All admins of this community are fulfilling that duty in a volunteer capacity. Please keep that in mind when they reach out to you or you reach out to them.
📷 Photo | 🏷️ Name | 📖 Description | 🆔 Trailblazer ID | GH ID |
Steve Holsinger | Co-founder of the 2014/15 original version of the SFCC B2C Slack which eventually was accidentally closed to the public in May of 2018. In addition to volunteering in this community, Steve is also a senior technical leader of a Salesforce Practice. Steve has 11+ years of experience in SFCC B2C/Demandware development & architecture. | sholsinger | sholsinger | |
Matt Rose | Matt has 10+ years of experience in SFCC B2C/Demandware across various technical roles related to design, development and architecture. Matt created the current SFCC Unofficial Slack Community after the previously mentioned original community was closed. Matt is currently working as an independent contractor after working at Salesforce and various partner agencies. | mattrose | matthewrose | |
Oleg Sapishchuk | Oleg's overall goal is to become a thought leader that leads and teaches by example. Oleg wants continuously to build products that will bring positive impacts to people. Working as a Technical Architect at Salesforce, Oleg promotes community recognition and support from Salesforce. In addition to mentioned above, Oleg is Co-founder of the Unofficial Salesforce Commerce Cloud Podcast, an initiative that is running under the "Unofficial" Community umbrella. | osapishchuk | Gektorian | |
Daniel Anechitoaie | With 11+ years of experience with SFCC (former Demandware) stack, starting with dev position and leading up to principal solution architect, Daniel is still really pasionate about the next thing and likes to be the "early bird" when new things are planned or available in alpha/beta phases. He's also passionate about CI/CD and the author and mantainer of the OSF Builder Suite for SFCC for Jenkins which are a set of Jenkins plugins targeted towards CI/CD for SFCC platform. Currently experimenting/working on some products using GPT3/Codex. | daniel-anechitoaie | danechitoaie | |
Kyle Montgomery | VP Salesforce Commerce at Astound Commerce, a Salesforce Summit partner. Kyle is a remote-work enthusiast also passionate in DevOps, Agile, code, and no-code. Kyle has 10+ years Salesforce B2C/Demandware experience. Goes with he/him pronouns. | kyleamontgomery | k-montgomery | |
Gökay Gürcan | Late addition to the admins group after lurking around for a few years and trying to make a meaningful contribution to the community. Has about almost a decade of SFCC B2C Commerce Cloud/Demandware experience and many projects under his belt. Currently working as Development Manager of multiple software development teams. Goes with he/him pronouns. | gokaygurcan | gokaygurcan | |
Thomas Theunen | He joined the admin group in 2022 after being in the community for a few years. He has more than a decade of experience in Commerce and is mainly focussing on Customer 360 for the past few years. Goes with he/him pronouns. | thomas-theunen | taurgis |