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Decomposing a problem using recursion

Following on from finding the factorial of a number, here is the same problem solved in Python using recursion.

Find the factorial of a number

The mathematical definition of n! can be given as:

n! = n x (n-1)!  where n > 1
n! = 1           where n = 0

This is a recursive definition with a base case.

The recursive definition defines factorial in terms of itself. This definition can be applied several times recursively to get the answer.

The definition also includes a base case, which tells you when to stop. This base case is crucial. Without it the recursive definition would repeat endlessly.

Here is an example:

4! = 4 x 3!             apply the recursive definition
4! = 4 x 3 x 2!         apply the recursive definition again
4! = 4 x 3 x 2 x 1!     apply the recursive definition again
4! = 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 x 0! apply the recursive definition again
4! = 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 x 1  apply the base case
4! = 24

So, a recursive function is always defined in terms of itself and some base case where the final value is returned.

We can do this in Python.

Give the function a sensible name


Work out the inputs to the function and give them sensible names


Write out the first line of the function definition, including the arguments

def factorial(n):

Decide on the base case

n == 0

Add a test for the base case

print factorial(0) == 1

Add a return value for your function using the value that your test is expecting

def factorial(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 1

print factorial(0) == 1

Run your test and check that it passes


Decide on the next case

n == 1

In the case of a function like factorial, which computes a number that is part of a sequence, it is easy to decide on the each successive test case. In this case, the next value is n! = 1, where n == 1.

Add another test using the next case

print factorial(1) == 1

Decide on whether you are ready to compute a recursive solution

Sometimes more than one base case is required before the general recursive solution can be found. But in this case the problem is a simple one:

For any value of n, multiply n by each predecessor until you reach the base case.

Sketch out the framework of a possible solution

A general recursive solution often requires that:

some function of n

is combined with:

some operator

to a recursive call to the original function with

some successor to n

This schema will not work in every case, but is a sensible starting point.

This is the heart of recursive programming. You are calling a function within the function itself. That is, you are calling it recursively.

This is a very important and powerful technique in programming.

Attempt to fill in the blanks

This is where the big intuitive leap is required.

n! = n * (n-1) * (n-2) * ... * 3 * 2 * 1

From the form of the solution to n!, probably the first thing to see clearly is that:

some operator of n = *

The second thing to see is that:

some function of n = n

This comes from the first term in the series.

The final thing to see is that:

some successor to n = n - 1

Which should be clear from the way in which each term of n! is one less than its predecessor.

Now attempt a general solution to the problem

def factorial(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 1
    return n            *     factorial(n - 1)
           ^            ^                 ^
     function of n   operator       successor to n   

Add more test cases

print factorial(0) == 1
print factorial(1) == 1
print factorial(2) == 2
print factorial(3) == 6
print factorial(4) == 24

Run the tests


Which confirm that this is probably a good general solution.