We hope you'll enjoy this tutorial as much as we did gathering all these materials together for you.
Feel free to clone the contents of this repo, so you can see all the code on your machine that will be on the screen and make adjustments and experiment with the charts being shown during or after the tutorial. We'd love to see what you do with the examples we built.
You can find all the notebooks with the examples in he notebooks folder, the data in the data folder and some HTML outputs too in the html folder. The ipyvizzu story about Donald Trump's tweets that was on show during the lighting talks yesterday is also there.
ipyvizzu documentation, examples & tutorial: http://ipyvizzu.com/ - click on the links right beneath the animated Vizzu logo.
ipyvizzu style settings https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b3e9L72EmLKib2dOZiBAOtPRLyibQJ3BkBIiVB2mKRg/edit#gid=1889754571
ipyvizzu repo: https://github.com/vizzuhq/ipyvizzu
ipyvizzu-story repo: https://github.com/vizzuhq/ipyvizzu-story - 🌟's are very much appreciated.
Data stories we built and shared with the public: https://www.reddit.com/user/vizzuhq/?sort=top
Announcement and original source: https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/kaggle-survey-2022/overview
Tell a data story about a subset of the data science community represented in this survey, through a combination of both narrative text and data exploration. A “story” could be defined any number of ways, and that’s deliberate. The challenge is to deeply explore (through data) the impact, priorities, or concerns of a specific group of data science and machine learning practitioners.
Prizes: https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/kaggle-survey-2022/overview/prizes
Paul Moony's awesome notebook with all the data prepped for analysis: https://www.kaggle.com/code/paultimothymooney/kaggle-survey-2022-all-results/notebook
Spreadsheet of the survey questions: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LqS3Ms3zqnbKOBeLTSYXZSslmbY5gUwh9JQYr0n4-pc/edit?usp=sharing