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Add functionality for spectrum data

author: Kyle Boone

date-created: 2020 May 18

date-last-revised: 2020 June 22

date-accepted: 2020 June 22

status: Accepted


The goal of this proposal is to add functionality to sncosmo to handle spectrum data. We propose to add a Spectrum class that represents a spectra taken of a supernova, and implement functionality to work with this data.

Detailed description

sncosmo is currently limited to working with photometric data. However, spectra are often obtained of supernovae, and it would be very useful if sncosmo could use this additional data. We propose to add functionality to sncosmo to work with spectra.

There are several ways in which spectra can be used for supernova cosmology. First, spectra can provide additional constraints when fitting models to observations of a supernova. Models such as the SNEMO model that was recently added to sncosmo are designed to be able to fit individual spectra of each supernova rather than being limited to photometry. Surveys such as the SNfactory are obtaining spectrophotometric timeseries of supernovae that can then be fit directly with these models, potentially providing additional information beyond what is captured by photometry alone.

Given a spectrophotometric timeseries, it is possible to generate synthetic photometry in arbitrary bands. This photometry has many uses, such as comparing between experiments or using light curve fitters that take photometry as input. sncosmo already provides functionality to generate photometry from spectral time series models, and this same functionality could be applied to spectrophotometric spectra.

Less-well-calibrated spectra can also be useful for typing supernovae or constraining models. However, they often require some warping of the spectrum or removal of host galaxy contamination. This functionality is beyond the scope of this EP, but we would like to set up a framework to be able to include it in the future.

Branches and pull requests

An initial discussion of this work can be found in sncosmo/sncosmo#262.

The main PR for this EP can be found as sncosmo/sncosmo#269.

This PR is based off of and supercedes the following PRs:


The building block for all of this work is adding a Spectrum class to sncosmo to handle spectrum data. There is currently a Spectrum class that is designed to represent a model of a spectrum that will be renamed to SpectrumModel. The Spectrum class should be different as it represents binned observations of a spectrum rather than a continuous model. This is similar to the distinction between the SourceModel and PhotometricData classes that currently exist.

The Spectrum class needs to encapsulate several aspects of an observed spectrum. An observed spectrum can be thought of as a set of many small filters that are all adjacent to each other. The class needs to keep track of the edges of these filters and the bin widths. Spectra also often come with uncertainties or covariance matrices, and these need to be properly encapsulated. Our implementation is inspired by the PhotometricData class that deals with similar issues. The Spectrum API is designed to be compatible with the SpectrumModel API in order to avoid breaking any code that was previously using the old internal Spectrum class.

Initializing a spectrum

A spectrum is initialized with a list of wavelengths, fluxes and optionally uncertainties. The Spectrum initializer has the following signature:

def __init__(self, wave=None, flux=None, fluxerr=None, fluxcov=None, bin_edges=None,
             wave_unit=u.AA, unit=(u.erg / u.s /**2 / u.AA), time=None):

For the most common use case (a list of wavelengths, fluxes and uncertainties), all of these attributes can be passed directly into the function. This is compatible with the old Spectrum class which only supported arguments of wave and flux.

Internally, the Spectrum class stores the edges of each bin rather than the centers of each bin. We use the _recover_bin_edges function to recover the bin edges perfectly for linear binning, and with a fractional error of (dλ/λ)^4 for higher order (e.g. log) binning. Optionally, bin_edges can be specified directly. Exactly one of wave and bin_edges must be specified. flux must also be specified and have the same length as wave (or a length of 1 less than bin_edges).

The unit on the wavelength elements can be specified with wave_unit, and is assumed to be angstroms by default. The flux is assumed to be a spectral flux density fλ in units of erg/s/cm^2/A unless otherwise specified by unit. Internally, the wavelength is stored in angstroms and the flux as fλ.

Uncertainties can optionally be specified, either through fluxerr which is a list of uncorrelated uncertainties for each spectral element or through fluxcov which provides the full covariance matrix. Uncertainties are assumed to be in the same units as the flux.

Optionally, the time of the spectrum can be specified. This must be specified for fitting purposes, but isn't necessary for things like synthetic photometry.

Regardless of how the Spectrum was constructed, the wavelength attributes wave, bin_edges, bin_starts, and bin_ends are all available. fluxerr and fluxcov are available if either was originally specified with conversion happening automatically internally.

Synthetic photometry

Synthetic photometry can be calculated on the spectrum using the bandflux method:

def bandflux(self, band, zp=None, zpsys=None):

where band is an sncosmo.Bandpass object, the name of a bandpass in the registry, or a list of such objects. By default, this returns the total flux in photons/s/cm^2. If zp and zpsys are given, the flux(es) are scaled to the requested zeropoints.

bandfluxcov has the same signature as bandflux, but it also returns the covariance matrix between the observed fluxes (this copies how this is handled for the Model class).

Magnitudes can be computed with bandmag:

def bandmag(self, band, magsys):

This is similar to bandflux except that magsys is required and the final result is converted to magnitudes.

Fitting models

With this EP, models can be fit to any combination of photometry and spectra. We propose modifying fit_lc and adding an optional spectra keyword that takes a Spectrum object or a list of Spectrum objects. Any combination of spectra and photometry is allowed, including fitting only spectra or fitting a mix of photometry and spectra simultaneously. Here are some examples of valid calls to fit_lc:

fit_lc(photometry, model)
fit_lc(photometry, model, spectra=[spec1, spec2])
fit_lc(model=model, spectra=[spec1, spec2])
fit_lc(model=model, spectra=spec)

Internally, we will modify the generate_chisq function used by fit_lc to compute the chi-square individually for all of the different photometry and spectra and then combine the results. This approach means that the API will remain unchanged, but there is a new option to include spectra as part of the fit.

Backward compatibility

The old Spectrum class will be renamed to SpectrumModel, and all internal references to that class will be updated. The new Spectrum class that replaces it will implement the same API, so all code that used this class should continue to work as is. Speaking with users, the main use case for this class was synthetic photometry. There will be some changes in the new synthetic photometry because of how we treat the spectrum (before: interpolating with arbitrary sampling, now: treating each spectral element as a tophat filter with proper sampling.) These changes will improve the quality of the photometry, especially for low-resolution spectra.


The main alternative would be to use the specutils.Spectrum1D class directly instead of implementing a new one. Unfortunately, this class does not yet support several necessary features such as covariance between different spectral elements (see astropy/specutils#684 for a discussion of this). If these features are implemented in specutils, then we could transition this class to be based off of specutils.Spectrum1D internally in the future. We do not plan on implementing a large amount of functionality to manipulate spectra in sncosmo.

Another alternative would be to use the PhotometricData class to handle spectra. A spectrum can be interpreted as observations in a large number of small filters, and each flux observation could then be implemented as an individual photometric measurement. This would work with the current implementation of sncosmo as is, but a lot of the properties of spectra are lost since the measurements are mixed in with all of the other observations of that supernova. This would make it very difficult to implement things like synthetic photometry that require knowledge of the structure of the spectrum. It would also be very computationally inefficient.

Decision rationale

No objections were raised to this proposal, although there were good discussions on what the scope of it should be. We decided to limit the scope to focus specifically on the interface to sncosmo rather than including more general spectral manipulation tools.