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Karma + Mocha + Chai tests.

Run all tests

pnpm i
pnpm test

Coverage is saved to coverage/html/index.html.

Watch mode

pnpm test-dev

In this mode Karma server is being run in background.
You can modify tests and library sources, and tests would be executed on the fly.

Run selected tests

pnpm test --filter Validation Serialize
# pnpm test-dev --filter Validation Serialize

Or alternatively edit testsFilter in karma.tests.js:

const testsFilter = [

Run selected specs

Edit testsFilter and specFilter in karma.tests.js:

const testsFilter = [
const specFilter = [
  "change field",
  "change op"


pnpm test-debug

This will run Karma in watch mode and start the Chromium browser with opened devtools (don't close it).

To debug a test, add debug: true in options of with_qb() (last arg), see test example. Then write debugger; somewhere in your test code to pause test and debug in Chrome DevTools or VSCode.
In the browser's console you can use global window.dbg object for debugging.
See known issue #1.

Debug with VSCode

  • Open Run and Debug in VS Code (Shift-Command-D in Mac)
  • Run Run Karma tests in debug mode
  • Run Attach to Karma
  • Wait for opening new Chromium browser with http://localhost:9876/ (port can change)

Now you can put breakpoints on your test code in VSCode (and library code too!).

Pause test

Here is a useful setup for writing new tests.

  • Add empty test. See example test
  • Add its file name to testsFilter, spec name to specFilter in karma.tests.js
  • Run Karma tests in debug mode (with terminal or VSCode)
  • Click DEBUG in top-right corner of window, this will open new Karma DEBUG RUNNER page (http://localhost:9876/debug.html) in another tab
  • Close original Karma tab (http://localhost:9876/)
  • In your test code use await pauseTest(); to pause test execution. It's like debugger; but better for writing tests. You can inspect and interact with web page, use browser console etc.
  • Type continueTest() in browser console to continue test execution.

If you update test code, Karma won't reload the DEBUG RUNNER page automatically. It's fine. Just reload the page (F5) manually. You should see these messages in terminal when tests are recompiled after your changes and ready to be executed:

  • webpack 5.91.0 compiled successfully in xxxx ms
  • WARN [karma]: No captured browser, open http://localhost:9877/.

Why await pauseTest(); is better that debugger; for writing tests?
You can interact with UI! You can just type something like this in browser console and see/debug results:

// get current tree in SpEL format
Utils.spelFormat((onChange.lastCall || onInit.lastCall).args[0], config);
// clear tree
qb.setProps({value: null});

You can write your test code completely in the browser console, then copy it to your test file.
You can also use debugger;

Note that await pauseTest(); works ONLY on Karma debug page.

Known issues in debug mode

Issue: After modifying test code, Karma doesn't rerun tests anymore. You see in terminal:

[karma]: Delaying execution, these browsers are not ready: Chrome

Reason: Probably you've put debugger in your test code, and test script execution was paused for more than 30 seconds.
Solution: Reload (F5) Karma page in Chromium.

Issue: Process "Attach to Karma" has stopped.
Solution: Just start "Attach to Karma" in VSCode again.

Test example

import { Utils, ImmutableTree } from "@react-awesome-query-builder/core";
import * as configs from "../support/configs";
import * as inits from "../support/inits";
import { with_qb } from "../support/utils";
import { expect } from "chai";

describe("my first tests", () => {
  it("change value from 2 to 200", async () => {
    await with_qb(
      [ configs.with_all_types, configs.with_show_error ],
      async (qb, {
        config, onInit, onChange, pauseTest, 
      }) => {
        await pauseTest(); // pause execution to debug initial state

        const initialTree = onInit.getCall(0).args[0] as ImmutableTree;
        const initialSpel = Utils.spelFormat(initialTree, config);
        expect(initialSpel).to.eq("num == 2");

          .find(".rule .rule--value .widget--widget input")
          .simulate("change", { target: { value: "200" } });
          { "and": [{ "==": [ { "var": "num" }, 200 ] }] }

        await pauseTest(); // pause execution to debug changed state

        const changedTree = onChange.lastCall.args[0];
        const changedSpel = Utils.spelFormat(changedTree, config);
        expect(changedSpel).to.eq("num == 200");
        debug: true,