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This package utilizes the Hanko API to provide functionality that allows an easier UI integration. It is meant for use in browsers only.


# npm
npm install @teamhanko/hanko-frontend-sdk

# yarn
yarn add @teamhanko/hanko-frontend-sdk

# pnpm
pnpm install @teamhanko/hanko-frontend-sdk


Import as a module:

import { Hanko } from "@teamhanko/hanko-frontend-sdk"

const hanko = new Hanko("http://localhost:3000")

With a script tag via CDN:

<script src=""></script>

    const hanko = new hankoFrontendSdk.Hanko("http://localhost:3000")


You can pass certain options, when creating a new Hanko instance:

const defaultOptions = {
  timeout: 13000,           // The timeout (in ms) for the HTTP requests.
  cookieName: "hanko",      // The cookie name under which the session token is set.
  localStorageKey: "hanko"  // The prefix / name of the localStorage keys.
const hanko = new Hanko("http://localhost:3000", defaultOptions);


To see the latest documentation, please click here.



  • Hanko - A class that bundles all functionalities.

Client Classes

  • UserClient - A class to manage users.
  • ThirdPartyClient - A class to handle social logins.
  • TokenClient - A class that handles the exchange of one time tokens for session JWTs.

Utility Classes

  • WebauthnSupport - A class to check the browser's WebAuthn support.

DTO Interfaces

  • PasswordConfig
  • EmailConfig
  • AccountConfig
  • Config
  • WebauthnFinalized
  • TokenFinalized
  • UserInfo
  • Me
  • Credential
  • User
  • UserCreated
  • Passcode
  • WebauthnTransports
  • Attestation
  • Email
  • Emails
  • WebauthnCredential
  • WebauthnCredentials
  • Identity

Event Interfaces

  • SessionDetail

Event Types

  • CustomEventWithDetail
  • sessionCreatedType
  • sessionExpiredType
  • userLoggedOutType
  • userDeletedType

Error Classes

  • HankoError
  • TechnicalError
  • ConflictError
  • RequestTimeoutError
  • WebauthnRequestCancelledError
  • InvalidPasswordError
  • InvalidPasscodeError
  • InvalidWebauthnCredentialError
  • PasscodeExpiredError
  • MaxNumOfPasscodeAttemptsReachedError
  • NotFoundError
  • TooManyRequestsError
  • UnauthorizedError


Get the current user / Validate the JWT against the Hanko API

The Hanko API issues a JWT when a user logs in. For certain actions, like obtaining the user object, a valid JWT is required. The following example shows how to get the user object of the current user, or to identify that the user is not logged in:

import { Hanko, UnauthorizedError } from "@teamhanko/hanko-frontend-sdk"

const hanko = new Hanko("https://[HANKO_API_URL]")

try {
    const user = await hanko.user.getCurrent()

    // A valid JWT is in place so that the user object was able to be fetched.
} catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof UnauthorizedError) {
        // Display an error or prompt the user to login again. After a successful call to `hanko.webauthn.login()`,
        // `hanko.password.login()` or `hanko.passcode.finalize()` a JWT will be issued and `hanko.user.getCurrent()`
        // would succeed.

Custom Events

You can bind callback functions to different custom events. The callback function will be called when the event happens and an object will be passed in, containing event details. The event binding works as follows:

// Controls the optional `once` parameter. When set to `true` the callback function will be called only once.
const once = false;

const removeEventListener = hanko.onSessionCreated((eventDetail) => {
    // Your code...
}, once);

The following events are available:

  • "hanko-session-created": Will be triggered after a session has been created and the user has completed possible additional steps (e.g. passkey registration or password recovery). It will also be triggered when the user logs in via another browser window. The event can be used to obtain the JWT. Please note, that the JWT is only available, when the Hanko API configuration allows to obtain the JWT. When using Hanko-Cloud the JWT is always present, for self-hosted Hanko-APIs you can restrict the cookie to be readable by the backend only, as long as your backend runs under the same domain as your frontend. To do so, make sure the config parameter "session.enable_auth_token_header" is turned off via the Hanko-API configuration. If you want the JWT to be contained in the event details, you need to turn on "session.enable_auth_token_header" when using a cross-domain setup. When it's a same-domain setup you need to turn off "session.cookie.http_only" to make the JWT accessible to the frontend.
hanko.onSessionCreated((sessionDetail) => {
  // A new JWT has been issued.`Session created or updated (user-id: "${sessionDetail.userID}", jwt: ${sessionDetail.jwt})`);
  • "hanko-session-expired": Will be triggered when the session has expired, or when the session has been removed in another browser window, because the user has logged out, or deleted the account.
hanko.onSessionExpired(() => {
  // You can redirect the user to a login page or show the `<hanko-auth>` element, or to prompt the user to log in again."Session expired");
  • "hanko-user-logged-out": Will be triggered, when the user actively logs out. In other browser windows, a "hanko-session-expired" event will be triggered at the same time.
hanko.onUserLoggedOut(() => {
  // You can redirect the user to a login page or show the `<hanko-auth>` element."User logged out");
  • "hanko-user-deleted": Will be triggered when the user has deleted the account. In other browser windows, a "hanko-session-expired" event will be triggered at the same time.
hanko.onUserDeleted(() => {
  // You can redirect the user to a login page or show the `<hanko-auth>` element."User has been deleted");

Please Take a look into the docs for more details.


Found a bug? Please report on our GitHub page.


The hanko-frontend-sdk project is licensed under the MIT License.