grandparent = Tag.create(name: 'Grandparent')
parent = grandparent.children.create(name: 'Parent')
child2 = 'Second Child')
parent.children << child2
d = Tag.find_or_create_by_path %w[a b c d]
h = Tag.find_or_create_by_path %w[e f g h]
e = h.root
d.add_child(e) # "d.children << e" would work too, of course
=> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h"]
<!-- wrap the text node with <a href="#"> , <span>, blabla is also OK. Note:text node must immediately follow the <li> tag, with no intervening characters of any kind. -->
<ul id="ul-data">
<li>Lao Lao
<li>Bo Miao</li>
<li>Su Miao
<li>Tie Hua</li>
<li>Hei Hei
<li>Pang Pang</li>
<li>Xiang Xiang</li>