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File metadata and controls

406 lines (321 loc) · 10.2 KB

Getting Started

Download ts

Download the latest binary release of ts from

Install ts

Extract the archive and put ts binary into the directory that is in your PATH.

Creating a stanza provider

Crete a directory for a stanza provider. In this example, we'll be creating a directory named my_provider.

$ mkdir my_provider

Scaffold a new stanza

Navigete to the my_provider directory and generate a new stanza named hello.

$ cd my_provider
$ ts new hello

See the stanza working

Run ts server in the my_provider directory. This builds stanzas into dist directory and serve the files.

$ ts server

Then, open http://localhost:8080/stanza/ with your web browser. You will see the list of stanza names currently available (only the hello stanza will be shown at this moment). Each name is linked to the corresponding help page.

Click the "help" link of hello stanza. The description of hello stanza will appear. In the "Sample" section, you can see the stanza working and saying "hello, world!".

See how it works

Let's move on the internal of the stanza.

Stanza directory layout

Doing ts new hello has generated the following.

└── hello
    ├── index.js
    ├── metadata.json
    └── templates
        └── stanza.html

Stanza script

Look into hello/index.js.

// hello/index.js
Stanza(function(stanza, params) {
    template: "stanza.html",
    parameters: {
      greeting: "Hello, world!"

This defines the behavior of the stanza. When the stanza is embedded, this function is called. Calling stanza.render renders the stanza, using stanza.html template with parameters. In this example, we passed "Hello, world!" as greeting. This enables us to use the greeting in the stanza.html.

View template

Look into the template:

<!-- hello/templates/stanza.html -->

Templates are written in Handlebars. With {{}} notation, we can embed any values passed via render() function as parameters.


metadata.json describes the stanza itself.

Here is metadata.json generated by ts new hello:

  "@context": {
    "stanza": ""
  "@id": "hello",
  "stanza:label": "Hello Example",
  "stanza:definition": "Greeting.",
  "stanza:parameter": [
  "stanza:usage": "<togostanza-hello></togostanza-hello>",
  "stanza:type": "Stanza",
  "stanza:context": "",
  "stanza:display": "",
  "stanza:provider": "provider of this stanza",
  "stanza:license": "",
  "stanza:author": "author name",
  "stanza:address": "[email protected]",
  "stanza:contributor": [
  "stanza:created": "2015-02-19",
  "stanza:updated": "2015-02-19"

The "help" page that you have seen was generated from this information. The page should be available at http://localhost:8080/stanza/hello/help.html if ts server is still working.

Adding a parameter to the stanza

Let's try to add a parameter name to the stanza and revise the stanza to greet to the person.

Update metadata.json

Add a parameter definition into stanza:parameter in metadata.json. Also update stanza:example to use the parameter. Note that we need escape " of example HTML snippet as \" in the JSON.

Differences are:

-  "stanza:parameter": [
-  ],
+  "stanza:parameter": [
+    {
+      "stanza:key": "name",
+      "stanza:example": "Stanza Togo",
+      "stanza:description": "name to greet",
+      "stanza:required": true
+    }
+  ],
-  "stanza:usage": "<togostanza-hello></togostanza-hello>",
+  "stanza:usage": "<togostanza-hello name=\"Stanza Togo\"></togostanza-hello>",

Overall metadata.json becomes:

  "@context": {
    "stanza": ""
  "@id": "hello",
  "stanza:label": "Hello Example",
  "stanza:definition": "Greeting.",
  "stanza:parameter": [
      "stanza:key": "name",
      "stanza:example": "Stanza Togo",
      "stanza:description": "name to greet",
      "stanza:required": true
  "stanza:usage": "<togostanza-hello name=\"Stanza Togo\"></togostanza-hello>",
  "stanza:type": "Stanza",
  "stanza:context": "",
  "stanza:display": "",
  "stanza:provider": "provider of this stanza",
  "stanza:license": "",
  "stanza:author": "author name",
  "stanza:address": "[email protected]",
  "stanza:contributor": [
  "stanza:created": "2015-02-19",
  "stanza:updated": "2015-02-19"

Reload "help" page http://localhost:8080/stanza/hello/help.html. It rebuilds the stanza. You will notice that

  • Parameter name's definition is added in "Parameters" section
  • Attribute name="Stanza Togo" is added to togostanza-hello in "Usage" section
  • Nothing is changed in "Sample" section; still saying "Hello, world!" (because we haven't written the code to use the parameter)

Update index.js to use the parameter

The parameter passed to the stanza is accessible via params argument. Use this to greet the person:

// hello/index.js
Stanza(function(stanza, params) {
    template: "stanza.html",
    parameters: {
      greeting: "Hello, " + + "!"

Then, reload http://localhost:8080/stanza/hello/help.html. Now you will see "Hello, Stanza Togo!" in "Sample" section. The stanza greets to "Stanza Togo", who is specified by name attribute in stanza:example in metadata.json.

As an alternative way, you can generate the greeting message in stanza.html template. For the sake of simplicity, let us pass params directly into the template:

// hello/index.js
Stanza(function(stanza, params) {
    template: "stanza.html",
    parameters: params

And build the greeting message in the template:

<!-- hello/templates/stanza.html -->
<p>Hello, {{name}}!</p>

This stanza produces the same output as the previous version.

Issue SPARQL query

As for a more practical example, let's build a stanza to show organism name related to the specified tax_id. This is done by extracting information from an RDF store. We can use stanza.query() for this purpose in index.js.

Create a stanza

Generate another stanza for this example.

$ ts new organism-name

Update metadata.json

Add tax_id parameter to stanza:parameter and update stanza:usage to use the parameter in metadata.json:

  "@context": {
    "stanza": ""
  "@id": "organism-name",
  "stanza:label": "Hello Example",
  "stanza:definition": "Greeting.",
  "stanza:parameter": [
      "stanza:key": "tax_id",
      "stanza:example": "1148",
      "stanza:description": "NCBI taxonomy identifier.",
      "stanza:required": true
  "stanza:usage": "<togostanza-organism-name tax_id=\"1148\"></togostanza-organism-name>",
  "stanza:type": "Stanza",
  "stanza:context": "",
  "stanza:display": "",
  "stanza:provider": "provider of this stanza",
  "stanza:license": "",
  "stanza:author": "author name",
  "stanza:address": "[email protected]",
  "stanza:contributor": [
  "stanza:created": "2016-02-11",
  "stanza:updated": "2016-02-11"

Create a query template

Add a query template. Query templates are written in Handlebars as view templates.

Put the following as organism-name/templates/stanza.rq:

# organism-name/templates/stanza.rq
PREFIX id-tax:<>
PREFIX ddbj-tax:<>

SELECT ?scientific_name ?rank_name
  id-tax:{{tax_id}} ddbj-tax:scientificName ?scientific_name ;
    ddbj-tax:rank ?rank .
  ?rank rdfs:label ?rank_name .

Here, we have used {{tax_id}} to interpolate tax_id parameter.

Update index.js

Now we are ready to issue the query. Write index.js as follows:

// organism-name/index.js
Stanza(function(stanza, params) {
  var q = stanza.query({
    endpoint: "",
    template: "stanza.rq",
    parameters: params

  q.then(function(data) {
    var rows = data.results.bindings;
      template: "stanza.html",
      parameters: {
        organism: rows

The function issues a SPARQL query to the specified endpoint. The query is built from stanza.rq template and params object. The parameters given to the togostanza-organism-name stanza, are directly passed into the query template because here we pass params as parameters of query.

After the results are returned from the endpoint, the callback function of q.then() is called with the results. The data is an object that is returned from SPARQL endpoint such as:

  "head": {
    "link": [],
    "vars": [
  "results": {
    "distinct": false,
    "ordered": true,
    "bindings": [
        "scientific_name": {
          "type": "literal",
          "value": "Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803"
        "rank_name": {
          "type": "literal",
          "value": "species"

We extract rows from data first, then call stanza.render(), in order to render the result. rows are passed via parameters as organism. rows corresponding to the above example of data, accessible as organism in the template, are:

    "scientific_name": {
      "type": "literal",
      "value": "Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803"
    "rank_name": {
      "type": "literal",
      "value": "species"

Update templates/stanza.html

The last part is the view template:

<!-- organism-name/templates/stanza.html -->
{{#each organism}}
  <dt>Scientific Name</dt><dd>{{scientific_name.value}}</dd>

It receives organism from index.js. Note that we have used {{#each <name>}}...{{/each}} in order to iterate over organism. See details in Handlebars.

Run the stanza

Everything is now set up. Open http://localhost:8080/stanza/organism-name/help.html with your browser. You will see that your stanza renders the result retrieved from the RDF store.