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API access

Access to the verification server API requires an API key. An API key typically corresponds to an individual mobile application or individual human. There are two types of API keys:

  • DEVICE - Intended for a mobile application to call the cmd/apiserver to perform the two step protocol to exchange verification codes for verification tokens, and verification tokens for verification certificates.

  • ADMIN - Intended for public health authority internal applications to integrate with this server. We strongly advise putting additional protections in place such as an external proxy authentication.

  • STATS - Intended for public health authorities to gather automated statistics.

API usage

The following APIs exist for the API server (cmd/apiserver). All APIs are JSON over HTTP. You should always specify the content-type and accept headers as application/json. Check with your server operator for the specific hostname.


All endpoints require an API key passed via the X-API-Key header. The server supports HTTP/2, so the header key is case-insensitive. For example:

curl \
  --header "content-type: application/json" \
  --header "accept: application/json" \
  --header "x-api-key: abcd.5.dkanddssk"

API keys will generally be in a particular format, but developers should not attempt to build any intelligence on this format. The format, length, and character set are not guaranteed to remain the same between releases.

Error reporting

All errors contain an English language error message and well defines ErrorCode. The ErrorCodes are defined in api.go.

API Methods


Exchange a verification code for a long term verification token.


  "code": "<the code>",
  "accept": ["confirmed"],
  "padding": "<bytes>"
  • accept is an optional list of the diagnosis types that the client is willing to process. Accepted values are
    • ["confirmed"]
    • ["confirmed", "likely"]
    • ["confirmed", "likely", "negative"]
    • It is not possible to get just likely or just negative - if a client passes likely they are indicating they can process both confirmed and likely.
    • If you are accepting user initiated reports, user-report can be added to any of the arrays above, or sent in an array by itself. For example: ["confirmed", "user-report"] indicates that the client will accept confirmed test or user initiated report codes.
  • padding is a recommended field that obfuscates the size of the request body to a network observer. The client should generate and insert a random number of base64-encoded bytes into this field. The server does not process the padding.


http 200
  "testtype": "<test type string>",
  "symptomDate": "YYYY-MM-DD",
  "testDate": "YYYY-MM-DD",
  "token": "<JWT verification token>",
  "padding": "<bytes>"


  "error": "",
  "errorCode": "",
  • symptomDate and testDate will be present of that information was provided when the verification code was generated. These fields are omitted in the response body if corresponding date was not set.
  • padding is a field that obfuscates the size of the response body to a network observer. The server may generate and insert a random number of base64-encoded bytes into this field. The client should not process the padding.

Possible error code responses. New error codes may be added in future releases.

ErrorCode HTTP Status Retry Meaning
unparsable_request 400 No Client sent an request the sever cannot parse
code_invalid 400 No Code invalid or used, user may need to obtain a new code. For user reports, this error is also returned if the nonce doesn't match the code.
code_expired 400 No Code has expired, user may need to obtain a new code.
code_not_found 400 No The server has no record of that code.
invalid_test_type 400 No The client sent an accept of an unrecognized test type
maintenance_mode 429 Yes The server is temporarily down for maintenance. Wait and retry later.
quota_exceeded 429 Yes The realm has run out of its daily quota allocation for issuing codes. Wait and retry later.
500 Yes Internal processing error, may be successful on retry.


Exchange a verification token for a verification certificate (for sending to a key server)


  "token": "token from verifyCodeResponse",
  "ekeyhmac": "hmac of exposure keys, base64 encoded",
  "padding": "<bytes>"
  • token: must be exactly the string that was returned on the /api/verify request
  • ekeyhmac: must be calculated on the client
  • padding is a recommended field that obfuscates the size of the request body to a network observer. The client should generate and insert a random number of base64-encoded bytes into this field. The server does not process the padding.


http 200
  "certificate": "<JWT verification certificate>",
  "padding": "<bytes>"


  "error": "",
  "errorCode": "",
  • padding is a field that obfuscates the size of the response body to a network observer. The server may generate and insert a random number of base64-encoded bytes into this field. The client should not process the padding.

Possible error code responses. New error codes may be added in future releases.

