composer require 2lenet/pdf-generator-bundle
Require: unoserver (for word_to_pdf)
config (with default value):
path: "data/pdfmodel"
default_generator: "word_to_pdf"
class: 'Lle\PdfGeneratorBundle\Entity\PdfModel'
add routing (for show the ressource
use <a href="{{ path('lle_pdf_generator_show_ressource', {'id':}) }}">
resource: "@LlePdfGeneratorBundle/Resources/config/routes.yaml"
prefix: /
if you create an model without type and with ressource is mydoc.doc the generator will create an pdf based on data/pdfmodel/mydoc.doc with word_to_pdf generator.
You can easily list the tags used in your models.
To do this, simply declare the route to the page where the tags will be listed. The name of the route is " lle_pdf_generator_admin_balise".
Example in Crudit:
public function getListActions(): array
$actions = parent::getListActions();
array_unshift($actions, ListAction::new(
return $actions;
If you use several document templates linked to different modules, you can declare your annotations in the pdf_generator.yaml of your project:
path: "data/pdfmodel"
default_generator: "word_to_pdf"
- facture
- commande
To complete the list of tags, use Symfony annotations declared in your pdf_generator.yaml file. For example:
namespace App\Entity
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Annotation\Groups;
class Commande
* @Groups({"commande"})
private $type;
If you only have on template or one module using several templates, you do not have to declare "data_models" in the pdf_generator.yaml file. By default, the Symfony annotation will be "pdfgenerator". In your entity, you will then have:
namespace App\Entity
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Annotation\Groups;
class Commande
* @Groups({"pdfgenerator"})
private $type;
You can use the PDFgenerator with bdd or directly in code
* @Route("/pdf")
public function pdf(PdfGenerator $generator, UserRepository $userRepository)
$data = [];
foreach($userRepository->findAll() as $user){
$data[] = ['name' => $user->getName()];
//create an response by Bdd
return $generator->generateResponse('MYMODELCODE', $data);
//create an PdfMerger by Bdd
$generator->generate('MYMODELCODE', $data)->merge('pdf.pdf','F');
//create an PdfMerger by ressource
return $generator->generateByRessourceResponse(TcpdfGenerator::getName(), MyTcpdfClass::class, $data);
//create an response by ressource
$generator->generateByRessource(TcpdfGenerator::getName(), MyTcpdfClass::class, $data)->merge('pdf.pdf','F');
You can create an instance of TcpdfFpdi (Tcpdf and Fpdi) with the PdfMerger
$pdfMerger = $generator->generate('MYMODELCODE', $data)->merge('pdf.pdf','F');
$pdf = $pdfMerger->toTcpdfFpdi();
$pdf->writeHTML('Hello', true, 0, true, 0);
$pdf->Output('file.pdf', 'F');
return new ResponseBinaryFile('file.pdf');
change config "class" of pdf generator "App/Entity/MyModelPdf"
namespace App\Entity;
use Vich\UploaderBundle\Mapping\Annotation as Vich;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Lle\PdfGeneratorBundle\Entity as PDF;
* @ORM\Table(name="lle_pdf_model", indexes={@ORM\Index(name="code_idx", columns={"code"})})
* @ORM\Entity
* @Vich\Uploadable
class MyModelPdf implements PDF\PdfModelInterface
use PDF\PdfModelTrait;
The model is a PdfModel with
a code, a ressource, a libelle, a type and a description
you can create a model with
php bin/console lle:pdf-generator:create-model
!! Warning if you use your own class and this class has other field with constraint the command not work. !!
