- Blog on making an API call in Postman with the Spotify API - http://blog.getpostman.com/2016/11/09/generate-spotify-playlists-using-a-postman-collection/
- Spotify Developer documentation - https://developer.spotify.com/
- Create React App - https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app.git
- add CORS extension to browser
- Spotify API example libraries - https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/libraries/
This app is a music quiz using the Spotify API and user data to create a personalized experience. This application is built with React via the create-react-app.
- User will be prompted to log in using their Spotify account(postponed)
- OAuth 2.0 token request will prompt user for permission to access their data
- User will press button to begin a game
- A game consists of:
- 10 questions - each prompts user to identify the audio clip being played
- 4 potential answers per questions (1 correct and 3 incorrect)
- 30 seconds of audio for each question
- 30 seconds to submit guess
- a decreasing points score based on amount of time passed since clip began
- user will be allowed a single guess per question
- At end of game user will be shown total number of points scored and number of questions answered correctly
- Game data flow:
- initial request for user top artists/user's saved tracks
- store 10 random artistId/trackId values for answers (assuming every track has 30 sec preview)
- for each answer artistId:
- request related artists and store 3 random artist names for each question (30 total)
- request top tracks:
- pick random song, store track name, artist name, and preview url
- Example state object: state: { game results: { answerResults: [boolean, boolean, ..., boolean], answerPoints: [#, #, ..., #] }, game data: { answerArtists: ['string', 'string', ..., 'string'], songData: [{ trackName: 'string', artistName: 'string', trackAudio: 'string' }, {...}, ..., {...}], wrongArtistNames: [['string', 'string', ..., 'string'], [...], ..., [...]] }, user authentication: { userToken: 'string', userRefreshToken: 'string' }, }
Name of Project: On The Spot-ify
Project’s Purpose or Goal: This app will allow users to play a personalized music quiz using their own Spotify API data. Eventually will turn into a two-player competitive quiz using artists/songs known to both players.
List the absolute minimum features the project requires to meet this purpose or goal:
Will use my personal Spotify account for verification
Will play short clip of song and provide 4 choices of potential answers to player
Will give points to player if song is identified correctly, point value varies based on time taken to answer question
Will track overall point total and average time to answer for a play session
What tools, frameworks, libraries, APIs, modules and/or other resources (whatever is specific to your track, and yourlanguage) will you use to create this MVP? List them all here. Be specific.
Spotify API
Create React App
Firebase or custom Heroku SQL database
If you finish developing the minimum viable product (MVP) with time to spare, what will you work on next?
Allow input of different user authentication and return more personalized quiz data
Connect two instances of app for competitive play
Compare two separate users and return commonly shared artists/songs/albums etc.
What additional tools, frameworks, libraries, APIs, or other resources will these additional features require?
socket.io (?)
need more research on connecting two instances of app through internet
- Spend morning (8:30am-12pm) attempting to make a successful api call via Postman
- Unsuccessful. Trouble with authentication and submitting request correctly
- Speak with Tyler about this if unable to resolve by 7/18/18
- Created initial project folder and repo on GitHub, gather dependencies and dev tools (1pm-2pm)
- Recalled Tyler suggesting using Create React App. Decided to scrap and start from scratch
- Recreate project folder using Create React App
- Editing README to include Project Proposal and Project Log sections
- Spend rest of day planning project and reading documentation for Spotify API and Create React App functionality`
- Make successful API call in Postman and identified the 30 second preview URL
- Clone repository on your local computer from https://github.com/K-Banks/On-The-Spotify.
- Navigate into project directory in command line.
- Install node package manager if not already installed on local machine.
- Run '$ npm install' to download all needed dependencies.
- Run '$ npm run start' to serve the app on localhost:8080.
No known bugs at this time. Please contact author at [email protected] with any bugs.
- JavaScript
- React
- This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
This software is licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2018 Kayl Eubanks