ErrorCode HTTP Status Retry Meaning
token_invalid 400 No The provided token is invalid, or already used to generate a certificate
token_expired 400 No Code invalid or used, user may need to obtain a new code.
hmac_invalid 400 No The ekeyhmac field, when base64 decoded is not the right size (32 bytes)
maintenance_mode 429 Yes The server is temporarily down for maintenance. Wait and retry later.
500 Yes Internal processing error, may be successful on retry.


Request a verification code for a user-report verification code, which corresponds to the export report type of SELF_REPORT.


  "symptomDate": "YYYY-MM-DD",
  "testDate": "YYYY-MM-DD",
  "tzOffset": 0,
  "phone": "+CC Phone number",
  "nonce": "256 random bytes, base64 encoded",
  "padding": "<bytes>"
  • sypmtomDate and testDate are both optional.
    • only one will be encoded into the eventually issued certificate
    • symptom date is always preferred to test date
  • tzOffset
    • Offset in minutes of the user's timezone. Positive, negative, 0, or omitted (using the default of 0) are all valid. 0 is considered to be UTC.
  • phone
    • Phone number to send the SMS to.
    • This field is required on this API.
  • nonce
    • Required, and must be exactly 256 bytes of random data, base64 encoded.
    • This same nonce must be passed later on the verify call.
  • padding is a recommended field that obfuscates the size of the request body to a network observer. The client should generate and insert a random number of base64-encoded bytes into this field. The server does not process the padding.


For successful responses, it could be that the phone number is not currently eligible for user report due to reporting too close together. In this case, success is returned and no SMS is send to the phone number.

http 200
  "expiresAt": "RFC1123 formatted string timestamp",
  "expiresAtTimestamp": 0,
  "padding": "<bytes>"


  "error": "",
  "errorCode": "",
  • padding is a field that obfuscates the size of the response body to a network observer. The server may generate and insert a random number of base64-encoded bytes into this field. The client should not process the padding.

Possible error code responses. New error codes may be added in future releases.

ErrorCode HTTP Status Retry Meaning
unparsable_request 400 No Client sent an request the sever cannot parse
invalid_test_type 400 No The realm does not support user-report requests
missing_date 400 No The realm requires either a test or symptom date, but none was provided.
invalid_date 400 No The provided test or symptom date, was older or newer than the realm allows.
missing_nonce 400 No The request is missing the required nonce field
missing_phone 400 No The request is missing the required phone field
maintenance_mode 429 Yes The server is temporarily down for maintenance. Wait and retry later.
quota_exceeded 429 Yes The realm has run out of its daily quota allocation for issuing codes. Wait and retry later.
500 Yes Internal processing error, may be successful on retry.

Admin APIs

These APIs are available on the admin server and require and ADMIN level API key.


Request a verification code to be issued. Accepts [optional] symptom date and test dates in ISO 8601 format. These can be in local time, if a timezone offset is provided. If a phone number is provided and the realm is configured with SMS credentials, then an SMS will be dispatched according to the realm's settings.


  "symptomDate": "YYYY-MM-DD",
  "testDate": "YYYY-MM-DD",
  "testType": "<valid test type>",
  "tzOffset": 0,
  "phone": "+CC Phone number",
  "smsTemplateLabel": "my sms template",
  "padding": "<bytes>",
  "uuid": "optional string UUID",
  "externalIssuerID": "external-ID",
  "onlyGenerateSMS": "<true|false>",
  • sypmtomDate and testDate are both optional.

    • only one will be encoded into the eventually issued certificate
    • symptom date is always preferred to test date
  • testType

    • Must be confirmed, likely, negative
    • valid values depends on your realm's settings
  • tzOffset

    • Offset in minutes of the user's timezone. Positive, negative, 0, or omitted (using the default of 0) are all valid. 0 is considered to be UTC.
  • phone

    • Phone number to send the SMS to. If a phone number is provided, but the SMS text message fails to send, the API will return a 4xx client error.
  • smsTemplateLabel

    • If the realm has more than one SMS template defined, this may be optionally specify the label of the message template which the server should compose. If omitted, the default template will be used.
  • padding is a recommended field that obfuscates the size of the request body to a network observer. The client should generate and insert a random number of base64-encoded bytes into this field. The server does not process the padding.

  • uuid is optional as request input. The server will generate a uuid on response if omitted.

    • This is a handle which allows the issuer to track status of the issued verification code.
  • externalIssuerID is an optional field supplied by the API caller to uniquely identify the entity making this request. This is useful where callers are using a single API key behind an ERP, or when callers are using the verification server as an API with a different authentication system. This field is optional.

