To be able to execute and use Eiffel Intelligence front-end, some configuration need to provided. All configurations is made via file. These properties can also be provided as Java properties arguments as well.
Eiffel Intelligence front-end is dependent of at least one Eiffel Intelligence back-end instance being up and running. It is possible to configure several back-end instances.
EI back-end instances is configured by setting ei.backend.instances.list.json.content property, example:
ei.backend.instances.list.json.content=[{ "contextPath": "", "port": "8090", "name": "EI-Backend-1", "host": "ei-backend-host-1", "https": false, "defaultBackend": true},\
{ "contextPath": "", "port": "8090", "name": "EI-Backend-2", "host": "ei-backend-host-2", "https": false, "defaultBackend": false},\
{ "contextPath": "", "port": "8090", "name": "EI-Backend-3", "host": "ei-backend-host-3", "https": false, "defaultBackend": false},\
{ "contextPath": "", "port": "8090", "name": "EI-Backend-4", "host": "ei-backend-host-4", "https": false, "defaultBackend": false}]
You can set as many Eiffel Intelligence back-end instances as you intend to use.
Which port Eiffel Intelligence front-end web-server should be started with is set by the property server.port:
server.port=8080 property is the hostname on the host where Eiffel Intelligence front-end application is started on.
ei.frontend.service.port property is the port number on the host where Eiffel Intelligence front-end application is started on.
ei.frontend.context.path property is used when Eiffel Intelligence front-end application is started with a context path in web-server.
If running locally with "mvn spring-boot:run" no context-path is added which means you can leave the ei.frontend.context.path property empty.
If Eiffel Intelligence front-end needs to be executed with secure HTTPS connections, then these properties need to be set:
server.ssl.key-store: <keystore.p12>
server.ssl.key-store-password: <mypassword>
server.ssl.key-store-type: <PKCS12>
server.ssl.key-alias: <tomcat>
Read more in Spring documentation about how to enable HTTPS security in Spring applications.
It is possible to add and change Documentation url links that is seen in the Eiffel Intelligence front-end Web-UI. Documentation url links is configured by property ei.eiffel.documentation.urls, example:
ei.eiffel.documentation.urls={ "EI front-end documentation": "",\
"EI front-end GitHub": "",\
"EI back-end documentation": "",\
"EI back-end GitHub": "",\
"Eiffel Github main page": "",\
"User guide for test rules page": "" }
All Eiffel Intelligence front-end properties can be found in example file.