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Movies project


Next steps describe project installation on staging or production server. If you'd like to setup project for local developmetn then please read DEV-README.rst

  1. Install all requirements on system as described in REQUIREMENTS.rst

  2. Clone repository to server.

  3. cd to cloned repository.

  4. Setup virtual environment:

    virtualenv --no-site-packages -p python2.6 .env
    source .env/bin/activate
  5. Run next commands in the commandline:

    cp Makefile.def.default Makefile.def
    cp $PROJ_NAME/settings/ $PROJ_NAME/settings/
    if ! python -V 2>&1| grep -q " 2.7" ; then pip install ordereddict ; fi
    # for postgres:
    pip install -r requirements/postgre.txt
    # for sqlite:
    pip install -r requirements/sqlite.txt
  6. You also need to edit database. Edit file $PROJ_NAME/settings/

        'default': {
            'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.BACKENDHERE!!!',
            'NAME': 'DB_NAME',
            'USER': 'DB_USER',
            'PASSWORD': 'DB_PASSWORD',
            'HOST': 'DB_HOST_OR localhost',
            'PORT': '3306',
  7. Settings also need to know where virtualenvironment is located, so edit file $PROJ_NAME/ again:

    ENV_PATH = proj('.env2.6')
    PYTHON_PATHNAME = 'python2.6'
  8. Now you can create database schema:: make initproject

  1. Now project is ready for deployment. Deploy it with nginx+uwsgi or with apache+mod_python
  2. When project is running you will need to setup correct site domain.
  1. Open admin interface in browser, it will be available at http://SITE_URL/admin/sites/site/1/. login '[email protected]', password 'admin'
  2. Edit and save
  1. It is also recommended to change password. It can be done in admin interface too:
  1. Various project specific settings ccan be changed here: