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The Hrana protocol specification (version 1)

Hrana (from Czech "hrana", which means "edge") is a protocol for connecting to a SQLite database over a WebSocket. It is designed to be used from edge functions, where low latency and small overhead is important.


This protocol aims to provide several benefits over the Postgres wire protocol:

  • Works in edge runtimes: WebSockets are available in all edge runtimes (Cloudflare Workers, Deno Deploy, Lagon), but general TCP sockets are not (notably, sockets are not supported by Cloudflare Workers).

  • Fast cold start: the Postgres wire protocol requires at least two roundtrips before the client can send queries, but Hrana needs just a single roundtrip introduced by the WebSocket protocol. (In both cases, additional roundtrips might be necessary due to TLS.)

  • Multiplexing: a single Hrana connection can open multiple SQL streams, so an application needs to open just a single connection even if it handles multiple concurrent requests.

  • Simplicity: Hrana is a simple protocol, so a client needs few lines of code. This is important on edge runtimes that impose hard limits on code size (usually just a few MB).


The Hrana protocol is intended to be used in one of two ways:

  • Connecting to sqld: edge functions and other clients can connect directly to sqld using Hrana, because it has native support for the protocol. This is the approach with lowest latency, because no software in the middle is necessary.

  • Connecting to SQLite through a proxy: this allows edge functions to efficiently connect to an existing SQLite databases.


The protocol runs on top of the WebSocket protocol as a subprotocol hrana1. The client includes hrana1 in the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol request header in the opening handshake, and the server replies with hrana1 in the same response header. Future versions of the Hrana protocol will be negotiated as different WebSocket subprotocols.

The client starts the connection by sending a hello message, which authenticates the client to the server. The server responds with either a confirmation or with an error message, closing the connection. The client can choose not to wait for the confirmation and immediately send further messages to reduce latency.

A single connection can host an arbitrary number of streams. A stream corresponds to a "session" in PostgreSQL or a "connection" in SQLite: SQL statements in a stream are executed sequentially and can affect stream-specific state such as transactions (with SQL BEGIN or SAVEPOINT). In effect, one Hrana connection works as a "connection pool" in traditional SQL servers.

After a stream is opened, the client can execute SQL statements on it. For the purposes of this protocol, the statements are arbitrary strings with optional parameters. The protocol can thus work with any SQL dialect.

To reduce the number of roundtrips, the protocol supports batches of statements that are executed conditionally, based on success or failure of previous statements. This mechanism is used to implement non-interactive transactions in a single roundtrip.


All messages exchanged between the client and server are text messages encoded in JSON. Future versions of the protocol might additionally support binary messages with a more compact binary encoding.

This specification describes the JSON messages using TypeScript syntax as follows:

type ClientMsg =
    | HelloMsg
    | RequestMsg

type ServerMsg =
    | HelloOkMsg
    | HelloErrorMsg
    | ResponseOkMsg
    | ResponseErrorMsg

The client sends messages of type ClientMsg, and the server sends messages of type ServerMsg. The type of the message is determined by its type field.

To maintain backwards compatibility, the recipient must ignore any unrecognized fields in the JSON messages. However, if the recipient receives a message with unrecognized type, it must abort the connection.


type HelloMsg = {
    "type": "hello",
    "jwt": string | null,

The hello message is sent as the first message by the client. It authenticates the client to the server using the Json Web Token (JWT) passed in the jwt field. If no authentication is required (which might be useful for development and debugging, or when authentication is performed by other means, such as with mutual TLS), the jwt field might be set to null.

type HelloOkMsg = {
    "type": "hello_ok",

type HelloErrorMsg = {
    "type": "hello_error",
    "error": Error,

The server waits for the hello message from the client and responds with a hello_ok message if the client can proceed, or with a hello_error message describing the failure.

The client may choose not to wait for a response to its hello message before sending more messages to save a network roundtrip. If the server responds with hello_error, it must ignore all further messages sent by the client and it should close the WebSocket immediately.


type RequestMsg = {
    "type": "request",
    "request_id": int32,
    "request": Request,

After sending the hello message, the client can start sending request messages. The client uses requests to open SQL streams and execute statements on them. The client assigns an identifier to every request, which is then used to match a response to the request.

type ResponseOkMsg = {
    "type": "response_ok",
    "request_id": int32,
    "response": Response,

type ResponseErrorMsg = {
    "type": "response_error",
    "request_id": int32,
    "error": Error,

When the server receives a request message, it must eventually send either a response_ok with the response or a response_error that describes a failure. The response from the server includes the same request_id that was provided by the client in the request. The server can send the responses in arbitrary order.

The request ids are arbitrary 32-bit signed integers, the server does not interpret them in any way.

The server should limit the number of outstanding requests to a reasonable value, and stop receiving messages when this limit is reached. This will cause the TCP flow control to kick in and apply back-pressure to the client. On the other hand, the client should always receive messages, to avoid deadlock.


type Error = {
    "message": string,
    "code"?: string | null,

When a server refuses to accept a client hello or fails to process a request, it responds with a message that describes the error. The message field contains an English human-readable description of the error. The code contains a machine-readable error code.

If either peer detects that the protocol has been violated, it should close the WebSocket with an appropriate WebSocket close code and reason. Some examples of protocol violations include:

  • Text message that is not a valid JSON.
  • Unrecognized ClientMsg or ServerMsg (the field type is unknown or missing)
  • Client receives a ResponseOkMsg or ResponseErrorMsg with a request_id that has not been sent in a RequestMsg or that has already received a response.