    • The information provided is stored exactly as-is. If the identifier is uniquely identifying PII (such as an email address, employee ID, SSN, etc), the caller should apply a cryptographic hash before sending that data. The system does not sanitize or encrypt these external IDs, it is the caller's responsibility to do so.
  • onlyGenerateSMS is an optional field. If true, the system will not send the SMS message and will instead return the generated SMS message as part of the response. If the realm is configured with Authenticated SMS, the generated SMS will also be signed. If true, the phone field is also required. This feature must be enabled on a per-realm basis by a system administrator.


http 200
  "uuid": "string UUID",
  "code": "short verification code",
  "expiresAt": "RFC1123 formatted string timestamp",
  "expiresAtTimestamp": 0,
  "expiresAt": "RFC1123 UTC timestamp",
  "expiresAtTimestamp": 0,
  "longExpiresAt": "RFC1123 UTC timestamp",
  "longExpiresAtTimestamp": 0,
  "generatedSMS": "string message",
  "phone": "E.164 phone number",


  "error": "descriptive error message",
  "errorCode": "well defined error code from api.go",
  • uuid
    • UUID is a handle which allows the issuer to track status of the issued verification code.
  • code
    • The OTP code which may be exchanged by the user for a signing token.
  • expiresAt
    • RFC1123 formatted string timestamp, in UTC. After this time the code will no longer be accepted and is eligible for deletion.
  • expiresAtTimestamp
    • represents Unix, seconds since the epoch. Still UTC. After this time the code will no longer be accepted and is eligible for deletion.
  • longExpiresAt
    • represents the time that the link containing a 'long' verification code expires (if one was issued)
  • longExpiresAtTimestamp
    • Unix, seconds since the epoch for longExpiresAt
  • generatedSMS
    • The compiled (and possibly signed) SMS message.
  • phone
    • The E.164-formatted phone number. This is only present if the request included a phone number.
  • padding is a field that obfuscates the size of the response body to a network observer. The server may generate and insert a random number of base64-encoded bytes into this field. The client should not process the padding.

Possible error code responses. New error codes may be added in future releases.

ErrorCode HTTP Status Retry Meaning
unparsable_request 400 No Client sent an request the sever cannot parse
invalid_test_type 400 No The client sent an accept of an unrecognized test type
missing_date 400 No The realm requires either a test or symptom date, but none was provided.
invalid_date 400 No The provided test or symptom date, was older or newer than the realm allows.
invalid_test_type 400 No The test type is not a valid test type (a string that is unknown to the server).
uuid_already_exists 409 No The UUID has already been used for an issued code
maintenance_mode 429 Yes The server is temporarily down for maintenance. Wait and retry later.
quota_exceeded 429 Yes The realm has run out of its daily quota allocation for issuing codes. Wait and retry later.
unsupported_test_type 412 No The code may be valid, but represents a test type the client cannot process. User may need to upgrade software.
500 Yes Internal processing error, may be successful on retry.

Client provided UUID to prevent duplicate SMS

Every response includes uuid to track the status of an issued code. Optionally IssueCodeRequest may also take in a uuid from the client. This can be useful when implementing retry logic to ensure the same request does not send more than one SMS to the same patient. Once successful, subsequent requests with the same uuid will give status 409 uuid_already_exists.

The uuid field is stored on the server for tracking. It is therefore important that this field remains meaningless to the server. The client may generate them randomly and store them locally, or use a one-way hash of phone using a locally known HMAC key.

This may also be used as an external handle to coordinate among multiple external issuers. For example, a testing lab which issues codes might attach a uuid to case information before handing off data to the state or other agencies to prevent multiple notifications to the patient.


Request a batch of verification codes to be issued. Accepts a list of IssueCodeRequest. See /api/issue for details of the fields of a single issue request and response. The indices of the respective codes arrays will match each request/response pair unless a server error occurs which results in an empty codes array response.

This API currently supports a limit of up 10 codes per request.

Handling batch partial success/failure

This API is not atomic and does not follow the typical guidelines for a batch API due to the sending of SMS messages.

