node can "conceal" ancestry (to reader and/or language model)
- mask subtree
- option to automatically mask new chapters
- test if this makes splitting faster on huge tree
- should all collapsed nodes be masked by default?
- but I want "open" state to be property of session, not tree?
- should all masking belong to a session mask?
- function to check if a node is masked
- mask subtree
- tag config
- nav tree foreground / background
- reset
- change order
- convert to tags
- visited
- AI / prompt
- edited
- fix deprecated tags function
- search tags
- redistribute tags when merging nodes
- transform one tag into another
- clear tags
- delete all with tag
- new tags of zipped node (or same rules as split)
- should these tags be assigned at tagging time?
- no deleting program tags (archive, pin, notes, visited, AI/prompt, edited)
- tag config
fix everything that uses old data format
- wavefunction
- autocomplete
- diff / optimization logging
repair autocomplete
test click goto commands
- alter for read mode
vis expanded state out of sync with nav tree expanded state
substitute (node)
adopt grandparent hotkey
make top level sibling hotkey
move to chapter head hotkey
export visible tree / prune hidden nodes
edit textbox directly causes branch from nearest unmodified ancestor?
- compare verbatim text
- ask whether to create new branch or overwrite old
bring selected node out of Model
- should be with Display?
- multiple selected nodes
fix reverse
- also reverse nav direction when nav tree is reversed
- changing reverse in preferences doesn't cause update to nav tree
- with context
- suggest summaries in summary dialog
- prompt to partition long text into summaries
icons showing up for ancestry scope?
scroll to beginning of node text when navigating?
refactor generate edit stack
- when nodes fail to generate somehow, this sometimes messes up future generations
test suite
fix super deprecated search
create child doesn't open edit mode if focus on nav
change node order should move node behind / in front of next visible sibling
- refactor to use dicts like tags
- enable / disable
- memory preview box
- editable?
- memories of hoisted / compound nodes aren't accessible
separate nav update events from other events
- fix hacky solutions for child edit and notes
archiving/deleting children textboxes sometimes causes crash with bad text index "tk::anchor1" or anchor3
make everything a module
- story textbox
- nav and chapter trees
- other dialogs
save as duplicate
- distinct:
- duplicate subtree
- duplicate only edited node(without children)
- save old version as duplicate (new one inherits children)
- ghostparent connection
- distinct:
preference for whether to navigate to next node or parent
floating notes should survive when their parent is deleted - move to grandparent?
- ok if parent is archived though
implement reactive updating for all components and refactor tree_updated callback
- vis
- nav tree
- run should use exec instead of eval?
- interpreter
make add and remove tag methods in controller
text highlighting
- keyboard
- mouse
insertion cursor
- emacs-like commands
visible nodes tree object
- locality / pruning
- hoisting
- masks
- source of truth for nav, visible (not quite - nav is still source of truth)
don't change selection when unhoisting from root node
tagging a node which was just split results in tagging multiple nodes (revealed or done only when navigating to node - why?)
ghostchildren and portals
- ghostchildren have hysteresis: navigating to ghostchild keeps current ancestry
- how to prevent cycles / duplicates?
- not a problem if nav render distance is limited?
- how to prevent cycles / duplicates?
- portals just teleport you to another part of the tree
- ghostchildren have hysteresis: navigating to ghostchild keeps current ancestry
walk - option to loop to start if no children
- pane with no modules should automatically close
- buttons to open panes
- top and left pane
- windows
- bind edit hotkey
- windows
modules / workspace menu
- expand / contract note scope
- click icon to toggle pin
- show empty square icon when no tag
- toggle multiple choice or inline (end)
- integrate with tree
- detect size of frame
- right click
- edit (in preview textbox)
- color node / subtree
- expand / collapse
- hoist
- tag...