you can create several type of pdf (already exist tcpdf and word_to_pdf)
- word_to_pdf (the ressource is an path of .docx format Microsoft Word XML)
- tcpdf (the ressource is an class which extend Lle\PdfGeneratorBundle\Lib\Pdf (Tcpdf and Fpdi))
You can create your own type with an class which extend Lle\PdfGeneratorBundle\Generator\AbstractPdfGenerator
AbstractPdfGenerator implements Lle\PdfGeneratorBundle\Generator\PdfGeneratorInterface (autotagged lle.pdf.generator)
public static function getName():string; //name of type
public function generate(string $source, iterable $params, string $savePath):void; //generate the pdf with the ressource $source and parameters $params in a tmp file $savePath
public function getRessource(string $pdfPath, string $modelRessource): string; //calcule the ressource with pdfPath or not (the ressource can be an class name for exemple)
an exemple is:
class TcpdfGenerator extends AbstractPdfGenerator
private $pdfPath;
public function generate(string $source, iterable $params, string $savePath):void{
$reflex = new \ReflectionClass($source);
$pdf = $reflex->newInstance();
if ($pdf instanceof Pdf) {
} else {
throw new \Exception('PDF GENERATOR ERROR: ressource '.$source.' n\'est pas une class PDF');
$pdf->output($savePath, 'F');
//$pdfPath is in config lle_pdf_generator.path (default:data/pdfmodel)
public function getRessource(string $pdfPath, string $modelRessource): string{
$this->pdfPath = $pdfPath;
return $modelRessource;
public static function getName(): string{
return 'tcpdf';
An exemple for tcpdf:
namespace App\Service\Pdf;
use Lle\PdfGeneratorBundle\Lib\Pdf;
class MyTcpdfClass extends Pdf
//$this->rootPath is in config lle_pdf_generator.path (default:data/pdfmodel)
public function init()
$this->setSourceFile($this->rootPath . 'background.pdf');
public function myColors()
return ['blanc' => 'FFFFFF','default'=> '000000', 'red' => 'FF0000'];
//the fonts is in $this->rootPath.'/fonts'
public function myFonts()
return ['titre' => ['size'=>12,'color'=>'noir','family'=>'courier', 'style'=>'BU']];
public function generate()
$this->showGrid(5); //is an debug function which show an gride by 5px
$this->w(10,10,'Hello <b>'. $this->data['name'] .'</b>');
public function footer()
* @Route("/pdf")
public function pdf(PdfGenerator $generator, UserRepository $userRepository)
$data = [];
foreach($userRepository->findAll() as $user){
$data[] = ['name' => $user->getName()];
return $generator->generateByRessourceResponse(TcpdfGenerator::getName(), MyTcpdfClass::class, $data);
You can create an pdf model in bdd with ressource "App\Service\Pdf\MyTcpdfClass" and code MYTCPDF type "tcpdf"
* @Route("/pdf")
public function pdf(PdfGenerator $generator, UserRepository $userRepository)
$data = [];
foreach($userRepository->findAll() as $user){
$data[] = ['name' => $user->getName()];
return $generator->generateResponse('MYTCPDF', $data);
Create a .docx file /data/pdfmodel/test.docx with Hello ${name}
* @Route("/pdf")
public function pdf(PdfGenerator $generator, UserRepository $userRepository)
$data = [];
foreach($userRepository->findAll() as $user){
$data[] = ['name' => $user->getName()];
return $generator->generateByRessourceResponse(WordToPdfGenerator::getName(), 'test.docx', $data);
You can create an pdf model in bdd with ressource "test.docx" and code MYDOC type "word_to_pdf"
* @Route("/pdf")
public function pdf(PdfGenerator $generator, UserRepository $userRepository)
$data = [];
foreach($userRepository->findAll() as $user){
$data[] = ['name' => $user->getName()];
return $generator->generateResponse('MYDOC', $data);
you can use variables ${@img[logo]:100x200} or ${@img[logo]} for create images. (regex is #^@img[(\w+)](:(\d+)x( \d+))?$#)
$generator->generateResponse('MYDOC', [['logo'=> 'logo.png']]);
search to {{lle_pdf_generator.path}}/logo.png so default is data/pdfmodel/logo.png
$generator->generateResponse('MYDOC', [['logo'=> '/logo.png']]);
search to /logo.png
##Sign pdf
Use the Lle\PdfGeneratorBundle\Lib\Signature class you can sign an pdf response or an PdfMerge
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365000 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout tcpdf.crt -out tcpdf.crt
openssl pkcs12 -export -in tcpdf.crt -out tcpdf.p12
$password = '***';
$info = [
'Name' => 'name',
