- Initial coding by Simon Moulds, packaged by Simon Mudd
- Initial release on pypi
- Then Simon Mudd had to delete the release because he was calling it NFRA instead of NRFA, mainly because nfrapy sounds a bit like frappuchino and that suggests a clever logo. Simon Moulds had to point out to the disappointed Muddpile that this was the wrong acronym.
- Basic functionality: simply calls the NRFA API and gets time series data
- A command line script is included: nrfa_get_ts
- Update so that the time column is always parsed as a datetime (S Moulds)
- Added flag that allows the time to be used as an index, which is useful for some dataframe operations (D Golberg)
- Added an option to feed the timeseries function a list of strings that all fetching then concatenaiton of different timeseries (D Goldberg)
- Added some code to make sure the package works on pandas versions < 2.0.0 (SMM)
- For utterly crazy reasons, I need to make this package resiliant against cases where the pandas version using .__version__ is different than that from pkg_resources
- pandas concat in get_ts() needs to be called with the axis kwarg set to 1, otherwise strange behavior