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File metadata and controls

273 lines (223 loc) · 11 KB

Predicate type: Runtime Trace

Type URI:

Version: 0.1.0

Authors: Parth Patel (@pxp928), Shripad Nadgowda (@nadgowdas), Aditya Sirish A Yelgundhalli (@adityasaky)


This predicate is used to describe system events that were part of some software supply chain step, for example, the build process of an artifact. Supply chain operations today are complex and opaque with little to no insights into underlying system operations. However, there are emerging introspection techniques that now allow us to monitor and capture system event logs during the monitored operation.

Use Cases

Generally, this predicate can be used to express a runtime trace of any operation. The predicate specification does not mandate any specific monitoring tool or technology. The schema can be used to express runtime traces of anything that can be traced or monitored, from an operation spawned by a user using a CLI command to tasks performed in CI systems. The primary use case driving the development of this predicate is its applicability to runtime traces of build processes.

This attestation can be used in conjunction with provenance attestations to leverage observability to attest to various SLSA requirements. The runtime trace can prove the build was invoked via a script, that the build was executed in a hermetic environment with no network access, and so on.


Understanding of monitoring tools and the larger in-toto attestation framework.


monitor identifies the specific instance of a tool that’s observing the target process and details the configurations of the monitor, while monitoredProcess contains information that when put together uniquely identifies the exact instance of the job being observed. The monitorLog field contains the actual runtime trace information.


    "_type": "",
    "subject": [{ ... }],
    "predicateType": "",
    "predicate": {
        "monitor": {
            "type": "<TypeURI>",
            "configSource": "<ResourceDescriptor>",
            "tracePolicy": { /* object */ }
        "monitoredProcess": {
            "hostID": "<URI>",
            "type": "<URI>",
            "event": "<STRING>"
        "monitorLog": {
            "process": [
                { /* object */ }
            "network": [
                { /* object */ }
            "fileAccess": ["<ResourceDescriptor>", ...]
        "metadata": {
            "buildStartedOn": "<TIMESTAMP>",
            "buildFinishedOn": "<TIMESTAMP>"

Parsing Rules

This predicate follows the in-toto attestation parsing rules. Summary:

  • Consumers MUST ignore unrecognized fields.
  • The predicateType URI includes the major version number and will always change whenever there is a backwards incompatible change.
  • Minor version changes are always backwards compatible and “monotonic.” Such changes do not update the predicateType.
  • Producers MAY add extension fields using field names that are unlikely to collide with names used by other producers. Field names SHOULD avoid using characters like . and $.
  • Fields marked optional MAY be unset or null, and should be treated equivalently. Both are equivalent to empty for object or array values.


monitor object, required

Identifies the specific monitor instance used to trace the runtime.

monitor.type TypeURI, required

URI indicating the monitor’s type.

monitor.configSource ResourceDescriptor, optional

Effectively a pointer to the monitor's configuration.

monitor.tracePolicy object, optional

Indicates the trace policy used for the monitoring event that generated the runtime trace. The trace policy's format is dependent on the monitor used, and so it must be parsed after identifying the monitor using monitor.type.

FIXME: should this be optional?

monitoredProcess object, required

Identifies the process being monitored.

monitoredProcess.hostID string (URI), required

URI indicating the process host’s identity.

monitoredProcess.type string (TypeURI), required

URI indicating the type of process performed. Ex: when monitoring a build, this field records the build type.

monitoredProcess.event string, required

String identifying the specific job or task associated with the attestation.

monitorLog object, required

Record of events that were traced by the monitor. At least one of process, network, and fileAccess must be present.

monitorLog.process list of objects, optional

Record of processes observed by monitor. The exact format of this field is currently dependent on the monitor, and can be determined using monitor.type. In future, after consulting different monitors, this field may have a consistent schema. list of objects, optional

Record of network activity observed by monitor. The exact format of this field is currently dependent on the monitor, and can be determined using monitor.type. In future, after consulting different monitors, this field may have a consistent schema.

monitorLog.fileAccess list of ResourceDescriptor objects, optional

Record of files accessed during the monitored process. A complete list of materials can be derived from this information. Each entry in this list is expected to record the path of the file and one or more digests of the file, but as each entry is an instance of ResourceDescriptor, other supported information can also be captured. This field is a list rather than a key-value map because a single file may be used multiple times during the build process. Further, some files that are accessed may change during the build process, and so, different entries for the same file may have different digests.

Note: While this predicate can be used to log file accesses, the actual technique used to capture the file access event has some implications. If a synchronous monitor, for example one that uses ptrace to trace the file access system calls, is used, then the build process can be paused while the file's digest is calculated and stored. However, asynchronous monitors such as those using eBPF cannot pause the build process before the file is actually used. Therefore, they cannot make as strong guarantees about the digests of the files accessed. Verifiers using runtime trace attestations for file accesses must be careful about what guarantees they are actually getting based on how the build process was monitored.

metadata object, optional

Other properties of the monitoring event.

