To prepare for this lab, please follow the Intro to JupyterLab tutorial to get set up with the JupyterLab desktop app and JupyterAI extension.
Try typing "write a Qiskit code that demonstrates quantum teleportation and displays the circuit and the statistics of many trials" into the AI tool. This is a ready supply of infinite Python examples. You should be able modify the code yourself and understand what it’s doing (because you’ll need to explain it in the Lab Report), but you don't need to know how to create a program in Python, beginning-to-end, for this class.
There are many places to try to run quantum software, but asking replit to write code in qiskit is a good place to start. Make your way to and Pennylane and create accounts. I'll be pointing you there to play around with examples.
Your Lab Report should include what you're trying to demonstrate, how that’s being done by the computer/simulator, any data you gather, and your analysis of that data. It needs to be long enough to demonstrate that you understand what you’re doing and what you’re seeing. Please submit it in pdf.
For this first assignment: 1) create qubits, 2) change them, 3) measure them, and 4) gather statistics.
Create a circuit. Initiate two qubits and two classical bits. Apply Hadamard, X, Z, and controlled not operators, and measure the output for each. Run the code several hundred times to gather statistics on your measurements and explain the results (Why is it 50/50? Why is it 75/25?).
Normally, this will be due Friday, but late is fair this week.
Take a look at this tutorial from qiskit on the basics of a quantum circuit. Lean on the AI tools heavily. Ask ChatGPT to write your code, but not your lab report. Please.
Simon Savitt has volunteered to answer any questions you may have. He's cc'd on this email. Please reach out to either/both of us if you have questions, are feeling lost, or having trouble.
I’m very interested in the pedagogy of what we’re attempting here for the first time. So “this is terrible, I hate it” is valuable feedback.