- node/subtree color / tag display
- color according to tag
- reactive updating
- selected node highlighted by default; show preview text in textbox
- export image of minimap
- auto color by curation metrics
- all layers should be canvases
- transparent bg
- merge lines into img when layer changes - "imagify" canvas
- make canvas lines into transparent png
- merge drawing png & background png (if background not blank)
- right click
- merge up
- delete
- hide
- change transparency?
- all layers should be canvases
- adjust textattribute textbox heights based on content
- textattributes adjust height even when expand only if height can be adjusted
- enable / disable realtime updates for textattributes
- 'clear' button
- move hidden children functionality into nodewindows & integrate with blacklist
- should children use nav visibility by default?
modules come in two types, ones which can be duplicated (and should have their own settings) and ones which shouldnt
- ok instances
- text editor
- edit
- playground
- run
- not ok
- notes
- paint
- media
- input
- children
- prompt
- debug
- ?
- minimap
- ok instances
fullscreen / minimize
zip chain (but not zip all) broken
override even meta hotkeys in modules
hotkey to shift words to parent / children
custom focus out binding for text attribute class
node events
- onSelect
- onExit
- onEdit
- global and local
- tags can be configured to toggle on events
- code to be executed upon navigating to node
- script to delete / reassign old settings
- chapters, memories, and tags get moved to root frame
- merging and splitting frames
- zipping / unzipping frames
- frame tree
- edit frame template
- edit user frame dialog
- save frame preset
- frames should be able to reference preset names
- requires saving frames as strings instead of dicts?
- script to delete / reassign old settings
- links and windows
- should markup live in text?
- editable main textbox
- handle compound nodes
- ask, branch, forbid modes
- color by token probability
- editable main textbox
interface presets
- separate "write" into "generate" and "gamify" interfaces
- "gamify"
- "edit"
- frames tree
- view: reader
- "generate"/write
- children
- notes
- view: writer (sees everything that reader and AI sees, tagged. sees splices markup?)
- prompt programming preset
- transformers
- playground
fix vis
store permanent alternative texts
- as ghostparents?
- tutorial
- read examples
- write examples
- multiverse comics
NL functions database
"path" bar
- subsume memories under pretext type
- memory module
- enable / disable
- change automatic inheritability conditions
- memory collection
- world info
centralized way to synch node and nav tree open states
tagging nodes causes newly opened nodes to close
don't open minimap settings
version control
- option to turn versions into explicit branches (and vice versa?)
- unroll
- start a new "branch" and merge
- option to turn versions into explicit branches (and vice versa?)
generation settings text attributes f strings?
update text index stuff to work with templates
decode openAI alt token bytes
generation preset with preset attribute is terrible
inline generations in textbox sometimes inserted in wrong indices (after distributing changes?)
read coloring bug - when text is long?
- nca call causing this?
edit module pin doesn't work right
empty nodes with auto walk
- as a way to group options
settings should have immediate access to pointer to "orig_params"
update node info dialog
integrate retry and reroll w/ filter and flag for whether to wrap
edit preview text not working
tag doesn't show up immediately
don't export chapters not in subtree
- crashes with this error sometimes:
_tkinter.TclError: bad text index "tk::anchor1"
- key bindings only work in most recent tab
- num leaves calculated incorrectly
- ctrl+space sometimes clicks button
- ctrl+y hotkey (chapter dialog) sometimes doesn't work
- clicking textbox sometimes causes index error
- display history bug - seen with astronomer -> spirals (try disabling context window highlighting)
- reinserting into nav tree causes change in node ordering
- various bugs splitting, merging (seems to have been caused by partial nav updating?)
- memory (what?) causes freeze?
- mark as prompt doesn't always work? or display doesnt update
- generating when trying to calculate optimization bits??
- merge with children is broken?
- change chapter dialog doesn't show up when hotkey pressed depending on focus
- after the first counterfactual substitution via select node, other selections will be misaligned
- visited state sometimes doesn't update
- split node sometimes causes string/int index comparison error?
