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History / Evergreen


  • OK, 'grip' lies. It seems the treatment of .md files differs from github.

    @philjessies philjessies committed Dec 18, 2020
  • Added a 'testing locally' text file with instructions on how to test .md changes before pushing to github. Fixed a bunch of hyperlinks which still pointed at the old googlecode site.

    @philjessies philjessies committed Dec 18, 2020
  • As suggested by hoijui in issue #35

    @martindorey martindorey committed Apr 13, 2020
  • fix a few issues and turn most HTML into markdown

    @enh enh committed Jul 5, 2018
  • Point the img src links at what seems to be where github's files end up at, which isn't quite the same as suggested at

    @martindorey martindorey committed Feb 3, 2016
  • An attempt to import everything with martind@swiftboat:~/jessies/$ for file in ~/jessies/work/wiki/*.wiki; do python ~/download/support-tools/wiki_to_md/ --project jessies --wikipages_path ~/jessies/work/wiki/ --input_file $file --output_file `basename ${file/%wiki/md}`; done Warning (line 1 of input file): A summary pragma was used for this wiki: Problems with our projects which are specific to Cygwin. Consider moving it to an introductory paragraph. Warning (line 5 of input file): The following parameter was given for the 'p' tag, but will not be present in the outputted HTML: 'id': 'generated-toc' Warning (line 5 of input file): The following parameter was given for the 'p' tag, but will not be present in the outputted HTML: 'class': 'generate_from_h2' Warning (line 7 of input file): Link markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 1 of input file): A summary pragma was used for this wiki: Step-by-step suggestions for setting up Cygwin Consider moving it to an introductory paragraph. Warning (line 5 of input file): The following parameter was given for the 'p' tag, but will not be present in the outputted HTML: 'id': 'generated-toc' Warning (line 5 of input file): The following parameter was given for the 'p' tag, but will not be present in the outputted HTML: 'class': 'generate_from_h2' Warning (line 7 of input file): Link markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 123 of input file): Link markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 1 of input file): A summary pragma was used for this wiki: Downloads Consider moving it to an introductory paragraph. Warning (line 8 of input file): Link markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 1 of input file): A summary pragma was used for this wiki: Evergreen is a cross-platform GPL development environment that tries to be lightweight and language-agnostic yet functional. Consider moving it to an introductory paragraph. Warning (line 9 of input file): The following parameter was given for the 'a' tag, but will not be present in the outputted HTML: 'name': 'features' Warning (line 11 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 13 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 17 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 21 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 25 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 29 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 34 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 39 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 43 of input file): Blockquote markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 45 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 47 of input file): Blockquote markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 49 of input file): Blockquote markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 51 of input file): Blockquote markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 53 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 55 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 57 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 59 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 61 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 63 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 65 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 65 of input file): Code markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 65 of input file): Code markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 65 of input file): Code markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 67 of input file): The following parameter was given for the 'a' tag, but will not be present in the outputted HTML: 'name': 'documentation' Warning (line 71 of input file): The following parameter was given for the 'a' tag, but will not be present in the outputted HTML: 'name': 'mailing-list' Warning (line 77 of input file): Link markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 1 of input file): A summary pragma was used for this wiki: Salma-Hayek is a cross-platform LGPL Java library, C++ JNI replacement, and application build system. Consider moving it to an introductory paragraph. Warning (line 6 of input file): The following parameter was given for the 'a' tag, but will not be present in the outputted HTML: 'name': 'features' Warning (line 10 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 12 of input file): Blockquote markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 14 of input file): Blockquote markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 14 of input file): Link markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 16 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 18 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 20 of input file): Blockquote markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 22 of input file): Blockquote markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 24 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 26 of input file): Blockquote markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 28 of input file): The following parameter was given for the 'a' tag, but will not be present in the outputted HTML: 'name': 'debian-repository' Warning (line 32 of input file): The following parameter was given for the 'a' tag, but will not be present in the outputted HTML: 'name': 'downloads' Warning (line 32 of input file): The following parameter was given for the 'a' tag, but will not be present in the outputted HTML: 'name': 'building-from-source' Warning (line 94 of input file): Link markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 94 of input file): Link markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 1 of input file): A summary pragma was used for this wiki: SCM is a cross-platform GPL front-end to revision control systems, able to work with Bazaar, BitKeeper, CVS, Mercurial, and Subversion repositories. Consider moving it to an introductory paragraph. Warning (line 45 of input file): The following parameter was given for the 'a' tag, but will not be present in the outputted HTML: 'name': 'writing-good-check-in-comments' Warning (line 59 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 61 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 63 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 65 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 67 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 69 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 71 of input file): Bulleted list markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 1 of input file): The following parameter was given for the 'a' tag, but will not be present in the outputted HTML: 'name': 'this-is-not-gnome-terminator' Warning (line 76 of input file): Link markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 246 of input file): Link markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 250 of input file): Link markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 254 of input file): Link markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 262 of input file): Link markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 266 of input file): The following parameter was given for the 'a' tag, but will not be present in the outputted HTML: 'name': 'logging' Warning (line 277 of input file): Code markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 283 of input file): Code markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 291 of input file): Link markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 291 of input file): Link markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 1 of input file): A summary pragma was used for this wiki: Terminator is a cross-platform GPL terminal emulator with advanced features not yet found elsewhere. Consider moving it to an introductory paragraph. Warning (line 53 of input file): Blockquote markup was used within HTML tags. Because GitHub does not support this, the tags have been translated to HTML. Please verify that the formatting is correct. Warning (line 54 of input file): HtmlListClose without list_tags? Warning (line 59 of input file): HtmlListClose without list_tags? martind@swiftboat:~/jessies/$

    @martindorey martindorey committed Feb 3, 2016