From your Dashboard, mouse over the repository's name and click Settings.
Select the Analysis tab.
Click Enable Code Climate Platform.
Write the
file on the root of your repository.# For a list of all available engines, see here: # http://docs.codeclimate.com/article/296-engines-available-engines engines: coffeelint: # enable coffee-script analysis engine. enabled: true config: coffeelint.json # Engines can analyze files and report issues on them, but you can separately # decide which files will receive ratings based on those issues. This is # specified by path patterns under the ratings key. # For more details see here: # http://docs.codeclimate.com/article/289-configuring-your-repository-via-codeclimate-yml#platform ratings: paths: - src/** # You can globally exclude files from being analyzed by any engine using the # exclude_paths key. exclude_paths: - test/**/* #- spec/**/* #- vendor/**/*
Generate coverage data in Lcov format
npm i istanbul --save-dev # generate the lcov format. npm i coffee-coverage --save-dev # for coffee-script. cat ./test/mocha.opts --compilers coffee:coffee-script/register --require coffee-coverage/register-istanbul --ui bdd --growl --colors test/**/*-test.coffee cat ./package.json ... "scripts": { "test": "grunt test", "test-cov": "mocha --reporter dot && istanbul report text-summary lcovonly" }, ...
Send coverage report to codeclimate
- Install codeclimate-test-reporter to send it locally:
npm install -g codeclimate-test-reporter # find your CODECLIMATE_REPO_TOKEN on the Test Coverage's settings of your repository CODECLIMATE_REPO_TOKEN=XXXXXX codeclimate-test-reporter < ./coverage/lcov.info
Integrate codeclimate test to travis-ci.
cat .travis.yml script: npm run-script test-cov after_success: - "test -e ./coverage/lcov.info && npm install codeclimate-test-reporter && codeclimate-test-reporter < ./coverage/lcov.info" addons: code_climate: repo_token: YOUR_CODECLIMATE_REPO_TOKEN
It is recommended to encrypt that key. Assuming you have the Travis CI command line client installed, you can do it like this:
then copy-paste it to replace the value of repo_token.
- From your Dashboard, mouse over the repository's name and click Settings.
- Select the Badges tab.
- Copy-paste these text snippets to your README file.