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290 lines (258 loc) · 16.7 KB

File metadata and controls

290 lines (258 loc) · 16.7 KB



  • Check if fasthttp supports flush() and close() and then switch handlers over to fasthttp, or remove fasthttp.
  • Create an example application for people that are learning to create HTML, where they can log in and then drag and drop to upload files.
  • Fix the issue in the splash package so that both MathJax and applying syntax highlighting to code can be used at the same time (engine/rendering.go).
  • When the -m flag is used, if the file is not found, exit with an error.
  • Add a built-in SSH3 server that can be configured with a flag.
  • Let USR1 or USR2 signals clear the cache.
  • Add a Go function for adding a Lua function that can handle websocket requests to /ws.
  • Add a flag for redirecting all http:// traffic to https://.
  • Add a smoother way than CodeLib() to define site-wide Lua values.
  • Create a video like the one at vim-livedown, that demonstrates live editing of Markdown.
  • When -m is given, scan the given Markdown file for images that will also need to be served, then wait until those are served before exiting.
  • Add support for metatar in Lua, to be able to offer a whole Arch Linux package repository from just a single .lua file, and a collection of PKGBUILD files.
  • Integrate boltBrowser.
  • Make it possible to send the access log to the database.
  • Make it possible to send the error log to the database.
  • User management interface + web REPL + stats + logs + import/export data .alg launcher.
  • Make most methods in onthefly available to Algernon/Lua.
  • Present directories with media files with a built-in page.
  • Make the behavior per file extension or mime type configurable: "raw view", "pretty view" or "download"
  • Add a Lua function for upgrading a handler to a WebSocket handler, also using concurrency in Lua.
  • Add support for pushing from emacs "writefreely mode" to Algernon with this API.
  • Parse options with docopt or cli.
  • Use configparser for a configuration file with port, host, keys etc.

Languages other than Lua

  • Add support for zygomys on equal footing with Lua.
  • Embed the Fennel package (compiles to Lua) so that Fennel can be used on equal footing with Lua for Algernon projects.


  • Add links to various chat pages and forums in the file.
  • Create a web page for uploading, reviewing, previewing and downloading Algernon Applications (.alg files).

Performance and memory usage

  • Make calling Lua scripts thread safe without using a mutex, either by modifying gopher-lua or by creating a way of calling Lua over channels.
  • Profile the startup process and make it even faster.
  • Add a flag for caching to the database backend instead of to memory.
  • Add an option for using brotly compression instead of gzip.
  • Use fasthttp (or something equally performant) when using regular HTTP: switching to fasthttp.
  • When requests are handled, spawn each switch/case as a Go routine. Benchmark to see if there is a difference.

Styles and themes

  • Port the layout and concept of werc to Algernon. See also gowerc.
  • Add a flag for dumping the currently used Markdown theme to a CSS file and exit.
  • Add a Markdown style similar to this one: style.css
  • Add a Markdown style similar to this one: setconf
  • Add support for Ghost and/or Hugo themes.


  • Add sample for using Vue.js + Algernon.
  • Look into using slate for documentation.
  • Add sample for HyperApp + database usage.
  • Terminal recording of Lua tutorial using algernon --lua.
  • Terminal recording demonstrating creating a simple register+login site.
  • Update the book to be more similar to the python Flask documentation.
  • Video tutorials and screencasts.
  • Document what the "current directory" is for various Lua functions that deals with files.
  • Document better the order of output calls when modifying the header to redirect.
  • Document how to read JSON from one place and output processed data somewhere else.
  • Create a docker image that comes with all the samples.
  • Create a sample TODOMVC application.
  • Port niltalk to Algernon, in a separate repository.
  • Create a sample chat application.
  • Document possible MultiMarkdown keywords somewhere (in a separate document).
  • Add a sample for bricklayer


