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Tua Rua edited this page Jun 28, 2018 · 15 revisions


You will need

  • wget
  • Xcode 9.3
  • Xcode 9.1 for iOS Simulator
  • AIR 30


The iOS version utilises the native WKWebView.

N.B. You must use a Mac to build an iOS app using this ANE. Windows is NOT supported.

The ANE + Dependencies

From the Terminal cd into /example-mobile and run:


You will also need to include the following in your app manifest.


The iOS WebViewANE is written in Swift. We need to package the Swift libraries (along with a couple of dynamic frameworks) with our AIR app

After the ipa is created unzip it and confirm there is a "Frameworks" folder in the root of the .app package.

To find out more about writing Swift based ANEs see FreSwift

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