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Ability Scores

Rangers gain a +2 class bonus to Dexterity or Strength, as long as it isn't the same ability you increase with your +2 species bonus.


Rangers get 2 skill points in any Dexterity or Strength skill like Acrobatics, Athletics, and Stealth.


At 1st level, a ranger starts with light armor, a melee weapon or two, a ranged weapon or two, and other mundane gear as suggested by their background.

Gold Pieces

Rangers start with 25gp.


Armor Type Base AC Atk Penalty
None 10
Light 14
Heavy 15 -2
Shield +1 -2

Melee Weapons

Weapon Type One-Handed Two-Handed
Small LEVELd4 dagger LEVELd6 club
Light or Simple LEVELd6 shortsword, hand axe LEVELd8 spear
Heavy or Martial LEVELd8 longsword, warhammer LEVELd10 greatsword, greataxe

Ranged Weapons

Weapon Type Thrown Crossbow Bow
Small LEVELd4 dagger LEVELd4 hand crossbow
Light or Simple LEVELd6 javelin, axe LEVELd6 light crossbow LEVELd6 shortbow
Heavy or Martial LEVELd8 heavy crossbow LEVELd8 longbow

Level Progression

Ranger Level Total Hit Points Total Feats Class Talents (H) Level-up Ability Bonuses Damage Bonus From Ability Score
Level 1 Hybrid (Avg. of both classes) x 3 1 adv 3 Not affected ability modifier
Level 1 (7 + CON mod) x 3 1 adv 3 ability modifier
Level 2 (7 + CON mod) x 4 2 adv 3 ability modifier
Level 3 (7 + CON mod) x 5 3 adv 3 ability modifier
Level 4 (7 + CON mod) x 6 4 adv 3 +1 to 3 abilities ability modifier
Level 5 (7 + CON mod) x 8 4 adv; 1 champ 4 2 x ability modifier
Level 6 (7 + CON mod) x 10 4 adv; 2 champ 4 2 x ability modifier
Level 7 (7 + CON mod) x 12 4 adv; 3 champ 4 +1 to 3 abilities 2 x ability modifier
Level 8 (7 + CON mod) x 16 4 adv; 3 champ; 1 epic 5 4 x ability modifier
Level 9 (7 + CON mod) x 20 4 adv; 3 champ; 2 epic 5 4 x ability modifier
Level 10 (7 + CON mod) x 24 4 adv; 3 champ; 3 epic 5 +1 to 3 abilities 4 x ability modifier

(H): Indicates columns in which hybrid characters lag one level behind.

Stats at 1st Level

Ability Bonus +2 Strength, Dexterity, or Wisdom (different from species bonus)
Initiative Dex mod + Level
Armor Class (light armor) 14 + middle mod of Con/Dex/Wis + Level
Physical Defense 11 + middle mod of Str/Con/Dex + Level
Mental Defense 10 + middle mod of Int/Wis/Cha + Level
Hit Points (7 + Con mod) x Level modifier
Recoveries 7
Recovery Dice (1d10 x Level) + Con mod
Skills 2, max 5 in any one skill
Relationships 3 points
Talents 3
Feats 1 per Level

Basic Attacks

Melee Attack


Target: One enemy

Attack: Strength OR Dexterity + Level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage

Miss: Damage equal to your level

Ranged Attack


Target: One enemy

Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage

Miss: Damage equal to your level

Class Talents

Choose three of the following class talents, or put two talents into Animal Companion, and one talent elsewhere.

You get an additional ranger class talent at champion tier, and again at epic tier.

Animal Companion

Special: Unlike most class talents, this talent can take up to two ranger class talent slots. Spending one talent makes you an Animal Companion initiate. Spending two makes you an Animal Companion adept.

You have a normal-sized animal companion that fights alongside you in battle. See Animal Companion Rules.

If you would rather have a smaller beast as a pet, see the Ranger's Pet talent.

Arcane Archer

If you spend one talent, you are an Arcane Archer initiate, with two, you become an Arcane Archer adept.

As an Arcane Archer, you gain a number of powers depending on whether you are an initiate or adept, and your level.

Ranger Level Initiate Adept
1st 2 3
2nd 2 4
3rd 2 4
4th 3 5
5th 3 5
6th 3 6
7th 4 6
8th 4 7
9th 4 7
10th 5 8

The Arcane Archer powers are organized in spheres, with each sphere containing a 1st, 3rd, and 5th level power.

You can choose the 1st and 3rd level powers from any sphere as long as you have the required level, but to access the 5th level power, you also need both the 1st and 3rd level powers of that sphere.

