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Install with manifests

Follow the instructions below to deploy the CDCS in a Kubernetes cluster using YAML manifests.


In single node deployment, allow deployment on the main node by typing:

kubectl taint nodes --all

To make use of the NFS volumes provided with this repository, make sure to have an NFS server available with two separate mounts (one for MongoDB, the other one for PostgreSQL).

Deployment overview

The CDCS application is packaged in a container exposing port 8000 to the pod. In the same pod, a Nginx sidecar is used to distribute the web application and all static files (images, scripts, etc.). At this stage, using an HTTPS certificate is not necessary, thus the Nginx sidecar only exposes port 80.

To make the service available within the cluster, a ClusterIP service is used and make the CDCS deployment available at port 8080.

A Nginx Ingress service, serving as a load balancer, protects the whole stack with an HTTPS certificate and links the ClusterIP service on port 8080 to port 443 (default HTTPS port).

In a bare metal deployment, a NodePort service is then used to forward a port between 30000 and 32767 of the cluster nodes to port 443 of the Ingress Nginx. See Ingress Nginx NodePort for more information.

Environment variables

Create Secrets

From files

Create secrets files, by copying *-secrets-example files from the config folder in new files without the -example suffix. Then run:

kubectl create secret generic mongodb --from-env-file=./config/mongo-secrets
kubectl create secret generic redis --from-env-file=./config/redis-secrets
kubectl create secret generic postgres --from-env-file=./config/postgres-secrets
kubectl create secret generic cdcs --from-env-file=./config/cdcs-secrets

From literal

PostgreSQL Example:

kubectl create secret generic postgres \
    --from-literal="POSTGRES_USER=${PG_USER}" \
    --from-literal="POSTGRES_PASSWORD=${PG_PASS}" \

To verify that the secrets have been properly created, the following command can be used:

kubectl get secrets

Create ConfigMap

From file

Create config files, by copying *-config-example files from the config folder in new files without the -example suffix. Then run:

kubectl create configmap cdcs --from-env-file=./config/cdcs-config

Description of environment variables

Below is the list of environment variables to set in the *-secrets and *-config files and their description.


Variable Description
MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME Admin user for MongoDB (should be different from MONGO_USER)
MONGO_USER User for MongoDB (should be different from MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME)
MONGO_PASS User password for MongoDB
MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE Name of the Mongo database (e.g. cdcs)


Variable Description
POSTGRES_DB Name of the PostgreSQL database (e.g. cdcs)


Variable Description
REDIS_PASS Password for Redis


Variable Description
MONGO_USER User for MongoDB
MONGO_PASS Password for MongoDB
POSTGRES_PASS Password for PostgreSQL
REDIS_PASS Password for Redis
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY Secret Key for Django (should be a "large random value")


Variable Description
PROJECT_NAME Name of the CDCS/Django project to build (e.g. mdcs, nmrr)
MONGO_HOST Hostname for MongoDB (name of MongoDB service)
MONGO_DB Name of the Mongo database (e.g. cdcs)
POSTGRES_HOST Hostname for PostgreSQL (name of PostgreSQL service)
POSTGRES_DB Name of the PostgreSQL database (e.g. cdcs)
REDIS_HOST Hostname for Redis (name of Redis service)
SERVER_URI URI of server
SERVER_NAME Name of the server, used to distinguish instances in federated queries (e.g. {INSTITUTION} or {INSTITUTION}-{CUSTOM-INSTANCE-NAME})
ALLOWED_HOSTS Comma-separated list of hosts (e.g. ALLOWED_HOSTS=,localhost), see Allowed hosts
SETTINGS Settings file to use during deployment, default value is settings (more info in the Settings section)
MONITORING_SERVER_URI (optional) URI of an APM server for monitoring
PROCESSES (optional) Number of Gunicorn workers to start (default workers=cpu_count() * 2 + 1)
THREADS (optional) Number of Gunicorn threads per process/worker (default 8)

Configure Ingress

In k8s/django-ingress.yaml:

Configure volumes

The volumes for PostgreSQL, MongoDB and the Django media folder need to be sized and then deployed. To deploy the necessary volumes, choose only one of the method below: HostPath or NFS. See for more information and options about volumes.

Size configurations

Each of the volumes will need to be appropriately sized according to the datasets to be hosted and deployment environments. The following commands will configure the three volumes to have a size of 10Gi.

sed -i -e "s;MEDIA_STORAGE_SIZE;10Gi;g" \
sed -i -e "s;MONGO_STORAGE_SIZE;10Gi;g" \
sed -i -e "s;POSTGRES_STORAGE_SIZE;10Gi;g" \
sed -i -e "s;REDIS_STORAGE_SIZE;10Gi;g" \

Using HostPath (single node deployments ONLY!)

For single node deployment, a HostPath deployment, although not recommended, can be enough. First, you must specify the desired path to the volume, using:

sed -i -e "s;MONGO_VOLUME_PATH;/path/to/my/mongo_data;g" \
sed -i -e "s;POSTGRES_VOLUME_PATH;/path/to/my/postgres_data;g" \
sed -i -e "s;MEDIA_VOLUME_PATH;/path/to/my/media_data;g" \
sed -i -e "s;REDIS_VOLUME_PATH;/path/to/my/redis_data;g" \

To deploy the local volumes for the database, enter the following command:

kubectl apply -f ./volumes/local/

WARNING: Using HostPath in a multi-node deployment can lead to data loss and uncontrolled behavior!

