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Releases: souporserious/renoun

[email protected]

31 Aug 17:10
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Minor Changes

  • 4c29cdc: Removes getTitle method for collection source.
  • 9b4fe41: Adds getTags method to collection export source that returns the relative JS Doc tags if they exist.

Patch Changes

  • ac6ce1c: Always clean up sub-process in close event when using cli.
  • 365a2c3: The getText method for a collection export source now includes the full context of everything used within the export.
  • 1b6d65a: Adds better title parsing for file system and export source names.
  • 43e379c: Adds .git to default ignored list for projects.
  • 1a4888b: Removes the sourcePath prop from the CodeBlock component which was previously only used with the MDX plugins and Webpack loader.
  • 0b00c1a: Fixes getEditPath not trimming the working directory in production.

[email protected]

30 Aug 18:33
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Patch Changes

  • d964f0f: Fixes getRootDirectory not accounting for non-monorepos and returns the first directory where a package.json file was found.
  • d50ff0d: Reverts fixMissingImports as it is causing incorrect imports to be added.

[email protected]

30 Aug 08:50
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Major Changes

  • eb8d77e: Renames the package from mdxts to omnidoc.

[email protected]

30 Aug 07:31
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Patch Changes

  • 39be366: Fixes MDXContent component causing _jsx is not a function during development.
  • 5504a76: Replaces @manypkg/find-root with simplified utility for getting the root directory.
  • b7b664c: Adds allowErrors prop to CodeInline.
  • 31e00c5: Trims empty export from copy value.
  • 08d47ec: Fix imports in CodeBlock to capture correct types.

[email protected]

29 Aug 09:58
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Major Changes

  • 98c68a3: Removes mdxts/next package export. This is an effort to simplify the core package and reduce the number of dependencies. This functionality will be available in a separate package in the future.

    Breaking Changes

    If using Next.js, this is a breaking change for users who are importing mdxts/next directly. The following configuration can be used to enable MDX support and silence warnings from the ts-morph dependency:

    import createMDXPlugin from '@next/mdx'
    import remarkFrontmatter from 'remark-frontmatter'
    import remarkMdxFrontmatter from 'remark-mdx-frontmatter'
    import webpack from 'webpack'
    const withMDX = createMDXPlugin({
      extension: /\.mdx?$/,
      options: {
        remarkPlugins: [remarkFrontmatter, remarkMdxFrontmatter],
    export default withMDX({
      pageExtensions: ['js', 'jsx', 'ts', 'tsx', 'md', 'mdx'],
      webpack(config) {
          new webpack.ContextReplacementPlugin(
            (data) => {
              for (const dependency of data.dependencies) {
                delete dependency.critical
              return data
        return config

    Then add or update the mdx-components.tsx file in the root of the project to set up the code components:

    import { MDXComponents } from 'mdx/types'
    import { CodeBlock, CodeInline } from 'mdxts/components'
    export function useMDXComponents() {
      return {
        code: (props) => {
          return (
            <CodeInline value={props.children as string} language="typescript" />
        pre: (props) => {
          const { value, language } = CodeBlock.parsePreProps(props)
          return <CodeBlock allowErrors value={value} language={language} />
      } satisfies MDXComponents
  • 98c68a3: Removes createSource in favor of using createCollection from mdxts/collections.

    Breaking Changes

    Use createCollection to generate sources:

    import { createCollection, type FileSystemSource } from 'mdxts/collections'
    type ComponentSchema = Record<string, React.ComponentType>
    export type ComponentSource = FileSystemSource<ComponentSchema>
    export const ComponentsCollection = createCollection<ComponentSchema>(
        baseDirectory: 'components',
        basePath: 'components',
        tsConfigFilePath: '../../packages/mdxts/tsconfig.json',
  • 98c68a3: Removes Navigation component in favor of using createCollection directly.

    Breaking Changes

    Use createCollection to generate navigations:

    List Navigation

    Use getSources to render a list of the immediate sources in the collection:

    export default async function Page() {
      return (
          <h1>All Posts</h1>
            {PostsCollection.getSources().map((source) => (
              <Post key={source.getPath()} source={source} />

    Tree Navigation

    Similar to list navigation, we can use getSources recursively to render a tree of links:

    import { PostsCollection } from '@/collections'
    export default async function Layout() {
      return (
            <TreeNavigation Source={PostsCollection} />
    async function TreeNavigation({ source }: { source: PostSource }) {
      const sources = source.getSources({ depth: 1 })
      const path = source.getPath()
      const depth = source.getDepth()
      const frontmatter = await source.getNamedExport('frontmatter').getValue()
      if (sources.length === 0) {
        return (
          <li style={{ paddingLeft: `${depth}rem` }}>
            <Link href={path} style={{ color: 'white' }}>
      const childrenSources = => (
        <TreeNavigation key={childSource.getPath()} source={childSource} />
      if (depth > 0) {
        return (
          <li style={{ paddingLeft: `${depth}rem` }}>
            <Link href={path} style={{ color: 'white' }}>
      return <ul>{childrenSources}</ul>

    Sibling Navigation

    Use getSiblings to get the previous and next sources in the collection:

    export default async function Page({ params }) {
      const postSource = Posts.getSource(params.slug)
      if (!postSource) notFound()
      const Post = await postSource.getDefaultExport().getValue()
      const frontmatter = await postSource
      const [previous, next] = postSource.getSiblings()
      return (
          <Post />
          {previous ? <Sibling source={previous} direction="previous" /> : null}
          {next ? <Sibling source={next} direction="next" /> : null}
    function Sibling({
    }: {
      source: ReturnType<typeof Posts.getSource>
      direction: 'previous' | 'next'
    }) {
      const frontmatter = await source.getNamedExport('frontmatter').getValue()
      return (
        <a href={source.getPath()}>
          <span>{direction === 'previous' ? 'Previous' : 'Next'}</span>

Minor Changes

  • 98c68a3: Adds remaining configuration options from next/plugin to JSON config.

