraries for assessing the Neo4j DB of Maven Central)

  • Clone the Maven-EcoSystem repository git clone
  • change into the folder cd mvn-ecosystem-graph
  • Build and install SootDiff in your local maven repository mvn clean compile install

Install UpCy-Base (libraries for building dependency graph and running call graph analysis)

  • Clone the UpCy-Base repository git clone
  • change into the folder cd upcy-base
  • Build and install SootDiff in your local maven repository mvn clean compile install

Setup Graph Database of Maven Central (Neo4j) & Database of Binary- & Source-Code Incompatibilities (MongoDB)

Download the database files incompabilities_mongodb.tar.gz and maven-central_neo4j.tar.gz from Extract both files using the command tar xzf <FileName>. The unzipped folders contain the databases. Then start an instance of a MongoDB and Neo4j database and mount these two folders as volumes. A ready-to-use configuration is in the file docker-compose-dbs.yml. To run it execute docker-compose -f docker-compose-dbs.yml up. This fires ups the databases and mounts the extracted folders as volumes. Then wait for the databases to start.

Build UpCy

  • To build UpCy and its docker container run mvn clean compile package.

Run UpCy

Set environment variables

For connecting to the databases, the following environment variables must be set with concrete values.


Run UpCy

Execute on a Maven Module

To execute UpCy and the call graph analysis based on Soot your Maven module must compile since Soot uses the bytecode class for call graph construction. Further, all dependencies must be resolved.

First, compile the module by running mvn compile.

Second, generate the dependency graph for the project by executing:

mvn com.github.ferstl:depgraph-maven-plugin:4.0.1:graph -DshowVersions -DshowGroupIds -DshowDuplicates -DshowConflicts -DgraphFormat=json

Third, invoke the UpCy class java -cp <PATH-TO-UPCY-JAR> de.upb.upcy.update.MainMavenComputeUpdateSuggestion with the following arguments:

  • -dg,--dependency-graph the generated dependency graph as json file
  • -gav the GAV of the dependency to update in the form - group:artifact:version
  • -module,--maven-module path to the maven module containing the pom.xml
  • -targetGav the target GAV in the form - group:artifact:version
  • -preflight execute a preflight check

Fourth, UpCy will create a file _recommendation_results.csv in the module's folder with the computed update options.

Re-Run experiments

The main class for re-running UpCy is de.upb.upcy.update.MainComputeUpdateSuggestion. To re-run the experiments, download the and unzip it on your local machine. Then pass the unzipped folder as an argument to the class de.upb.upcy.update.MainComputeUpdateSuggestion. The code then clones each repository and executes UpCy on each project and with each update step given in the _update-steps.csv files.

Re-Run experiments using the Docker pipeline

The docker pipeline allows you to re-run the UpCy experiments distributed on multiple machines using the docker-compose file docker-compose-upcy-dockerized.yml The pipeline consists of one rabbitmq message broker container for distributing the workload, one producer container creating the tasks, and multiple worker containers that run UpCy.

Before running the containers copy the file upcy.sample.env to upcy.env and adapt the environment variables there. To save the results, the containers connect to an external FILESERVER_HOST that you must specify in the env file. The FILESERVER_HOST can be a WebDav server, starting with https:// or a local folder, starting with file:// The producer node reads as input from FILESERVER_HOST/ For creating the file from run the bash script If you prefer to create the file manually, keep in mind that

  • the file must contain a root folder projects
  • sub-folders with repoOwner_repoName and containing a COMMIT file
  • the sub-folders must contain the _update-steps.csv files
  • the example input is Note the file does not have the root folder projects. Thus, you must unzip it and add the root folder yourself.

ToDos (Performance Improvements)

  • Split Cypher Query to speed up performance heavily (most critical performance improvement)
    • MATCH query to find nodes that solve constraint
    • 2nd query to get for the returned nodes the subgraph
    • merge both graph (nodes based on gavc) to not lose any information (e.g., due to limit)
  • Pooling of MongoDB Connections in Sig*Process, since they are separate processes, the connection pool is not shared => SigTest / Processor / MySigTestHandler in separate Process