'Location' => 'location',
'Reason' => 'reason',
'ContactInfo' => 'url',
$signature = new Signature($generator->getPath().'cert/tcpdf.crt', $password, $info);
You can add an draw with signature
$picture = 'signature.png';
$signature = new Signature($generator->getPath().'cert/tcpdf.crt', $password, $info, $pictur);
$pos = [
'w' => 40, //width default 40
'h' => 20, //heght default 20
'x' => 10, //x default pageWidth - w
'y' => 10, //y default pageHeight - (h*2+5)
'p' => 1 //page default last page
$signature = new Signature($generator->getPath().'cert/tcpdf.crt', $password, $info, $pictur, $pos);
You can also add segment or points for create the signature picture
$signature = new Signature($certif, $password, $info);
$signature->setSegments([[$x1,$y1],[$x2,$y2]], $pos);
$signature->setPoints([$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2], $pos);
$signature->setImage('signe.png', $pos);
$signature->setPosition($pos); // you can use it also
return $generator->generateByRessourceResponse(WordToPdfGenerator::getName(), 'test.docx', $data, [$signature]);
return $generator->generateResponse('MYMODELCODE', $data, [$signature]);
The pdfMerge is the class of instance return by generator
$pdfMerger = $generator->generateByRessource(WordToPdfGenerator::getName(), 'test.docx', $data);
$pdfMerger = $generator->generate('MYMODELCODE', $data);
$pdf = $generator->signes($pdfMerger, [$signature]); //return an TcpdfFpdi (signe($pdfMerger, $signature) exist also)
$pdf->Output('My pdf', 'D'); // return a signed pdf
$pdfMerger->merge('My pdf', 'D'); // return a unsigned pdf
You can't signed a pdfMerger you have to pass by TcpdfFpdi. An PdfMerger instance can never be signed
You can continue to sign an TcpdfFpdi with $generator->signeTcpdfFpdi($pdf, $signature)
You can also use directly the signature instance for sign a Pdfmerger or TcpdfFpdi
$pdfMerger = $generator->generate('MYMODELCODE', $data);
$signature->signe($pdfMerger)->Output('My pdf', 'D');
$pdfMerger = $generator->generate('MYMODELCODE', $data);
$pdf = $pdfMerger->toTcpdfFpdi();
$pdf = $signature->signeTcpdfFpdi($pdf);
$pdf = $signature2->signeTcpdfFpdi($pdf);
$pdf->Output('My pdf', 'D');
You can't use several sign with PdfMerger
create a .docx file and create 2 table (1 line , 3 cells)
- first table cells 1 write ${eleves.nom} , cells 2 write ${eleves.etablissement.nom}, cells 3 write ${@img[eleves.logo]}
- second table cells 1 write ${users.[nom]}, cells 2 write ${users.[adresse][rue]}, cells 3 write ${@img[users.[logo]]}
save it with myiterable.docx use the Lle\PdfGeneratorBundle\Lib\PdfIterable class
$data = [
'eleves' => new PdfIterable($this->em->getRepository(Eleve::class)->findAll()),
'users' => new PdfIterable([['nom'=>'saenger','adresse'=>['rue'=>'rue du chat'], 'logo'=>'logo.png'], ['nom'=>'boehler', 'adresse'=>['rue'=>'rue du chien'], 'logo.png']]),
return $generator->generateByRessourceResponse(WordToPdfGenerator::getName(), 'myiterable.docx', $data);
show it
Warning only the first level of data can to be an PdfIterable, you can't use ${etablissement.eleves}:
$data = [
'etablissement' => $etablissement,
'eleves' => PdfIterable($etablissement->getEleves())
The property is read with propertyAccesor (Symfony) but the first is beetween two "[]": [first].rest
the vars ${eleve.etablissement.nom} -> $propertyAccess->getValue($params, '[eleve].etablissement.nom')
the vars ${eleve.etablissement[nom]} -> $propertyAccess->getValue($params, '[eleve].etablissement[nom]')
!!! warning use the same systeme if you create your own type !!!
return $generator->generateByRessourceResponse(
return $generator->generateByRessourceResponse(
in bdd:
INSERT INTO `lle_pdf_model` (`code`, `path`, `type`) VALUES
('RELANCE_1ANS', 'mydoc.docx,App\\Service\\Pdf\\LotInvitation', 'word_to_pdf,tcpdf')
The default type is always the first (here "word_to_pdf")
if none type is defined the type is lle_pdf_generator.default_generator config
There is few breaks in backward compatibility in v3. Here is the steps to migrate :
is now in@LlePdfGeneratorBundle/Resources/config/routes.yaml
- The class
is replaced byLle\PdfGeneratorBundle\Entity\PdfModelTrait
and now the trait include the$file
property - The route
change tolle_pdf_generator_show_model
- The route
change tolle_pdf_generator_download_model