- Tree Sitter: tree-sitter-elixir
- Language Server: elixir-ls
- Install
brew install elixir
- Install
brew install elixir-ls
- Restart Zed
{% hint style="warning" %}
If elixir-ls
is not running in an elixir project, check the error log via the command palette action zed: open log
. If you find an error message mentioning: invalid LSP message header "Shall I install Hex? (if running non-interactively, use \"mix local.hex --force\") [Yn]
, you might need to install Hex
. You run elixir-ls
from the command line and accept the prompt to install Hex
{% endhint %}
If you prefer to format your code with Mix, use the following snippet in your settings.json
file to configure it as an external formatter. Formatting will occur on file save.
"language_overrides": {
"Elixir": {
"format_on_save": {
"external": {
"command": "mix",
"arguments": ["format", "--stdin-filename", "{buffer_path}", "-"]