- Add -o, --output flag to specify directory where cropped images are to be dumped.
- Error out if output folder set to current directory, i.e. -o .
- If directory doesn't exist yet, create it.
- If no face can be found in an image in batch, it is still copied over to -o folder.
- If no output folder is added, ask for confirmation ([Y]/n), and destructively crop images in-place.
- Use -i, --input flags as synonyms for -p or --path: symmetrical in meaning to "output".
- Is now standard nomenclature in documentation.
- --input or --path flag is now optional.
- Standard behaviour without input folder is to non-recursively process all images in immediate folder, i.e. -p . as currently implemented.
- Removed all mentions of the hard-coded 'bkp' and 'crop' folders
- Calling autocrop without specifying an input path, i.e.
does not look for the 'images' folder anymore.