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File metadata and controls

150 lines (104 loc) · 5.22 KB

Toggl time report builder is a time report builder, taking data from Toggl time tracker using reports API.

It was created for internal use by the Software Engineering program and tailored for academic purposes. However, I will be glad to hear it is used in industry as well.

At the moment three types of reports are available:

  • team report, charts with weekly teams effort
  • team report aggregated by weeks/teams, CSV file
  • individual report aggregated by weeks/projects, CSV file
  • time logging violations, CSV
  • detailed report with all logged entries, CSV


The only requirement is Python 2.4+ (Python 3 compatible).

This tool does not use any external libraries. It does not use any kind of database or local storage to store past data, report is completely rebuilt for the given period every time. It introduces ~30 seconds of overhead per 10K records report period, which were sacrificed for tool portability and ease of use.


Get the code:

git clone [email protected]:user2589/

Then, adjust settings. There is an example settings file you can use as a template:


Following settings available:

  • api_token - Toggl api token, you can find it in toggl profile. Good practice is to create a separate account with access to all monitored teams' workspaces.
  • start_date and end_date - boundaries of the period monitored in YYY-MM-DD format. In academia we use semesters, for industry use you might consider quarters.
  • report date format - data format to be used to name Mondays in weekly time report

Detailed report

Detailed report is a CSV file with columns: user, team, project, start, duration. To generate the detailed report, run:

./detailed_report > detailed.csv

If you serve CSV reports over the web, there is a nice visualization of the detailed report (check out the screenshot). Just put detais.html into the same folder as CSV files, under the webroot directory of the HTTP server. Usually, it is a good idea to restrict access to detailed and individual reports for privacy purposes, e.g. by using htpasswd file for Apache2

Individual report

Individual report is a CSV file, generated from detailed report by aggregating records by users and reporting weeks.

Example individual report opened in LibreOffice:

Alt exaple individual time report

To produce this report, run:

# if you already have a detailed report
cat detailed.csv | ./ > individual.csv 
# .. or, if you don't
./detailed_report | ./ > individual.csv 
# .. or, generate both
./detailed_report | tee detailed.csv | ./ > individual.csv 

Logging violations report

This report is a CSV list of suspicious time entries. It is generated by the script of individual report and printed to standard error output. What is treated as violation:

  • overlapping time entries
  • time entry stretching more than N hours (10 by default)
  • time records without project

An example of violations report opened in LibreOffice:

Alt exaple violations time report

To produce this report, run:

# to produce logging violations report only
cat detailed.csv | ./ 2> violations.csv 
# to produce both individual and violation reports at once
cat detailed.csv | ./  > individual.csv 2> violations.csv 
# if you want to generate all three reports (detailed, individual and violations)
./ | tee detailed.csv  | ./ 2> violations.csv > individual.csv

Team report

Team report is a CSV file similar to the individual one but aggregated by teams.

Example of the report produced with default template:

To produce the report, run:

# from individual report
cat individual.csv | ./ > team.csv    
# or, all reports at once
./ | tee detailed.csv  | ./ 2> violations.csv \
    | tee individual.csv | ./ > team.csv

Also, there is a visualization of the team report. Just put the team CSV report into the same folder as team.html under your webserver root. The team.html is a static HTML file which uses Ajax to get CSV report data and Google Charts to produce a picture like this:

Alt exaple the team report visuzation

Also, look of the charts is adjustable via template settings (check the source of the team.html:

var settings = {
    report_path: 'team.csv', // don't forget to update this one!
    chart_options: {
        chartArea: {left:'5%',top:'5%',width:'75%',height:'85%'},
        vAxis: {baseline: 0},
        pointShape: 'square',
        pointSize: 15,
        width: 1100,
        height: 430
    // .... more settings


Distributed under the MIT License