  • Add a C++ plugin example.
  • Check behavior of ctrl-c/ctrl-d on macOS vs Linux vs Windows.
  • Add a theme that looks like
  • Add fastcgi support, for connecting to fastcgi servers and use them for serving content?
  • Write a module for caching that can cache chunks of files and stream files that does not fit in memory directly from disk.
  • Add support for systemd reload, not just restart.
  • Render JavaScript server-side by using Goja
  • Use cfilter for potentially faster cache lookups.
  • Support HAML?
  • Introduce a separate package for dealing with Lua pools, Lua states and adding custom functions to some Lua states. All without using mutexes.
  • Support for websockets (port a small multiplayer game to test).
  • Add support for Handlebars: raymond
  • Server side support for sw-delta
  • Add a flag to minify all transmitted CSS/HTML/JS/JSON/SVG/XML files
  • Draw inspiration from
  • Draw inspiration from
  • Provide a Lua sample/command for listing files and directories with dates and sizes.
  • Find a way to redirect while preserving headers and/or use a mux package.
  • Implement a documentation server that can convert files with pandoc.
  • Make it easy to apply patches on the fly, when GET-ting the resulting file
  • Built in support for running the Lua REPL in the browser (possibly by using "gotty", either as a package or wrapped in a script).
  • Create a sample that is inspired by this design:
  • Add Markdown themes from:
  • Add a similar boilerplate as Jekyll to
  • Describe how to set up a system a bit similar to a wiki, but more lightweight, using git + git hooks + algernon.
  • Add a flag for listing and selecting styles for Markdown and directory listings.
  • Specify if rate limiting is per user/ip/handler
  • Add a flag for serving with fasthttp:
  • Create alg2systemd-nspawn and alg2runc.
  • Create a site generator for Algernon. Draw inspiration from
  • Draw inspiration from
  • Check out
  • Support SASS and HAML. Maybe.
  • Port Pastecat to Algernon (
  • Argon2 hashing algorithm support (
  • Add config Function for adding a directory listing title to a certain path regex (and/or a title.txt or file).
  • Add a lua function for presenting an executable as a web application, like gotty does. Create a password protected example application.
  • Web application for browsing the database.
  • Document the case sensitivity or add case insensitivity support.
  • Create a tool that pretends to upload a file of size 128 bytes (Content-Length), but continues to stream data. Test with Algernon.
  • Lua plugin that is not via the database
  • File upload while handling gzip
  • Cache os.Stat also when serving directory listings
  • Implement as Algernon applications
  • Look into
  • pprint should output text to the browser when not running in the repl (or be disabled)
  • Graph of visitors over time
  • See if the HTTP headers from the client + country of origin + mouse movement patterns can become some sort of pseudo ID. Combine with a neural net. Can be used for storing non-critical data like preferred themes, font sizes etc. Time of day may also be an input.
  • Add editor syntax highlight files.
  • Support for pretty URLs and/or routing in serverconf.lua (/position/x/2/y/4).
  • Command line utilities for editing users, permissions, databases and Lua functions in databases.
  • Add a lua function for running a lua function periodically.
  • Add a cache mode for caching binary files only.
  • MSI installer.
  • deb/ppa
  • Consider using instead of readline.
  • Create a utility for creating and running new projects, ala Meteor.
  • Add Lua functions for BSON and ION?
  • Add simpleredis/simplebolt/simplemaria functions for exporting/importing data to JSON and offer these.


  • Better 404 page not found page for users visiting "/".
  • Consider only listening for changes after a file has been visited, then stop watching it after a while.
  • Use a regexp or a JavaScript minification package instead of replacing strings in insertAutoRefresh.
  • In genFileChangeEvents, check for CloseNotify for more graceful timeouts.

Server configuration

  • Prefer environment variables and flags over lua server configuration.


  • Server("host:port", "/srv/http/somedirectory", "/var/log/algernon/logfile.log")
  • Redirect("host/path:port", ":port/path")
  • Rewrite("host:port", "host:port/path")
  • RewritePrefix("www.", "")
  • RewritePort("host", 443, 80)


  • [/] Make help work a bit like in Python.
  • [/] Make dir work a bit like in Python.


  • Unmarshal the CallPlugin reply into appropriate Lua structures instead of returning a JSON string.
  • If a plugin ends with .go, check if go is installed and run it with "go run" (if a binary of the same name has not been provided for the current platform).
  • Add a function for loading all plugins in a "plugins" directory.