- saving and inserting into nav tree is slow for massive trees
- rebuild view children frame is slow (enough to be annoying)
- textboxes are being rebuilt multiple times when tree updated
- OpenAI logprob format. Use loom-specific format now for everything
- node-specific meta.generation dictionary
- node-specific "visited" status (move to session file?)
- option to not save model response data
- option to clear model response data (and save backup)
- handle key error
- change gpt2 tokenizer import so loom doesn't require internet connection to run
- use ada to tokenize instead? will this cause lag?
- GPT2 tokenizer local files?
- model-agnostic interface
- integrate other models
- GPT-2
- auto-collapse chains in read mode
- transform compound node into regular node
- root
- when attempt to edit hoisted root, ask to unhoist (instead of unzip)
- interactions with canonical, chapters
- all hotkeys dialog
- swap node function
- split node and merge second part with children
- hotkey
- global "read" mode (separate from coloring)
- show multimedia inline
- if node has only one (visible) child, display as a single node
- enabled by default in read mode
- floating subtree associated with root node and accessible in subtree(or path, node)
- multiple checkpoints - hotkey returns to nearest checkpoint in ancestry
- return to chapter root hotkey (r) (shift-r goes to root)
- if no chapter, return to root
- jump to unvisited nodes
- open new tab/window on same working copy of tree
- minibuffer for commands
- log gpt-3 output files
- ask before quitting if unsaved changes
- filter by arbitrary attributes (canonical, created_after, etc)
- create an attribute
- scope types: node (bookmark, archived), node+ancestry (canonical), node+subtree (chapter), node+ancestry+subtree
- let's call it path and subtree
- scope types: node (bookmark, archived), node+ancestry (canonical), node+subtree (chapter), node+ancestry+subtree
- has_attribute() function
- handle navigating to / creating a hidden node
- hide chapters without root (?) or nodes
- create an attribute
- visually indicate archived nodes in nav tree when hide_archived=False (~ or different color?)
- visited
- active node
- expanded state
- settings...
- multiverse generation options (depth, branching factor, branching interval/conditions)
gpt modes
- account for additional prompt length (abstract)
- save generation mode metadata
- stop at newline generation mode
- don't show restart text
- toggle whether context appears in textbox
- toggle whether context remains in prompt
- antisummary is different - its a program, not just generation mode. remove for now
- splitting / merging
- display in node info or diff dialog
optimization logging
- selection
- manual editing
- autocomplete
- memory
- enable/disable memory entries
- goto root
- sometimes freezes
- replace sentence/highlighted section functionality
- generates sentence by sentence / line by line
- edit mode and vis
- longer range suggestions mode?
- save counterfactuals?
- REFACTOR hoist to use a mask?
- pros: able to save hoist state; more elegant
- cons: unhoist all more difficult?
- handle navigating to node outside subtree (expand to common ancestor of current and new node?) (see handle navigating to masked node)
- option to automatically hoist when new chapter
- pack hoist/unhoist/unhoist all buttons more compactly
- re-center view if in vis
- preview text
- show in read multi mode in space of node text
- preview and active textboxes hidden by default unless there is preview / active text
- buttons(?) to show textboxes
- build and populate in single function (allows custom height)
- update when tree updated
- remove any children that have been deleted
- frame height when nodes are unevenly sized
- adjustable frame height
- remove child edit mode code
- hide button in visualize and wavefunction modes
- button to show archived / hidden options (indicate #)
- enable undo
- show canonical first
- test
- test for bugs switching to vis mode etc
- "Read" multi mode
- option to override preview text
- move multi display code to new object
- change order of children in multi mode
- remove new child button - make normal new child button behave different if children shown?
- automatically clear multiverse if different root node
- render multiverse in real time (draw after API calls) (IMPOSSIBLE)
- panning
- track x/y movements
- Fix text zoom / hide too small
- color by differences betweent two multiverses
- top k and top p
- draw existing loom trajectories as ground truth paths
- cache computed multiverses
- command/button to add wavefunction path to loom tree
- remove invisible widgets (may be necessary if multiverses get too big?)