metadata.buildStartedOn Timestamp, optional

metadata.buildFinishedOn Timestamp, optional


  "_type": "",
  "predicateType": "",
  "subject": [
      "name": "",
      "digest": {
        "sha256": "def2bdf8cee687d5889d51923d7907c441f1a61958f1e5dfb07f53041c83745f"
  "predicate": {
    "monitor": {
      "type": "",
      "configSource": {},
      "tracePolicy": {
        "policies": [
            "Name": "connect",
            "Config": ""
            "Name": "sys-read-follow-prefix",
            "Config": ""
    "monitoredProcess": {
      "hostID": "",
      "type": "",
      "event": "run-image-pipelinerun-build-trusted"
    "monitorLog": {
      "process": [
          "eventType": "process",
          "processBinary": "/ko-app/entrypoint",
          "arguments": [
            "init /ko-app/entrypoint /tekton/bin/entrypoint step-prepare step-create step-results"
          "privileged": null
          "eventType": "process",
          "processBinary": "/bin/sh",
          "arguments": [
            "-c \"scriptfile=\"/tekton/scripts/script-0-vjklb\"\ntouch ${scriptfile} && chmod +x ${scriptfile}\ncat > ${s\" \"riptfile} << '_EOF_'\nIyEvdXNyL2Jpbi9lbnYgYmFzaApzZXQgLWUKCmlmIFtbICJ0cnVlIiA9PSAidHJ1ZSIgXV07IHRoZW\" KICBlY2hvICI+IFNldHRpbmcgcGVybWlzc2lvbnMgb24gJy93b3Jrc3BhY2UvY2FjaGUnLi4uIgogIGNob3duIC1SICIxMDAwOj wMDAiICIvd29ya3NwYWNlL2NhY2hlIgpmaQoKZm9yIHBhdGggaW4gIi90ZWt0b24vaG9tZSIgIi9sYXllcnMiICIvd29ya3NwYW lL3NvdXJjZSI7IGRvCiAgZWNobyAiPiBTZXR0aW5nIHBlcm1pc3Npb25zIG9uICckcGF0aCcuLi4iCiAgY2hvd24gLVIgIjEwMD 6MTAwMCIgIiRwYXRoIgoKICBpZiBbWyAiJHBhdGgiID09ICIvd29ya3NwYWNlL3NvdXJjZSIgXV07IHRoZW4KICAgICAgY2htb2 gNzc1ICIvd29ya3NwYWNlL3NvdXJjZSIKICBmaQpkb25lCgplY2hvICI+IFBhcnNpbmcgYWRkaXRpb25hbCBjb25maWd1cmF0aW uLi4uIgpwYXJzaW5nX2ZsYWc9IiIKZW52cz0oKQpmb3IgYXJnIGluICIkQCI7IGRvCiAgICBpZiBbWyAiJGFyZyIgPT0gIi0tZW 2LXZhcnMiIF1dOyB0aGVuCiAgICAgICAgZWNobyAiLT4gUGFyc2luZyBlbnYgdmFyaWFibGVzLi4uIgogICAgICAgIHBhcnNpbm fZmxhZz0iZW52LXZhcnMiCiAgICBlbGlmIFtbICIkcGFyc2luZ19mbGFnIiA9PSAiZW52LXZhcnMiIF1dOyB0aGVuCiAgICAgIC"
          "privileged": null
          "eventType": "process",
          "processBinary": "/bin/touch",
          "arguments": [
          "privileged": null
          "eventType": "exit",
          "processBinary": "/bin/sh",
          "arguments": [
            "-c \"scriptfile=\"/tekton/scripts/script-0-vjklb\"\ntouch ${scriptfile} && chmod +x ${scriptfile}\ncat > ${s\" \"riptfile} << '_EOF_'\nIyEvdXNyL2Jpbi9lbnYgYmFzaApzZXQgLWUKCmlmIFtbICJ0cnVlIiA9PSAidHJ1ZSIgXV07IHRoZW\" KICBlY2hvICI+IFNldHRpbmcgcGVybWlzc2lvbnMgb24gJy93b3Jrc3BhY2UvY2FjaGUnLi4uIgogIGNob3duIC1SICIxMDAwOj wMDAiICIvd29ya3NwYWNlL2NhY2hlIgpmaQoKZm9yIHBhdGggaW4gIi90ZWt0b24vaG9tZSIgIi9sYXllcnMiICIvd29ya3NwYW lL3NvdXJjZSI7IGRvCiAgZWNobyAiPiBTZXR0aW5nIHBlcm1pc3Npb25zIG9uICckcGF0aCcuLi4iCiAgY2hvd24gLVIgIjEwMD 6MTAwMCIgIiRwYXRoIgoKICBpZiBbWyAiJHBhdGgiID09ICIvd29ya3NwYWNlL3NvdXJjZSIgXV07IHRoZW4KICAgICAgY2htb2 gNzc1ICIvd29ya3NwYWNlL3NvdXJjZSIKICBmaQpkb25lCgplY2hvICI+IFBhcnNpbmcgYWRkaXRpb25hbCBjb25maWd1cmF0aW uLi4uIgpwYXJzaW5nX2ZsYWc9IiIKZW52cz0oKQpmb3IgYXJnIGluICIkQCI7IGRvCiAgICBpZiBbWyAiJGFyZyIgPT0gIi0tZW 2LXZhcnMiIF1dOyB0aGVuCiAgICAgICAgZWNobyAiLT4gUGFyc2luZyBlbnYgdmFyaWFibGVzLi4uIgogICAgICAgIHBhcnNpbm fZmxhZz0iZW52LXZhcnMiCiAgICBlbGlmIFtbICIkcGFyc2luZ19mbGFnIiA9PSAiZW52LXZhcnMiIF1dOyB0aGVuCiAgICAgIC"
          "privileged": null
          "eventType": "exit",
          "processBinary": "/tekton/bin/entrypoint",
          "arguments": [
            "-wait_file /tekton/downward/ready -wait_file_content -post_file /tekton/run/0/out -termination_path /tekton/termination -step_metadata_dir /tekton/run/0/status -results APP_IMAGE_DIGEST,APP_IMAGE_URL -entrypoint /tekton/scripts/script-0-vjklb -- --env-vars"
          "privileged": null
    "metadata": {
      "buildStartedOn": "2022-10-13T22:55:50Z",
      "buildFinishedOn": "2022-10-13T22:56:17Z"