The server attempts to issue every code in the batch. If errors are encountered, each item in codes will contain the error details for the corresponding code. The overall request will get the error status code of the first seen error, although some codes may have succeeded. For example:

  "codes": [
      "error": "the first code failed",
      "errorCode": "missing_date",
      "uuid": "string UUID",
      "code": "short verification code",
      "expiresAt": "RFC1123 formatted string timestamp",
      "expiresAtTimestamp": 0,
      "expiresAt": "RFC1123 UTC timestamp",
      "expiresAtTimestamp": 0,
      "generatedSMS": "string message",
      "error": "the third code failed",
      "errorCode": "unparsable_request",
  "error": "the first code failed",
  "errorCode": "missing_date",


  "codes" : [
      "symptomDate": "YYYY-MM-DD",
      "testDate": "YYYY-MM-DD",
      "testType": "<valid test type>",
      "tzOffset": 0,
      "phone": "+CC Phone number",
      "uuid": "optional string UUID",
      "externalIssuerID": "external-ID",
      "onlyGenerateSMS": "<true|false>",
  "padding": "<bytes>"


Note: The error and errorCode of the outer response body will match the first error from the codes array. The response http code will also match the first seen error. The caller should iterate codes to handle errors for each code response. The index of each responses will match the index of the original request.

  "codes": [
      "uuid": "string UUID",
      "code": "short verification code",
      "expiresAt": "RFC1123 formatted string timestamp",
      "expiresAtTimestamp": 0,
      "expiresAt": "RFC1123 UTC timestamp",
      "expiresAtTimestamp": 0,
      "longExpiresAt": "RFC1123 UTC timestamp",
      "longExpiresAtTimestamp": 0,
      "generatedSMS": "string message",
      "error": "[optional] descriptive error message",
      "errorCode": "[optional] well defined error code from api.go",
  "padding": "<bytes>",
  "error": "[optional] descriptive error message. The first seen error from 'codes'",
  "errorCode": "[optional] well defined error code from api.go. The first-seen errorCode of 'codes'",


Checks the status of a previous issued code, looking up by UUID.


  "uuid": "UUID for code to check",
  "padding": "<bytes>"
  • padding is a recommended field that obfuscates the size of the request body to a network observer. The client should generate and insert a random number of base64-encoded bytes into this field. The server does not process the padding.


http 200
  "claimed": false,
  "expiresAtTimestamp": 0,
  "longExpiresAtTimestamp": 0,
  "padding": "<bytes>"


  "error": "descriptive error message",
  "errorCode": "well defined error code from api.go",
  • claimed
    • boolean indicating if the code was used or not
  • expiresAtTimestamp
    • seconds since the epoch indicating expiry time in UTC
  • longExpiresAtTimestamp
    • seconds since the epoch for the SMS link expiry time in UTC
  • padding is a field that obfuscates the size of the response body to a network observer. The server may generate and insert a random number of base64-encoded bytes into this field. The client should not process the padding.


Expires an unclaimed code. If the code has been claimed an error is returned.


http 200
  "uuid": "UUID of the code to expire",
  "expiresAtTimestamp": 0,
  "longExpiresAtTimestamp": 0,
  "padding": "<bytes>"


  "error": "descriptive error message",
  "errorCode": "well defined error code from api.go",
  • padding is a recommended field that obfuscates the size of the request body to a network observer. The client should generate and insert a random number of base64-encoded bytes into this field. The server does not process the padding.

The timestamps are updated to the new expiration time (which will be in the past).


The statistics APIs are forward-compatible. That means no fields will be removed or changed without prior notice, but the API may add new fields or endpoints without notice.

  • /api/stats/realm.{csv,json} - Daily statistics for the realm, including codes issued, codes claimed, tokens claimed, and invalid attempts.

  • /api/stats/realm/key-server.{csv,json} - Daily statistics gathered from the key-server if enabled for the realm. This includes publish requests, EN days active before upload, and onset-to-upload distribution.

  • /api/stats/realm/composite.{csv,json} - Daily statistics for the realm including all realm and key server information.

  • /api/stats/realm/users.{csv,json} - Daily statistics for codes issued by realm user. These statistics only include codes issued by humans logged into the verification system.

  • /api/stats/realm/users/:id.{csv,json} - Daily statistics for codes issued by the user with the given ID. These statistics only include codes issued by that human user logged into the verification system for the currently authorized realm.

