Feel free to open an issue if you encounter any problems.
Pull requests are welcomed.
├── README.md
├── client # Client is a React-app
│ ├── README.md
│ ├── package-lock.json # Client dependencies
│ ├── package.json
│ ├── public
│ │ └── index.html
│ └── src # Source code for client
│ ├── App.js
│ ├── actions # Actions for API requests
│ ├── api # All API requests
│ ├── components # React components
│ │ ├── d3 # Rendering simulation using d3
│ │ ├── simulation # Simulation page
│ │ └── tutorial # Tutorial page - can change DNA structure files within tutorial/index.js
│ ├── constants
│ ├── hooks # Custom hooks defined here
│ ├── index.js
│ └── reducers
├── package-lock.json
└── server # Nodejs server
├── controller # Functions executed by routes
├── index.js
├── package-lock.json # Server dependencies
├── package.json
├── routes # API interfaces of backend
├── simulation # Python modules for simulation
├── src
│ ├── simulation # Pre-generated simulations are saved here
│ └── tutorial # Tutorial pages are saved here
└── utils # Some utility functions
In order to switch the server target between local and remote server development, change the simUrl and tutorUrl in the /syn_bio_vis/client/src/api/index.js file.
To change the DNA file simulations, simply change the file name within the handleGetSim
function in client/src/tutorial.index.js
const handleGetTutorial = (e) => {
e.preventDefault(); // Avoid refreshing automatically on submit
dispatch(getTutorial("Lesson" + e.target.id, setTutorial));
handleGetSim("example", setSimData)
Each tutorial page is written
in markdown
and saved in syn_bio_vis/server/src/tutorial/
- Generate the desired simulation on the website. Refer to README.md for details.
- Save the
file of the simulation. - Add the
file insyn_bio_vis/server/src/simulation
and give it an unique name. - In your tutorial markdown file,
insert the following code block
in the section where you want to
insert the simulation:
``` { name: "name_of_the_JSON_no_extension" } ```
Refer to syn_bio_vis/server/src/tutorial
for examples.
The structure of the site is modular, which enables developers to work on the front-end lesson text and back-end interactive visualizations in parallel. Pages are added via markdown files for lessons and simulation pages. A visualization can be added to a page via a code-block, such the example in Lesson1.md which refers to the server/src/simulation/example.json file:
"name": "example"
The visualizations are defined in a json file, which includes a list of strands
, then 3 equal-length columns of conformation
, energy
, and time
. An example of this file can be seen in example.json.
In order to represent the conformation, dot-paren-plus notation is used, which is best-described in the NUPACK documentation under Secondary Structure.
"naisha" branch:
- Created a flowchart for editors to better understand the SDSimulation file code: https://difficult-sneezeweed-0d6.notion.site/Molecular-Programming-Research-Flowchart-dc757d379b18432d85566df690a34fc5?pvs=4
- Utilized console.log() to debug issues
- Current stop point: seeing if proposed simulation file function will make simulation file dynamic rather than hard-coded
- More detailed explanation of errors, resolves, and proposals here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16yEl1n_GTjkFpTKGKoGOK1sqLPDs-D-L5LpGUGZRNL0/edit?usp=sharing
"henna" branch:
- Created a flowchart for editors to better understand the Google Colab code (nupack.ipynb): https://highfalutin-comma-83f.notion.site/Molecular-Programming-Research-Flowchart-6f9334a0c51a4993b32bed6cd822cbe6?pvs=4
- Switched to NUPACK from multistrand to create data for DNA strand visualizations with analysis in test tube simulations
- Current stop point: Working script that compares neighboring/paired strands determined by specific changes in generated dot-parens-plus notation; JSON files
- Future steps: Plan to integrate the new JSON files into the interactive learning tool
"naisha" branch:
- Successfully re-developed the JavaScript simulation algorithm to accommodate variations in DNA structure sizes and debugged code errors discovered identified earlier. As a simple blueprint, this can be built on upon by other developers later.
- Allow for the integration the front-end interface of the prototype with NUPACK
- Updated documentation and markdown files for future users to better understand how to use the software