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Noah Santschi-Cooney edited this page Mar 6, 2018 · 3 revisions

I'll be using the default prefix here. If using a custom prefix, replace the below prefixes with your own

Command Flag Arguments Definition
!owo help [command] Shows the help menu for the given command. If no command is given, all available commands are listed
Example: !owo help image
!owo info Sends some basic details of 2Bot: Name, Creator, Creation Date, Default Prefix, Server Count, Library, RAM Usage, Language and a link to my support server
!owo bigMoji [emoji] Sends a large version of the emoji as an image. 'bigMoji' can also be excluded as shorthand
Example: !owo bigMoji :pepe:
!owo :pepe:
!owo whois [@user] Sends some basic details of the given user. If no [user] is supplied, the command callers details are shown instead
Example: !owo whois @Strum355#0554
!owo encode [method] [text] encodes [text] to/using [method]. Supported methods: MD5, Bcrypt, SHA256, Base64. [method] must be all lower case (for now)
Example: !owo encode sha256 some text
!owo avatar [@user] Returns the given users avatar. If no user is specified, your own avatar is returned
Example: !owo avatar @Strum355#0554
!owo invite Sends the invite link to invite 2Bot to your own server!
!owo git Sends the link to 2Bots github repo!
!owo yt [play/pause/unpause/skip] Plays music from YouTube straight to a voice channel near you!
!owo image [save/recall/list/delete/status] Save images and recall them at anytime! Everyone gets 8MB of image storage. Only you can 'recall' your saved images. There's a review process to make sure nothing illegal is being uploaded
Example: !owo image save Happy 2B
>Image is sent off for reviewing. Confirmation of acceptance or rejection will follow
Example: !owo image recall Happy 2B
>Sends the image saved under the name "Happy 2B"
Example: !owo image delete Happy 2B
>Deletes the image saved under the name "Happy 2B"
Example: !owo image list
>Lists all your saved images
Example: !owo image status
>Shows your queue size, quota status etc
!owo ibsearch NSFW [term] [filter 1] [filter 2] Searches and returns an image from for the given search term and optional filters
Extra search parameters supported are: rating, format. Each parameter must be seperated by a | formats=gif, png, jpg | rating=e (explicit), s (safe), q (questionable)
Example: !owo ibsearch lewds | format=gif | rating=e
!owo r34 NSFW [term] [filter 1] [filter 2] Searches and returns an image from rule34 for the given search term.
Example: !owo r34 lewds
!owo setNSFW PERMS Enables or disables NSFW commands such as r34 and ibsearch. NSFW is always enabled in channels labeled as 'nsfw' and is disabled in all others by default
!owo purge PERMS [number] [@user] Purges the n last messages in the channel, messages cannot be older than 14 days. Specify a user to purge only their messages.
Example: !owo purge 20
!owo logChannel PERMS [channel] Changes the log channel to the channel with the given ID. Default is main channel
Example: !owo logChannel #logchan
!owo setPrefix PERMS [prefix] [trailing space?] Changes the prefix to [prefix] with optional trailing space
Example: !owo setPrefix ++ | true
Result: `++ help`
Example 2: !owo setPrefix ++ | false
Result: `++help`
!owo logging PERMS Toggles the very basic logging system 2Bot currently has. Logs will go in channel specified by !owo logChannel. Default: disabled
!owo joinMessage PERMS [enable?] [message] [channel ID] Enables or disables a welcome message that occurs whenever someone joins the server. %s in the message will tag the user.
Example (enable): !owo joinMessage true | Hey there %s! | 312294858582654978
Example (disable): !owo joinMessage false
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