Using NFS

For multi-nodes deployment, several options make volumes available to the cluster. As an example, NFS claims have been implemented in this repository. Five (5) variables need to be set up in this configuration: MONGO_VOLUME_PATH, POSTGRES_VOLUME_PATH, REDIS_VOLUME_PATH, MEDIA_VOLUME_PATH and NFS_SERVER_IP. Here are the commands to configure them:

# Change the path to the Mongo and PostgreSQL NFS shared folders.
sed -i -e "s;MONGO_VOLUME_PATH;/path/to/my/mongo_data;g" \
sed -i -e "s;POSTGRES_VOLUME_PATH;/path/to/my/postgres_data;g" \
sed -i -e "s;MEDIA_VOLUME_PATH;/path/to/my/media_data;g" \
sed -i -e "s;REDIS_VOLUME_PATH;/path/to/my/redis_data;g" \
# Configure the NFS server IP for both file.
sed -i -e "s;NFS_SERVER_IP;;g" ./volumes/nfs/*-volume-claim.yaml

To deploy the configured volumes on the cluster, type the following command:

kubectl apply -f ./volumes/nfs/

Checking volume creation

Ensure there are no errors with the volume creation by typing:

kubectl get pvc | grep -i -v bound

Volume claims named cdcs-pvc-media, cdcs-pvc-mongo, cdcs-pvc-redis and cdcs-pvc-postgres should not appear in the list returned by the command.


Generate self-signed SSL certificate for the Ingress (optional)

A certificate is necessary for the Nginx Ingress to work properly. If you don't have one available, generate a self-signed one (not secure!) using this script:

# Script parameters

# Generate certificate
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 \
  -newkey rsa:2048 \
  -keyout ${KEY_FILE} \
  -out ${CERT_FILE} \
  -subj "/CN=${HOST}/O=${HOST}" \
  -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:${HOST}"

Once the certificate is available, the following command will register a secret that will be used by the Nginx Ingress.

# Add the certificate as a secret
kubectl create secret tls cdcs-cert --key ${KEY_FILE} --cert ${CERT_FILE}

Ingress Controller NodePort configurations (optional, bare metal only).

When installing on bare metal, additional configurations of the Ingress Nginx are necessary. To know where the application will be available, a port between 30000 and 32767 needs to be chosen. Type the following commands to configure the application to be available on port 32000:

sed -i -e "s;HTTPS_PORT;32000;g" \
kubectl apply -f ./k8s-baremetal

Deploy the stack

In k8s/django-deployment.yaml and init/create-superuser.yaml:

  • Replace CDCS_IMAGE by the CDCS container image to be used

The following command will deploy the entire stack:

kubectl apply -f ./k8s

Before continuing, make sure the stack is properly deployed. The following command can help diagnose any problem from the deployment

# Check that all deployments are healthy.
kubectl get deploy
# Check that all pods are healthy.
kubectl get pods
# Check logs from a pod that might be unhealthy.
kubectl logs -f ${problem_pod}

Create a superuser

The superuser is the first user that will be added to the CDCS. This is the main administrator on the platform. Once it has been created, more users can be added using the web interface. Wait for the CDCS server to start, then:

Create secrets file superuser-secrets, by copying superuser-secrets-example file from the init folder without the -example suffix.

Variable Description
SUPERUSER_USERNAME Username for superuser
SUPERUSER_PASSWORD User password for superuser
SUPERUSER_EMAIL Email address for superuser (optional)

To create the secret, run:

kubectl create secret generic cdcs-superuser --from-env-file=./init/superuser-secrets

The superuser can then be created using:

kubectl apply -f init/create-superuser.yaml


Starting from MDCS/NMRR 2.14, repositories of these two projects will have settings ready for deployment (not production).

The deployment can be further customized by mounting additional settings to the deployed containers:

  • Option 1 (default): Use settings from the image.
    • set the SETTINGS variable to settings.
  • Option 2: Use default settings from the CDCS image and customize them. Custom settings can be used to override default settings or add additional settings. For example:
    • Create a config map containing a entry for the custom settings,
    • Update the django-deployment.yml file and create a volume for the config map that will mount the settings at the following location:
    • set the SETTINGS variable to custom_settings to use the custom settings

For more information about production deployment of a Django project, please check the Deployment Checklist.

SAML2 authentication

For SAML-based authentication:

  • add SAML2 environment variables from the CDCS Docker SAML2 documentation in the file config/cdcs-config.
  • a sample configuration for Keycloak is provided in the cdcs-config-example file.

Scale deployment

If the performance of the CDCS needs to be improved, it is possible to scale up the number of CDCS django pods replicas.

To scale the deployment run:

kubectl scale --replicas=${replica_count} deployment/cdcs-django-deployment

Note: ${replica_count} should be higher than 1 and lower or equal to the number of available nodes. If performance issues persist, please contact the CDCS development team.

Remove deployment

To remove the CDCS stack from the cluster, the following commands can be used:

# Delete CDCS stack.
kubectl delete -f ./k8s
# Delete the volumes (replace `local` by `nfs` if an NFS server is used)
kubectl delete -f ./volumes/local