  • 98c68a3: Adds getSiblings method to collection export source.

  • 98c68a3: Adds getType method to collection export source for retrieving type metadata for an export.

  • 98c68a3: Adds APIReference component. This replaces the previous ExportedTypes component and is used to document the API of module exports using collections:

    import { APIReference } from 'mdxts/components'
    import { createCollection } from 'mdxts/collections'
    const ComponentsCollection = createCollection('components/**/*.{ts,tsx}', {
      baseDirectory: 'components',
      basePath: 'components',
    export default function Component({ params }) {
      return ComponentsCollection.getSource(params.slug)
        .map((exportSource) => (
          <APIReference key={} source={exportSource} />
  • 98c68a3: CodeBlock now tries to parse workingDirectory as a URL and gets the pathname directory. This allows using import.meta.url directly in the workingDirectory prop:

  • 98c68a3: Adds getMainExport for file system source and isMainExport for export source.

Patch Changes

  • 98c68a3: Fixes collection file system source name parsing not accounting for filename segments.
  • 98c68a3: Fixes missing bottom padding in CodeInline.
  • 98c68a3: Fixes syncing project files during development.
  • 98c68a3: Fixes import map generation race condition causing imports to not be found during production builds.
  • 98c68a3: Fixes export source getPath to construct the url path from the file system.
  • 98c68a3: Defaults collection getSource to return index source if it exists.
  • 98c68a3: Fixes file patterns based on relative tsconfig directory.
  • 98c68a3: Fixes duplicate sources returned from collection getSources and file system source getSiblings.

[email protected]

26 Aug 22:04
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Minor Changes

  • 3378b26: Adds support for defining schemas for collections:

    import { createCollection, type MDXContent } from 'mdxts/collections'
    import { z } from 'zod'
    const frontmatterSchema = z.object({
      title: z.string(),
      summary: z.string().optional(),
      tags: z.array(z.string()).optional(),
    export const PostsCollection = createCollection<{
      default: MDXContent
      frontmatter: z.infer<typeof frontmatterSchema>
    }>('posts/*.mdx', {
      baseDirectory: 'posts',
      schema: {
        frontmatter: frontmatterSchema.parse,
  • 53bfeb8: Moves all CodeBlock components to use restyle and exposes a css prop for each component to allow overriding styles.

Patch Changes

  • 361b420: Improves error messaging when working with collection utilities.
  • 3207ce0: Adds export for frontmatter from MDX files when using mdx-plugins.
  • 598bd9c: Fixes getEditPath for export source in local development.
  • 38b7b4b: Fixes caching implementation for shiki highlighter.
  • e401fe0: Updates collection import map during development when adding, removing, or editing collections.
  • 400384a: Inherit background color in code element in CodeBlock to prevent global styles leaking in.

[email protected]

24 Aug 07:49
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Patch Changes

  • f7c488d: Fix fast refresh for all component exports.
  • b7e68af: Fixes relative collection file patterns and ts config paths causing incorrect import map path generation.
  • 0dad0d3: Fixes error when trying to refresh file that hasn't been loaded into the project yet.
  • 4db37c9: Generates ts file instead of js file for aliased collection import map.

[email protected]

23 Aug 18:05
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Minor Changes

  • abe2d84: Add deprecated tag to createSource in favor of createCollection.
  • 71384b3: Generates import map in .mdxts directory when initially running Next.js plugin.
  • 9dca168: Remove CodeBlock syntax formatting until a better solution can be implemented that doesn't throw console warnings.

Patch Changes

  • c545243: Updates shiki from deprecated getHighlighter to createHighlighter.
  • b76908a: Fixes missing directory error when removing directory and regenerating the import map.
  • 5628c89: Retry connecting to the WebSocket server from the client if it gets disconnected.
  • ac4006a: Keeps project files for code blocks in sync with changes to the file system.
  • d0a285f: Throw more helpful error if both the cli and Next.js plugin are being used together.

[email protected]

19 Aug 21:05
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Patch Changes

  • b350e9f: Remove unused dependencies and fix rehype types.
  • d0ab9a3: Update dependencies.

[email protected]

19 Aug 06:08
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Patch Changes

  • 732799f: Upgrade restyle to 2.0.2.
  • 4ecd7b5: Adds getDescription method to export source.
  • e5fc9bf: Adds isFile and isDirectory helper methods to collection source.
  • 7e461f0: Removes getPathSegments from collection in favor of using source getPathSegments.