Deploy Tellor 360 Ehereum 1-Deploy flex (needs a governance address that will not exist yet) 2-Deploy autopay (with Flex address) 3-make sure you have a multis address for that network or deploy a multisig to get one 4-Deploy governance (with multisig and flex address) 5-Run INIT function on Flex to update the governance contract by owner only once 6-Deploy 360 7- Add staking rewards of 1 trb --add tx to monorepo deployment script
After deployment:
-Kick off vote -tallyVote -sent trb to oracle -executeVote -init 360 -mintToOracle to mint timebasedRewads
What happens if there is a dispute right before the transition: -governance tokens should have been transferred when 360 init is run -figure out who won -distribute dispute fee and stake amount
After the transition: -Report these to new oracle -trb/usd -proposed oracle address //fork test only -autopay address // fork test only
-Setup montinors *for the two query ids any time they are updated(trb/usd and autopay addresses) *monitor if anyone runs Tellor.FlexupdateStakeAmount
_queryId to track for notifications: AutoPay addresses == "0xf68080e075e1f30766c3fc884c1ce4e6f99ed86d810d68ca9c7aed06eeb5f408" Oracle address == "0x3594a64934b608e1e193a343f9827ab3923a636e6f52ca5e7ca72f0fd105ef83" TRB/USD == "0x5c13cd9c97dbb98f2429c101a2a8150e6c7a0ddaff6124ee176a3a411067ded0"
Changes since last code review
- autopay(remove legacy queryids)
- 360 and transition (liquidy test and min stake amount, 3 month mint)
- Flex
- add staking rewards 1,
- staking reward rate could go down to zero on an edge case when it should not have (where a staker did not participate on all votes so their rewars were cut but instead it was set to zero so everyone else was not gettting paid out correctly) Governance
- vote count before before penalizing so that when someone gets disputed they dont lose out on rewards bc they could not vote on their own dispute