Modules which are part of this monorepo should be published using lerna
. lerna
is a tool which simplifies monorepo operations, including publishing, and automates much of the manual, repetitive work that publishing multiple modules would otherwise require.
This should be done upon code freeze.
Starting from the master branch in the root of the repository, run the following commands:
$ git checkout -b rel/new-release-branch
$ npx lerna version --sign-git-commit --sign-git-tag --preid rc --message “BRE-123: Update SDK modules for sprint ABC” preminor
, and premajor
should be used instead of preminor
in the above command when a patch version or major version should be bumped instead of the minor version.
Now, we can publish the newly versioned modules:
$ lerna publish --dist-tag rc from-git
You will be prompted for an OTP code when needed if you have 2FA enabled.
The recommended way to install and run bitgo-express
is via a docker container, so we should be sure to update it whenever the express module's package-lock.json is updated.
$ docker build -t bitgosdk/express:latest -t bitgosdk/express:$(jq -r '.version' < modules/express/package.json) .