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Building and Running Snowdrift

Snowdrift has been built successfully on many GNU/Linux distros and on macOS.

Windows and *BSD distributions are not currently supported, but we will assist any efforts to add such support. See below for partial setup instructions.

Get the Snowdrift code

Our primary repository is at GitLab, and our instructions assume that repository. For convenience and redundancy, we also mirror at GitHub.

From within your preferred directory, get the code with:

git clone

Change to the new snowdrift directory:

cd snowdrift

Install System Dependencies

Git, PostgreSQL, Stack, and Make are the only dependencies needed at the system level. Stack takes care of finding or installing the correct GHC version. Some systems need a few additional libraries to support the core dependencies.

Follow the details for your system, then skip to the "Get the Snowdrift Code" section.

Debian, Ubuntu, and any related derivatives

Install Git, PostgreSQL and Make with needed libraries and compiler:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git postgresql libgmp-dev libpq-dev libssl-dev zlib1g-dev g++ make

Then follow the Debian Stack install or Ubuntu Stack install instructions as appropriate.

CentOS/RHEL and Fedora

  • Install Git, needed libraries and Make:

      sudo dnf install git gcc-c++ gmp-devel ncurses-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel make

    For CentOS and Fedora <=22, replace the dnf commands with yum. Fedora <=23 may also need the libstdc++-static package.

  • You'll also need PostgreSQL >= 9.3:

      sudo dnf install postgresql-server postgresql-devel

    If the version in the distro repositories is too old, follow the instructions on the PostgreSQL wiki to install from their repositories. Get the postgresqlXX-server and postgresqlXX-devel packages, where XX is the version number. In this case, the pgsql executables will be installed in /usr/pgsql-X.X/bin. For the Snowdrift database cluster tool to see the executables, either add that route (with the correct numbers instead of X.X) to your PATH (e.g. in ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile) or create symlinks somewhere already on your PATH.

  • Follow the Stack install instructions for your distribution.

Arch Linux

Install Git, PostgreSQL, Stack and Make by running this command as root:

pacman -S git postgresql stack make

Arch also requires installation of the ncurses5-compat-libs package, found in the AUR. If you are unsure how to install from the AUR, please refer to the AUR ArchWiki Page.

Once ncurses5-compat-libs is installed, add the following line to ~/.stack/config.yaml:

ghc-build: nopie

NOTE: Entering this into ~/.stack/config.yaml will apply to all Haskell projects that you build using stack going forward. This command tells stack to use a version of ghc that compiles without PIE. We were unable to find a way to set this configuration just for Snowdrift, however we don't believe making this change will cause any issues with compiling other Haskell projects.

NixOS or Nix on Linux, MacOS or WSL

Change stack.yaml to enable nix:

  enable: true

Run nix-shell in the root of the project. You will have to build, test and run the server inside the shell. You should also launch your editor from inside the nix-shell.


Status: We welcome testing but do not officially support *BSD distributions due to Stack being unavailable for some *BSD platforms. The site has run successfully on FreeBSD with non-trivial changes to the build process (due to hlibsass linking of C libraries). For more details, please refer to this discussion about FreeBSD.


If you don't have brew yet, install it with:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

With brew, install the core dependencies:

brew install git
brew install postgres
brew install haskell-stack
brew install make


Status: We welcome testing but do not officially support Windows.

A way to get the project built on Windows is by installing Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), install Nix in it and then follow the Nix setup from above.

In the past, we have had only partial success running on Windows. We know that our development database scripts won't work on Windows because they use UNIX sockets. We welcome any patches, feedback, or Postgres-on-Windows help to get an alternative working.

Run the tests

Run the tests to fetch and build all Haskell dependencies:

./ test

This will take a while!

Running the site locally

Run the site in development mode with


Then, you can access the site in your browser at http://localhost:3000

To stop the site, type quit in the terminal, then press Enter.


If ./ commands fail in any way, try running ./ cleandb and then building again.

Automatic rebuild

./ will automatically rebuild and rerun the site whenever it detects changes to the code. Unfortunately this does not work for changes in the static directory. To make it recognize those, run:

touch website/src/Settings/StaticFiles.hs

Using auth in development

You can log in to the locally-running site using the default user [email protected] and passphrase userpassphrase.

To create a new account, follow these instructions:

As the development site does not normally send out emails (the authentication approach for the live system), you can get the necessary auth tokens from the debug output in the terminal.

After sending an auth form request in the web interface, look for the following line

(AuthToken {fromAuthToken = "TOKEN"})

but where TOKEN is instead a random alpha-numerical string that you can input when prompted to verify the request (and don't get confused by other shorter random strings that also show up nearby in the terminal).

Although it's not recommended, you can also enable sending mail (if you have an appropriate mail server accessible) by setting the environment variable SD_EMAILS to "true", or by modifying website/config/settings.yml with the setting send-email: "_env:SD_EMAILS:true". Just be careful who you try to send mail to.

Using Stripe in development

  1. Register an account on the Stripe website.

  2. At your Stripe dashboard, make sure "View test data" is turned on (which is default for new accounts but worth double-checking).

  3. Click the "API" link to obtain your publishable and secret test keys.

  4. In the top-level directory of the snowdrift project (where we have, create a new text file named .stripe_keys and add your keys as environment variables:

export STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY=your_stripe_pub_key
export STRIPE_SECRET_KEY=your_stripe_sec_key

  1. Build your snowdrift development site and log in.

  2. Make sure Javascript is enabled and that no plugins block Stripe's JavaScript form.

  3. Navigate to the dashboard payment settings page. Press the "Set up Stripe" button and provide the following details on the Checkout form:

    • One of the Stripe test card numbers, e.g. "4242 4242 4242 4242"
    • Any future expiration date
    • Any 3-digit CVC code
    • Any postal code, e.g. "12345"
  4. Click "Register" to submit the form and complete the setup.

Connecting to the local database

The script ./s/dev_psql will spawn a psql shell that is connected to the dev database. Refer to Postgres' psql documentation.

Building for production / deployment

We use Keter (Yesod's deploy tool) to build and deploy the full website. The relevant script is at s/deploy. By default, it does all the building and deploying at once, and this only works on a system that has permissions to update the live site.

To build the production binary without deploying, run DEPLOY=false ./s/deploy The build binary SnowdriftReboot.keter will be in the root directory.

Getting help, learning, contributing etc.

We welcome any and all feedback on these build instructions, on the site itself, etc. We will happily help you with any questions. See the README for further general links, and the Contributing Guide for more thorough resources about technical development.