  • Consider using secure.
  • HTTP Basic Auth using the permissions2 usernames and passwords, for selected URL prefixes. Use code from "scoreserver".
  • Check that HTTP reads not only times out, but has a deadline.
  • Flag for disabling directory listings entirely.
  • OAuth 1
  • OAuth 2
  • The ability to set headers and do HTTP Basic Auth manually.
  • Check if * or the server host should be used as parameter to the EventServer function.
  • Implement a warning when using cookies over regular HTTP.

Console output

  • Check the terminal capabilities and terminal width. Display a smaller logo if the width is smaller. Or no logo.


  • Add a function named "sort" for quickly sorting tables by key or by value, numerical or lexical.
  • Add a Lua function ForEach that takes a data structure and a function that takes a key and a value.
  • Wrap JNode in the same way as JFile.
  • Change the "JSON" function and create some sort of JSON object that returns the string by default.
  • Add a function for sanitizing HTML, possibly with bluemonday.
  • Create an import function for importing online lua libraries. (Like require, but over http). (possibly luarocks packages).
  • In runLuaString, check if L.Close() really is needed instead of luapool.Put(L)
  • Way to load parts of a page asynchronously (with gopher-lua channels?)
  • Way to use Lua libraries for adding ie. SQLite support.


  • Minify CSS, JS and HTML (as enabled by default, but can be disabled)
  • Find a reliable way of measuring speed and emulating users. gor?
  • Cache compiled templates as well, not just the final result.

Unusual features

  • A function for specifying png images by using , - and * for pixels inside a [[``]] block, while specifying a main color. This can be used as an alternative way to serve favicon.ico files or specify icon graphics. Same thing could be used for svg, but by specifying numbered vertices in a polygon. Update: Someone else has made a format for this!


  • Add support for both SASS and SCSS (Perhaps
  • Add configurable log hooks for the systems logrus supports. See:
  • When searching files and directories, do it in parallel, like wallutils.
  • Add a Lua function for outputting Lua tables to the client.
  • Add a Lua function for fetching a value from a table, or a blank string.
  • Add a Lua function for checking if a file exists.
  • Mention the jpath package in the README.
  • Support for plugins written in BF.
  • A flag to store the Bolt database inside the given zip file?
  • Keep all configuration settings in Redis. Use an external package for handling configuration.
  • Support for the onthefly package, as a virtual DOM.
  • WebRTC? Three.js? Web components?
  • Use the goroutine functionality provided by gopher-lua to provide "trigger functions" that sends 1 on a channel when the function triggers, perhaps when a file is changed. Combine this with javascript somehow to make it possible to change the parts of a page when an event happens.
  • User functions shared by many lua pages should not be placed in app.lua, nor in a place related to the server, but be imported where they are needed. Either by importing a lua file, by importing a lua file by url or by connecting to a Lua Function Server.
  • Make it possible to toggle the pretty error view on or off in serverconf.lua, for temporary debugging.
  • Find a good way to store errors.
  • Implement a page, with admin rights, that displays the last error together with the sourcecode, in a pretty way.
  • Add a flag for specifying a different default set of URL prefixes with admin, user or public rights.
  • Add a flag for detailed debug information at errors, or not.
  • If a symbolic link to a directory is made, for instance /chat -> /data, then algernon should also apply user permissions to the symbolic link.
  • Add a function for calling EVAL on the redis server, while sending Lua code to the server for evaluation.
  • Re-run the Lua server script if changed. Restart the server if the addr or port is changed.
  • Add a function tprint("file.tmpl", table) for
  • Read zip files directly instead of decompressing when given as the first argument (downside: some Amber functions look for files in the same directory).
  • Utilities to lint and package .alg archives.
  • Whitelist and blacklist for which file extensions to cache
  • Use golang/pkg/net/rpc/#Client.Go for calling plugins asynchronously. Let Lua provide a callback function.
  • Configuration function for whitelisting URL prefixes.
  • Functions for adding URL prefixes to the whitelist
  • Lua function for reading the contents of a file in the script dir, but in a cached way. Timestamp, filename and data are stored in Redis, if timestamp changes, data is re-read.
  • Add a Lua function for removing all cache entries without a hit.
  • Support the LuaPage format (".lp", HTML with <% %> and <%= %> for Lua code).
  • Add Lua functions for HTTP PUT without using JSON? (for etcd, but might be a bad idea in the first place).
  • Rewrite in C++23 and rename the project to "FnuFnu".