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How to Get Lucky


Why do you say, “Get rich without getting lucky”?


In 1,000 parallel universes, you want to be wealthy in 999 of them. You don’t want to be wealthy in the fifty of them where you got lucky, so we want to factor luck out of it. 在1000个平行宇宙中,你想要在其中的999个中变得富有。你不会想要在你幸运的50个国家里变得富有,所以我们想把运气因素考虑在内。

But getting lucky would help, right?


Just recently, Babak Nivi, my co -founder , and I were talking on Twitter about how one gets lucky, and there are really four kinds of luck we were talking about. 就在最近,我的联合创始人巴巴克·尼维(Babak Nivi)和我在推特上讨论了一个人是如何走运的,我们谈论的运气真的有四种。

The first kind of luck is blind luck where one just gets lucky because something completely out of their control happened. This includes fortune, fate, etc.


Then, there’s luck through persistence, hard work, hustle, and motion. This is when you’re running around creating opportunities. You’re generating a lot of energy, you’re doing a lot to stir things up. It’s almost like mixing a petri dish or mixing a bunch of reagents and seeing what combines. You’re just generating enough force, hustle, and energy for luck to find you.


A third way is you become very good at spotting luck. If you are very skilled in a field, you will notice when a lucky break happens in your field, and other people who aren’t attuned to it won’t notice. So, you become sensitive to luck.


The last kind of luck is the weirdest, hardest kind, where you build a unique character, a unique brand, a unique mindset, which causes luck to find you.


For example, let’s say you’re the best person in the world at deep -sea diving. You’re known to take on deep -sea dives nobody else will even dare to attempt. By sheer luck, somebody finds a sunken treasure ship off the coast they can’t get to. Well, their luck just became your luck, because they’re going to come to you to get to the treasure, and you’re going to get paid for it.


This is an extreme example, but it shows how one person had blind luck finding the treasure. Them coming to you to extract it and give you half is not blind luck. You created your own luck. You put yourself in a position to capitalize on luck or to attract luck when nobody else created the opportunity for themselves. To get rich without getting lucky, we want to be deterministic. We don’t want to leave it to chance. [78]


Ways to get lucky:


• Hope luck finds you.祝你好运降临。 • Hustle until you stumble into it. 忙碌到你跌跌撞撞地走进去。 • Prepare the mind and be sensitive to chances others miss. 做好思想准备,对其他人错过的机会保持敏感。 • Become the best at what you do. Refine what you do until this is true. Opportunity will seek you out. Luck becomes your destiny. 成为你所做的事情中的佼佼者。改进你所做的直到这是真的。机会会来找你的。运气就是你的命运。

It starts becoming so deterministic, it stops being luck. The definition starts fading from luck to destiny. To summarize the fourth type: build your character in a certain way, then your character becomes your destiny.


One of the things I think is important to make money is having a reputation that makes people do deals through you. Remember the example of being a great diver where treasure hunters will come and give you a piece of the treasure for your diving skills.


If you are a trusted, reliable, high -integrity , long -term -thinking dealmaker, when other people want to do deals but don’t know how to do them in a trustworthy manner with strangers, they will literally approach you and give you a cut of the deal just because of the integrity and reputation you’ve built up.


Warren Buffett gets offered deals to buy companies, buy warrants, bail out banks, and do things other people can’t do because of his reputation. Of course, he has accountability on the line, and he has a strong brand on the line.

沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)得到了收购公司、购买认股权证、救助银行以及做其他人因为他的声誉而做不到的事情的交易。当然,他在线路上有责任,在线路上有强大的品牌。

Your character and your reputation are things you can build, which will let you take advantage of opportunities other people may characterize as lucky, but you know it wasn’t luck. [78] My co -founder Nivi said, “In a long -term game, it seems that everybody is making each other rich. And in a short -term game, it seems like everybody is making themselves rich.”


I think that is a brilliant formulation. In a long -term game, it’s positive sum. We’re all baking the pie together. We’re trying to make it as big as possible. And in a short -term game, we’re cutting up the pie. [78]


How important is networking? 网络有多重要?

I think business networking is a complete waste of time. And I know there are people and companies popularizing this concept because it serves them and their business model well, but the reality is if you’re building something interesting, you will always have more people who will want to know you. Trying to build business relationships well in advance of doing business is a complete waste of time. I have a much more comfortable philosophy: “Be a maker who makes something interesting people want. Show your craft, practice your craft, and the right people will eventually find you.” [14]

我认为商务社交完全是浪费时间。我知道有些人和公司普及这一概念,因为它很好地服务于他们和他们的商业模式,但现实是,如果你正在建设一些有趣的东西,你总是会有更多的人想要了解你。试图在做生意之前很好地建立业务关系完全是浪费时间。我有一个更舒适的哲学:“做一个能制造出人们想要的有趣东西的制造者。展示你的手艺,练习你的手艺,合适的人最终会找到你。“ And once you’ve met someone, how do you determine if you can trust someone? What signals do you pay attention to?


If someone is talking a lot about how honest they are, they’re probably dishonest. That is just a little telltale indicator I’ve learned. When someone spends too much time talking about their own values or they’re talking themselves up, they’re covering for something. [4]


Sharks eat well but live a life surrounded by sharks.


I have great people in my life who are extremely successful, very desirable (like everybody wants to be their friend), very smart. Yet, I’ve seen them do one or two things slightly not great to other people. The first time, I’ll say, “Hey, I don’t think you should do this to that other person. Not because you won’t get away with it. You will get away with it, but because it will hurt you in the end.”


Not in some cosmic, karma kind of way, but I believe deep down we all know who we are. You cannot hide anything from yourself. Your own failures are written within your psyche, and they are obvious to you. If you have too many of these moral shortcomings, you will not respect yourself. The worst outcome in this world is not having self -esteem . If you don’t love yourself, who will?

不是以某种宇宙的、因果报应的方式,但我相信在内心深处我们都知道自己是谁。你不能对自己隐瞒任何事。你自己的失败写在你的心灵里,它们对你来说是显而易见的。如果你有太多这样的道德缺陷,你就不会尊重自己。这个世界上最糟糕的结果就是没有自尊。如果你不爱自己,谁会呢? I think you just have to be very careful about doing things you are fundamentally not going to be proud of, because they will damage you. The first time someone acts this way, I will warn them. By the way, nobody changes. Then I just distance myself from them. I cut them out of my life. I just have this saying inside my head: “The closer you want to get to me, the better your values have to be.” [4] 我认为你只需要非常小心地做一些你根本不会引以为豪的事情,因为它们会伤害你。第一次有人这样做,我会警告他们。顺便说一下,没有人会改变。然后我就和他们保持距离。我把他们从我的生活中剔除。我脑子里只有一句话:“你越想接近我,你的价值观就必须越好。”