To use an Arcane Archer power, declare that you are using it before making a ranged weapon attack. You then pay the cost of the power, usually one charge for a 1st or 3rd level power, or 2 charges for 5th level power. You then apply the effect of the power to your ranged attack. If you make more than one attack, such as with the Double Ranged Attack talent, your Arcane Archer power only applies to one of those attacks. If you want to use them with more than one attack, pay the cost each time.

If you are an initiate, you have a number of charges equal to your Wisdom modifier, as an adept, you have your Wisdom modifier +3.

You regain all expended charges during a full heal-up. When you take a quick rest, you regain one charge as an initiate, or two as an adept.

You can only apply one power to each ranged attack, unless you have one of the feats below that allow you to stack multiple powers of one sphere.

Adventurer Feat

You learn an additional shot. You can use Intelligence instead of Wisdom for your Arcane Archer abilities.

Adventurer Feat

Gain a bonus charge. You can use Charisma instead of Wisdom for your Arcane Archer abilities.

Champion Feat

Choose one sphere. Gain a +1 bonus to hit when using a shot from that sphere.

Champion Feat

Choose one sphere. You can combine any two shots of that sphere in one attack by paying the cost for each.

Epic Feat

Regain two charges on a quick rest as an initiate, or three as an adept.

Epic Feat

Choose one sphere. You can combine all three shots of that sphere in one attack by paying the cost for each.

Death Sphere

Deathknell Shot (1st Level)

Cost: 1 charge

Effect: On a hit, if your target has 5 hp or fewer after the attack, you can drop it to 0 hp. If you drop it to zero hp, either from the arrow’s damage or this ability, you can heal using a recovery.

Higher Level Effect
3rd 10 hp or fewer
5th 15 hp or fewer
7th 20 hp or fewer
9th 25 hp or fewer
Adventurer Feat

Double the hit point range at which you can drop an enemy to zero hit points.

Ghost Shot (3rd Level)

Cost: 1 charge

Effect: Target the enemy's PD instead of AC.

Adventurer Feat

Deal extra necrotic damage equal to your level.

Kill Shot (5th Level)

Special: Requires Deathknell Shot and Ghost Shot

Cost: 2 charges

Effect: Deal double damage (hit or miss).

Flaming Sphere

Burning Shot (1st Level)

Cost: 1 charge

Effect: If you hit, deal 1d6 extra fire damage per level.

Adventurer Feat

The extra fire damage dice are exploding dice (on a 6, roll another d6 and add it).

Immolating Shot (3rd Level)

Cost: 1 charge

Effect: If you hit, deal an extra 5 ongoing fire damage, and the target is vulnerable to fire (save ends both).

Higher Level Effect
5th 10 ongoing damage
7th 15 ongoing damage
9th 20 ongoing damage
Adventurer Feat

The save against the ongoing damage is a hard save (16+).

Explosive Shot (5th Level)

Special: Requires Burning Shot and Immolating Shot

Cost: 2 charges

Effect: Hit or miss, deal 3d10 + Wisdom extra fire damage to 1d3 nearby enemies other than the target.

Higher Level Effect
7th 5d10 damage
9th 7d10 damage

Force Sphere

Arrow Fist (1st Level)

Cost: 1 charge

Effect: If you hit, the attack deals force damage and throws the target backwards. It pops free from anyone it is engaged with. If you push the target into a dangerous spot, such as over a ledge or into lava, it can make a save to avoid the effect.

Adventurer Feat

The push effect is now strong enough to throw a target from a nearby to a far away location.

Homing Missile (3rd Level)

Cost: 1 charge

Effect: You have advantage on the attack roll.

Adventurer Feat

Against far away enemies, increase your WEAPON damage dice by one step.

Twin Arrow (5th Level)

Special: Requires Arrow Fist and Homing Missile

Cost: 2 charges

Target: Two nearby or far away enemies

Effect: Take a -2 penalty to the attack roll. The attack deals force damage. If both attacks miss, roll a third attack against a different enemy.

Frost Sphere

Ice Arrow (1st Level)

Cost: 1 charge

Effect: On a hit, deal 1d4 per level extra cold damage to the target, and it has disadvantage on disengage checks until the end of your next turn.

Adventurer Feat

Increase the extra damage to 1d6 per level.

Freezing Arrow (3rd Level)

Cost: 1 charge

Effect: On a hit, whenever the target takes an action before the end of your next turn, it takes cold damage equal to your level + Wisdom modifier, twice at champion tier, and thrice at epic tier.

Adventurer Feat

On a miss, deal extra cold damage equal to your level.

Blizzard Shot (5th Level)

Special: Requires Ice Arrow and Freezing Arrow

Cost: 2 charges

Effect: Hit or miss, deal 2d8 + Wisdom cold damage to all nearby enemies other than the target, and all nearby allies can make a save to disengage as a free action.

Higher Level Effect
7th 3d8 damage
9th 5d8 damage

Radiant Sphere

Blinding Flare (1st Level)

Cost: 1 charge

Effect: On a hit, the target has disadvantage on its next attack roll.

Adventurer Feat

On a miss, you deal extra psychic damage equal to your level.

Vexing Flare (3rd Level)

Cost: 1 charge

Effect: The attack targets the enemy’s MD instead of AC.

Adventurer Feat

On a natural even miss, reroll the attack against a different nearby enemy.

Confusing Flare (5th Level)

Special: Requires Blinding Flare and Vexing Flare

Cost: 2 charges

Effect: On a hit, if the target’s hit points are equal to your maximum or less after taking damage, it is confused until the end of your next turn. If they are higher, it is dazed until the end of your next turn.

Champion Feat Increase your WEAPON damage dice to d12s with this shot and make all damage psychic damage.

Sky Sphere

Thunderbolt (1st Level)

Cost: 1 charge

Effect: On a hit, the target is dazed until the end of your next turn. On a miss, deal your level in thunder damage to any of your allies engaged with the target.

Adventurer Feat

On a natural even hit, the target is weakened instead.

Lightning Bolt (3rd Level)

Cost: 1 charge

Effect: Before making your ranged attack, make the following separate attack roll.

Target: A random nearby enemy other than the target

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: 1d8 per level lightning damage


Champion Feat

Deal half damage on a miss.

Shocking Jolt (5th Level)

Special: Requires Thunderbolt and Lightning Bolt

Cost: 2 charges

Effect: On a hit, deal 1d8 per level extra lightning damage to the target, and if its hit points are equal to your maximum or less after taking damage, it is stunned until the end of your next turn. On a miss, deal your level in lightning damage to any of your allies engaged with the target.

Thorns Sphere

Rooting Shot (1st Level)

Cost: 1 charge

Effect: On a hit, deal 1d4 per level extra damage. On a natural even hit, the target is stuck until the end of its next turn.

Adventurer Feat

The target is now stuck on any hit.

Champion Feat

On a natural 16+, the stuck effect is “save ends.”

Ivy Shot (3rd Level)

Cost: 1 charge

Effect: On a hit, the target is hampered until the end of your next turn. It can choose to take 15 poison damage to shake off the effect.

Higher Level Effect
5th 25 damage to shake off
7th 40 damage to shake off
9th 60 damage to shake off
Adventurer Feat

On a natural 18+, the hampered effect is “save ends.”

Spore Shot (5th Level)

Special: Requires Rooting Shot and Ivy Shot

Cost: 2 charges

Effect: Hit or miss, create a spore cloud around the target and 1d3 enemies in the same group. Enemies in that cloud must take a move action to get out of the area or take half damage from the attack as poison damage at the start of your next turn.


Once per battle, reroll one of your missed ranged attacks.

Adventurer Feat

Your Archery rerolls gain a +2 attack bonus and the attack's crit range expands by 1.

Champion Feat

Once per full recovery, you can use Archery twice in the same battle.

Epic Feat

Once per full recovery, you can turn a normal hit with a ranger ranged attack into a critical hit.


When you are not engaged, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses.

Adventurer Feat

Once per scene, you can choose to reroll a skill check to hide that is a natural even roll.

Champion Feat

Once per battle, while not engaged, you can force an enemy to reroll a natural odd attack roll against you.

Epic Feat

Increase the defense bonus to +4 in the first round of battle.

Double Melee Attack

When fighting with two one-handed melee weapons, your default option is to make a double melee attack.

Your weapon damage die drops one notch, usually from d8s to d6s. If your first attack is a natural even roll (hit or miss), you can make a second attack as a free action.

If you decide you don't want to try for a double melee attack while fighting with two one-handed weapons, declare it before rolling your attack; the single attack will deal the normal damage dice instead of using reduced damage dice.

Adventurer Feat

Your second attack gains a +2 attack bonus if it is against a different target.

Champion Feat

Once per battle, use Double Melee Attack after an odd attack roll.

Epic Feat

Each turn, you can pop free of one enemy before one attack roll that is part of a Double Melee Attack. You can also use your move action in between your two attacks if you wish.

Double Ranged Attack

When you attack with a ranged weapon that does not need to be reloaded, your default option is to make a double ranged attack.

Your weapon damage die drops one notch, usually from d8s to d6s. If your first attack is a natural even roll (hit or miss), you can make a second attack as a free action.

If you decide you don't want to try for a double ranged attack when firing your bow or other ranged weapon, declare it before rolling your attack; the single attack will deal the normal damage dice instead of using reduced damage dice.

Adventurer Feat

Your second attack gains a +2 attack bonus if it is against a different target.

Champion Feat

Once per battle, you can use Double Ranged Attack after an odd attack roll.

Epic Feat

Each turn, you can pop free of one enemy before one attack roll that is part of a Double Ranged Attack. You can also use your move action in between your two attacks if you wish.


You are constantly moving in melee combat; your footwork a blur of misdirection. You automatically succeed at disengage checks except against enemies with a specific grab ability. Against enemies with grab, your disengage checks don’t suffer the usual -5 penalty.

Adventurer Feat

You can intercept enemies even while you’re engaged; doing so pops you free from whomever you were engaged with.

Champion Feat

You can make opportunity attacks while grabbed.

Exotic Animal Companion

Special: You must have the Animal Companion talent to take this talent.

Your existing animal companion returns to the wilderness and is replaced—after the necessary rituals—with a full-fledged monster chosen from the options below. Note that the animal companion feats described in the ranger class description can be applied to these companions as well.

Dire Stag

Acts: After ranger

Advantage: You can ride it, which probably makes you faster than you’d otherwise be. In the absence of complex mounted combat rules, simply rule that your animal companion always has the same ranges from enemies that you do (engaged, nearby, far away, and so on). In general, you and your companion will move during your turn, and when your turn is over, it’ll make a melee attack with its horns against anything you’re engaged with.

Adventurer Feat

You gain the ability to charge forward. If you start your turn unengaged, you may engage any enemy you can move to and gain a +2 bonus on your attack roll. (We note that the 13th Age Roleplaying Game generally frowns on charge bonuses, but if there’s a worthy exception, it’s mounted combat.)

Dire Wolf

Acts: After ranger

Advantage: When the dire wolf drops an enemy to 0 hp, it can howl as a free action. Nearby enemies suffer a penalty to attacks and defenses equal to half the escalation die (rounded up) until the end of the companion’s next turn.

Adventurer Feat

You can ride the dire wolf; see dire stag advantage above


Acts: After ranger

Advantage: Because it’s a vicious hybrid, the owlbear can make an extra attack during its turn when the escalation die is even.

Champion Feat

When the owlbear hits an enemy, that enemy is hampered until the end of the owlbear’s next turn.


Acts: Before ranger

Advantage: It flies, but unlike the eagle, you don’t drop its melee damage to compensate.

Champion Feat

The pseudodragon has a stinging tail that it incorporates into its melee attack, so it gains ongoing poison damage equal to three times your level on a natural attack roll of 18+.

Epic Feat

The pseudodragon has a 1/encounter breath weapon that attacks PD with the companion’s normal melee attack bonus. It deals 15 fire damage to 2d3 nearby enemies.

Favored Enemy

Choose a specific monster type (e.g. aberration, beast, construct, demon, dragon, giant, humanoid*, ooze, plant, or undead). The crit range of your ranger attacks against that type of enemy expands by 2.

*Choosing humanoid: Unlike other favored enemies, choosing humanoid as your favored enemy takes up two ranger class talent slots.

Adventurer Feat

You can change your favored enemy by meditating when you take a full heal-up.

Adventurer Feat

This feat is only usable by rangers who have taken humanoid as a favored enemy. Once per full recovery, as a free action, you may select a humanoid species you have encountered in the past. Until the end of the battle, you may use that species’ racial ability. For example, you could gain the shifty bugger ability of goblins, be as evasive as a kobold, as dangerous as an orc, or blend into your surroundings like a chameleon troglodyte. The Gamemaster may veto overpowered or overly magical abilities—this feat represents your ability to emulate the tricks and tactics of your prey, not a supernatural power of shapeshifting.

Champion Feat

Your crit range for attacks against favored enemies expands by 1 (to +3).

Epic Feat

Choose a second non-humanoid monster type as a favored enemy.

Fey Queen's Enchantments

Choose one full recovery or recharge spell of your level or lower from the sorcerer class. You can cast this spell as if you were a sorcerer (though you can't gather power).

Adventurer Feat

You can choose which ability score you want to use as the attack ability for sorcerer spells you can cast.

Champion Feat

You can now choose from sorcerer at-will spells.

Epic Feat

You gain an additional sorcerer spell of your choice that is your level or lower; a total of two from this talent.

First Strike

The first time you attack an enemy during a battle, your crit range for that attack expands by 2 (usually to 18+). A mob of mooks counts as a single enemy.

Adventurer Feat

The crit range of your First Strike attacks expands by 1 (to +3).

Champion Feat

Once per full recovery, deal triple damage with a First Strike crit instead of double damage.

Epic Feat

Whenever you hit with a First Strike attack, you can reroll your damage once and use the higher roll.


Choose one spell of your level or lower from the necromancer class. You can cast this spell as if you were a necromancer, but you can replace any mention of Intelligence with Wisdom. You can change the spell after each full heal-up.

Adventurer Feat

When you are in the Underworld, environment-related skill checks such as tracking are one step easier (-5) for you.

Champion Feat

Once per battle, you can force an enemy to reroll an attack against you as a free action, as long as you are in a dark or shadowy area.

Epic Feat

You gain an additional necromancer spell of your choice of up to your level -2.

Great Weapon Master

You gain a +1 bonus to attack when fighting with a two-handed melee weapon.

Adventurer Feat

When fighting with a two-handed weapon, reroll all natural 1s on the damage dice.

Champion Feat

Once per battle, when fighting with a two-handed weapon, reroll one of your missed attacks.

Epic Feat

When you hit an enemy you weren’t engaged with at the start of your turn with a two-handed weapon, gain two extra WEAPON damage dice.

Green Bandit’s Secret

When you attack from ambush, an additional number of your allies equal to your Charisma modifier may act in the surprise round.

Once per full recovery, when you flee, you may make a normal save (11+). If successful, this escape was just a feint; you do not take a campaign loss, and instead hide nearby. You may take a short rest, then return to the adventure without significant setback. Once per level, you may declare that you know about a hiding place or refuge nearby. The nature of this refuge depends on the sort of terrain, but it’s always a safe, well-concealed place stocked with supplies. It might be a hidden cache in the wilderness, or the home of a trusted old friend, or just a dungeon room that you somehow intuit is safer than anywhere else. Each character in the company automatically succeeds at one recharge roll when they first take a short rest in the refuge.

Lethal Hunter

Once per battle as a free action, choose an enemy. The crit range of your attacks against that enemy expands by 2 for the rest of the battle. A mob of mooks counts as a single enemy.

Adventurer Feat

The crit range of your Lethal Hunter attacks expands by 1 (to +3).

Champion Feat

One battle per full recovery, you can use Lethal Hunter against two different enemies.

Epic Feat

Your Lethal Hunter crits deal triple damage instead of double damage while the escalation die is 3+.

Nimble Assault

Once per full recovery, you can use your innate maneuverability and momentum to great effect on the battlefield. Make a basic melee attack against a nearby; if you hit, you can automatically pop free from that target, move to engage another nearby enemy, and make a basic melee attack against the new target. Repeat the process of basic attack/pop free/move to new targets until you either miss with an attack or you have attacked all nearby enemies once.

Adventurer Feat

You are not subject to interception during your movement between targets.

Champion Feat

Your first miss doesn’t break the chain of attacks.

Epic Feat

The first enemy you attack can be far away.

Path of the Spear

The first enemy you attack can be far away.

When fighting with a spear (d8 two-handed melee attack) or a javelin (d6 thrown weapon), and your attack is a natural even hit, deal 1d6 extra damage per level.

Adventurer Feat

On a natural odd hit with a spear, you can pop free from your target.

Champion Feat

Once per battle, when you intercept an enemy, make a melee attack against them as an interrupt action.

Epic Feat

Once per battle, gain advantage on an attack against an enemy that you engaged the same turn.

Ranger ex Cathedral

Choose one full recovery or recharge spell of your level or lower from the cleric class. You can cast this spell as if you were a cleric. You can change your chosen spell each time you take a full heal-up.

Adventurer Feat

You can cast the cleric class feature heal spell once per battle.

Champion Feat

You can now choose from cleric at-will spells.

Epic Feat

You gain an additional cleric spell of your choice that is your level or lower; a total of two from this talent.

Ranger's Pet

You have a small animal or beast that accompanies you on your adventures. Use the rules from the Wizard's Familiar talent with the following differences:

  1. The creature is your pet or friend instead of your familiar.
  2. Your pet is fully natural rather than partially magical.
  3. Your pet can end up with more abilities, if you choose.

Adventurer Feat

Your pet gains a third ability.

Champion Feat

Your pet gains a fourth ability.

Epic Feat

Your pet gains a fifth ability.

Skirmish Archer

You’ve been trained in the art of close-quarters archery, relishing the opportunity to use your bow (or other ranged attack) when you can see the whites of their eyes. You can make attacks normally even when engaged, so you don’t draw opportunity attacks from enemies you’re engaged with.

Adventurer Feat

If you successfully disengage, you can get far away from the creature you disengage from with a single move (assuming the prevailing terrain allows it).

Champion Feat

You can split up your move action: Run about half as far as you ordinarily would, make a ranged attack, then run the other half. The 13th Age Roleplaying Game treats positioning in the abstract, so work with your GM to work out what’s possible. One common tactic is to move out from behind a corner or other obstruction, shoot an arrow, then return to the safety of cover.

Speak with Animals

You gain the ability to understand and speak the language of birds, mammals, lizards, amphibians, and snakes. Your conversations are generally brief, because such creatures have limited intellects and even more limited attention spans, but they’re generally capable of answering questions about their immediate proximity and other creatures in the vicinity. Their memory extends back at least a few hours and as much as a few days.

Adventurer Feat

If the creature is amenable (or properly bribed with food or other comfort), it performs a simple task for you.

Champion Feat

Your abilities extend to insects, earthworms, spiders, and similar vermin.

Epic Feat

The creature will travel four hours and deliver a short message in a squeaky voice.

Summon Beasts

For one battle per full recovery, you can call on an animal appropriate to the environment to fight at your side. The animal that arrives is chosen by the GM, and it typically has animal companion stats one level lower than your level. It departs at the fight’s conclusion.

Feat (Special)

You can apply any of the animal companion feats in the ranger’s class description to this talent as well, and the beast that arrives will benefit from the feat you chose.


Add your Wisdom modifier to saving throws and death saves.

Adventurer Feat

Increase your recovery dice to d10.

Champion Feat

You die after five failed death saves instead of four.

Epic Feat

Once per level, you can give an in-story reason why you survive a situation that is otherwise a certain death.


You have 5 skill points in survival, without having to spend your normal skill points on it. You are an expert wilderness tracker, capable of reading clues from the environment that others can't perceive. Tracking doesn't work well, however, in heavily traveled urban environments.

In addition, you have the terrain stunt power.

Terrain stunt: At the start of each battle in a non-urban environment, roll a d6. Any time after the escalation die reaches that number, you'll be able to use a quick action to execute a terrain stunt. Normally you can only use terrain stunt once per battle, but circumstances, geography, or excellent planning may suggest that you can pull it off more than once.

Terrain stunts are improvisational effects that play off your preternatural understanding of the wilderness and all the diverse forms of the natural world. Things like knocking a hornets nest no one had noticed onto your enemy's head, maneuvering a foe onto a soggy patch of ground that slows them down, shooting the cap off a mushroom spore in a dungeon that erupts on your enemies, getting your enemy's sword wedged into a stalactite, finding the tree branch that lets you vault up to attack the flying demon that thought it was out of axe range, and similar types of actions.

Adventurer Feat

Your grasp of the way the world is put together increases; you now can use terrain stunt in urban environments.

Champion Feat

You can track as well in urban areas as you do in the wilderness.

Epic Feat

You can track flying creatures and creatures that normally wouldn't be trackable, and there's the possibility that even teleports give you a sense of direction.

Two-Weapon Defense

Double the blades means double the opportunities for parries—and ripostes. Your second weapon is effectively as good as a shield, adding +1 to your AC against enemy melee attacks. You don’t suffer the attack penalty you normally would if you were carrying a shield, and you can still use the second weapon to attack according to the two-weapon fighting rules.

Adventurer Feat

If you fight with two one-handed melee weapons, you can make a desperate parry to convert an enemy’s melee critical hit into an ordinary hit once per battle.

Champion Feat

If you fight with two one-handed melee weapons, whenever an enemy makes a melee attack against you and rolls a natural 1, you can make an opportunity attack against that foe as a free action.

Epic Feat

Your second weapon bonus to AC applies to all attacks, not just melee attacks.

Two-Weapon Hurler

You can outthrow what you can’t outstab and outstab what you can’t outthrow. When you have two weapons in hand that function as both melee and ranged weapons (such as axes or daggers), you can make one basic melee attack and one basic ranged attack as a single action. Your weapon damage die drops one notch. If your first attack is a natural even hit roll (hit or miss), you can make a second attack as a free action.

You can freely make ranged attacks even if you’re engaged without suffering opportunity attacks.

When you take this talent, talk to your GM about which weapons are appropriate. The talent remains balanced even if you stretch credulity a little and allow short swords (1d6) to be used as ranged weapons or javelins (also 1d6) in melee.

Adventurer Feat

Your second attack gains a +2 attack bonus if it is against a different target.

Champion Feat

Once per battle, you can use Two-Weapon Hurler after an odd attack roll.

Epic Feat

Each turn, you can pop free of one enemy before one attack roll that is part of a Two-Weapon Hurler action. You can also use your move action in between your two attacks if you wish.

Two-Weapon Mastery

You gain a +1 attack bonus when fighting with a one-handed melee weapon in each hand.

Adventurer Feat

When you fight with two one-handed melee weapons, increase the damage you deal with missed attacks by adding your level to it. Most of your basic melee attacks, therefore, will deal double your level as miss damage.

Champion Feat

If you fight with two one-handed melee weapons, whenever an enemy makes a melee attack against you and rolls a natural 1, you can make an opportunity attack against that foe as a free action.

Epic Feat

One battle per full recovery, increase the damage you deal with missed attacks to triple your level instead of double your level (from Two-Weapon Mastery).

Unseelie Curse

Special: You must have the Favored Enemy talent before you can take this talent.

The dark fey have taught you well, instructing you on a straightforward but effective curse you can deliver with a successful attack. Once per full recovery, if you hit a favored enemy with an attack, it suffers a penalty on subsequent attack rolls equal to the escalation die (11+ save ends).

Adventurer Feat

You can use the Unseelie Curse once per encounter.

Champion Feat

The Unseelie Curse is now a hard (16+) save.

Epic Feat

The Unseelie Curse penalty applies to defenses as well.

Ways of the Land

You gain a spell slot from the druid’s Circle of the Lands, you don’t need to prepare a spell in advance. When you decide to cast a spell, choose one from the list of the terrain(s) you are currently in, at your level or lower. If the spell is an at-will or once-per-battle spell, you regain your spell slot at the end of the battle or scene. If the spell is a full recovery spell, you regain the spell slot at your next full heal-up.

In addition, once per full recovery per point of Wisdom modifier, you can commune with the spirits of nature to gain advantage on a skill check related to the surrounding terrain. For example, beast spirits can help you track game, river spirits can point to a source of freshwater, and earth spirits can make climbing easier.

Champion Feat

When you take a quick rest in a natural environment, roll d12s for recovery dice.

Epic Feat

You gain a second terrain caster spell slot, at two levels below your class level.

Big Game Hunter (5th Level+)

Once per battle, you can perform a stunt as a move action to climb on a large or huge enemy. This does not require a skill check. You get a firm grip on their back, where you are in position to reach their weak points, but you are hard to reach for claws and teeth. The enemy has disadvantage on attacks against you, while you have advantage on attacks against them.

If you are still on the enemy on any further turns, roll a normal save (11+). On a success, you remain in position. On a natural even failure, you cling on but lose advantage. On a natural odd failure, you fall off.

Champion Feat

On a hit with a melee or ranged weapon attack against a large or huge enemy, deal 5 extra damage. Increase the bonus to 10 at 7th level, and 15 at 9th.

Epic Feat

Against huge enemies, increase the damage bonus to 20. At 9th level, increase it to 30.

Champion of the Fey Queen (5th Level+)

Special: This talent requires Fey Queen’s Enchantments.

At the start of each battle, roll 2d4 to determine the effect of a special blessing that the fey grant you until the end of the battle.

  • When you rally this battle, you become invisible until you make an attack.
  • Enemy attacks have a 25% (4 on a d4) chance of missing you this battle.
  • 1d4 times this battle, you can teleport to a nearby location you can see as a move action.
  • When you make a ranger melee or weapon attack, gain a 1d4 bonus to the attack roll.
  • When you roll a save against an effect, gain a 1d4 bonus to the roll.
  • Choose a sorcerer spell gained with Fey Queen’s Enchantments. Choose A) advantage on the first attack roll with it or B) a bonus use of it this battle.
  • If you hit an enemy with a natural even roll on a melee or ranged weapon attack, and their hit point total after taking damage is equal to your maximum or less, that target is confused until the end of your next turn. If they have more hit points, roll 1d4: On a 3 or 4, gain the confusion effect.

Champion Feat

When the escalation die is 5+, roll again for a second benefit (reroll if you get the same benefit twice).

Epic Feat

Gain the second benefit when the escalation die is 3+.

Deadly Aim (5th Level+)

While you are not engaged, you can take a quick action to aim at a nearby enemy. If you attack this enemy with a ranged weapon attack this turn, target their PD instead of their AC.

Champion Feat

You can choose to target the enemy’s MD instead of PD.

Epic Feat

With aim, you also deal half damage on a miss.

Divine Avenger (5th Level+)

Special: This talent requires Ranger Ex Cathedral.

Once per full recovery, you can swear an Oath of Vengeance against an enemy as a quick action. Your attack rolls against the target have advantage, and all damage you deal against it is radiant damage.

You also gain Inescapable Wrath and Relentless Pursuit as bonus powers.

Champion Feat

When an enemy drops you below zero hit points, you gain a free use of Oath of Vengeance against that enemy.

Epic Feat

Choose between Egoist or Altruist.

Altruist: When an enemy drops an ally below zero hit points, you gain a free use of Oath of Vengeance against that enemy.

Egoist: When an enemy scores a critical hit against you, you gain a free use of Oath of Vengeance against that enemy.

Inescapable Wrath

Close-Quarters Power


Interrupt Action

Trigger: Your Oath of Vengeance target disengages or moves away from you.

Effect: Make a save. If your save is equal to the enemy’s disengage check or higher, you pursue the enemy and stay engaged while they move. Succeed or fail, you add twice your Wisdom modifier (thrice at 8th level) to damage if your next attack against the target is a hit.

Relentless Pursuit

Close-Quarters Power

Once per battle

No action

Trigger: The first time you are unconscious at the start of your turn in a battle.

Effect: You can heal using a recovery.

First Blood (5th Level+)

Special: This talent requires First Strike.

When you make a First Strike attack, and you hit, deal 10 (7th level: 15; 9th level: 20) ongoing damage. If the attack is a critical hit, double the ongoing damage.

Champion Feat

On a miss with a First Strike attack, deal half damage.

Epic Feat

On a critical hit with First Strike, the target is also weakened (-4 to attacks and defenses; save ends both).

Improved Double Attack (5th Level+)

Special: This talent requires Double Melee Attack or Double Ranged Attack.

Your double attacks no longer reduce the weapon size by one step.

Champion Feat

Your second attack with Double Melee Attack can be a ranged attack instead, and your second attack with Double Ranged Attack can be a melee attack instead. (You switch weapons as part of the second attack.)

Merciless Hunter (5th Level+)

Special: This talent requires Lethal Hunter.

You can declare your Lethal Hunter target outside of combat. This gives you advantage on skill checks to track the target down.

Champion Feat

When your Lethal Hunter target is staggered, you deal half damage on a miss.

Epic Feat

You gain a +2 bonus to hit against your Lethal Hunter target.

Bladestorm (8th Level+)

When an enemy engages you, you can make a melee basic attack against that enemy as an interrupt action.

Epic Feat

Your Bladestorm attacks deal extra damage equal to your Wisdom modifier thrice.

Hail of Arrows (8th Level+)

Special: This talent requires Double Ranged Attack.

If the second attack from Double Ranged Attack is a natural even roll, you can make another ranged attack against another enemy within range that you have not attacked yet this turn. Keep attacking as long as your attack roll is even and there are viable targets.

Epic Feat

Once per full recovery, when you make at least 3 ranged attacks in one turn, increase the escalation die by 1.

Pack Circles the Prey (8th Level+)

When you score a critical hit with a melee attack, the target is vulnerable to all attacks until the end of your next turn.

Epic Feat

The vulnerability increases the critical threat range by 3.

Planeswalker (8th Level+)

You gain a 5-point skill that you would use to sense nearby portals and determine the keys that open them.

You also gain Defensive Jaunt as a bonus power.

Defensive Jaunt

Close-quarter power

Once per battle

Interrupt Action

Trigger: You are hit by an attack

Effect: Take half damage from the attack and teleport to a nearby location.

Epic Feat

You can use defensive jaunt twice per battle.

Reaper (8th Level+)

Special: This talent requires Double Melee Attack.

If your second attack from Double Melee Attack is a natural even roll, you can pop free from your current target and make a melee attack against a different nearby enemy that you have not attacked yet this turn. Keep making attacks as long as your attack roll is even and there are viable targets.

Epic Feat

If the escalation die is 2+, you can now attack far away enemies with Reaper.