Most of the work in the protocol happens in request/response interactions.

type Request =
    | OpenStreamReq
    | CloseStreamReq
    | ExecuteReq
    | BatchReq

type Response =
    | OpenStreamResp
    | CloseStreamResp
    | ExecuteResp
    | BatchResp

The type of the request and response is determined by its type field. The type of the response must always match the type of the request.

Open stream

type OpenStreamReq = {
    "type": "open_stream",
    "stream_id": int32,

type OpenStreamResp = {
    "type": "open_stream",

The client uses the open_stream request to open an SQL stream, which is then used to execute SQL statements. The streams are identified by arbitrary 32-bit signed integers assigned by the client.

The client can optimistically send follow-up requests on a stream before it receives the response to its open_stream request. If the server receives a request that refers to a stream that failed to open, it should respond with an error, but it should not close the connection.

Even if the open_stream request returns an error, the stream id is still considered as used, and the client cannot reuse it until it sends a close_stream request.

The server can impose a reasonable limit to the number of streams opened at the same time.

Close stream

type CloseStreamReq = {
    "type": "close_stream",
    "stream_id": int32,

type CloseStreamResp = {
    "type": "close_stream",

When the client is done with a stream, it should close it using the close_stream request. The client can safely reuse the stream id after it receives the response.

The client should close even streams for which the open_stream request returned an error.

Execute a statement

type ExecuteReq = {
    "type": "execute",
    "stream_id": int32,
    "stmt": Stmt,

type ExecuteResp = {
    "type": "execute",
    "result": StmtResult,

The client sends an execute request to execute an SQL statement on a stream. The server responds with the result of the statement.

type Stmt = {
    "sql": string,
    "args"?: Array<Value>,
    "named_args"?: Array<NamedArg>,
    "want_rows": boolean,

type NamedArg = {
    "name": string,
    "value": Value,

A statement contains the SQL text in sql and arguments.

The arguments in args are bound to parameters in the SQL statement by position. The arguments in named_args are bound to parameters by name.

For SQLite, the names of arguments include the prefix sign (:, @ or $). If the name of the argument does not start with this prefix, the server will try to guess the correct prefix. If an argument is specified both as a positional argument and as a named argument, the named argument should take precedence.

It is an error if the request specifies an argument that is not expected by the SQL statement, or if the request does not specify an argument that is expected by the SQL statement. Some servers may not support specifying both positional and named arguments.

The want_rows field specifies whether the client is interested in the rows produced by the SQL statement. If it is set to false, the server should always reply with no rows, even if the statement produced some.

The SQL text should contain just a single statement. Issuing multiple statements separated by a semicolon is not supported.

type StmtResult = {
    "cols": Array<Col>,
    "rows": Array<Array<Value>>,
    "affected_row_count": int32,
    "last_insert_rowid": string | null,

type Col = {
    "name": string | null,

The result of executing an SQL statement contains information about the returned columns in cols and the returned rows in rows (the array is empty if the statement did not produce any rows or if want_rows was false in the request).

affected_row_count counts the number of rows that were changed by the statement. This is meaningful only if the statement was an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE, and the value is otherwise undefined.

last_insert_rowid is the ROWID of the last successful insert into a rowid table. The rowid value is a 64-bit signed integer encoded as a string. For other statements, the value is undefined.

Execute a batch

type BatchReq = {
    "type": "batch",
    "stream_id": int32,
    "batch": Batch,

type BatchResp = {
    "type": "batch",
    "result": BatchResult,

The batch request runs a batch of statements on a stream. The server responds with the result of the batch execution.

type Batch = {
    "steps": Array<BatchStep>,

type BatchStep = {
    "condition"?: BatchCond | null,
    "stmt": Stmt,

type BatchResult = {
    "step_results": Array<StmtResult | null>,
    "step_errors": Array<Error | null>,

A batch is a list of steps (statements) which are always executed sequentially. If the condition of a step is present and evaluates to false, the statement is skipped.

The batch result contains the results or errors of statements from each step. For the step in steps[i], step_results[i] contains the result of the statement if the statement was executed and succeeded, and step_errors[i] contains the error if the statement was executed and failed. If the statement was skipped because its condition evaluated to false, both step_results[i] and step_errors[i] will be null.

type BatchCond =
    | { "type": "ok", "step": int32 }
    | { "type": "error", "step": int32 }
    | { "type": "not", "cond": BatchCond }
    | { "type": "and", "conds": Array<BatchCond> }
    | { "type": "or", "conds": Array<BatchCond> }

Conditions are expressions that evaluate to true or false:

  • ok evaluates to true if the step (referenced by its 0-based index) was executed successfully. If the statement was skipped, this condition evaluates to false.
  • error evaluates to true if the step (referenced by its 0-based index) has produced an error. If the statement was skipped, this condition evaluates to false.
  • not evaluates cond and returns the logical negative.
  • and evaluates conds and returns the logical conjunction of them.
  • or evaluates conds and returns the logical disjunction of them.


type Value =
    | { "type": "null" }
    | { "type": "integer", "value": string }
    | { "type": "float", "value": number }
    | { "type": "text", "value": string }
    | { "type": "blob", "base64": string }

Values passed as arguments to SQL statements and returned in rows are one of supported types:

  • null: the SQL NULL value
  • integer: a 64-bit signed integer, its value is a string to avoid losing precision, because some JSON implementations treat all numbers as 64-bit floats
  • float: a 64-bit float
  • text: a UTF-8 text string
  • blob: a binary blob with base64-encoded value

These types exactly correspond to SQLite types. In the future, the protocol might be extended with more types for compatibility with Postgres.


The protocol allows the server to reorder the responses: it is not necessary to send the responses in the same order as the requests. However, the server must process requests related to a single stream id in order.

For example, this means that a client can send an open_stream request immediately followed by a batch of execute requests on that stream and the server will always process them in correct order.