- generating multiverse also adds branches to loom tree (but labeled different so they don't clutter everything up?)
- choose continuation by autocomplete / hotkeys
- commands to go to parent, go to sibling, walk
- fix precision errors
- tree vis settings won't change on newly opened file
- tree vis duplication when zooming
- collapse all sometimes causes duplication?
- text width when zooming: save defaults
- zooming causes misalignment
- fix vertical mode
- icons sometimes do not zoom
- different icon colors for light mode
- vis expanded state out of sync with nav tree expanded state
mark as visited in tree mode
save vis settings
increase offsets when text is too long OR scrollbar OR pages
collapsed nodes don't need their own column / variable offsets
save pointer to offset when drawing tree...
more space after collapsed node
dynamic icon position
display collapsed ghostchild position
ghostchild hysteresis
chapter colors
buttons for chapter and multimedia
editing: global edit mode, where all nodes turn into textboxes, but no zooming?
collapse nodes when too many are expanded
- show history in nodes option
- move at finite speed (animation)
- gpt3 stuff
- minimap
- floating notes
- show / hide navtrees
- if scroll position is regressing, add whitespace and keep instead?? (didn't work, need new approach)
- toggle gray history / context window
- gradient color for text box history
- scroll to top of node by default and hotkey to go to top of node
- change darkmode in program
- highlight when mouseover history
- implement expand/collapse functions in controller
- right sidebar for (everything else)
- always have secret root node
- create parent for root node
- multiple root nodes (from single empty root?)
- hotkey to create new root
- add ghostchildren/ghostparents (using hotkey)
- split node
- deal with metadata
- option to not nav to split node / otherwise indicate split position
- in vis and edit mode
- save version each time node is edited
- save origin information (prompt, logprobs, merge or branch)
- undo
- enter to search
- search chapter titles
- search tags
- regex
- integrated (inline) search
- key filter -> semantic search among matches
"floating" notes
- global or associated with subtree
save open status (not visible status) in tree dict
named bookmarks
bookmarks (unique) vs tags (category)
developer console
visited sessions
preferences dialog
clickable links in active text
node edit function in controller which saves version, updates metadata etc
- multimedia dialog
- change caption
- indicate presence of multimedia in vis, textbox
- display multimedia in sidebar
- define pre and post prompt
- active side prompts like "Who is the main character in this story?"
- playground-like interface
- load gpt-3 program
- min cutoff length for adaptive branching
world info
- import world info json
- make new entries
- display top n world info entries, which can be individually toggled to be included in AI input
memory system
- importing
- memories from ancestry
- by search (multiverse or ancestry)
- by keying (top n matches) (multiverse or ancestry)
- memory in context: when importing memory, option to navigate surrounding tree
- semantic search
- search ancestry
- including context window
- search only manually saved entries
- search ancestry
- when changing memory, option to create new entry vs edit existing one
- create memory entry by highlighting
saving memory entries
- toggle automatic memory construction
- all entries are (automatically) indexed in memory
- optional title
- tags
- keys
- automatically generated keys
- reverse time influence: propagate memory backward
- "play" mode
- read only
- stochastic walk
- mode which doesn't count visited nodes
- depth limit
- display probabilities
- chapter hierarchy
- collapse all but chapter subtree
- floating trees
- access scopes. single note, subtree, global, subtree and ancestry
- attach and detach subtree
- title and tags
- global or subtree access like memory, except by default the object is edited and a new instance isn't created (maybe memory should be this way too)
- default deleting only removes pointers
- option to duplicate note (create new instance from template)
- notes sidebar: boxes on the side which are always editable
- option to minimize/hide without deleting
- reverse time propagation
- notes for a specific node
- can be linked from multiple nodes