The script will be run in a virtual environment. Start by creating a virtual environment:
On a Mac:
python3 -m venv openai-env
On Windows:
python -m venv openai-env
After creating the virtual environment, you need to activate it:
On a Mac:
source openai-env/bin/activate
On Windows:
source openai-env/Scripts/activate
Once the virtual environment is activated, the beginning of your terminal prompt should display **(openai-env)**.
Install the OpenAI API library by running (in both a Mac and Windows):
pip install --upgrade openai
You'll see an openai-env folder has been added to the directory with all of the installed dependencies.
To run your code, in the command line run (change the file name if necessary):
On a Mac:
On Windows:
When finished, close the virtual environment by running: