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Establish a Foundation in Observability

In this project, students will apply the skills they have acquired in the Establish a Foundation in Observability course to configure a monitoring software stack to collect and display a variety of metrics for commonly used AWS resources which include EC2 and EKS. Additionally, students will establish and configure rules for alerting and set parameters to be notified prior to the occurence of failures within the aformentioned cloud resources.

Students will also have the opportunity to test and observe thier own implentation of the monitoring software stack to apply and showcase SRE methodologies and practices which can be transferred to real-world scenarios.

Getting Started


Local Environment Setup

  1. Use your favorite text editor, for this I am using VS Code. Install the VS Code extensions for Python (optional).
  2. Use Postman to test the example REST API program.. This can be downloaded or used within the browser.
  3. OPTIONAL Use Lens to manage your Kubernetes cluster.
  4. Create a git repo.
  5. Clone the git repo to your local environment using git clone <repo url>.


Provision the Cloud Resources

  1. Open your AWS console and ensure it is set for region us-east-1. Open the CloudShell by clicking the little shell icon in the toolbar at the top near the search box.
  1. Copy the AMI to your account

    Restore image

    aws ec2 create-restore-image-task --object-key ami-08dff635fabae32e7.bin --bucket udacity-srend --name "udacity-<your_name>"
    • Take note of that AMI ID the script just output. Copy the AMI to us-east-2:

      • aws ec2 copy-image --source-image-id <your-ami-id-from-above> --source-region us-east-1 --region us-east-2 --name "udacity-nanderson"
    • Make note of the ami output from the above 2 commands. You'll need to put this in the file.

  2. Create a private key pair for your EC2 instance called udacity

  3. Use the terraform files to provision each of the resources in AWS; it will take a few minutes to complete. Once the script is complete, you can go to the AWS and look for the the newly created resources in the EKS and EC2 areas.

  4. SSH into the EC2 instance with username ubuntu and the udacity key created in a previous step.

  5. Install the node exporter on the EC2 instance. Don't forget to allow traffic on port 9100.

Test Connectivity to Flask App

  1. Test that the API was successfully installed by opening Postman and importing the collection, and environment files provided in the class resources.
  2. Change the following variables: public-ip, username, email then open the collection runner, choose the collection and environment, then Run the project. You should see successful responses for each of the API endpoints in the collection.
  3. Copy the value of the token variable, and paste it somewhere safe, you will need it later.

Here are two examples of successful responses for /init and authorize/user endpoints:

    "dataset": {
        "created": "Day, DD MM YYYY HH:MM:SS TZD",
        "description": "initialize the DB",
        "id": 1,
        "location": "home",
        "name": "init db"
    "status": {
        "message": "101: Created.",
        "records": 1,
        "success": true

    "dataset": {
        "created": "<date-time>",
        "email": "<email>",
        "id": 1,
        "role": 0,
        "token": "<token>",
        "username": "<username>"
    "status": {
        "message": "101: Created.",
        "records": 1,
        "success": true

From this point forward, you will not need to Initialize the Database or Register a User.

Project Instructions

  1. Prior to executing commands in EKS, you may need to update the kube config file by running:
aws eks --region <region>  update-kubeconfig --name <cluster-name>
e.g. aws eks --region us-east-2  update-kubeconfig --name udacity-cluster
  1. Create a namespace called monitoring
  2. Create the prometheus-additional.yaml file and set the targets accordingly for both prometheus, and blackbox.
  3. Modify the values.yaml (near line 2310) so that it matches:
      enabled: true
      name: additional-scrape-configs
      key: prometheus-additional.yaml
  1. Create the kubernetes secret which references the above yaml file.
  2. Execute the following commands:
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update
  1. Install the monitoring stack in Kubernetes using helm. You will need to include -f "path\to\values.yaml" --namespace monitoring.
  2. Then login to Grafana using the credentialsuser: admin & password: prom-operator.
  3. Create dashboards for the CPU for the EC2 instance using instance:node_cpu:rate:sum query.
  4. Call the dashboard CPU %.
  5. Make a dashboard for Available Memory in bytes. Use node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes in the prometheus query.
  6. Make a for Disk I/O. Use node_disk_io_now in the prometheus query.
  7. Make a for Network Received in bytes. Use instance:node_network_receive_bytes:rate:sum in the prometheus query.

Blackbox Exporter

  1. Make sure you have the token from earlier (obtained from the API), then in blackbox-values.yaml add the following starting at line 112:
        - 200
        # - 401
        # - 403
 bearer_token: <YOUR_TOKEN>
  1. Save it, then install blackbox in the Kubernetes cluster. You will need to include -f "path\to\blackbox-values.yaml" --namespace monitoring

  2. In Grafana, import dashboard 7587.


  1. Set up a notification channel to Slack or other using a webhook.
  2. Create a dashboard for an API health check to check if the flask endpoint is online. Use probe_http_status_code for the prometheus query.
  3. Configure alerts for:
    • One of the host metrics from above (CPU/Memory/Disk/Network)
    • Showing if the the flask endpoint is offline.
  4. Cause the host metrics alerts to trigger.
  5. Cause the flask endpoint to go offline.


  1. A zip file containing screenshots from Grafana which include:
    • The dashboard for EC2 CPU utilization.
    • The dashboard for EC2 Memory utilization.
    • The dashboard for EC2 Disk I/O.
    • The dashboard for EC2 Network utilization.
    • The imported dashboard for Blackbox Exporter.
    • The dashboard showing that an alert triggered (could be one of CPU/memory/disk/network utilization).
    • The message from the alert--this can be in slack, email or other.
    • The alert showing that the flask app is offline.
    • The alert showing that the flask app is back online.
    • The list of alerting rules.
  2. The screenshot of the node_exporter service running on the EC2 instance sudo systemctl status node_exporter

Built With


  • Python - Programming Language
  • VS Code - Integrated Development Environment

Open-source 3rd-party

Example_Flask_API Prometheus Stack