  • /api/stats/realm/api-keys/:id.{csv,json} - Daily statistics for the API key with the given ID. For admin API keys, the statistics will include codes issued. For device API keys, the statistics will include codes claimed and codes invalid.

  • /api/stats/realm/external-issuers.{csv,json} - Daily statistics for codes issued by external issuers. These statistics only include codes issued by the API where an externalIssuer field was provided.

User report webhooks

You can use your own gateway to dispatch SMS messages for user reports. When a user completes a self report, the verification server will send a request with the compiled SMS message and destination phone number to your server.

  • Must be a publicly-accessible endpoint
  • Must be unauthenticated
  • Must be secured via TLS (https)
  • Must accept a POST request
  • Must parse the response as JSON
  • Must send a 200 OK response within 10 seconds

The request body will be identical to the API /issue response. Your server should parse the JSON body and extract the generatedSMS field.

Before accepting the request, your server MUST validate the integrity of the request. All messages from the verification server will include an X-Signature header. The value of this header will be the hex-encoded SHA-512 HMAC using the configured webhook secret as the HMAC secret.

It is critical that your server validate the authenticity of the message. Here are some examples of validating the request payload:

// secret is the webhook secret. It must be the same value as configured in the
// verification server.
const secret = "my-super-secret-value"

func acceptPayload(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  defer r.Body.Close()

  sig := w.Header.Get("X-Signature")
  if sig == "" {

  lr := io.LimitReader(r.Body, 2_097_152) // 2 MB
  body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(lr)
  if err != nil {

  mac := hmac.New(sha512.New, []byte(secret))
  expected := hex.EncodeToString(mac.Sum(nil))

  if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(expected), []byte(sig)) != 1 {

  // Success, process request as JSON and send SMS...
  s := struct {
    Phone        string `json:"phone"`
    GeneratedSMS string `json:"generatedSMS"`
  if err := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(body)).Decode(&s); err != nil {
  sendSMS(s.Phone, s.GeneratedSMS)
SECRET = "my-super-secret-value".freeze

post '/' do
  sig = headers['X-Signature']
  return halt 400 if sig.empty?

  body =

  expected = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha512'), SECRET, body)

  return halt 400 unless Rack::Utils.secure_compare(expected, sig)

  # Success, process request as JSON and send SMS...
  parsed = JSON.parse(body)
  phone = parsed['phone']
  message = parsed['generatedSMS']
  send_sms(phone, message)

Chaffing requests

In addition to "real" requests, the server also accepts chaff (fake) requests. These can be used to obfuscate real traffic from a network observer or server operator.

Chaff requests:

  • MUST send the X-API-Key header with a valid API key (otherwise you will get an unauthorized error)
  • MUST be sent via a POST request, otherwise you will get an invalid method error
  • SHOULD send a valid JSON body with random padding similar in size as the rest of the client requests so that chaff requests appear the same on the wire as other valid requests.
  • SHOULD send chaff requests for both /verify, /certificate, and key server publish endpoints.

To initiate a chaff request, set the X-Chaff header on your request:

curl \
  --header "x-api-key: YOUR-API-KEY" \
  --header "content-type: application/json" \
  --header "accept: application/json" \
  --header "x-chaff: 1" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{"padding":"base64 encoded padding"}'

The client should still send a real request with a real request body (the body will not be processed). The server will respond with a fake response that your client MUST NOT process or parse. The response will not be a valid JSON object.

Client's should sporadically issue chaff requests to mirror real-world usage for both the /verify, /certificate, and key server publish endpoints.

Response codes overview

You can expect the following responses from this API:

  • 400 - The client made a bad/invalid request. Search the JSON response body for the "errors" key. The body may be empty.

  • 401 - The client is unauthorized. This could be an invalid API key or revoked permissions. This usually has no "errors" key, but clients can try to read the JSON body to see if there's additional information (it may be empty)

  • 404 - The client made a request to an invalid URL (routing error). Do not retry.

  • 405 - The client used the wrong HTTP verb. Do not retry.

  • 412 - The client requested a precondition that cannot be satisfied.

  • 429 - The client is rate limited. Check the Retry-After header to determine when to retry the request. Clients can also monitor the X-RateLimit-Remaining header that's returned with all responses to determine their rate limit and rate limit expiration.

  • 5xx - Internal server error. Clients should retry with a reasonable backoff algorithm and maximum cap.