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399 lines (312 loc) · 13.9 KB

File metadata and controls

399 lines (312 loc) · 13.9 KB

Meeting Minutes

2022-01-13, 1300, JN, CR, MC, TW



All code and notes are available under a permissive free software license; the git repository is at

  • AP1 Prozessierungspipeline

Die Pipeline soll automatisiert ablaufen, allerdings sollen die einzelnen Schritte auch manuell ausführbar sein.

Implemented eight tasks for the processing pipeline (using luigi as pipeline framework):

IdMappingDatabase         *
OpenCitationsDatabase     *
SolrDatabase              *

The * tasks are sqlite3 databases used by the API server.

There is a single command line tool, named labe.pyz that allows to run tasks (this is a single file packed Python project, built with shiv).

Shiv is a command line utility for building fully self-contained Python zipapps as outlined in PEP 441 but with all their dependencies included!

Command line interface to run luigi tasks for labe project ≋


    List tasks:

        $ labe.pyz -l

    Run task:

        $ labe.pyz -r SolrDatabase --name main

    Show task output location:

        $ labe.pyz -O OpenCitationsDatabase

Symlinks point to the current version of a task output. They will only be
updated, if the task ran successfully. This way we can identify outdated files:

    $ labe.pyz --list-deletable

Use cron job to schedule tasks:

    0 10 * * * rm -rf $(labe.pyz --list-deletable)
    0 30 * * * labe.pyz -r CombinedUpdate

Relevant configuration files:


Usage of labe.pyz:

usage: labe.pyz [-h] [-L] [-l] [-O TASK] [-r TASK] [-c CONFIG_FILE]
                [--logging-conf-file LOGGING_CONF_FILE] [--data-dir DATA_DIR]
                [--tmp-dir TMP_DIR]
                [--labed-server-process-name LABED_SERVER_PROCESS_NAME]
                [--list-deletable] [--deps] [--deps-dot]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -L, --print-most-recent-download-url
                        show most recent OCI download URL (default: False)
  -l, --list            list task names (default: False)
  -O TASK, --show-output-path TASK
                        show output path of task (default: None)
  -r TASK, --run TASK   task to run (default: None)
  -c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        path to configuration file (default:
  --logging-conf-file LOGGING_CONF_FILE
                        path to logging configuration file (default:
  --data-dir DATA_DIR, -D DATA_DIR
                        root directory for all tasks, we follow XDG (override
                        in settings.ini) (default: /home/tir/.local/share)
  --tmp-dir TMP_DIR, -T TMP_DIR
                        temporary directory to use (default: /tmp)
  --labed-server-process-name LABED_SERVER_PROCESS_NAME
                        which process to send sighup to on database updates
                        (default: labed)
  --list-deletable      list task outputs, which could be deleted (default:
  --deps                show task dependencies (default: False)
  --deps-dot            print task dependencies in dot format (default: False)

  • AP2 Abruf der aktuellen Dumps

Die Pipeline soll den Download der aktuellen Version ausführen. Der Link zum Download der aktuellen Version kann durch die Pipeline aus der Webseite selber erkannt werden oder manuell zur Verarbeitung hinzugefügt werden.

There is a module which checks Open Citations website for new dumps. The most recent download URL can be queried from the command line:

$ labe.pyz -L

It is possible to override the direct download url via labe.cfg configuration.


direct =
  • AP3 Verarbeiten und Reduktion der Daten

Insbesondere soll der Gesamtbestand der Datenbank auf DOIs reduziert werden, die im SLUB Bestand sind, SLUB Bestand zitieren oder von SLUB Bestand zitiert werden.


Wie oben bereits beschrieben umfasst der "OpenCitations COCI Index" einen Datenbestand von 60.778.357 bibliografische Ressourcen und 759.516.507 Zitationen.

Data is prepared and put into a queryable form by utilitizing sqlite3.

  • we convert the OCI CSV data dump into an sqlite3 database
  • we turn solr index documents into sqlite3 key value store (key: id, value: doc)
  • we generate an id-to-doi mapping and store it in sqlite3

A standalone tool - makta - can turn a TSV file into an sqlite3 database (scales to billions of rows). A small tool - tabjson - turns a JSON document with an ID field into a TSV file (to be used in a key-value style).

Instead of batch processing, we use these sqlite3 databases in conjunction with the API server to serve queries.

The current version of the OCI index (v12) contains 1,235,170,583 citations (plus 62%).

  • AP4 Speichern der Daten im Datahub

Nach dem Download der Gesamtdaten und nach der Reduktion der Daten sind diese im SLUB Datahub abzulegen.

We save all files on a dedicated host ("sdvlabe", Intel Xeon Gold 5218 (8) @ 2.294GHz, 1T disk). There is one data directory, which contains all downloaded files and final databases. Naming of files and directories is regular.

  • AP5 Einspielen der Daten in einen Index

Die in Punkt 4 erzeugten, reduzierten Daten sind in einen leistungsfähigen Solr oder Elasticsearch Index einzuspielen.

Originally, an index was to be used as a data store for the merged data. However, we can also use sqlite3 databases as our backing data stores. The makta tool helps us to move tabular data into sqlite3 quickly.

