Inspired by the excellent baudline and
gr-fosphor, renderfall
to render beautiful and informative spectrographs of audio, RF samples, and any
other data you care to throw at it.
The goal is to be able to render poster-scale visualizations of large (hundreds of GB) input samples, so it places a large emphasis on performance, and avoids loading the entire input stream into memory.
- Basically None
Known Bugs:
- So Many
$ mkdir build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ make install
See renderfall -h
for options:
$ renderfall -h
Usage: renderfall [OPTIONS] <in>
Render a waterfall spectrum from raw IQ samples.
-n, --fftsize <fftsize> FFT size (power of 2)
-f, --format <format> Input format: uint8, int16, float64, etc.
-w, --window <window> Windowing function: hann, gaussian, square, blackmanharris, hamming, kaiser, parzen
-o, --outfile <outfile> Output file path (defaults to <infile>.png)
-s, --offset <offset> Start at specified byte offset
-l, --overlap <overlap> Overlap N samples per frame (defaults to 0)
-c, --clip <clip> Read only the first N samples from the file
-v, --verbose Print verbose debugging output
Here's an example using a .cf32
file of complex 32-bit floats:
$ renderfall -f float32 -n 2048 -w hann data.cf32
Currently, only raw sequential samples are supported. To use a .wav file, you
can strip the header, and use the int16
input format.
FM Band, from 87.9MHz to 107.9MHz, with a Hann window
A MURS Radio
Stay tuned, more coming soon...