This project fetches various data sources and generates graphs from them.
Sources are usually fetched into Json files. These Json files are read in by another program which generates graphs based on the timestamps. This workflow is effective for small data sets and development. If you want to process large data sets (in realtime) use another approach!
Feel free to extend the data sources and graphs.
- Python 2.6, 2.7
- Python Imaging Library (for roll graphs)
- MatPlotLib (for line graphs)
- cjson (optional, faster Json processing)
- the line graphs are not drawn correct at points with the value 0
- ...
Fetch some data from identica or twitter
./ identica thammi
./ twitter chaossource
You can add as many users as you want to the parameter list. The command fetches the data from the microblogging apis for each user and adds the data to the Json file.
Create the graphs from the Json files with
./ plot identica twitter
This command plots the graphs for each service specified to the ./out directory. There will be graphs for each user and the hashtags used by users you fetched.
You can fetch specific branches from repositories
./ thammi digger master
or all repositories a user has
./ thammi
As soon as you have all repositories you want use
./test plot github
To build the graphs. There will be graphs for each branch and for the users which committet to these branches.
The DVCS module supports git and mercurial. You can specify a path to a repository or a path containing multiple repositories. It will recurse if the specified directory is not a repository.
./ ~/code/repo
And finally the graph creation
./test plot dvcs
You have to own an API key to access the service. expects your API key in the environment variable LASTFM_KEY. To set it in a posix compatible shell use
export LASTFM_KEY your_api_key
Now you can continue with the usual workflow
./ username another_name
./ plot lastfm
This data source generates graphs for users and artists scrobbled by the users.
The following command will search for the given query and build graphs about the found messages in ./search
./ "#ds2010"
The following command will search for the specified tags and build graphs about the users sending these messages in ./auto
./ identica ds2010 nackt