Some advantages of the current approach:

  • less time for preprocessing (around 180 minutes at most), since we need to bring data mostly into sqlite3 (with some transformations)
  • databases can be updated independently
  • sqlite3 is a serverless database and it requires less maintenance than a search server
  • sqlite3 is a stable format, even recommended as a storage format by the Library of Congress
  • backups (if necessary) are as simple as an rsync of a directory to another machine

Performance of sqlite3 has been overall positive, since we mostly need simple queries (akin to key-value stores).

  • AP6 Bereitstellung der Daten als REST API

Die Daten aus dem leistungsfähigen Index sind für die weitere Verwendung als REST API bereitzustellen. Die Abfrage der Daten soll mittels der DOI erfolgen. Als Antwort sind die Metadaten der DOI und die zitierten und zitierenden Werke geliefert werden. Zu den zitierten und zitierenden Werken sind die jeweiligen Metadaten ebenfalls in der Antwort auszugeben.

The labed program is a standalone HTTP server that serves queries for inbound and outbound citations for a given ID (e.g. ai-49-28bf812...) or DOI (10.123/123...).

The labed server will utilize the id-mapping, citations and index cache databases to fuse a single JSON response containing information about inbound, outbound citations as well as citations currently not found in the catalog data.

Example response:

  "id": "ai-49-aHR0cDovL2R4LmRvaS5vcmcvMTAuMjEwNC9hZzA2MDAwOQ",
  "doi": "10.2104/ag060009",
  "citing": [
      "author": [
        "O'Connor, Kevin"
      "doi_str_mv": [
      "format": [
      "id": "ai-49-aHR0cDovL2R4LmRvaS5vcmcvMTAuMTA4MC8wODExMTE0MDMwOTk1NQ",
      "title": "Melbourne 2030: A Response",
      "url": [
  "cited": [
      "author": [
        "Drechsler, Paul"
      "doi_str_mv": [
      "format": [
      "id": "ai-49-aHR0cDovL2R4LmRvaS5vcmcvMTAuMTA4MC8wODExMTE0Ni4yMDE0LjkwODc2OA",
      "title": "Metropolitan Activity Centre ...",
      "url": [
      "author": [
        "Fujii, Tadashi",
        "Yamashita, Hiroki",
        "Itoh, Satoru"
      "doi_str_mv": [
      "format": [
      "id": "ai-49-aHR0cDovL2R4LmRvaS5vcmcvMTAuMjEwNC9hZzA2MDAxMQ",
      "title": "A comparative study of metropolitan ...",
      "url": [
  "unmatched": {},
  "extra": {
    "took": 0.000727576,
    "unmatched_citing_count": 0,
    "unmatched_cited_count": 0,
    "citing_count": 1,
    "cited_count": 2,
    "cached": false

The server is minimalistic (~1K LOC) and focusses on performance. It is possible to trade memory for speed by using a built-in cache (which caches expensive responses on first query). Via middleware, the server supports gzip compression, logging and query tracing.

  • [.] AP7 Optional: Automatischer Delta Report

A delta report generator is currently in progress. Its design will piggyback on existing UNIX facilities, such as diff(1).

Additional work items

ID-DOI mapping

Um zu erfahren, welche Werke im SLUB Bestand sind, kann eine Abfrage der DOIs gegen einen Solr Index stattfinden.

Not all DOI were readily available in indices; we wrote a specific tool - doisniffer - that allows to augment existing JSON lines SOLR files with DOI information.

$ echo '{"title": "example title", "notes": "see also: 10.123/123"}' | doisniffer | jq .
  "doi_str_mv": [
  "notes": "see also: 10.123/123",
  "title": "example title"

Performance reports

In order to test our design, we conducted regular performance tests. A final report is outstanding, but the TL;DR is:

  • labed server can serve 100+ rps sustained with moderate load
  • while some queries (documents with many edges) may take longer than 1s, the majority of requests come back in less than 500ms
$ curl -sL | \
    zstd -dc |
    parallel -j 40 "curl -s http://localhost:8000/id/{}" | \
    grep -v "no rows in result set" | \
    jq -rc '[.id, .doi, .extra.citing_count, .extra.cited_count, .extra.took] | @tsv'

Lightning Talk


  • in order to add more id-doi mappings, the data needs to be included in IdMappingTable task
  • labed supports multiple index data stores to get catalog metadata from (via -Q flag)
  • since we do not limit SOLR metadata to just SLUB data, the service may be reusable by any institution using the shared article index


Currently (01/2022) we think the project can run with minimal intervention for a 12-24 months. A list of a few maintenance issues are:

  • update python dependencies (adjust
  • update Go dependencies (go get -u -v)

Currently, we use about 300G per update cycle on a 1T disk drive, hence we can accommodate at most two versions at the same time. As citation data and index data is expected to grow, the disk size may be a limiting factor in 12-24 months.

  • OCI links are currently scraped, which means that as soon as OCI changes their webpage layout, the scraper module needs to be adjusted

More maintenance notes:

  • crontab documentation is included
  • a cleanup script and mechanism to only keep the most recent version of the data is included
  • a basic ansible setup is included
  • systemd service file is included
  • both the Go and Python parts of the project can be packaged into a debian package (via make deb target)
  • limitation: the Python version on the development machine needs to match the Python version on the target machine (see: Makefile)

Additional notes on maintenance.

  • total SLOC count (Python, Go) as of 2022-01-12: 2596 (3240 with blanks) in 25 files
  • 4 separate Go tools, independent of each other
  • Python package, with a regalar package appearance (via
  • Makefile target for formatting Python (via make fmt)
  • Code documentation for each function and most modules