- ATAC-seq data analysis: from FASTQ to peaks
- From reads to insight: a hitchhiker’s guide to ATAC-seq data analysis
- DNA-methylation Analysis
- Analysis of 450k DNA methylation data with minfi
- decorate: Differential Epigenetic Correlation Test
- DESeq results to pathways with the fgsea package
- gerr: Gene set enrichment with regularized regression
- MuSiCa - Web app
- Helmsman: fast and efficient mutation signature analysis for massive sequencing datasets
- SMuRF: Portable and accurate ensemble prediction of somatic mutations
- A workflow for single cell RNA-seq data analysis
- A SingleCell RNASeq pre-processing snakemake workflow
- svist4get: a simple visualization tool for genomic tracks from sequencing experiments
- DegNorm: normalization of generalized transcript degradation improves accuracy in RNA-seq analysis
- CMScaller: an R package for consensus molecular subtyping of colorectal cancer pre-clinical models
- Cancermine: Text-mined knowledgebase for drivers, oncogenes and tumor suppressors in cancer
- DeepLncRNA: Prediction of LncRNA Subcellular Localization with Deep Learning from Sequence Features
- trackViewer: a Bioconductor package for interactive and integrative visualization of multi-omics data
- [pVACtools: a computational toolkit to identify and visualize cancer neoantigens]
- RNASeqR : RNA-Seq analysis based on one independent variable
- LncADeep: An ab initio lncRNA identification and functional annotation tool based on deep learning
- circDeep: Deep learning approach for circular RNA classification from other long non-coding RNA
- PDF Scraping in R with tabulizer
- How to extract tabular data from PDFs with R
- The magick package: Advanced Image-Processing in R
- Best practices for bioinformatic characterization of neoantigens for clinical utility
- ViSEAGO:Visualisation, Semantic similarity, Enrichment Analysis of Gene Ontology.
- SortMeRNA: fast and accurate filtering of ribosomal RNAs in metatranscriptomic data
- caOmicsV: an R package for visualizingmultidimensional cancer genomic data
- [GDCRNAtools]((https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article/34/14/2515/4917355)